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EE 212 – Electrical and Electronic Circuits

Final Project

Ceren YILMAZ(041901014), Aylin MUT(041901017), Atamer Topuz(041901031),Teoman


Department of Computer Engineering, MEF University, Istanbul, Turkey

The purpose of this project is to test the accuracy of the results we received by applying
the circuits we made in LTspice in the lab.Using an oscilloscope, understanding and
interpreting graphs, measuring voltage and current values with a voltmeter and ammeter,
connecting cables to a capacitor, and applications such as this are part of the project.

Keywords: LTspice, opamp, phase difference, multimeter

In this project, we aimed to create and combine op amp circuits that give output as
integral, derivative and flat in part A. We have calculated the exact values of the resistors
and capacitance. Since we were asked to use a minimum number of op amps, we made
our circuit with 4 op amps. In Part B, we are trying to get the input voltage rotated by 135
degrees as the output voltage. We calculate the phase difference, so we learn how to find
the angle. In Part 3, we need to find the ic value. Calculations were made using Kirchoff's
law. To calculate the Beta value of the transistor, the multimeter was used for the
measurement of the ic and ib values.

3.1 Part A:
In this part, it is requested to establish an op amp PID controller circuit. And in this
circuit, the input voltage value v0 needs to be output as V0 = 𝑎 * 𝑑V1/𝑑𝑡 + 𝑏 * ∫V2𝑑𝑡
+ 𝑐V3. For this, one integral, one derivative, and finally two propositional op amps must
be used in the circuit. The value of a is taken as 3, the value of b and c is taken as 1. The
product of R1 and R8 was determined to be 3 to obtain a value, and the product of C2 to
R2 was determined to be 1 to obtain b value. The value of v0 is set to sin(100*pi*t). It
was observed that the sine wave shifted by 90 degrees when the value entering the circuit
passed through the integrator op amp, and it changed from a sinusual shape to a square
shape when it passed through the derivator op amp.

3.2 Part B:
The purpose of this part is to design a circuit consisting of op amp, resistor and capacitor
components and measure the 135 degree directed state of the input voltage at the output
voltage. The voltage of the (+) and (-) outputs of the op amp is 0. We supplied 12
voltages from the power supply to the Vcc+, Vcc- outputs of the op amp. We chose the
series R values as 33k. We obtained the equation RC=(1/π*10^(4)) starting from the
KCL operations of the two points covering the resistance close to the op amp. In this
way, we calculated the value of the capacitor about 1n. For the source voltage, we gave
the frequency 10kHz, the period 100us and the voltage 10V. The difference between the
two peaks is 50us for 180 degrees and 12.5us for 45 degrees. So logically 135 degrees
should be 37.5us. To confirm that it is 135 degrees, we calculated the phase difference
([2π*Δ(x)]/ lambda) to find the angle=62 degrees and substituted it in the formula. We
saw that the output voltage=2.50V graph shifted 0.75 degrees on the oscilloscope. Thus,
we tested the result displayed in LtSpice experimentally.

3.3 Part C:
First, to find the ic value, the power of the lamp was divided by the voltage of the lamp.
ib was found as 0.3A. Later, Beta 100 was accepted and ib was found as 3 mA. Then,
since vc was known as 0.4V, R1 was calculated as 1.4 Kohm and R2 was calculated as
nearly 16 ohm. Based on these, dissipated power(ic❑2 . R 2) and rated condition were
found. Afterwards, it was decided to use npn since the npn transistor. In the circuit stage,
the circuit elements were put in their places correctly and the current passing through the
lamp for the lamp and the voltage of the lamp were multiplied and 20 was found. (R=VI)
Therefore, a 20 Ohm resistor was used for the lamp. To calculate the Beta value of the
transistor, ic and ib were measured with a multimeter and the values found were divided
into each other. Since this gives us a value of about 100, we assumed the beta to be 100.
There was no value problem for part c and the values were found as calculated.
4.1 Part A:
● LtSpice :

Figure 1. Simulated circuit for part A

Figure 2. Graph of the input voltage (green) and output voltage (blue) to the derivator op amp.
Figure 3. Graph of the input voltage (green) and output voltage (blue) to the integrator op amp.

Figure 4. Graph of the input voltage (green) and output voltage (blue) to the first proportional op

Figure 5. Graph of the final output signal

● Lab :
Figure 6. Graph of the input voltage (yellow) and output voltage (blue) to the derivator op amp.

Figure 7. Graph of the input voltage (yellow) and output voltage (blue) to the integrator amp.
Figure 8. Graph of the input voltage (yellow) and output voltage (blue) to the first proportional
op amp.

Figure 9. Graph of the final output signal

Figure 10. Circuit established in lab for part a

4.2 Part B:
● LtSpice :

Figure 11. Simulated circuit for part B

Figure 12. Graph of the input voltage (green) and output voltage (blue) to the op amp

● Lab :
Figure 13. Lab works for part B

4.3 Part C :
● LtSpice :

Figure 14. Simulated circuit for part C

● Lab :
Figure 15. Lab works for part C

Finally, in this project, we used the theoretical knowledge we learned during the course
and the technical knowledge we learned in the laboratory. We designed our circuit in
advance using LTspice and tested its accuracy in the laboratory. Using an oscilloscope,
we compared the fluctuations with LTspice. We learned how to use an oscilloscope,
create a circuit using an opamp. We saw different waves in the form of squares and
triangles on the oscilloscope. We have learned how to get derivative integrals for circuits
with op amps.

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