2 Lesson

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2 сабақ
- Predict the answer: What? When? Where?
- Underline the important word to be focused
- Imagine on the multiple task
- Follow the order
- Ignore the word that you don't know
Speaking 1: Tips
- To say everyday words:
Oh...well...I dont know...talking about that...I could say that...I
mean...something of that kind...sort of...so
- To repeat the question of interviewer
- To speak faster
- If you haven't understood something say: Pardon?
- Using different grammar forms
1 абзац: перефраз,
элементтерд атап шығу
2 абзац: жалпы тенденция,
максимум мен минимум
3 абзац: қызықты деталь
1 абзац
2 абзац
- Use percents, quarters:
two thirds, three quarters, twice, 3 times
- After using it, it is time to exact numbers.

For example:
... rose by nearly half or by 3500 to be exact
What are you studying?
What do you find most interesting about your faculty?
What is your favorite subject?
What are you studying?
Well, what I am studying? That is the subject that I am really passionate about. I
am studying Business, cause in the future I want to you know launch my own
company. I think that is kinda what I want to do in life.

What do you find most interesting about your

Literally, everything. I really love my university, that was my dream university
when I have applied. Also, I love my professors, they are the masters of their
subject. And..oh I almost forgot about my groupmates. These are the people who I
got motivation from. They are really hard working and interesting people.

What is your favorite subject?

My favourite subject always has been math. I dont know why many people hate it.
I mean that is really interesting, I love calculating, solving problems and discussing
it with my teacher. If you get the topic that is really adventurous subject.
In the two pie charts we can see some changes in various types of France's energy production
in 1995 and 2005. The production is divided into 5 sections. Namely they are gas, coal, petro,
nuclear and others.

As an overall trend it can be clearly seen that the percentage of coal was significantly higher
than all the other types of production. The figure for them was 29.80 percent in 1995 and
30.93 percent after 10 years. Wheras others share stayed the smallest over the whole period
of the study but rising steadily starting at just nearly one in twenty of the pie chart and
doubling to 9.10 percent by 2005.

It is interesting to note that petro and nuclear has changed a lot which were 29.27 percent
and 6.40 percent, respectively. But in ten years time the latter rose a bit to 10.10 percent
whereas the former has dramatically decreased to 19.55 percent in 2005. At the same time,
the gas did not go under a change, staying almost the same at around less than a third.

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