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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 6 Issue 4, May-June 2022 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

Bioterrorism: An Introduction
Paul A. Adekunte1, Matthew N. O. Sadiku2, Uwakwe C. Chukwu3, Sarhan M. Musa2
International Institute of Professional Security, Lagos, Nigeria
Roy G. Perry College of Engineering, Prairie View A&M University, Prairie View, TX, USA
Department of Engineering Technology, South Carolina State University, Orangeburg, SC, USA

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Paul A.

Bioterrorism is a form of terrorism involving the intentional release of Adekunte | Matthew N. O. Sadiku |
biological agents (bacteria, viruses, or germs) to harm people and Uwakwe C. Chukwu | Sarhan M. Musa
spread fear. It is carried out by terrorists to create outbreaks of "Bioterrorism: An Introduction"
infectious diseases which will cause mass casualties, terror, societal Published in
International Journal
disruption, or economic loss. Such outbreaks of infectious diseases pose
of Trend in
a major threat to global health. Bioterrorism is regarded as a great threat Scientific Research
to society as it involves the release of an organism without any and Development
warning. Bioterrorism and its potential for mass destruction have been (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-
subjects of increasing international concern. This paper provides an 6470, Volume-6 | IJTSRD50358
introduction to bioterrorism. Issue-4, June 2022,
pp.1658-1663, URL:
KEYWORDS: Bioterrorism, biological warfare, chemical and
biological weapons, weapons of mass destruction
Copyright © 2022 by author(s) and
International Journal of Trend in
Scientific Research and Development
Journal. This is an
Open Access article
distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)
An act of terrorism refers to an incident involving place is a public health emergency. An example of the
deliberate or threatened dissemination of biological result of terrorist act is shown in Figure 1 [2].
agents. If released under ideal environmental
Several factors contribute to the growing danger of
circumstances, these biological agents can infect
bioterrorism (BT): Minute amounts of select
thousands of persons and cause many deaths. The biological agents can cause mass casualties; agents
biological agents are found in nature and
for biological weapons are easily acquired;
include bacteria, viruses, insects, fungi, or toxins. technology for production and weaponization is
Terrorists are individuals who are motivated by
readily available; only limited training are needed to
revenge or monetary gain through extortion, rather by establish a biological weapons program; biological
than political, ideological, religious or other beliefs.
weapons are relatively easy to deliver; and the
They will use readily available weapons, but some motivations of terrorists have changed [3]. The threat
also will adopt tactics that will inflict the most
of bioterrorism is increasing due to the rise of
casualties. Terrorists used biological agents as
technical capabilities. There is information available
weapons of terror becausee they are hard to detect
on the Internet on how to make biological weapons.
and they can be spread through the air, water, or food.
Thousands of people worked as bioweaponeers, and
The possibility of a successful bioterrorist attack is
tons of bioweapons were produced.
not high due to the technical difficulties and
constraints [1]. Bioterrorism (BT) has claimed few WHAT IS BIOTERRORISM?
lives as compared with the more traditional forms of Bioterrorism is the intentional use of viruses, bacteria,
terrorism using guns and explosives. Urban or fungi, toxins, or other germs (or biological product
densely populated areas will be at greater risk of a that may be engineered as a result of biotechnology)
bioterrorism attack. A bioterrorism attack in a public to produce civil unrest, disruption, disease,

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD50358 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 4 | May-June 2022 Page 1658
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
disabilities, and death to achieve political or social public health impact; (c) might cause public panic
objectives. It has been regarded as a low-probability and social disruption; and (d) require special
risk. Bioterrorism can cause mass casualties, action for public health preparedness.
epidemic illness, healthcare worker illness,
Category B: These agents are moderately easy to
environmental contamination, and legal issues. It can disseminate and have low mortality rates. These
cause unease within the medical community and the
include brucellosis, glanders, Q fever, ricin toxin,
society at large. It occurs in one of two scenarios:
typhus fever, and other agents. They require
overt and covert. It is carried out by terrorists, also
specific enhancements of CDC’s diagnostic
called non-state actors. capacity and enhanced disease surveillance. A
Scholars and security professionals have subset of category B agents includes pathogens
distinguished among different types of terrorism. that are food- or water-borne.
These include international terrorism, domestic
Category C: These agents are
terrorism, National terrorism, political terrorism, state emerging pathogens that might be engineered for
terrorism, bioterrorism, agroterrorism, cyber
mass dissemination because of their availability,
terrorism, eco terrorism, narcoterrorism, nuclear ease of production and dissemination, high
terrorism, religious terrorism, and suicide terrorism mortality rate, or ability to cause a major health
[2]. impact. They include Nipah virus, yellow fever,
A human‐made outbreak of disease is the distribution and multidrug-resistant tuberculosis. Preparedness
of pathogens with the intention of disrupting for category C agents requires ongoing research
societies. Another term that is frequently associated to improve disease detection, diagnosis,
with bioterrorism is weapons of mass destruction treatment, and prevention.
(WMDs). The fear of bioterrorism is strictly linked to
the emergence of a perceived danger of WMDs Humans have used biological weapons in conflicts for
(biological, chemical, radiological, and nuclear hundreds of years. The use of biological agents for
agents). The success of bioterrorism is determined by purposes of disseminating such substances to cause
the measure of societal disruption and panic, and not public harm and disrupt established structures has
necessarily by the sheer number of casualties. been reported throughout history. Until World War II,
Biological warfare and bioterrorism are often used the number of soldiers dying from disease far
interchangeably. We need to differentiate between outweighed the number killed in combat. The
contagious agents (such as cholera, plague, smallpox, following examples show the use of biological
or typhus), which can be transmitted from person to weapons over the years.
person, and noncontagious agents (such as anthrax, Incidents of bioterrorism date back to as early as 600
botulism, tularemia, or ricin). Two candidate agents BC, when the Assyrian armies poisoned enemy wells
are of special concern—smallpox and anthrax. and other sources of water with infectious substances.
Smallpox is regarded as the greatest threat if acquired
by bioterrorists. Anthrax, primarily a disease of In 1918, Spanish flu (or bubonic plague) epidemic
grazing animals, is transmitted to humans who are was one of the most deadly pandemics in world
exposed to animal products in agricultural or history killing between three to five percent of the
occupational settings. Figure 2 shows a scientist world’s population.
testing specimens for the presence of anthrax [4]. In 1925, the Geneva protocol prohibited the
Licensed vaccines are currently available for a few development, production, and use in war of biological
threats, such as anthrax and smallpox. and chemical weapons.
Public health authorities have developed a system to During World War II, several nations, including the
prioritize biological agents according to their risk to US, UK, Canada, France, Italy, Poland, Japan, and
national security. The US Centers for Disease Control the former Soviet Union, began to develop biological
and Prevention (CDC) recognizes three categories of weapons.
bioterrorism agent and categorizes them as A, B, and
C [3,5]. The USA (until 1972) and the former Soviet Union
Category A: These agents, the highest priority, (until 1992) had large biological warfare programs,
represent organisms that: (a) pose a risk to weaponized to kill or incapacitate humans and to
national security because they can be easily destroy livestocks.
disseminated or transmitted person-to-person; (b) In 1975, the Biological Weapons Convention banned
cause high mortality, with potential for major the development, stockpiling, acquisition, retention,

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
and production of biological agents. The United biological threats is an important aspect in
States has accused Iraq, North Korea, Iran, Libya, preparedness. Preparedness can take the form of
Syria, and Sudan of having offensive biological education (i.e., trainings, seminars, and lectures
weapons programs in violation of the Biological on Bioterrorism Ready Plan) and ensuring a good
Weapons Convention. communication system between public health
In 1980, the World Health Organization (WHO) agencies, hospitals, and the civilian population.
announced the eradication of smallpox, a highly Programs such as immunization and chronic
disease prevention programs should be considered
contagious virus and incurable disease.
as part of maintaining readiness. Figure 3 shows
In 1984, 751 people in the state of Oregon ate salad terrorism drill and preparedness [7].
with salmonellosis. The attack infected people with
severe food poisoning. The casualties fell sick but did Surveillance: Surveillance systems are available
at the state level as well as national guidelines for
not die.
the syndromic surveillance by health
In June 1993, a religious Japanese terrorist sect Aum professionals. RODS (Real-Time Outbreak
Shinrikyo released anthrax on five trains of the Tokyo Disease Surveillance) is designed at
metro system. The attack was a failure, because not the University of Pittsburgh to collect data from
single person was infected. many data sources and use them to detect a
On September 11, 2001, the devastating terrorists possible bioterrorism event at the earliest possible
attacked the World Trade Center in New York, moment. In Europe, disease surveillance is
damaged the Pentagon in Washington DC, led to the organized on the continent-wide scale. In the
death of approximately 5,000 innocent individuals wake of the 9/11 attacks, the New York City
and 4 commercial airliners. As a result, fear gripped developed the Syndromic Surveillance System for
the nation. This was the worst terrorist attack in US use in counterterrorism operation. Biosurveillance
history. is the science of real-time disease outbreak
detection. It applies to both natural and man-made
In October 2001, letters containing bioterrorism. Data from public health surveillance
powdered anthrax were sent through the US Postal systems can provide useful information about
Service. The attack caused 22 cases of illness, 5 cases population risks for disease, disability, and death.
of death, and widespread fear. Surveillance is important in helping law
PREVENTION MEASURES enforcement officials to react swiftly. An
Although the likelihood of a bioterrorist attack is low, increasing number of public health departments
it is crucial to remain vigilant about potential are investing in new surveillance systems in order
bioterrorism attacks and take proactive measures. to facilitate rapid detection of a future bioterrorist
Several prevention measures can be taken to reduce attack. Some of these surveillance systems are
the threat of biological terrorism and increase funded by Federal and other agencies.
international security. These include preparedness, Emergency Medicine: Emergency departments
surveillance, emergency medicine, and active plays an important role in preparedness for
deterrence. bioterrorist attacks. It may also involve training of
Preparedness: This is a main goal that requires healthcare professionals in disaster preparedness
constant improvement on the local, regional, and preparing hospitals. It is imperative that
national, and international levels. There must be emergency services medical personnel (including
ongoing efforts to improve preparedness for first responders, emergency room physicians,
potential bioterrorism emergencies. Preparedness emergency medical technicians, nurses, physician
remains a challenge due to coordination of state assistants, and laboratorians) who provide
and federal resources to respond rapidly to an emergency medical services be trained and
incident. Prevention involves allocation of educated on the detection of biological agents to
resources to intelligence agencies, such as ensure patient and worker safety in the case of
Department of Homeland Security, Pentagon, threat. They will be on the forefront of diagnosing
Federal Bureau of Investigation, National and providing treatment in response to a
Security Agency, to monitor specific activities bioterrorism event. In case of a bioterrorist event,
that could be related to a potential bioterrorism the clinical microbiology laboratory could be
attack [6]. Laboratories are working hard on instrumental in helping to detect and identify the
advanced detection systems to provide early biological weapon that was used and in alerting
warning. The stockpiling of vaccines for potential authorities. Early recognition of specific agents

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD50358 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 4 | May-June 2022 Page 1660
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
are essential for public health. Every community One key weakness in emergency response planning is
must become pharmaceutically prepared for an a shortage of vaccine. Many bioweapon disease
attack. The task of a pharmacist during a threats lack a corresponding vaccine; for those that
bioterrorism attack is to rapidly disseminate do, it is challenging to use them in an emergency
antidotes, provide dosage and vaccination situation. Development of new vaccines and
schedules for treatment, and counsel patients [8]. antimicrobial therapies should be a priority. One
The United States, through the Strategic National challenge to licensing vaccines for response to
Stockpile (SNS), currently has sufficient doses of bioweapon threats is the absence of disease agents in
smallpox vaccine for every American if necessary the natural world [12].
Because there have been no significant instances of
Active Deterrence: This involves actions and bioterrorism since 2001, the government has become
policies preventing a specific opponent from complacent and reduced funding for bioterrorism.
doing something they may wish to do. Ignoring the threat poses a significant risk to national
Traditionally, it involves the application of security and the health of the citizens.
expressive force to change the policy or character
of the target group or government or the threat of
Global terrorism is a threat to world security, and it
inflicting punishing retaliation against some increases the risk of bioterrorism. Bioterrorism is an
aggressor. Deterring bioterrorism is focusing on
emerging threat to global health. Its main goal is to
pathogen security or denying access to the
threaten and terrorize large groups of humans,
materials necessary to develop biological
governments, armies, or society as a whole. It
weapons. Creating a deterrence strategy for involves the use of biological agents by all kinds of
bioterrorism is important [10]. actors (political or military actors) to create
These prevention strategies of countering casualties, terror, societal disruption, or economic
bioterrorism aim to reduce consequences of an attack, loss, inspired by ideological, religious or political
afford earlier detection, mitigate human casualties, beliefs.
and minimize vulnerability to bioterrorism attack.
Although biological weapons have not been
They may require dedicating more resources. frequently used throughout human history,
CHALLENGES bioterrorism is not likely to go away. As frightening
Terrorism is a thorny issue because of its destructive as bioterrorism sounds, the threat is real and it cannot
capabilities. Although many aspects of an effective be stopped. Bill Gates warned that bioterrorism could
response to bioterrorism are similar to those for any kill more people than nuclear war. Scientists worry
form of terrorism, bioterrorism presents a unique set that anthrax, Ebola, or smallpox could be used as
of difficulties and challenges, especially when biological agents. Since the military is not the only
compared to chemical, radiological, or nuclear population at risk for biological attack, it is expedient
terrorism. In spite of the tremendous progress made in that we are all prepared to deal with the consequences
science, technology, and medicine, bioterrorism and if bioterrorism occurs. We should not underestimate
the ability to inflict disease remain among the greatest the power of the public to respond effectively to
threats to mankind. This threat posed by bioterrorism disasters. The general population should be educated
is challenging, given the dearth of knowledge in this and be made aware of the threats and risks associated
particular subject by healthcare practitioners. It is with bioterrorism. July has been designated as the
very hard and costly to prepare for a global public Bioterrorism and Disaster Education and Awareness
health disaster due to the fact that bioterrorism Month.
preparedness may require administering vaccination
More information about bioterrorism can be found in
programs, distributing prophylactic medication,
the books in [13-23] and others books available on
evacuation, isolation, and quarantine. it is also and One should also
difficult for historians and microbiologists to
consult the following related journals:
differentiate natural epidemics from alleged
biological attacks, because truth can be manipulated Journal of Bioterrorism & Biodefense
for political reasons, especially for a hot topic such as Annals of Emergency Medicine
bioterrorism. The gravity of the problem, its political
propaganda, and issues about military secrecy make Emergence Medicine Clinics of North America
the problem particularly difficult to solve [11]. There
is also lack of international standards on public health

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD50358 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 4 | May-June 2022 Page 1661
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
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@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD50358 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 4 | May-June 2022 Page 1662
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470

Figure 1 An example of terrorist act: Oklahoma City bombing [2].

Figure 2 A scientist tests specimens for the presence of anthrax [4].

Figure 3 Terrorism drill and preparedness [7].

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD50358 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 4 | May-June 2022 Page 1663

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