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ESFP: The Performer 

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ESFP: The Performer 

The Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) that best describes me is the combination of

Extraverted, Sensing, Feeling, and Perceiving (ESFP). This best describes me because ESFP

personality types tend to be resourceful, outgoing, and spontaneous at times (Cherry, 2020).

Besides, I love attracting more attention at any time. I strongly believe this because I possess

several personality indicators of the ESFP category.

Ideally, most ESFPs are practical and resourceful by nature (Cherry, 2020). They like to

learn by doing rather than reading or listening to lectures. Because of this, individuals with the

ESFP personality type may have difficulties in regular classrooms. However, they do better

when given the opportunity to connect with people or gain knowledge via first-hand experience

(Cherry, 2019). ESFPs tend to focus on the here and now, which might cause them to overlook

the long-term effects of their activities. They tend to jump right into a new scenario and sort

things out as they go along. They also despise routine, prefer new experiences, and are always

looking for a new challenge.

Additionally, they are incredibly empathetic and attentive when it comes to the feelings

and needs of others. These people have an intuitive understanding of the emotions of others

around them, and they can respond appropriately (Cherry, 2019). They are well-liked for their

friendly demeanor, compassionate nature, and laid-back demeanor. Even while ESFPs like a

good time and do not shy away from the limelight, they prefer to live in the moment and do what

makes them happy (Cherry, 2019). All these aspects describe my personality from a personal

assessment and close friends and family perspectives.

Moreover, I am always optimistic and gregarious, with a greater sense of enjoyment and

socialization across the social sphere. I am also focused on present factors and those that are

more practical in nature. However, I dislike abstract theories most of the time because I believe

more in practical. Besides, I am always impulsive and minimal planning for any tasks ahead of

my schedule (Cherry, 2019). These aspects create a sense of ease of boredom whenever I am

lonely or with a stringent thought. In addition, the most dominant aspect of this combination is

the extraverted sensing, and the auxiliary aspect is the introverted feeling because the

introversion feeling is usually relative. This is because ESFPs prefer to focus on the here and

now instead. Furthermore, they are more interested in learning about tangible facts than

theoretical concepts (Cherry, 2019). When it comes to planning and arranging, people with the

ESFJ personality type do not spend much time on it. As a result, they want to maintain a flexible


When faced with a challenge, they rely on instinct and self-belief to find a solution. Even

though they are logical and pragmatic, they have an aversion to structure. As a result, they are

more likely to act on the spur of the moment without much thought or preparation. People who

are ESFPs tend to place more importance on their emotions and intuition while making

judgments (Cherry, 2019). This personality type has a set of core ideals that guides their actions.

They have a strong sense of self-awareness and empathy for others. They have an incredible

ability to put themselves in someone else's shoes.


I am confident in this choice because of the immense strengths I possess in my daily

interactions. Moreover, ESFPs are social creatures that thrive in social situations and are known

for their strong social abilities. They have an excellent sense of empathy and can effectively deal

with the emotions of others (Cherry, 2019). As a result, ESFPs may be effective leaders with the

ability to mobilize, motivate, and persuade others. Many people find ESFPs to be warm, friendly,

and considerate, which lends to their popularity. ESFPs relish meeting new people and learning

about the world around them (Cherry, 2019). As a result, they tend to be the first to attempt new

things, whether a ride at a theme park or an activity in an outdoor setting.



Cherry, K. (2019). Are You Social and Spontaneous? You Might Be an ESFP. [online] Verywell

Mind. Available at:


Cherry, K. (2020). An Overview of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. [online] Verywell Mind.

Available at:

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