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PEE6-M / EE 3D

V and Inverted V curves of Synchronous Motor

Experiment No. 7

Leader : Servando, Mark Adrian B.

Buenaventura, Ace R.
Cetron, Louise Carlo G.
Dela Cruz, Carl Ivan M.
Fadallan, Marco V.
Ferer, Frenz F.
Marquez, Neil Dominic
Singh, Raymond Ian Q.
Reyes, Emmanuel Paul
Tan, Gerick Louis H.

Submitted by:
Reyes, Emmanuel Paul C..

Submitted to:

June 11, 2022

(Date of Submission)
V and Inverted V curves of Synchronous Motor


1. To derive the V and Inverted V characteristic of the Synchronous Motor



Without Load
At Full Load


Without Load
At Full Load

A synchronous motor is a double-excited machine, with its armature

winding powered by an alternating current source and its field winding
powered by a direct current source. When synchronous motor is functioning
at constant applied voltage, the resultant air gap flux necessitated by applied
voltage stays constant. This resultant air gap flux is determined by both a.c in
armature winding and d.c in field winding. If the field current is adequate to
provide the air-gap flux as required by the constant applied voltage, the
magnetizing current or lagging reactive VA required from the a.c source is
zero, and the motor works at unity power factor. Normal excitation or normal
field current refers to the field current that causes the synchronous motor to
operate at unity power factor. If the current is less than the normal excitation,
i.e. the motor is under excited, the deficiency in flux must be made up by the
armature winding m.m.f. To accomplish this, the armature winding draws a
magnetizing current or lagging reactive VA from the a.c source, causing the
motor to operate at a lagging power factor. If the field current is increased over
its typical excitation, the motor works at leading power factor.

V-curves and inverted v-curves are used to calculate the performance

characteristics of synchronous motors. The features of synchronous
machines are parabolic ( the graph drawn is in the shape of parabolic ). When
the excitation is changed from a low (under-excitation) to a high (over-
excitation) value, the current Ia changes as well, becoming the smallest at
unity p.f. and then climbs once more. However, the lagging current eventually
unifies and becomes leading in character. The efficiency of a synchronous
motor is calculated using V-curves and inverted V-curves under no-load and
on-load conditions.

When the input power P and supply voltage V are both constant, a drop
in power factor causes an increase in armature current and vice versa. As a
result, changes in field current cause changes in armature current. The 'V
curve' is named for the shape of the curves created between these two
parameters, which resembles the English letter 'V.' We get different 'V curves
of synchronous motor' when such a curve is shown for different constant
loads. The Inverted V curves of a synchronous motor are obtained by plotting
the variation in power factor against the variation in field current under a
particular constant load.

When the armature current Ia is plotted versus excitation or field current

under various load situations, we get a collection of curves known as 'V-
Curves,' which are named for its shape, which resembles the letter V in the
English alphabet.
V-Curve of a synchronous motor demonstrates how armature current Ia
changes with excitation for the same input at no-load, half-load, and full-load
in the diagram below.

The armature current has substantial values for both low and high
excitation values, according to V-curves ( though it is lagging for low excitation
and leading for higher excitation ). It has a minimal value that corresponds to
the unity power factor in the middle ( normal excitation ).

According to V-Curves, the armature current has substantial values for

both low and high excitation levels. It has a minimal value in the middle that
corresponds to the unity power factor.



V-curves and inverted V-curves are used to determine the properties of a

synchronous motor. Synchronous devices exhibit parabolic behavior. The
graphs formed by graphing the armature current and field current of a
synchronous motor are known as V curves.The link between power factor and
field current is seen by the inverted V curves. The full-load and no-load V curves
of the synchronous motor indicate that while the field current is low, the
armature current is big and trailing.As the field current rises, so does the power
factor, and the armature current falls to a minimum. The power factor will be
unity at the minimal armature current value. The power factor rises and
becomes leading when the field current is raised more. The armature current
begins to rise as a result. The peak point on each of these curves reflects unity
power factor in the inverted V – curves.The field current (If) for unity power
factor at full load is bigger than the field current (If) for unity power factor at no
load, as shown by these charts. When it comes to the link between field current
and speed, speed first increases as field current increases. The speed, on the
other hand, will not vary as the field current increases.

Based on the result of the experiment conducted, the power factor of the
synchronous motor is at 1 whenever V_LL and V_G are at 80 Volts and 260
Volts, respectively. With that the speed of the motor is at 900 rpm. As, we
continously increasing the value of V_LL and V_G, the value of power factor
decreases. With that we can say that the power factor is inversely proportional
with the voltages. Furthermore, the speed of the motor is also increasing until
we reached the point that whenever the voltages are increasing, the speed of
the motor will always stay at the speed of 1500 rpm.

The armature current has substantial values for both low and high excitation
values, while it lags for low excitation and leads for greater excitation. It has a
minimal value that corresponds to the unity power factor in the middle. The
synchronous motor's inverted V-Curves show how the power factor varies with
excitation. The power factor lags when the motor is under-excited and leads
when it is over-excited, according to inverted V-curves. The power factor in
between is unity.

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