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Veril, Veanne Jhannyca

South-BSAIS 4-A

Research 1

1) History of storage (Origin to Present)


Punch Cards 0.08KB

It's quite retro. The earliest mechanical storage technology was punch cards. Even a
completely fleshed out tweet would not fit on a punch card, which accommodates
roughly 80 characters.

The punch card was first employed in the 19th century to program mechanical devices
like looms and player pianos. Throughout the 1980s, punch cards were widely
employed for computer programming. Despite the fact that punch cards are no longer in

Magnetic Drum 48KB

The magnet has taken a significant stride forward. The initial magnetic drum had a
capacity of 48 KB, which was roughly equivalent to five formatted.doc files.

Gustav Tauschek devised drum memory in 1932, but magnetic drum memory wasn't
employed in computing until World War II, when it was developed by US Navy
codebreakers. One of the drums was 16 inches long and had 40 grooves that rotated at
12,500 RPM. Engineering Research Associates (ERA) is a non-profit organization that
does research.


Williams-Kilburn Tube 0.128KB

Random access memory (RAM) was the first type of memory (RAM). The first tubes
had a capacity of 1024 bits, or 128 bytes, which could hold around 128 characters. To
store a single JPG image file, you'd need at least 72 of them.

The Williams-Kilburn Tube was the first entirely electronic data storage device,
introduced in 1947. The device measured 16 12 inches long and 6 inches broad, and it
stored information by displaying a grid of dots on a cathode ray tube.

Magnetic Tape Drive 231KB

Very appealing. A 1200 foot roll of tape could hold 230 KB of data, which is around 10
PDFs or 23 formatted.doc files.

Magnetic tape was initially used to store data in 1951 on the Eckert-Mauchly UNIVAC I,
which was invented in Germany in 1928. Tape drives employed motors to wind
magnetic tape from reel to reel while reading, writing, or erasing data with a tape head.
More miniaturized versions of this technology were widely used throughout the world.


Magnetic Core 2KB

A new benchmark has been set. The first core memory in a computer held just over
2KB of data, about the size of a small PNG image file or 2,000 characters of text.

Magnetic core memory was initially employed in the MIT Whirlwind computer in 1951.
One piece of data is stored on tiny magnetic rings, or cores, in core memory. The higher
the number of magnetic cores in a core memory, the more data it can store. From 1955
through 1975, core memory was the industry standard in computing. A magnetic core
memory system was discovered in a telephony control system as recently as 2004. It
continues to pique the curiosity of contemporary fans.


Hard Disk Drive (HDD)3,750KB

The doctor of spin. The initial HDDs had enough storage space to carry an entire mp3
song, 45 seconds of low-resolution video, or 5 million characters of text, with 3.75 MB of

The HDD weighed over a ton and was the size of a refrigerator when it was first
launched by IBM in 1956. The data is stored on one or more rapidly rotating magnetic
metal platters, or disks, in a hard disk drive. The HDD is still widely used today, with
portable devices shrinking in size while increasing storage capacity year after year.
Samsung's solid state drive (SSD) is only 212 inches long and can store 16 terabytes of
data. It is, without a doubt, the largest hard disk on the market today.


Floppy Disk 80KB

The Icon for Saving. The initial 8-inch floppy disk had 80KB, and that was enough to
store eight formatted.doc files.
In 1967, IBM's San Jose laboratory invented the floppy disk. Floppy disks were
originally exposed magnetic disks, hence the term "flop." Plastic envelopes were later
added to protect the disks from dirt and scratches, and other sizes of disks appeared.
More than ten companies were making 514-inch floppy drives by 1978, but you might
remember the 312-inch disk the best. Floppy disks were the most extensively utilized
kind of portable data storage by the mid-1970s. Floppy disks are no longer widely
utilized, however they are still used in US nuclear sites.


Compact Disc (CD) 700,000KB

The first optical storage device that was highly portable. CDs held between 650 and 700
MB of data. That's enough space for 70,000 formatted.doc files, 140 minutes of low-
resolution video, or, more appropriately, your favorite Radiohead album, OK Computer.

Sony and Phillips both invented the Compact Disc in 1982. Although only 12
centimeters in diameter, the CD could hold more data than a personal computer's hard
drive when it was first introduced. By shining a focused laser beam at the surface of the
disc, CD drives read the data stored on discs. In the 1980s, compact discs (CDs)
revolutionized the music industry, eventually supplanting the vinyl record and cassette
tape. In terms of sales, digital music has surpassed CDs.


Zip Drive 100,000KB

The home of the floppy disk. The first Zip Drive could hold about 100 minutes of MP3
audio. That’s equal to 20 minutes of low-resolution video or 1/7 of a CD.

The original Zip Drive was a medium-to-high-capacity removable floppy disk storage
system, introduced by Iomega in late 1994. It launched with capacities of 100 MB, but
later versions improved capacity from 250 MB to 750 MB. Some organizations still use
Zip Drives today.


Digital Video Disc(DVD) 1,460,000KB

The more powerful compact disc. The initial DVD had 1.46 GB of storage space, which
was adequate for a short film or two CDs. Dual-sided, single-layer discs with a capacity
of 9.4 GB are available from several manufacturers.

The DVD was created in 1995 by Sony and Phillips, as well as a number of other
technical companies. The DVD uses the same optical functions as the CD to store data,
but it has more storage capacity. The DVD revolutionized the movie industry at the time,
displacing the extensively utilized Video Home System (VHS). The DVD was eventually
overtaken by the Blu-ray disc after it had its day in the sun.


SD Card 64,000KB

It doesn't matter how big you are. That is, unless you obtain smaller, more portable data
storage. The original SD cards had a capacity of around 64MB, which was adequate to
store 50 photographs or 13 minutes of low-resolution video (around 1/11 of a CD).
Today's SD cards have a maximum capacity of 1 terabyte.

SanDisk, Panasonic, and Toshiba collaborated on the Secure Digital standard in 1999.
Previous incarnations, such as the MultiMediaCard, were used to develop this
technology (MMC). SD cards make use of flash memory, which stores data in floating-
gate transistor cells. The cards were suitable for digital photography and videography
because of their small size and thinness. The cards were then issued in tiny and micro


USB Flash Drive8,000KB

The desire that goes by many names. The original flash drive was 8MB in size, which
was enough for one or two eBooks, 90 seconds of low-resolution video, or 800.doc files.
The world's largest USB flash drive now has a capacity of 2 terabytes.

In 1999, M-Systems, an Israeli startup, invented the USB Flash Drive. A thumb drive,
pen drive, jump drive, disk key, disk on key, flash drive, or memory stick are all common
names for it. USB flash drives, like SD cards, employ flash memory. The convenience of
connecting USB flash drives into a computer's USB port for data transfer made them
popular as portable storage devices.


Blu-ray Optical Disc 25,000,000KB

It's the disc. The legend. This is a legend. This high-definition disc could store 25 GB of
1080p high-definition video, which is equivalent to 36 CDs. Today, Sony increased the
storage capacity of optical discs to 3.3 terabytes.

The Blu-ray optical disc was developed by a technology industry partnership to be the
successor to the DVD. The Blu-ray swooped in with more than double the storage, but
earlier DVDs could barely handle 480p resolution. The name comes from the blue
laser's relatively short wavelength, which can read a larger density of data on the disc
than the red laser used to read DVDs.


Cloud Data Storage Unlimited KB

Your information is lost in the ether. Your storage capacity is now solely determined by
the plan you can afford. The possibilities are limitless.

PersonaLink Services, established by AT&T in 1994, was the first all-web-based data
storage solution. AWS S3, which was developed by Amazon Web Services in 2006,
was a forerunner of the large cloud data storage trend. Cloud storage uses remote
databases to store data that can be accessed at any time via the internet. Cloud storage
will become less and less expensive as cloud technologies evolve.

Today, experts estimate that the digital cosmos contains more than
2,700,000,000,000,000,000 KB (2.7 zettabytes) of data.

1 billion Blu-ray discs

Approximately 90% of that was developed in the last few years.

Every day, we generate about 2,500,000,000,000,000 KB (2.5 quintillion bytes) of fresh


That number is only expected to rise, implying that we will want even more data storage
in the future.

2) What is RAID and the different types of RAID configuration

Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID) is an acronym for Redundant Array of

Independent Disks. This is a method of storing the same data in numerous hard disks or
solid-state drives (SSDs) in order to safeguard data in the event of a drive failure. That
is, RAID is a method of conceptually combining several disks into a single array.

Types of RAID

RAID 0 (Striping)
RAID 0 is a method of combining several disks into a single big volume. Because you're
reading and writing from numerous disks at once, this will dramatically enhance
performance. The speed and capacity of all the disks in the array can then be used by a
single file. The disadvantage of RAID 0 is that it is not redundant. Any single disk failure
will result in total data loss. This sort of RAID is far less reliable than a single drive.

In a server context, there are very few situations where RAID 0 should be used. It can
be used as a cache or for other applications where speed is crucial but data loss is
unimportant. However, it should not be utilized for anything else. With a 2.5 percent
annual drive failure rate, if you have a 6 disk RAID 0 array, your annual risk of data loss
has climbed to roughly 13.5 percent.

RAID 1 (Mirroring)

While RAID 1 can be configured in a much more intricate way, practically every use
case of RAID 1 involves a pair of identical disks mirroring/copying data equally across
the array's drives. The primary goal of RAID 1 is redundancy. Even if one of your drives
fails completely, the additional drive can keep you up and running.

If one of the drives fails, the broken drive can be replaced with little to no downtime.
Because data may be read from any of the devices in the array, RAID 1 has the added
benefit of faster read performance. The disadvantage is that you will experience a minor
increase in write latency. Because the data must be written to both drives in the array,
you'll only have one drive's capacity accessible while requiring two.

RAID 5/6 (Striping + Distributed Parity)

RAID 5 necessitates the usage of at least three hard disks (RAID 6 requires at least 4
drives). It is based on RAID 0, except instead of striping data across multiple drives, it
strips data across multiple drives to improve performance. However, by distributing
parity information among the disks, it also adds redundancy. There are numerous
technical materials available on the Internet that may go into greater detail on how this
works. In short, you can lose one drive with RAID 5, and two disks with RAID 6, and still
keep your processes and data running.

The read performance of RAID 5 and 6 is greatly enhanced. However, the RAID
controller utilized has a big impact on write performance. You'll almost probably require
a specialized hardware controller for RAID 5 or 6. This is due to the fact that parity data
must be calculated and written across all disks. RAID 5 and RAID 6 are common
choices for typical web servers, file servers, and other general-purpose systems where
the majority of transactions are reads, and thus provide good value for money. This is
because adding speed and redundancy to RAID 5 (or RAID 6) requires only one
additional drive (or two additional drives for RAID 6).

In a high-write environment, such as a database server, RAID 5 or RAID 6 is not the

greatest option because it would degrade overall performance.

It's worth noting that if you lose a disk in a RAID 5 or RAID 6 setup, you'll be seriously
compromising performance to keep your environment running. Data will need to be
reconstructed from parity information after the faulty disk is replaced. This will use a
considerable portion of the array's overall performance. As drives get bigger and bigger,
these rebuild periods get longer and longer each year.

RAID 10 (Mirroring + Striping)

It's worth noting that if you lose a disk in a RAID 5 or RAID 6 configuration, you'll have
to sacrifice performance to keep your environment running. Data will need to be
reconstructed from the parity information after the faulty drive is replaced. This will use a
substantial portion of the array's overall performance. As drives become larger and
larger, these rebuild times continue to increase year after year.

3) What is DATA? information? Metadata?


Data is information that has been converted into a format that allows it to be moved or
processed quickly. Data is information translated into binary digital form, as it relates to
today's computers and transmission devices. It is allowed to use data as either a solitary
or plural subject. The term "raw data" refers to data in its most basic digital version.


Information is data that has been arranged or classed and has some meaning for the
recipient. The processed data on which choices and actions are based is known as


Metadata is organized reference data that helps to classify and identify attributes of the
material it represents. It's also known as data that describes other data. Metadata
describes basic data information, making it easier to identify, utilize, and reuse specific
data instances.

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