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QD/GMP/135 Rev 01

1. Hands are to be thoroughly washed in a designated hand sink with soap and water, paying particular
attention to the areas underneath the fingernails and between the fingers by scrubbing thoroughly.
Dry with single use towels. Hand washing is to be done at the following times:
 after using the toilet, in the toilet room
 after coughing, sneezing, using a tissue, using tobacco, eating, or drinking
 after handling soiled equipment or utensils
 immediately before engaging in production and packaging activities
 during packaging as necessary to remove soil and prevent cross contamination
 other times as needed to maintain good sanitation
 hands should be washed before starting work and before returning to work from breaks,
meal periods
 The sink in the production area is to be used in addition to the restroom.
2. No sleeveless shirts, shorts, cutoffs, tank tops, or open-toed shoes should be worn in the production
area. When appropriate or required overall should be worn in both production and packaging areas.
3. Eating and drinking is prohibited in areas where contamination of exposed product, clean
equipment, utensils, and single use articles could occur.
4. Effective hair restrains e.g. hair net and head gear must be worn in processing, packaging areas,
5. No employee working at the processing or packaging area should store pencils, pens, tools,
cigarette, gum etc. in his or her breast pockets.
6. Clean overall clothing must be worn always in the production areas and packaging area.
7. All personal belongings, food for consumption and beverages should be stored away from production
and packaging areas.
8. Curlers, combs, bobby pins and batteries are prohibited.
9. Loose hanging clothing should be confined to minimize the chance of being caught in the machine.
10. All WORKPLACE is a NON-SMOKING facility. Smoking is not allowed anywhere in the building, if you
chose to smoke, you must leave the premises and go off the facility.
11. Gum chewing is prohibited at the packaging area, plant and on facility.
12. Please make yourself aware of your surroundings and know where your closest FIRE EXIT is located.
All new staff must be introduced to all the EXITS.
13. If you are off work due to illness or communicable disease, you must report to Human Resource prior
to being rescheduled for work.
14. Cell phone is not permitted in the SEP and Packaging area.
15. Only gloves issued by WORKPLACE should be worn.
16. Gloves must be changed anytime they become soiled, especially in product contact areas.
17. Clean safety shoes must be worn in the Plant, Laboratory, Packaging area, Warehouse, etc. at all
times to protect the feet and preventing, tripping & falling.
18. No fingernails polish, false nail, heavy makeup is to be worn in the plant and packaging area at any
time. Fingernails should be cleaned and neatly trimmed so that they may not be seen above the
finger tips
19. Employees shall report to the Person in Charge when they have a symptom caused by illness,
infection, or other source that is:
 associated with diarrhea, vomiting or other acute gastrointestinal illness
 jaundice
 A boil, infected wound or other lesion containing pus that is open or draining unless: if on
the hands or wrists, unless a finger cot or other impermeable cover protects the lesion and

The Person in Charge shall impose the proper restrictions and exclusions accordingly.

Revision Active Last Reviewed:

0 02/02/2022
: Date: 03/02/2022
QD/GMP/135 Rev 01
a single use of glove is worn if on exposed portions of the arms, the lesion is protected by
an impermeable cover.
20. Obey all warning signs in the factory.

The Person in Charge shall impose the proper restrictions and exclusions accordingly.

Revision Active Last Reviewed:

0 02/02/2022
: Date: 03/02/2022

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