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Department of Foreign Languages Fundamental English

UNIT 5: What Is There for Lunch? Grade: 8th grade
Topic: Foods and Drinks Teaching time: 2 periods

1. Language standard and indicators

Strand 1: Language for Communication
Standard F1.1: Understanding of and capacity to interpret what has been heard and read
from various types of media, and ability to express opinions with proper reasoning
Sc1.1 M.2/2 Accurately read aloud texts, news, advertisements and short poems by
observing the principles of reading.
Sc1.1 M.2/4 Choose the topic and main idea, tell supporting details and express opinions
about what has been heard and read, as well as provide justifications and simple examples
for illustration.
Standard F1.2: Endowment with language communication skills for exchange of data and
information; efficient expression of feelings and opinions
Sc1.2 M.2/1 Converse appropriately to exchange data about themselves, various matters
around them and various situations in daily life.
Standard F1.3: Ability to present data, information, concepts and views about various
matters through speaking and writing
Sc1.3 M.2/1 Speak and write to describe themselves, their daily routines, experiences and
news’ incidents of interest to society.
Sc1.3 M.2/2 Speak and write to summarize the main idea, theme and topic identified from
analysis of news’ incidents of interest to society.
Strand 2: Language and Culture
Standard F2.1: Appreciation of the relationship between language and culture of native
speakers and capacity for use of language appropriate to occasions and places
Sc2.1 M.2/1 Use language, tone of voice, gestures and manners appropriate to various
persons and occasions by observing social manners of native speakers.
Strand 3: Language and Relationship with Other Learning Areas
Standard F3.1: Usage of foreign languages to link knowledge with other learning areas, as
foundation for further development and to seek knowledge and widen one’s world view
Sc3.1 M.2/1 Search for, collect and summarize the data /facts related to other learning
areas from learning sources, and present them through speaking or writing.
Strand 4: Language and Relationship with Community and the World
Standard F4.1: Ability to use foreign languages in various situations in school, community
and society
Sc4.1 M.2/1 Use language for communication in real situations /simulated situations in the
classroom school and community.

2. Main Concept
In this lesson, students will be introduced to food vocabulary and restaurant related
phrases that will help students grasp language needed to dine out using the English language.

3. Learning Objectives
By the end of the class, students should
1. be able to identify between countable and uncountable nouns.
2. be able to recognize the difference between “some” and “any”.
3. be able to recognize the difference between “much” and “many”.
4. be able to fill in the blanks with the correct contractions.
5. be able to choose the correct pictures of food mentioned in the audio.
6. be able to ask and answer their partner about what they have in the fridge.
7. be able to write down in a shopping list, in pair.
8. pay attention to the classroom activities.

4. Competencies of Learners

 Communication Capacity
 Thinking Capacity
 Problem–Solving Capacity
 Capacity for Applying Life Skills

5. Desired Characteristics

 Self-discipline
 Avidity for Learning
 Dedication and commitment to work
6. Content
New language
vocabulary about food in conversation:
fridge (n.) a fridge is a container used for keeping food and drinks cool.
vegetable (n.) a plant or part of a plant used as food.
turkey (n.) a bird that looks like a large chicken.
shrimp (n.) a small sea creature that you can eat.
soda (n.) a sweet drink/ a soft drink
juice (n.) a drink that comes from fruit or vegetables.
vocabulary about containers: jar, packet, glass, bottle, can, piece, bar, slice

Grammar: - how much/how many

(previously learned) Grammar: - expressions of quantity: some /any

- countable and uncountable nouns
- there is/there are

Language Functions: - to talk about foods

- speaking about food quantities

Language Skills: listening and speaking

7. Teaching Procedure: Period I Listening

Pre - listening
1. Teacher greets students before class begins
› “Hello students. How have you been?”
› “What did you eat/have for breakfast?”
› “What do you like to eat for lunch/dinner?”

2. Teacher introduces new vocabulary words that students are about to listen. Teacher
first models the correct pronunciation and then students repeat. Teacher will then ask
the students whether they think the noun is countable or uncountable to revise their
past knowledge.

› fridge (n.) a fridge is a container used for keeping food and drinks
cool. It’s shortened from refrigerator.
Example Sentence. There’s some ice in the fridge.
› veg
Is fridge
a plant or
or uncountable noun?
part of a plant used[countable]
as food.
Examples of vegetable: pumpkin, cucumber, onion, garlic, and
tomato. Teacher asks to students to give more examples of
Example Sentence. Tom ate vegetable soup this morning.
Is vegetable a countable or uncountable noun?

› turkey (n.) a bird that looks like a large chicken.

It is a popular food on Christmas and Thanksgiving.
Example Sentence. Have you ever eaten turkey?
Is turkey a countable or uncountable noun?
[countable] a turkey bird
[uncountable] the meat from a turkey

› shrimp (n.) a very small sea creature that you can eat. It has ten
legs and a soft shell.
Example Sentence.
When was the last time you ate shrimp?
Is shrimp a countable or uncountable noun? [countable]

› soda (n.) a sweet drink/ a soft drink

Example Sentence.
Coke is the world’s largest soda maker.
Is soda a countable or uncountable noun? [uncountable]

› juice (n.) a drink that comes from fruit or vegetables.

Example Sentence.
I like milk more than juice.
Is juice a countable or uncountable noun? [uncountable]

3. Teacher shows the picture of a boy open the fridge looking for
something to eat. Teacher asks students guiding questions.
› What do you see in the picture?
› Where is he? What is the boy doing?

While – listening
4. Teacher hands out a copy of the listening worksheet 1 to each of the students.
› The listening worksheet 1 has two parts:
› Part 1: Listen and fill in the gaps with the correct contractions.
› Part 2: Listen and choose the pictures of food that Greg and mom have in the

5. Teacher tells students they are going to listen to a conversation between Mom and
Greg twice and as students listen, they will fill in the blanks with the correct
contractions on the listening worksheet 1: part 1. (Teacher monitors and plays the
tape a third time if necessary.)

6. Teacher has students feedback the answers. If there are any disagreements, get them
to listen again and work it out.

7. The students will listen the audio track through once and then, they will answer the
questions on the listening worksheet 1: part 2.

8. Teacher has students compare their answers and checks the answers together with

Post – listening
9. Teacher gives each student a listening worksheet 2 and tells students to draw 5 items
from the given images.

10. After students finish drawing, teacher gets students work in pairs.

11. Students take it in turns to ask their partner about what he /she has in his/her fridge.
Students must use the structure learned in previous class with quantifiers.
› Is there a ......? / Is there are ......? / Are there any ......?
› If your partner says YES, place a check mark  in the YES box.

› If your partner says NO, place a check mark  in the NO box.

Teaching Procedure: Period II Speaking

Pre - speaking
1. Teacher greets students about their day
› “Good morning students. How are things?”
2. Teacher asks students to recall what they learned last class. 

3. Teacher begins a language review by asking questions.

 What is the difference between countable and uncountable noun?
› “We can count countable nouns but we cannot count uncountable nouns.
Countable nouns can be either singular or plural.”
› “Can you please give me some examples of singular nouns?”
› “Can you please give me some examples of plural nouns?”
› “You cannot say a number or a/an before uncountable nouns.”
› “Can you give me some examples of uncountable nouns?”

4. Teacher introduces a partitive structure.

 “We use a measure word to count an uncountable noun. For example, we
cannot count milk because “milk” is uncountable., but we can count bottles of
milk or a glass of milk.”
› These are some container vocabulary that might useful.

2 cups
a piece
of coffee
of cheese a glass of water

a bar of soap 3 jars of jam 3 bottles of juice

a packet of potato chips. a can of cola. a slice of pizza

5. Teacher introduces ‘how much’ and ‘how many’.

› “We use ‘much’ with uncountable nouns.”
› For example, How much milk would you like?
For example, How much oil do we need?
For example, How much butter should I buy?

› “We use ‘many’ with plural nouns.”

› For example, How many eggs do we need?
For example, How many chickens should I buy?
For example, How many bottles of soda do you want?

While – speaking
6. teacher introduces the ‘Making a Picnic /Shopping List’ activity.

7. Students are grouped into pairs. The students in each pair are given different activity
sheets. (activity sheet A and B) because it is an information gap activity. Both of the
students are not allowed to show each other the activity sheets.
› “You need to work in pairs. One student will be a son / a daughter, and
one will be a father / a mother.”
› “A son / a daughter will have a school picnic tomorrow so a father / a
mother has to go shopping to buy food!”
8. Teacher tells students they are required to ask each other questions for getting
information. Meanwhile, they need to answer back by referring to the information
provided on their activity sheets.

9. In the first part, the student (a son / a daughter) with activity sheet A is required to
cross the words in a picnic checklist after listening to the answer from his /her partner
(a father / a mother).
› “A son / a daughter has the picnic checklist but you have to ask your
father / mother what is left in the fridge, so that they can buy it for you.”

10. For the second part, they swap the roles. his /her partner (a father / a mother) with
activity sheet B asks the questions and writes down the information.
› “The father / the mother asks their son / daughter what they want to buy
and write it down in the shopping list.”

11. Teacher reminds students to complete the task verbally.

12. Teacher should monitor and listen to students’ conversations and assist those that
need help.
Post – speaking
13. When everyone is seated again, teacher provides feedback to students.
› lets students know what they have done right as well as what they have
done wrong
› corrects their mistakes.
› tells students about their current level of performance
› tells them what they could do to improve
› provides a one-on-one meeting with a student (if possible)

8. Instructional Materials

 Audio track
 Listening worksheet 1 and 2
 Speaking Activity sheet, A and B
 PowerPoint

9. Measurement and Evaluation

Objectives Methods Tools Criteria

1. Students are able to Answer teacher’s Questions Students are able to identify
identify between co-untable questions between cou-ntable and
and uncoun-table nouns. uncountable nouns
with little to no mistakes.

2. Students are able to Answer teacher’s Questions Students are able to recognize
recognize the difference questions the difference between “some”
between “some” and “any”. and “any” by an overview.

3. Students are able to Do a “Making a Techer’s Students are able to use “much”
recognize the difference Picnic/Shopping observation and “many” in questions
between “much” and List” activity. with little to no mistakes.

3. Students are able to fill in Complete Individual Students are able to fill in the
the blanks with the correct Listening Activity worksheet blanks with the correct
contractions. sheet part 1. contractions they hear more
than 80%.

4. Students are able to Complete Individual Students are able to choose the
choose the correct pictures of Listening Activity worksheet correct pictures of food
food mentioned in the audio. sheet part 2. mentioned in the audio more
than 80 percent.

Objectives Methods Tools Criteria

5. Students are able to ask Do “What is in Techer’s Students are able to ask and
and answer their partner your fridge?” observation answer their partner about what
about what they have in the activity. they have in the fridge
fridge. with little to no mistakes.

6. Students are able to write Do an information Techer’s S Students are able to write
down in a shopping list, in gap activity. observation down in a shopping list more
pair. A new than 80 percent.
shopping list

7. Students pay atten-tion to Answer teacher’s Techer’s Students pay attention to the
the classroom activities. questions observation classroom activities by an
Do class activities. overview.

Listening Worksheet 1

Listen to the recording and fill in the gaps with the correct contractions.

Greg: Mom, (1.) _______ hungry. (2.) _______ there for lunch?

Mother: Well, (3.) _______ some vegetable soup in the fridge.

Greg: But I (4.) _______ like soup.

Mother: How about a nice turkey sandwich with some salad?

Greg: (5.) _______ not very exciting.

Mother: Well, what do you want then?

Greg: Can I order Chinese food and get some fried rice and shrimp?
Mother: OK, if you like.

Greg: Thanks. But there (6.) _______ any soda in the fridge.

Mother: Well, drink some fresh orange juice. (7.) _______ good for you.

Listen and choose the pictures of food that Greg and mom have in the fridge.
Listening Worksheet 2

My fridge
Choose 5 items below and draw them in your fridge.

Ask your partner using: Give short answers using:

Is there a/an ...... in your fridge? Are Yes, there is a/an .......
there any ...... in your fridge? Yes, there are some .......
No, there is/are not any .......

What is in ...........................’s fridge?

Item 1. ......................................................... Yes  No 
Item 2. ......................................................... Yes  No 
Item 3. .........................................................
Yes  No 
Item 4. .........................................................
Yes  No 
Item 5. .........................................................
Yes  No 
Speaking Activity Sheet A: (a son / a daughter)

Part 1: ASK the question

You are going to have a school picnic. What you want is in your picnic checklist but
you have to ask your father / mother “what is left in the fridge?”, so that they can buy
it for you. Then cross X the words in the list according to his or her answers.

Is there a/an ...... in

the fridge?
Are there any ......
in the fridge?

There is a/an .......
There are some ......

..... jar of .....
..... packet of .....
..... glass of .....
..... bottle of .....
..... can of .....
..... piece of .....
..... bar of .....
..... slice of .....

Part 2: ANSWER the question

Your father/mother asks what you want for picnic tomorrow. Answer his or her
questions according to the items that are not crossed out in Part 1.
Speaking Activity Sheet B: (a father / a mother)
Part 1: ANSWER the question

Your son or daughter is going to have a school picnic. He or she will ask you “what is
left in the fridge?” You (a father or a mother) have to look at the fridge and answer.

There is a/an .......

There are some ......

..... jar of ...../..... packet of
...../..... glass of ...../.....
bottle of ...../..... can
of ...../..... piece of ...../.....
bar of ...../..... slice of .....

Part 2: ASK the question

You need to ask your son or daughter

“what is left in the checklist?”. You
need to ask his or her how much/how
many does he/she want. Then write
down his/her answers in your shopping
list and go to the supermarket!!

How much/many ....... do you want?

How much/many ....... should I buy?

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