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Enabling Task 7

Discussion Questions

1. Describe the three-exposure hypothesis.

Most media planners believe an advertisement requires a minimum of three exposures

for an advertisement to be effective. The three-exposure hypothesis, as developed by
Herbert Krugman, suggests that an advertisement can make an impact on an audience
regardless of individual needs or wants.9 Further, the intrusion value of an advertisement
represents the ability of a medium or an advertisement to capture the attention of a viewer
without her voluntary effort. This reasoning concludes that it takes at least three
exposures to capture a viewer’s attention.

2. How does recency theory differ from the three-exposure hypothesis?

Recency theory notes that a consumer exhibits selective attention and focuses on
personal needs and wants as he considers advertisements

Recency theory is different because it suggests that a consumer's attention is selective

and is focused on his or her individual needs and wants. This is different from three-
exposure hypothesis because consumers may not need three exposures for an ad to be
effective if they are interested in the product

3. What is effective frequency? Effective reach?

Seeking to discover the minimum number of exposures needed to be effective may be

based on two concepts: effective frequency and effective reach. Effective frequency
refers to the number of times a target audience must be exposed to a message to achieve
a particular objective. The effective frequency concept implies that a minimum number of
exposures will be needed. Effective reach identifies the percentage of an audience that
must be exposed to a particular message to achieve a specific objective. Effective reach
and frequency are affected by differences in:

✓ The interests, personalities, and exposures to the media outlets for individual
✓ The size and placement of ads
✓ The number of different media being used in a particular advertising campaign

4. What are the major advantages and disadvantages of television advertising?

Television provides the most extensive coverage and the greatest reach. A single
advertisement can reach millions. Disadvantages of Television Advertising Clutter
constitutes the primary problem for television advertising. Below are the list of advantages
an disadvantages of TV ADS.

5. What are the major advantages and disadvantages of radio advertising?

Statista reports that as of 2018, Americans spent 106 minutes per day listening to the
radio, with much of this time being spent while commuting. The company notes that the
continuous presence of radio heard in cars as well as in public areas provides a strong
incentive for many businesses to advertise on the medium. One factor that has somewhat
diminished the number of listeners who use traditional radio has been the switch to new
types of providers. The effect is especially profound among younger people. Traditional
radio FM/AM stations may not be the most effective in some areas of the U.S. with high
populations of millennials and Gen Zers. Recent research suggests that these
generations mostly prefer streaming music via well-known apps such as Spotify, Pandora,
Apple Music, Amazon Prime, and others. Most of my college-age students only listen to
music via apps and are not familiar with local radio stations or their genres. Further, radio
may not seem as glamorous as television.

Advantages of Radio Advertising Quality is it cause the listener to remember the message
by creating powerful images to visualize and by employing repetition. These actions move
the information from the consumer’s short-term to long-term memory. Sound effects and
lively tunes assist in the process. Through repetition, a person hears an advertisement
often enough to generate recall. Disadvantages of Radio Advertising is Short exposure
time creates one problem for radio. Most commercials last 15 or 30 seconds. Below is the
list of other advantages and dis advantages of Radio Ads.

6. What are the major advantages and disadvantages of out-of-home advertising?

Billboards along major roads are the most common form of out-of-home (OOH)
advertising; however, there are others. Outdoor advertising includes signs on cabs,
buses, park benches, and fences of sports arenas. A blimp flying above a major sporting
event constitutes another form of out-of-home advertising.

Advantages of Out-of-Home Advertising is it offers long life. For local firms, billboards and
other out-of-home advertisements provide quality exposures, because the messages will
primarily be seen by residents. Out-of-home provides a low-cost medium in terms of cost
per impression. Disadvantages of Out-of-Home Advertising is short exposure time
remains the major drawback of out-of-home advertising. Drivers pay attention to the traffic
as they pass by a billboard. As a result, advertisers keep messages short. . Below is the
list of other advantages and disadvantages of Out at Home Advertising

7. What are the major advantages and disadvantages of magazine advertising?

For many advertisers, magazines represent a secondary choice in media buying.

Advantages of Magazine Advertising is the use of magazines facilitates high levels of
market segmentation by topic area. Even within certain market segments, such as
automobiles, a number of magazines exist. High audience interest is another advantage.
An individual who subscribes to Modern Bride has an attraction to weddings. People
reading magazines tend to view and pay attention to advertisements related to their needs
and wants. Often, readers linger over an ad for longer periods of time because they read
magazines in waiting situations, such as in a doctor’s office, or during leisure time.
Disadvantages of Magazine Advertising is although the overall readership of magazines
has declined, the trend is not as dramatic for “influential Americans.” Below is the list of
other advantages and dis advantages of Magazine Advertising.

8. What are the major advantages and disadvantages of newspaper advertising?

Many newspaper readers enjoy USA Today. At the same time, news reporting has
changed. A substantial number of local papers no longer exist and conglomerates, such
as Gannett, own most major city newspapers. Still, daily readership continues in some
market segments for the print version while the online versions continue to grow in
popularity. Advantages of Newspaper Advertising is many retailers rely on newspaper
because it offers geographic selectivity (local market access). Promoting sales, retail
hours, and store locations is easier. Short lead time permits retailers to quickly change
ads and promotions. Such flexibility presents the advantage of allowing advertisers the
ability to keep ads current, and ads can be modified to meet competitive offers or to focus
on recent events. Disadvantages of Newspaper Advertising is newspapers cannot be
easily targeted to specific market segments, although sports pages carry sports ads,
entertainment pages contain movie and restaurant ads, and so forth. Newspapers have
short lives. Below is the list of other advantages and dis advantages of Magazine.

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