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Judy Ling * Anne Smith Marshall Cavendish LS) Education Preface We believe that the learning of English should be a fun and rewarding experience for pupils. Through English, we hope to give every pupil the opportunity to learn the English language in a most enjoyable and enriching way. DAs RCCSHSKIml English begins with themes from the pupils’ immediate world of school, family and friends, and progresses steadily to themes relating to things and situations they are likely to encounter in the wider world, Learning becomes integrated as grammar, vocabulary and other essential skills for language use are systematically taught in a meaningful context Pupils are given many opportunities to listen to, speak, read and write English. They are also introduced to a wide variety of text types, such as poems, letters and instructions. The colourful illustrations are also designed to stimulate pupils’ interest and imagination. Wherever possible, the textbooks also incorporate the national initiatives of Thinking Skills and National Education. There are two parts to the textbook for each level: parts A and B, each part containing eight units. Each textbook unit has a corresponding workbook unit and contains the following features: — The teacher may want to read this to pupils ‘as modelled reading This indicates which language area the page is focusing on. Good words tolearn are | highlighted. a | 1 @-{ ~The units are organised The Things by themes. We Wear ‘We wer them in the yin, Mad nthe hte To, mn them . Were Questions such as this help pupils relate ve ane sont egies to the theme of the unit. The questions Scrat eho ene ne +—— also encourage pupils to think further Threone noe ‘You ond both wear them, “and eveybed 05, about a topic or issue. This is one of the five characters that appear throughout the textbooks and workbooks. They help draw pupils’ attention to important language points and conventions. A simple storyline runs through every unit in the textbook. This storyline provides the context for introducing the various language items. ninesami - Grammar rules and language conventicns | are made explicit in these notes, This teaching point makes clear | ~~ to teachers and parents the focus of every page. ho werd on {palate nee ee Mttsnneneeecss ss 2 There is a one-page story in every unit. re - es naa oe was once a ROPPY TOA, iagked after them. One SO Rae ena pecs "ig eg htc Regasnenea re vate we le ea iggeeneetterea one ‘eee ei ono someh " ne gp caecs ere se ne bi een sa caged nents regent Rion oer A suggested reading list is provided to encourage pupils to read extensively eodmore out wahes sonia trees nthe F aac Fed Ma Ay wee eee they Were dancing, The princess had fal Phonemic awareness is taught systematically through interesting verses/sentences. Contents unit» The Things We Wear unit2 « Wishes and Dreams .......... eect of Contents crs SR aca} * Poem - The Things We Wear + Story - Centipede's New Shoes Re * What we wear on different days + Different parts of our clothing sories to complete an outfit Story - The White Elephant Poem - Helping out Story - The Storm 2 Wishes and Dreams — | - Poem - Wishes and Dreams + Difference between fiction and + Story ~ The Man with a Dream non-fiction pages + Story The King's Wishes + Names of occupations 13-24 3 Writing is Exciting |» Poem - Writing is Exciting Seca etn + Story ~Blacky + Different types of texts pages + Poem ~ Chit-chat * Words associated with a story 25-36 + Party Lists ‘titles, uthor/writer, ‘characters + Trvitations * Story ~ Zhiming and the Tiger 4 Once Upon a Time + Poem - Once Upon a Time + Names of characters and things ina fairy tale + Settings of a story 85-96 Nome 7. Feelings + Poem - Feelings + Feelings + News report = Storm Blows Off | = Things you can find on a book pages Roofl cover: title, author, illustrator 7348 + Story - Sam at the cinema 8 What was Tt Like + Poem - What was It Like Then? | - Old Things and New Things Then? + Personal recount + People and things at Chinatown Pages * Story - How Singapore Got Tts i Corr) Grammar pases Ra ues : Ain’ 3b AN || + Using 'a pair of + Describing the children inthe | - Beginning Blends: + Adjectives picture and discussing where br, cr and dr + Difference between wearing | they are going ‘and ‘putting on’ + Comparative/superlative adjectives * Using 'T wish to’ + Wishes Besinning Blends: + Using "has and ‘hove! + What you want to be when you | ~ fr, erand pr. + Expressing future ti grow up * Connectors + Using the modal ‘can’ to i, + Making lists Beginning Blends: express ability invitations, bi, cland fl + Adjectives acceptance notes + Irregular plurals + Simple past tense + Adverbs + Weiting a story Beginning Blends: gl. pland s} peat letroras ae ot + Using ‘can’ ond ‘cannot” + Irregular verbs + Subject pronouns + Object pronouns + Simple past tense + Using ‘should’ and ‘should not” to express obligation | eompaund ends + Helping classmates ~ What will happen if people do ‘not help one another? * What you can or cannot do to help out at home/schoo! Beginning Blends: sk, sn, and si + Using the word 'because’ to explain feelings + Adjectives + Interrogative pronouns + oifferent feelings of the people in the park Ending Slene nk, nd ond nc + Simple post tense + Interrogative pronouns + Prepositions + Sinacpore in the past and now + The lives of Singaporean children then and now Ending Blends: nt, mp and sk BLANK The Things We Wear We wear them in the daytime, And in the night-time too. We wear them all about the town. We wear thein to the zoo. We don't have fur or feathers, Or scales like crocodiles. Instead we have some things That come in every shape and size. C> You and I both wear them, And everybody knows, We don't have fur or feathers, But we do have clothes. «= * Vocabulary . 2°” Unit 1+ The Things We Wear We wear these things on a hot day... Phew! It's hot! swimming costume swimming trunks Teaching Point: Discuss the illustrations and the vocabulary items. Unit 1 The Things We Wear “s+ Vocabulary +. .° We wear these things for sports... T love sports! : tracksuit wristband © a jersey & | T-shirt | “shorts bedroom slipper ‘Teaching Point: Discuss the illustrations and the vocabulary items. Ask pupils what they wear to school and get ‘them to identify the items of clothing they have on. 3 + Workbook 2A, page? + “0+ Grammar ..° Unit 1 - The Things We Wear Some of the things we wear come in pairs. a pair of socks a pair of shoes a pair of gloves WS apair of sandals = apairof trousers a pair of jeans Ie AD apair of slippers a pair of shorts a pair of swimming trunks “~~ & Pg Teaching Point: Explain to pupils that we use a pair of' for items that come in twos, We also use pair of” for items made up of two joined parts that are the same and that are not used separately, e.g. a pair of trousers’ ‘Ask pupils if they know any other things that come in pairs. 4 + Workbook 28, pages 2-9 + Unit 1+ The Things We Wear “+. + Vocabulary» ..°” There are names for different parts of our clothing. shoelace [ ‘buckle | Teaching Point: Ask pupils to identify parts of their own clothing, i) + Workbook 2A, page 4 » Unit 1+ The Things We Wear Look at what Ben and Jill are wearing. You look handsome too. Till, you look necklace HR or Grammar Unit 1+ The Things We Weer At the zoo, the chimpanzees get into their favourite clothes. Wait for us. We're not dressed yet. \ We're still putting on our clothes. Se ea Ww {I'm wearing my) blue shorts and | \ my black singlet. ) ASSO (tm wearing my red ‘ dress. Do you like it? ) \ CS skirt, my white top and \ my sun hat. Teaching Point: Explain to pupils the difference between ‘wearing’ and ‘putting on. Ask pupils to construct sentences using these two terms. 8 + Workbook 2A, page 6 + Unit 1+ The Things We Wear ocabulory Grammar / Oral Just look a how messy you are, St L = Here are some adjectives. fg Remember that adjectives tell us more about naming words. untidy sad happy clean excited +~—handsome Teaching Point: Discuss the illustration and the vocabulary items, Encourage pupils to use the above adjectives to describe the children in the illustration. Ask them what they think the people in the illustration are going to do. if + Workbook 2A, page s + Unit 1- The Things We Wear —_ Gramme Rosnah and Nické at the clothes Store, (he blouse Sorry. I don't | Thisb louse is any in your size the tightest! This pair of jeans is looser. This pair of Jeans is loose. This pair is just : : right, thanks, This pair of Jeans is the loosest! 9 * Workbook 28, page 7 « +. Reading + ..7" Unit 1 + The Things We Wear Centipede’s New Shoes “I need shoes," said Centipede. “My feet are sore." It went to the shoe shop. “Some blue shoes, please,” it said. “Here you are," said the salesman. Centipede put them on. “They're lovely," it said, ClaggS Qe» “but I need some more." "Sorry!" said the salesman. “I have no more blue shoes. How about red?” “I really wanted blue," said Centipede. It put on the red shoes anyway. “I still need more,” it said. “I have no more red shoes," said the man. “How about green?" "I really wanted red," said Centipede. It put on the green shoes anyway. “I look silly!" it said. Just then, Centipede's friend came by. “I love your shoes,” it said. “Red, blue and green shoes! I want some just the same. You are clever, Centipede!” “Yes, I know I am!” said Centipede. If you want to read more about things people wear, look for these books in the library: 4 Max's Dragon Shirt by Rosemary Wells A Skirt for Susan by Richard and Marcia Vaughan 10 + Workbook 2A, pages 810 + Unit 1= The Things We Weer *..* Phonemic Awareness - ..° Beginning Blends The letters b and r together make a new | br | beginning sound, like the br sound in break. Brian was bold and Brian was brave. Brian went into The brown bear's cave. Teaching Point: Discuss the poem and illustration, Draw pupils’ attention to how the br sounds, The letters ¢ andr together make a new beginning sound, like the cr sound in ery. “I can creep and T can crawl. T can crawl Right up the walll" Teaching Point: Discuss the poem and illustration. Draw pupils’ attention to how the er sounds. 11 * Workbook 2A, page 1! + “s+. + Phonemic Awareness». .” Unit 1» The Things We Wear Beginning Blends The letters d and r together make a new beginning sound, like the dr sound in drink. Drip drip, Drop drop. Wish that leaky Tap would stop. Teaching Point: Discuss the poem and illustration, Draw pupils’ attention to hew the dr sounds Say Out Loud Say out loud the names of the things. What sounds do they begin with? ~ocxte RB ~~ lad “4 Teaching Point: Ask pupils if they know other words that begin with the br, er or dr sounds. Write these words on the board, Let pupils practise making these sounds. 12 * Workbook 2A, page 12 « naman Or an astronaut Way out in space, Or a circus clown With a funny face. But here comes Mum With cakes for tea I'm glad I'm me. And at times like this; +. Oral 7 Unit 2+ Wishes and Dreams °° Grammar * ** I wish to have a a magic carpet I wish to b Ewiehite bea that can‘fly. fmt ne beautiful queen. 3 ; T wish to be a famous singer. sLiwish fo have a lot of wonderful toys. I wish to be a great basketball player. Unit 2 + Wishes and Dreams eg Oy *** Grammar * +* I wish to buy a special 7 7 present for my parents. I wish to be a I wish to invent deep sea diver. something amazing. T wish to be a king T wish to climb T wish to have and live ina a high mountain. one hundred grand palace. more wishes! rae Teaching Point: Discuss the children’s wishes, Ask pupils what they would wish for if they were granted one wish, Encourage pupils to construct sentences beginning with “I wish to”. 15 + Workbook 28, page 18» Unit 2» Wishes and Dreams The Good Fairy has a big bag of wishes and dreams. ‘Teaching Point: Encourage pupils to ask and answer questions using ‘hos! and ‘have’. 16 + Workbook 2A, page 14 + Grammar Unit 2+ Wishes and Dreams 2 o *** Vocabulary * + * The Good Fairy gives out the wishes that she has in her bag. She will go to the fun fair. I shall go to the ballet. He will go to an adventure camp. ee e D We shall go on es will go to They will have a a boat trip. e CInCUS. holiday in the mountains. time. We say he/she/it/you/they will to show future tim Teaching Point: Instruct pupils on the use of ‘will/shell + infinitive! in expressing future time. Encourage pupils to construct sentences using 'will/shall + infinitive 17 * Workbook 28, page 15 + +... TextType | Unt 2 Wishes and Breame ** Vocabulary ** Liming wants to be a writer. The Good Fairy tries to help him. She tells him that he can write two kinds of stories. You can write stories about things that have really happened. We call this kind of story non-fiction. You can write stories using ideas from things that have really happened. You may also use your imagination to make up stories. These stories are called fiction. ‘Teaching Point: Explain clearly to pupils the difference between fiction and non-fiction, 18 Unit 2- Wishes ond Dreams +). TextType, +" Reading The Good Fairy tells Liming a non-fiction story. It is about a man called John Chapman. He had a big dream. The Man with a Dream Many years ago, in America, there was a man called John Chapman. One day, he ate an apple. All of a sudden, he had a good idea. He would give his country a gift — apple trees. He walked to the north, the south, the east and the west. He planted apple seeds all over the land. The seeds grew into trees with sweet, juicy apples on them. Soon, people forgot his real name. They called him Johnny Appleseed. Some of his trees are alive even today! It is good to have dreams. Do you have a dream? Teaching Point: Ask pupils to make a list of both fiction and non-fiction stories they have read. 19 + Workbook 28, page 16 + “s.* Grammar +." Unit 2 + Wishes and Dreams The Good Fairy asks Liming and his friends what they want to be when they grow up. T like cooking. T like helping people. Iwant to bea chef. I want to be a doctor, I want to bea I want to bea chef because I doctor because I I want to bea pilot. I want to fly around the world. I want to bea pilot and fly around the world. like cooking. like helping people. a, re T want to be an I want to bea T want to be ast it. it fireman when an actor when to cal "fo the moon. I grow up. T grow up. I want to be an astronaut and go to th ice Words like and, when and because are connectors. Connectors help to join two sentences or parts of a sentence which express ideas that are linked, into one sentence. Teaching Point: Encourage pupils to construct sentences using the connectors ‘and’, ‘when’ and "because. 20 + Workbook 2A, page 17 © Unit 2 Wishes ond Dreams ++., Vocabulary. * - Oral = *** What do you think these children want to be when they are older? a Rosnah cares for animals. She likes cats and monkeys best of all. She wants to take care of all kinds of animals, What does Rosnah want to be when she is older? an animal trainer? avet? a pet shop owner? B Ali loves the sea and the beach. He swims very well. He wants to learn all about first aid. What does Ali want to be when he is older? + asailor? a fishmonger? + alifeguard? Ba Ben likes eating. He likes cooking too. He likes baking bread and cakes best of all. What does Ben want to be when he is older? + achef? a baker? * awaiter? gy Suling likes the circus. Every day, she practises new tricks. She can walk on a tightrope. What does Suling want to be when she is older? * a juggler? a clown? an acrobat? ‘Teaching Point: Discuss the vocabulary items. Ask pupils to give clues about what they want to be when they grow up, and have other pupils try and guess the answer. al * Workbook 28, pages 18.21 « “Ls Reading - 2°" Unit 2 « Wishes ond Dreams The King’s Wishes There was once a happy king. He lived in a small palace with the queen. A cook and a maid looked after them. One day, his minister said, “Your palace is too small. A king should live in a grand palace.” The king was no longer happy. “I wish to have a grand palace," he said to the queen. “But I like our small palace," said the queen. “I am happy here." The king did not listen. He built a grand palace with many rooms. He needed many servants to keep it clean. Before long, the servants started fighting among themselves. The cook and the maid left. “I wish things could be as before," sighed the king. “They can," said the queen. “We can go back to our small palace." And so they did. The cook and the maid were waiting for them. And they all lived happily ever after. If you want to read more about wishes and dreams, look for these books in the library: Fedge Makes A Wish by Jeffrey Comanor Mordant’s Wish by Valerie Coursen 22 + Workbook 2A, page 22 * Unit 2» Wishes and Dreams “+. + Phonemic Awareness» .."” Beginning Blends The letters f and r together make a new beginning sound, like the fr sound in friend. Freda fried Fresh fish for Fred, But Fred said, “I want fruit instead." ‘Teaching Point: Discuss the poem nd illustration, Draw pupils’ attention to how the fr sounds, The letters g and r together make a new beginning sound, like the gr sound in green. Oh, green is the greatest colour to be. T am green like the grass And the leaves on a tree. I am green like a grape. ¢ g Tam green like the frog, That sits in the sun on top of a log. Oh, green is the greatest colour to be, And I want all my babies to be green like me. ‘Teaching Point: Discuss the poem and illustration. Draw pupils’ attention to how the gr sounds. 23 “+. + Phonemic Awareness + .."* Unit 2+ Wishes and Dreams Beginning Blends The letters p and r together make a new beginning sound, like the pr sound in prize. The prince and the princess Went to a ball. When they were dancing, The princess had a fall. She tore a hole In her pretty dress “Oh dear!" said the princess. “Now I look a mess!" “Don't worry," said the prince. “I have a present for you. Tt will make your dress As good as new.” The prince gave the princess A needle and some thread. But the princess pricked her finger And now she's in bed! ‘Teaching Point: Discuss the poem and illustrations. Draw pupils’ attention to how the pr sounds, 24 + Workbook 2A, pages 28-24 + me mncarncrr RED RARE UREA < 3 ~ Writing is Exciting Writing is exciting And it's everywhere you look. You find it in a magazine, You find it in a book. You find it on a sign board, You find it at the zoo. Writing is exciting And we can write too! eines tos We use writing for lots of things. We can see some of them in the picture. How many Unit 3 + Writing is Exciting “What can you write?” Miss Gopal asked the pupils. T love writing. ¥ I can write a I can write a story. 26 Unit 3+ Writing is Exciting Gramm T can write I can write a poem. Listen. Tamme. You are you. Tam one and we are two. Teaching Point: Discuss with pupils the use of the modal ‘can’ to express ability. Ask pupils to construct sentences using ‘can’ with respect to the types of text types they can write. 27 + Workbook 28, pages 25-27 + Writing Unit 3 + Writing is Exiting **s<* Vocabulary * -* Suping wanted to write a story, but she did not know how to go about doing it. Think about what you want to write. Then makea story (f_ web. T know. T will write about my cat, Blacky. Here is Suping's story web. She put what she was writing about in the middle. Then she wrote her ideas. z,° What Blacky looks like. + furry + round + warm My cat, When Blacky went ey When she came away. How I felt. back. What came What I did. with her. The title is the name of the story. The author or writer is the person who writes the story. In Suping’s story, Blacky and Suping are the characters. ‘Teaching Point: Discuss with pupils the importance of thinking or brainstorming before writing a story, and how a story web can be useful. Discuss how o story is about characters, which can be people or animals. 28 Unit 3» Writing Extng . Text) . gecuay" - puping wrote her story. She wrote it quickly. Then she read er story. She corrected her mistakes. She wrote her story again BI) viaaty Se Blacky is my cat. She is round, warm and furry. She likes fish. One day, I called Blacky. She did not come. T put fish in her dish. She still did not come. I was very sad. Then one day I heard a “meow, meow, meow" at the door. I had a look. It was Blacky. There were five little kittens with Blacky. They looked just like her. “Blacky, you're a clever cat," I said. ance (Remember that a story has a beginning , a middle and an end.) ‘Teaching Point: Discuss the beginning, middle Jecgina Poh: bleu the bering. mie nd nel af the sary above: Expat hit «god story 29 + Wobook 2, pages 2-20 + . Grammar |. Unit 3 = Writing is Exciting ** Vocabulary *** “T like your story, Suping," said Miss Gopal. “You have used some good adjectives in it too. Round, warm and furry are adjectives. Let us think of more adjectives." ® hardworking © 1) Meiling is a hardworking girl. Her work is always very neat. 2) I think Meiling's cat is beautiful. The other cat is ugly. 3) Peter is lazy. He sleeps all the time. Teaching Point: Discuss the meaning of the above adjectives with pupils. Ask them to construct sentences using these adjectives. 30 + Workbook 24, poge 31 + Unit 3+ Writing is Exciting “Ts. Text Type «2° “T like poems," said Suping. “I will teach you a poem," said Miss Gopal. Chit-chat by Miss Gopal Chit-chat, chit-chat, It's lots of fun to chit-chat, To chit-chat of this and that. I chat with everyone I see... .-A child, a chick, a chimpanzee. To chat is good. It is not bad. Tt cheers you up when you are sad. In many poems, the last words of every pair of lines end with the same sound. We say that the lines rhyme. “I like that poem," x said Suping. “Now oe T will write a xe? shape poem." RY o ce ae that Says "[ Meat You in a while,” ‘Teaching Point: Draw pupils’ attention to the various forms of poems and te the rhyming words/lines in the. ‘above poems. Ask pupils to write their own shape poems. 31 + Workbook 24, poges 32-33 + “SLs Text Type =.” Unit 3+ Weiting is Exciting It is going to be Suping's birthday. Suping and her mother write some lists to help them to plan the party. Suping writes asecret list of the presents she wants. Can you guess what they are? woepi/, yood etning qp9 \lbdtsxend ‘Teaching Point: Discuss what lists ore used for. Ask pupils if they or their parents have written lists before. Let pupils make lists of the food they would like to have at their porties 32 + Workbook 2A, page 34 + Unit 3 + Writing is Exciting Text Type After that, Suping writes some invitations to her friends. ees o Ree é Dear friends, iy day, 15 October. come to my house on Satur: Bees ing a birthday Fay fen 3 Pm eee ess is Blk 51, Toa Payo! 2 Gs ee Singapore 310051. Please tell me if you are coming. Your friend, Suping Liming is going to Suping's birthday party. He writes to Suping. Dear Suping, @ = Happy birthday! I will come to Hope you get lots of See you on Saturday. ‘Teaching Point: Ask pupils to practise writing party invitations and acceptance notes to one another, ng Pp your birthday party, Presents and have lots of fun, 33 * Workbook 28, pages 35-36 + “+ Reading» ..°° Unit 3» Writing is Exciting Zhiming and the Tiger Zhiming had a special talent. Everything he wrote about came to life. “Write about a tiger," his little brother said one day. “No,” said Zhiming. “It's too dangerous." “Please, please, please," cried his little brother. “Oh, all right," Zhiming said at last. “I will write about a tiger in a cage. That should be safe." Before Zhiming had time to write about the cage, a tiger jumped through the window. “Help!” Zhiming’s little brother cried. Zhiming picked up a stick. He pushed the tiger away. He wrote quickly with the other hand, “The tiger was in a big cage." Zap! A big cage dropped over the tiger. “Phew!” said Zhiming. “No more tiger stories for you, little brother!" If you want to read more about writing, look for these books in the library: Mice can't Write by Maria Gordon The Book that Jack Made by Paul and Emma Rogers 34 Unit 3 + Writing is Exciting “+. * Phonemic Awareness » ..° Beginning Blends The letters b and | together make a new beginning sound, like the bl sound in blink. T blow and blow My blue balloon. T think it's going to Burst quite soon. Teaching Point: Discuss the poem and illustration. Draw pupils’ attention to how the bl sounds. The letters ¢ and | together make a new beginning sound, like the cl sound in clock. “I can climb," Said the clown. “I can climb up But I can't climb down!" Teaching Point: Discuss the poem and the illustration, Draw pupils’ attention to how the el sounds. a5: + Workbook 24, page 37 = ~.. » Phonemic Awareness » Unit 3 » Writing is Exciting Beginning Blends The letters f and | together make a new beginning sound, like the fl sound in float. That's our flag, Way up high. Watch it flutter. Watch it fly. ‘Teaching Point: Discuss the text and illustration. Draw pupils’ attention to how the fl sounds, Say Out Loud Say out loud the names of the things. What other words begin with this sound? | SRE void CO _ Teaching Point: Ask pupils if they know other words that begin with the bl, cl and fl sounds. Write these words on the board, Let pupils practise making these sounds. 36 + Workbook 2A, page 38 + , rf fe en ago and far away Z is a land yp where our minds can go and play. LJ: land of princes, queens ts Of dragons, fairies, - and kings, and magical things. _ — Just openabook, ~ and it's yours and mine — gq that land of he upon a time. XN What i is your favourite story? Why do you like if? “I like stories," said Gopal. Unit 4 + Once Upon a Time Grammer Vocabulary “Here are some of the people and things I read about in them." = The words on this page have special spellings to show more than one. Teaching Point: Discuss the illustration and the vocabulary items. Draw pupils’ attention to the irregular plurals above, Remind them about other common irregular plurels, such as ‘teeth’ and ‘feet’ 39 *..* Grammar - ..” Unit 4+ Once Upon a Time “Tell me a story from long ago, Grandpa,” said Gopal. “All right, Gopal. I hope you like this story," said Grandpa. One day, ten fishermen went fishing in the deep blue sea. On the way, Fisherman Number One wanted to have a contest. “Let's see who's best at counting. Let's count ourselves.” “Can I go first?" asked Fisherman Number Two. So he counted, “One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine." “That's not right!" shouted the others. 40 Unit 4» Once Upon a Time “s+ Grammar « ,.°” Just then, a hungry shark asked, “What are you doing?” “He can't count," shouted the fishermen. “There are ten of us, but he says there are only nine!” “Can I help?" asked the shark. “Jump into the sea one by one so T can see you." The fishermen jumped into the sea. The shark counted “One...gobble, two...munch, three...snap, four...crunch, five..yum, six...gobble, seven...munch, eight...snap, nine...crunch, ten...yum!" And that was the end of the foolish fishermen! We add -ed to many verbs when we talk about something that has already happened. For example, wanted, asked, counted, shouted, and jumped. ‘Teaching Point: Draw pupils’ attention to the verbs in simple past tense, Explain that most verbs form the simple past tense by adding -ed 41 + Workbook 28 page 4? « Secs writing <7 Unit 4+ Once Upon a Tine “Grandpa, I want to write a story from long ago," said Gopal. “But I don't know how to begin.” “Here are some good ways to begin," said Grandpa. “Here is a story about a magic pot," said Grandpa. “Let's see how it starts." Once upon a time in China, there was a poor old couple named Mr and Mrs Chen. One day, Mr Chen found a large pot in his garden. He put his purse with his last five coins in it into the pot. He took the pot home. Mrs Chen looked into the pot. Her hairpin fell in. She reached into the pot and pulled out, not one, but two hairpins and two purses. “This pot makes two of everything!” cried Mr Chen. “We can use it to make gold coins. We will no longer be poor." Mrs Chen was so happy that she hugged the magic pot. Just then, Mr Chen tripped and knocked Mrs Chen into the pot. Mr Chen pulled out not one, but two Mrs Chens. 42 Unit 4 + Once Upon a Time Sees Writing =. .° “Put her back inl!" shouted the real Mrs Chen. Mr Chen backed away from his angry wife and fell into the pot himself. Mrs Chen went to the pot. She pulled out two Mr Chens. “Whatever will we do?" cried the real Mr Chen. “I know!" said Mrs Chen. “They can be our friends. After all, the pot can give us everything we all need.” Using the pot, Mr and Mrs Chen made enough money to build two fine houses. The four Chens lived happily side by side for the rest of their days. “Stories have settings," said Grandpa. “The setting of a story is where the story happens. Before we write a story we have to think about its setting.” Teaching Point: Discuss with pupils the setting of this story. Ask pupils to identify the settings of other stories that they like 43 + Workbcok 24, pages 43-45 + Gram ‘ommar Unit 4 Once Upon Time Vocabulary / Writing Grandpa said, “Gopal, did you know that stories can have happy endings or sad endings? They can have surprise endings too. Here are two ways to end stories.” ind they lived happily ever after. Bee RUSE “Now listen to this story. Tell me if it has a happy or sad ending," said Grandpa. Long ago, a mean old ogre lived in a forest. “Dig me a hole for my treasure,” he shouted angrily one day. The animals quickly dug a hole, “It's not deep enough," said the ogre loudly. The animals dug and dug. “It's still not deep enough!" shouted the ogre. He stamped his feet. “We're tired,” said the animals timidly. “Can we rest?" Teaching Point: Ask pupils to discuss the endings of stories the like 44 Unit 4 - Once Upon Time *)). Grammar . *” Vocabulary / Writing © “Rest!” roared the ogre. “Never! You're not tired! You're just lazy! Dig!" The animals dug some more. “Is the hole big enough now?" asked the animals. The ogre stood at the edge of the hole and looked. “Still not big enough,” he grumbled. “Oh, yes it is!" said the animals bravely, and they pushed him in. “It's big enough for a mean old ogre." “Get me out!" cried the ogre. “Only after you learn some manners," said the animals merrily. That was the last they heard of the mean old ogre. The words in bold are adverbs. Adverbs tell us more about verbs. ‘Teaching Point: Ask pupils to identify the type of ending this stary about the mean old ogre has. Discuss with Pupils the adverbs highlighted. Encourage them to share with the class other adver'ss that they are familiar with 45 + Workbook 28, page 46 + “s+ Reading « ..°" Unit 4 + Once Upon @ Time The White Elephant There was a mean potter called U Tin, and a clever washerman called U Nam. One day the King decided he wanted a white elephant. U Tin told the King that U Nam could wash a grey elephant so clean that it would turn white. U Nam thought quickly. He told the King that he needed a big pot to wash the elephant in. The King ordered U Tin to make the big pot. U Tin's pot was not strong enough for the elephant, and it broke. U Tin made another pot. This time, it was strong enough and big enough for the elephant. U Nam quickly said, “I need boiling water to wash the elephant." A big fire was built under the pot. U Nam waited and waited, but the water did not boil. “This pot is too thick," he said. U Tin made many pots, but none of them was right. The King was so angry he ordered U Tin to leave the country. As for the clever U Nam - he lived happily from then on. Reading List If you want to read more about stories, look for these books in the library: How to Count Crocodiles by Margaret Mahy The Ballad of Mulan by Song Nan Zhang 46 + Workbook 28, pages 47-48 + Unit 4+ Once Upan a Time *..* Phonemic Awareness." ” Beginning Blends The letters g and | together make a new beginning sound, like the gl sound in glide. Glue on her face And glue in her hair Glenda has glue Just everywhere. Teaching Point: Discuss the poem and illustration, Draw pupils’ attention to how the gl sounds. The letters p and | together make a new beginning sound, like the pl! sound in plum. “Don't pluck me," Said the plump purple plum. “T'll plop down When I'm ready to come." Teaching Point: Discuss the poem and illustration. Draw pupils’ attention to how the pl sounds. 47 + Workbook 24, page 49 + “+ Phonemic Awareness - ." Unit 4+ Once Upon a Time Beginning Blends The letters s and | together make a new beginning sound, like the sl sound in slug. When I slid Down the slope On my sled, T slipped of f And bumped My head. Teaching Point: Discuss the poem and the illustration. Draw pupils’ attention to how the sl sounds. Say Out Loud Say out loud the names of the things. What sounds do they begin with? ae ¥ a oe 3 se ovpprs - ei Teaching Point: Ask pupils if they know other words that begin with the gl, pl or sl sounds. Write these words on the board. Let pupils practise making these sounds. 48 + Workbook 28, page 50 * vir ® Holiday Time The holidays are here. &> We're packing up today. We've worked hard all term, Now we're going to play. <2 For a few happy weeks, We won't go to school. We will do as we please, And that will be cool! We will swim in the sea, We will skate around the park, We will play all day long, Until the sky is dark! 49 ‘+... Grammar + * Unit 5» Holiday Time. Oral Tt is the holidays tomorrow. What do you want to do during I want to see the birds at the Jurong Bird Park. I want to go by ferry to I want to ride my bicycle in East Coast Park. I want to go on the monorail at Sentosa Island. 50 Unit 8» Holiday Time Oral I want to visit \7 y N my grandmother ¢ 9 in Penang. Fs 4 I want to go on a picnic at the Botanic Gardens. I want to go to the Night Safari at the zoo. I want to visit my cousins in Bukit Timah. ry NN Cont © Remember that we use capital letters for names of special places. ) Teaching Point: Discuss and list the places that pupils want to visit in the holidays. Ask pupils to construct Sentences which begin with "I want fo..." 51 + Workbook 24, page 51 = Grammar, ‘+ Grammar, + * Unit 5 + Holidey Time. ea On my last holiday, I went to Ipoh. I went by train. Where did you go? and I took We went to Penang. the coach to We drove there Malacca. in our car. We enjoyed Tt was fun. ourselves to Sentosa. We went by ¥” ferry. Then we walked all over the island. We flew to Bangkok. We had a great time. When we talk about things that have already happened, we use verbs in the simple past tense. The words took, enjoyed, went, drove, was, walked, flew and had are in the simple past tense. Teaching Point: Ask pupils to talk about how they spent their holidays using the simple past tense. 52 *+ Workbook 2A, page 52 + Unit 5 «Holiday Tine %. Vocabulary = *** Language for Interaction * ** What did you do on your last holiday, Liming? I went to visit my grandmother in England. I went by aeroplane with my parents. Please give me your tickets and passports. Teaching Point: Discuss the illustrations and the vocebulary items. Draw pupils’ attention to the dialogue on the lower part of the page. 53 + Workbook 28, pages 83-55 + “+ Vocabulary +." Unit 5 = Holy Time I went to the beach on my last holiday. I had a wonderful time. Teaching Point: Discuss the illustration and the vocabulary items. Ask pupils what other things can be found at the beach. 54 Unit 5 «Holiday Tine “+. Vocabulary, + * °° Grammar * + Some children found a rock pool at the beach. This is what they saw in it: a crab running sideways, a starfish on a rock, spiny sea urchins by the rocks and a baby mussel in its small black shell. ‘Teaching Point: Discuss the illustrations and the vocabulary items. Also, revise with pupils the prepositions found on this page. 55 + Workbook 2A, pages 56:57 + "Ss TextType = °° Unit 5 + Holidey Time Have you ever sent a postcard? Read these postcards. \ peor Jil greeting name and Night address Till Chen of person a od _ Twas 8 Pearl Roa? you are tast night I saw ee sending to oe 6 ] singapore 1 = your name, eed ‘Teaching Point: Tell pupils that we often send postcards to our friends or family members when we go en holiday. Instruct pupils on the conventions of writing postcards, 56 + Workbook 2A, page 58 * Unit 5 + Holiday Time “2+ Grammar. ,.°° We have learnt a lot about going on holidays. We have learnt a lot of new words too. Some of these words are compound words. Compound Words seat side ——y seaside post + card —=» postcard Pass + port —=» passport sand + castle —=» sandcastle seat gull —» seagull suit + case ——y suitcase sun + block —=» sunblock star + fish ——» starfish y 7 | a Ba Compound words are two words that are joined together to form a new word. Teaching Point: Ask pupils if they can think of any more compound words, Make a ist 57 + Worktnook 24, page 9 + *.. + Reading» ..°” Unit 5 + Holicay Time A Fishing Adventure Raju and Gopal were on holiday together. They planned to go fishing after dinner. That night, they ran down to the beach. They pushed a small boat into the sea and rowed to the cliffs. They started to fish. They caught one fish, two fish, three fat fish! They were very happy. Suddenly, the wind blew their boat onto some big rocks. Water started to come into the boat. The boat was sinking! Raju and Gopal held on to their boat and paddled with their legs. They pushed the boat back to the beach. They lay on the beach and rested. Later, when they looked into the boat, they saw that it was empty! All the fish had swum away! (Reading List If you want to read more about holidays, look for these books in the library: Duck on Holiday by Jenny Tyler and Philip Hawthorn A Summer Picnic by Richard Scarry 58 + Workbook 24, page Unit 5« Holiday Time “+. * Phonemic Awareness - ..”” Beginning Blends The letters s and ¢ together make a new beginning sound, like the se sound in scary. Scat! Scat! You scaredy-cat! y T'm going to Scare you off my mat! ‘Teaching Point: Discuss the poem and illustration. Draw pupils’ attention to how the se sounds. Point out that ‘the Se sound in words like ‘science’ and ‘scent’ isa different sound, The letters s and p together make a new beginning sound, like the sp sound in spaghetti. If you eat Spaghetti in space, You might get it All over your face. ‘Teaching Point: Discuss the poem and illustration. Draw pupils’ attention to how the sp sounds. 59 “s+ Phonemic Awareness » ..” Unit 5 + Holiday Time Beginnin, ih 4 2 The letters s and t together make a new beginning sound, like the st sound in stairs. A stool stands On three legs, A stork on one. Now tell me how Many you stand on. Teaching Point: Discuss the poem and illustration, Draw pupils’ attention to how the st sounds. Say Out Loud Say out loud the names of the things. What sounds do they begin with? gp amine Ee ki ve — smiled. For some verbs, the spelling changes, e.g. see —> saw, run — ran, do > did, say — said, fall — fell. Teaching Point: Ask pupils if they know ony other inregular verbs in the simple past tense. 67 +. * Grammar.” Unit 6» Helping Out Let us see how these children have helped out. When I saw some litter in the park, I helped to pick it up. When we dropped the paint, our friends helped us to clean it up. When I lost my pen, you helped me to find it. @, ca When my friend's bag was too heavy, I helped him to carry it. When you fell over, T helped you to get up. When the librarians were busy, we helped them to put away the books. The words in bold are object pronouns. The object pronoun has something done to it by the subject. Teaching Point: Ask pupils to construct sentences using object pronouns, telling how they have helped out. 9 up 3 y ip Unit 6 Helping Out “s+ Grammar = ..°* There are things we should do to help out. There are also things we should not do. We should throw our We should not throw litter in the rubbish bin. litter on the ground. VI ayn , We should tidy up after We should not make a ourselves. mess. ‘ We should help our family when we can. ‘Teoching Point: Instruct pupils on the use of the modals ‘should and ‘should net’ in expressing obligation. Encourage pupils to construct sentences using ‘should and ‘should not" 69 + Workbook 2A, pase “s+ Reading» ..°" Unit 6 = Helping Out Once, a fierce storm called a cyclone blew across a small island in the : Pacific Ocean. It was so strong that it blew the roofs of f the houses. It snapped the coconut: palms in half. It lifted fishing ¢¥ boats out of the sea, and threw them onto the beach. Everywhere it blew, it left a huge mess. When the storm was over, the people said, “What shall we do? We have no homes. Everything is broken." One man said, “I know. We shall all help one another. If we work together, we can clean up the mess. We can fix our houses." And that was just what they did! Reading List If you want to read more about helping out, look ly for these books in the library: Dusty Wants to Help by Judy Abbot Maurer Work and Play by Jessie Wee 70 Unit 6 + Helping Out “+. + Phonemic Awareness « ..”” Beginning Blends The letters s and k together make a new beginning sound, like the sk sound in skates. kip. i roma. MC T can ski. y T'm as clever \ | As I can bel ‘Teaching Point: Discuss the poem and illustration. Draw pupils’ attention to haw the sk sounds, The letters s and m together make a new beginning sound, like the sn sound in snowman. Wear your sneakers When it snows. If you don't, You'll freeze your toes! ‘Teaching Point: Discuss the poem and illustration, Draw pupils’ attention to how the sn sounds. a “+. * Phonemic Awareness « ..” Unit 6 Helping Out Beginnin, Blends 7 The letters s and w together make a new beginning sound, like the sw sound in sweets. tee Can you see the swan ns Swimming in the sea, Swimming away From you and me? Teaching Point: Discuss the poem and illustration. Draw pupils’ attention to how the sw sounds. ing po Say Out Loud Say out loud the names of the things. What sounds do they begin with? ssimsuit rail @! xing dS), 2 : avin or aay xxeeze “Teaching point: Ask pupils if they know other words that begin with the sk, sn or sw sounds. Write these words on the board. Let pupils practise making these sounds. Te + Workbook 2A, pages 75-74 + Feelings Hooray, hooray! We're all happy today! The sun is shining brightly And we're going out to play! Boo hoo, boo hoo! T've lost my brand new shoes! My mother will be angry And I don't know what to dol Yippee, yippee! We're as excited as can be! We're cheering on our soccer team, They're winning ten to three! People have all > kinds of feelings. How many can youname? _/ ASSAM Mr nenteeome 73 Ir Unit 7» Feelings It was the weekend. The children had a lot of things to do. First, they went to the fair. I was surprised when we came x, down so fast. T'm glad we went on Ey the Roller Coaster. . Tt was fun! ue 1 T feel lonely up A here by myself. T love the Merry-Go-Round because it makes me feel happy! I'm unhappy because I can't find my friends. I'm excited because I'm going on the Ferris Wheel! Te Unit 7 « Feelings I'm too frightened to go into the Haunted House. I feel nervous. T love the What if I crash? Bumper Cars! because Mum let me have some candy floss. Teaching Point: Discuss the illustration and the highlighted words. Encourage pupils to talk about the rides at ‘the fairground. Ask pupils to say which rides they like or dislike using the word ‘because’ in their sentences, 7 + Workbook 2A, pages 75-76 + Unit 7 + Feelings Next, the children went to the library. They chose a book each. i a — The cover of this book looks exciting. The cover of this book is scary. I like scary books. eee EINE + Peter Yeo 76 Unit 7 + Feelings _— 1 ¥ The cover of this book makes me feel happy. T like books about children and animals. e ait ee Can you help us find books written by this author, please? The cover of this book makes me feel angry. I hope the horse gets away. Information Counter All books have covers. On the cover, we can find the title or name of the book. We can find the name of the author | and sometimes the name of the illustrator as well. Often there is a picture which tells us something about the book. Teaching Point: Show pupils the covers of several books and ask them to quess what kind of stories they are based on the pictures. Point out the titles and the names of the authors and ilistrators. Mention to pulls ‘that authors write books and illustrators draw the pictures in the books, Draw pupils’ attention to the highlighted adjectives on these pages. TW + Workbook 28, pages 7-78 + “+o TextType . +” Unit 7 + Feelings °° Grammar’ * While they were at the library, Ben read this report. Storm Blows Off Roof! On Sunday, the roof off again. fifth of June, a “We feel very storm blew the roof unlucky,” said off a house in Low the owners. “We Town. The next have just spent a day, the owners had large sum of the roof mended. money mending However, another the roof and it’s strong wind on been blown off . Tuesday blew the again.” Who mended the roof? ‘Teaching Point: Instruct pupils on the conventions governing the text type ‘recounts’, Draw their attention te ‘the interragative pronouns. Also, explain to pupils the meaning of the wards ‘interested’ and ‘bored’. Ask them ‘to use these words in relation ta stories they have heard or read, 78 Unit 7» Feelings Oral After the visit to the library, the children walked through the park. é can't find my mother! How do you think all these people feel? Teaching Point: Discuss the different feelings that the people in the park have. Pupils mey use more than one adjective to describe each person 79 Unit 7 + Feelings It was getting late, The children were going home. This was what happened on the way home. Rest for a while A I feel tired > until you feel welll. ) | Let's sit down, I'm worried. My Y mother is angry when I'm late. Teaching Point: Discuss the illustration and the highlighted words 80 rit 7 » Feelings This was what happened next. The rest made me am 4 Hooray! Here comes , feel less tired. the bus! Let's get on. Were still in time. Oh! What's this in my back pocket? y Here's my wallet after all. ‘eaching Point: Encourage pupils to talk about situations similar to those on these two pages that they may dave experienced. Ask them how they felt then and what they did. 81 + Workbook 2A, pages 80-81 + +. * Reading» .°" Unit 7 + Feelings Sam at the cinema One day, Tom took his little brother, Sam, to the cinema. It was a good film. Sam laughed out loud during the funny parts. He cried during the sad parts. “Be quiet!" people said. “We can't hear the film. You're making too much noise." Then came an exciting part. Sam jumped up and down. “Yeah! Yeah!" he shouted. He dropped his popcorn everywhere. “BE QUIET!" people said angrily. At last, the film ended. Tom and Sam went home. “Did you have a good time?" Mum asked. “Greatl" said Sam. “Awfull" groaned Tom. Reading List If you want to read more about feelings, look for ly these books in the library: Happy Frog by Hiawyn Oram Brave Lion, Scared Lion by John Stimson 82 + Workbook 28, pages 82-84 « Unit 7» Feelings “s+ Phonemic Awareness» .°” Ending Blends The letters n and k together make a new ending sound, like the nk sound in pink. T can blink And I can wink. I'm a clever kid, T think. Teaching Point: Discuss the poem and illustration, Draw pupils’ tention to how the nk sounds. The letters n and d together make a new ending sound, like the nd sound in kind. T am sweet And I am round. The orange tree Is where I'm found. What am I? ‘Teaching Point: Discuss the poem and illustration. Draw pupils’ attention to how the nd sounds. 83 *..» Phonemic Awareness » ..” Unit 7 - Feelings Endj. ding Blends The letters n and g together make a new ending sound, like the ng sound in king. * ie T've hurt my wing, And it's now Ina sling. ‘Teaching Point: Discuss the poem and illustration, Draw pupils’ attention to how the ng sounds Say Out Loud Say out loud the names of the things. What sounds do they end with? Teaching Point: Ask pupils if they know other words that end with the nk, nd or ng sounds, Write these words on the board. Let pupils practise making these sounds. 84 + Workbook 24, pages 85-86 + nF ABD CMe oj What was It Like Then? What was it like In the old days, Grandpa? What was it like For you then? Did you watch T.V.? Did you study hard? Did you write With a marker pen? What was it like In the old days, Grandma,( When you were \ Young like us? Did you fly in an aeropla Ride in a car? Did you go to School in a bus? 85 “6.5 Grammar + ..°* Unit 8 + What wes Tt Like Then? Liming wants to know what life was like in the old days. He asks his grandfather and his friends. Things were very different then. We didn’t have much money. What was it like when you were young, Grandpa? We helped our fathers with their work. We didn't have television sets or computers. We grew our own vegetables. We didn't have cars. We walked or cycled everywhere. We didn't buy things at the supermarket. We kept our own chickens and ducks. 86 Unit 8 + What was Zt Like Then? Suping wants to know what it was like in the old days too. She asks her grandmother and her friends. We worked very hard at home helping our mothers. What was it like when you were a girl, Grandma? 1] We helped to look after our brothers and sisters. We sewed our own clothes. it C4575) +See |] We played games like ‘congkak'. The boys had kites. The verbs in bold are in the simple past tense. Teaching Point: Remind pupils that the simple past tense is used for things that happened in the past 87 “+. * Grammar» ,.°° we, TOON Unit 8 + What was It Like Then? Oral Grandpa tells Liming more about the old days. Many children did not go to school because many people then were poor. ed Children today are lucky. They can all go to school. Singapore is very clean now. When I was a boy, it was not so clean. Many people did not have jobs. Now there are a lot of jobs. Everyone has a home. Everyone has food. There were not many tall buildings then. Now there are a lot of tall buildings. A lot of people live in flats now. Many people lived in shophouses then. Some people lived in wooden houses too. e was like then. Teaching Point: Draw pupils’ attention to the text type ‘personal recounts’. Discuss with pupils the differences between Singapore in the past and Singapere today. Ask pupils to retell the stories that their parents or grandparents have told them before of the old days, Fhotegreph rom the lection of Terry Wraht, Cute of Notion Archie of Sogpee 88 Unit & - What was It Like Then? Text J Oral Grandma tells Suping more about her childhood. I wanted to go to school but I could not. In those days, more boys went to school. I helped my mother at home. I did not learn how to read. But I learnt how to cook, sew and look after babies. Now, children have many places to visit. They can go to the Science Centre, the Bird Park and the Zoo. They can go to Sentosa too. There were not many places to visit or go to when I was young. There were many children in the family. We lived with our grandparents. Everyone had to help. Now, people have smaller families. Children are busy at school. They do not help so much at home. Teaching Point: Draw pupils’ attention to the text type ‘personal recounts’. Discuss with pupils the differences between the lives of children now and the lives of children then. 89 + Workbook 28, page 68 + *<.* Grammar + .."” Unit 8» What was Tt Like Then? Grandpa shows Liming his old photographs. Who is this, Grandpa? Who are they, Grandpa? They're my sisters, ‘Teaching Point: Encourage pupils to ask questions using the interrogative pronouns who! and ‘what 90 + workbook 28, poge 89 + Unit 8 What was Tt Like Ther? “+. Grammar +. °° Grandma shows Suping a photograph of her old house. She tells Suping about her house. This is where I lived when I was a girl. My house was between two other houses. There were some chairs and a table under the; porch. There was a road in front of my house and a stream behind it. There was a small bridge across the stream. There were fruit trees beside the house. I liked to climb o the branches of the fruit trees. My brother liked to swim in the stream. Teaching Paint: Discuss the illustration and the prepositions used. Ask pupils to construct sentences using ‘these prepositions. 91 + Workbook 24, page 90 + .,. Vocabulary |< * Unit @ - What wos Zt Like Ther? er on St Grandpa takes Liming to the storeroom to show him some things. Look around the storeroom, Liming. T still have things from the old days. Can you tell me what they are? gramophone — records © kerosene lamp ‘Teaching Point: Discuss the vocabulary items. Ask pupils if they can name things their grandparents used that are no longer in use today. 92 + Workbook 28, pages 91:93 © Unit 8 + What was It Like Then? *..+ Vocabulary» ..° Grandpa takes Liming to Chinatown, so that Liming can learn more about the old days. He tells Liming about Chinatown. Chinatown is an old part of Singapore. Chinese people lived here when they first came to Singapore from China long ago. It has a lot of old shophouses. There are temples here too. Many people live and work here. You can see many interesting things. > tt does a fortune-teller do? letter-writer fortune-teller Teaching Point: Discuss the vocabulary items, 93 Unit 8 + What was It Like Then? *..+ Vocabulary» ..° Grandpa takes Liming to Chinatown, so that Liming can learn more about the old days. He tells Liming about Chinatown. Chinatown is an old part of Singapore. Chinese people lived here when they first came to Singapore from China long ago. It has a lot of old shophouses. There are temples here too. Many people live and work here. You can see many interesting things. > tt does a fortune-teller do? letter-writer fortune-teller Teaching Point: Discuss the vocabulary items, 93 *..* Reading - ..” Unit 8 + What was It Like Then? How Singapore Got Its Name Long ago, there was a king. Raja Chulan was his name. The king had three sons. The youngest son was called Sang Nila Utama. One day, Sang Nila Utama decided to look for an island. He wanted to build a new city. He and his men sailed the seas. At last, he saw an island that he liked. Just then, there was a storm. The boat was sinking! All of a sudden, the storm was over, They sailed to the island. They saw a strange animal there. It was strong and fierce. “What is it?” asked Sang Nila Utama. “It must be a lion," said one of his men. “Lions are strong and brave," said Sang Nila Utama. “We will build our city here. We will call it Lion City — Singa Pura." If you want to read more about what it was like in the old days, look for these books in the library: The Best Thing of All by Pat Thomson Then and Now — Sport by Nigel Smith 94 + Workbook 28, pages 95-96 + Unit 8 « What was Tt Like Then? “+ Phonemic awareness», Endi ig Blends The letters n and + together make a new ending sound, like the nt sound in plarit. I want to paint my room, I want to paint it red. But I dropped the pot of paint, And my bed is red instead. Teaching Point: Discuss the poem and illustration. Draw pupils’ attention to how the nt sounds. The letters m and p together make a new ending sound, like the mp sound in stamp. ’ as 2%. The camel Has a hump And it makes me Go bump. Teaching Point: Discuss the poem and illustration. Draw pupils’ attention to how the mp sounds. 95 + Workbook 28, poge 97 + *.. » Phonemic Awareness » ..°” Unit 8» What was Tr Like Then? Ending Blends The letters s and k together make a new ending sound, like the sk sound in ask. You just have to ask, And T'll make you a mask. It's really quite easy, It's not a hard task. Teaching Point: Discuss the poem and illustration. Draw pupils’ attention to how the sk sounds, Say Out Loud Say out loud the names of the things. What sounds do they end with? se plas tue « Teaching Point: Ask pupils if they know other words that end with the mt, mp or sk sounds. Write these words con the beard, Let pupils practise making these sounds. 96 Hobook 2

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