Limits, Continuity and Differentiability-Jee Mains

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Limit, Con nuity and Differentiability 177

1 cOR 2 x-1)
16. x-1
(a) exista and it equnla /2
(1998, 2M)
(b) oxiata nnd it equals - V2 23. let L = a-Va-
, a>0. If L is finite, then
(c) does not oxist becauso x - 1-0
a) a-2
oxiat because lelt
doos not
(d) hand limit is b)
right hand limit equal to (2009)

Limit, Continuity 17. Tho valuo of lim

1-cos' )
18 d L-.

(a) 1 (b)-1
Fill in the Blanks
a n d Differentiability (c) 0 (d) None of these
(sin x) #0 24. im og(d +2h) -2 log (1
(1997C, 2M)
18. If f) 0 25.
f(x) ={sinx, x* nz, n =0, z 1, 2,
where, (x] denotes
the greatest
integer less than or , other wse
equal to x, then lim f ) equals
cot x-COequals (2017 Main) (1985, 2M)
8. (7-2.0) a) b) 0 r1,x0. 2
Topic1and Form I72 (-
(c)-1 (d) None of these and g (r) =4, I=0then lim
5. I=2
g flz)) is..
(24 6 19. lim (1996, 2M)
is equal to (1984, 2M) 26. ABC'is isnsceles triangle inscribed in a circle
Objective Questions I Only one correct opton
r. If AB AC and h is the of radius
altitude from A to BC, then the

1. lim
- 2 sin
(a)0 - AABC has perimeter P =242hr - hi- 2hr) and area
2sinz - 1 - Sin'I - 1 - 1
sin(TcOSis equa to (2014 Main)
(2019 Main, 12 April II (d) None of these (1989, 2M)
(c)3 (d) 1 (b) 1 (c) (d) t
(a) 6 (a) 20. If fa) =2,f" (a) =1, gla) =
-1, g' la)=2
2. lim - 5 then a - b is equal to
(2019 Main, 10 April 11)
(1- cos 2)8+ COS is equal to (2013 Maln then the value of lim g fa)-g(a) f() is (1983, 1M) 27. lim |
10. hm- -
x tan 4x a X-a
(a) 4 C -
(6) 3 (c) 2 (1987, 2M)
(a)4 (a)-5
3. 1If lim 28. Let f)=+-16z-20)/(r -2 .ifr :
(2019 Main, 10 April I) (d) None of these
11. 1f lim -ax- b| =4, then
a) C) d)
zx+1 (2012 21. IfG () = - 25- , then lim = h a sthe value f f)is continuous for all z, then k= ....
(1981, 2M)
1 -1
(a) a =1b= 4 (b) a = 1, b=-4 (1983, 1M) 29. lim1-z)tan ..
4 lim- S equzls (2019 Main, E April ) (1978, 2M)
2 - 1 cos (c) a =2, b= -3 (d) a = 2, b=3
a) 42 2 12. limh +2+h)-fe) given that f'(2) =6 and (c)-24 (d) None of these True/False
c) 22 h-0f h -h+ 1) - f (1) 30. If im [flt)g(r)) exists. then both lim fr) and
f'0)=4, (2003,2
5. lim
cot - tan

(2019 Main, 12 Jan 1) (a) does not exist

Objeetive Question II im g() exrist. (1981, 2M)
(6) is equal to -3/2
cos I 4 (C) is equal to 3/2
(One or more than one correct option) a

(d) is equal to 3
(a) 42 b) 4 c) &
22. For any positive integer n, define f : 0 . ) - R as Analytical & Descriptive Questions
d) 62 13. If lim n )nx- tan x} sin nx =0, where n is non-
1 (1983, 3M)
6. lim COLiI) is equal for all xe0,*)
(2019 Main, 11 Jan I) fC)=

(a) 0
sinx cot*(2x)

real number, then a is equal to
tan|+(+ H(r* j-1))
r e , the inverse trigonometric function tan"
31. Use the formula im =log, a, to fînd
(C) 4 (d) 2 (a) 0
(c) n (d)n (1982, 2M)

7. lim yl+y'
8Sumes values in )Then, which of the
(2019 Main, 9 Jan l) 14. The integer n for which limCOSt-1) (cosx-e js h ) sin (a t h)
a sin a
y-0 (2018 Adv. 32. Evaluate
lim (1980 M)
tollowing statement(s) is (are) TRUE?
(a) exists and equals finite non-zero 2002,.

number, is
( tan G,(0) =66 x-sin
(b) does not exist (1979, 3M)
(b) 2 33. Evaluate cos
(c) exists and equals
(c)3 )21+/ (0) 8oc G,(0) = 10
(d) 4
2N2 15. lim 2lan Zx 2x tan -
( 1 9 9 9 ,2 M
(1978, 3M)
(d) exists and equals I- ((- cos 2
x .
18 9Por any fixed positive integer n, lim tanU,u 34. Eraluatelimlas-
22/2+1 (a) 2 lim sec-0,(t)

üny fixed positive integer
( (b) 2
and Difrere
n Dbe two p U N I Brentor
Continuity 36.
Lot m

then the Limit, Continuityand

178 Limit, a-el valuo o Topic 3 Squeeze, New Differentiability 179

Integer Type Questions 'sin ) 1 .


(2010 Convert
erting ton-Leibnitz'
infinite s
Series intoTheorem and Limit Based on
35. Let a,ßeR be
such that 0 at-sin ( 2 0 1A
6 dv)
objective Questions I (Only e correct option) Definite Integrals
. Ifa andp are tho
roots of the equatior
6 (a + p) cquals Objective Questions II
LHL x , then log p is cqual
th 76x-25x-2 =0, then lim
One more than one
correct option)
(1+ lim 2P is ecqual
Form, RHL and 8. Let p = hm -1
Topic 2 1 ()
(2019 Maln, 12
Objective Questions
I (0nly one
ornet ophon
function satistying
(8) 2
(b) 1 2 () (346
(6) 29
Aprl 1)
4. Letf(o)= lim
the roots ot the 368
f:R-R be

(a) and p(a) be nn


9. Let a
(1+a equa d)
f8 - / 6 i s equal
1 1+a-1)r-W1 +a-1) x+ 12 16
hm B(a) are for all
-1. Then, hm (a)ana
=a Then limf--f2) April I) x 0. Then

r3) r (2019 Main,

8 a0
cBec f(t) dt (2016 Adv.)
to d (6) and -1 2 lim 2 n qualg

(c) and1
(a) 2 9 16 (c)f (2)50
2. lim -2sin "r equal to Jan I) and 2 (d) and 3 (2007, 3M) f(3) (2)
Main, 12
(2019 2 Numerical Value
(d) bN =2bsin'0, b>0 5. For each
positive integer n, let
Iflim0 1+xlog(1
(c) 2 +
a) to
than or equal , (n +1) (n +2).. (n + n))".
integer less then the value of 0is
, Let lr] denote the greatest and e(-T, T, (201|

Then. For xeR, let [F} be the greatest

lim Lan(7sin* x ) - ( - s i n ( r ) () () integer less than or
equal to zIf lim y, = L, then the value of [L] is
Jan ) (d) 4f (2)
(2019 Main, 11 (2018 Adv.)
(a) cquals z
(6) equals +

(d) does
not exmst
11. Forx>0,lim (sin (2006,30 3. lim equals (1999, 2M) Fill in the Blank
() equals 0

integer less than

4. For each t eR let [t] be the greatest (a) 0 b) -1 () 1 d)2 (a) 1+ V5 6)5-1 6. ..
that f (1)=3 and f'(1)=6 he )-1+ 2 (d)1+ 2 I Sin x
12. Letf:R> Rbe such
equal to t. Then. (1997C, 2M)

1-Ial-sin|1 -zl)sin 1-
1-[l- (2019 Main, 10 Jan ) d*2equals (2002,2

(a) equals 0

(C) equals-1
(6) does not erist
(d) equals 11 (a) 1 (b) e2 (c) e d) e
Topic 4 Continuity at a Point
Objective Questions I (Only one coret option) 3. Let J denotes the greatest integer function and
5. For each r e R,let [F]be the greatest integer less than or equal to f ()= [tanz} then (1993, 1M)
13. ForreR, lim
equal to x Then, (2000,2 does not exist
1. If the function f defined on (a) limf(r)
1lim + Ix)sin is equal o (a) e b) e (c) e5 (d)e continuous at r 0
(6) f()is

(2019 Main, 9 Jan 11)

Fill in the Blanks 2 co81 ()f)is not ditYerentiable at r = 0
(a)0 b)sin 1 fo)=cotr-1:**4
*iscontinuous, (d)f (0) =1
(c) sin 1 (d)1 denotes the
6. For each t ¬R, let []be the greatest integer less than or 14. lim , 4. The function ftr)= (e) cos |
(1996, April ) is discontinuous at
equal to . Then, then k is equal to (2019 Main, 9
greatest integer function,
(1993, 1M)
(a) allx
15. lim X+6 b) 2
r0" (1991,
(a) 2
b) all integer points
(2018 Main) (c) nor
(a) is equal to 0
(c) is equal to 120
(b) is equal to 15
(d) does not exist (in R)
Analytical& Descriptive Question
(c) 1 ( (d) r which is not an integer

/*+ 1), then (1985, 2M)

If f )= (r
the greatest 5. r

function f (x) - ] (where, (t} is but not differentiable

at x =0
7. Let f)=*(1+|l-x1) The =
(a)f (r) is
16. Find
lim tan

equal to x), is diferentiable atr

= 0

nteger less than or (1999, 2M) (b)f () is at r =0

for x1 Then is not differentiable
(a) all integers (c)f (x)
(a) im f)=0
Integer Answer Type Question 0 and
(6) all integers except 0
1 (d) None of the
(b) lim-f) does not exist 17. The largest value of the non-negative integer (c) all integers except
(c) lim- f ) =0 - (2014
(d) all integers except l
(d) hm+ f(7) does not exist whichlimax+sin(r-1)+aV=is
z *+sin(x-1)-1) 4
that the
of a and

180 Limit, Continuity

and values
Limit, Continuity and

v2sin a 0sxsTl4
Continuityin a Differentiability 181
Topic 5

r/4 Sxsn/2
f (t)=2r
T/2<xsn Domain
Objective Question I
(t)= a,
function f
a cos2x-bsin
one corect option)
which shou
The value
not defined
at r=0. continuous atr=U for 0 S xS.
1. Let f:R- Rbe a continuously 6. Let
s tofatr=0, so that it is
(1983, 1M)

of degree
differentiabl f:R>Rbe a function defined as
assigned (b) a+ b
be a polynomial one and f function such that f) =6and f" (2) = 5, if xs1
(a) a - b
() None
of these 14. Let g() xs0 (
(c) log a + log b
4 dt =(t-2)g), then g 48 fx)=* 0x, if 1<r<3
6 lim (r is equal to b+6x, if 3Sx<5
Objective Questions II deinedby f 6)=|0+|
(2019 Main, 12 April 1) 30, if x25
(a) 18 b) 24
(One or more than one correct option) (c) 12 (a) 36 Then, fis
less than or equalsto continuous function f (*) 8at (2019 Main, 9 Jan 1)
, L e t e] be the greatest integer Find the (a)continuous if a = - 5and b= 10
point(s) the function sin (p+1)x+ sin x
Then, at which
of the following
[x])) is
discontinuous? (2017 Adv.

a, b, C, for which the f (1987,"0 (6) continuous if a =5 and b 6 =

T = rcos (T(r +
(a)x= -1 (b) *=1 15. Determine
the values
function 2. If flx) = I=0
(0) continuous if a 0and b 5
= =

(d) not continuous for any values of a

(d)r=2 sin (a +1) + Sin, for x <0 and b
(c) x= 0 x>0
function f. 8: 0,1]>
* 7. Iff ()=x-1, then
pair of continuous
on the interval
8. For every for =0 (0, T(1989, 2M)
such that max {ft):xe 0,1]} 0= max {g(a):xe
(+ bx) 2 - 2 is continuous at x=0, then the ordered (a) tan f )] and 1/f () are both
(2014 Adv.)
The correct statement(s) is (are) for x> 0 equal to pair (p, g) is (6) tan [f (x)] and
(a) fo)*+ 3f(0) = [g(c)¥+3g(c) for some c e[0, b32 (2019 Main, 10 April 1) 1/f () are both discontinuous
(a) 1) ()tan f ()) andf" () are both continuous
(6) f)F+ fc) =[g(c)F +3g(¢) for sonme cel0 0. (a 2
at x

(1982,4 (d) tan f ()] is continuous but 1/f (r) is not


Is continuous
C Ue+3/)=[slc)*+g(c)
for some ce
[0. (5 1
()FF=ls()Ffor some c e[0,
Match the Columns Objective Questions II
S. For every integer n, let a, and 6, be real numbers. One or more than one correct option)
3. If the function f)=!C]7-4+1, xs5
function f:R> Rbe given by 16. LetfR-Rs: R6:-1"-9-R blx-T+3, x>5 continuous at 8. The
following functions are continuous on 0, T
Jan+Sin r , for r e |2n, 2n 1) fR Rbefunctions defined by
x=5, then the value of a-bis (2019 Main, 9 April I1) (a) tan x
T)b+ cos tz, for xe @n - 1,2n)
)f)= sin(y1-e), ( a ) - 2

(b) (1991, 2M)

for all integers n. (lsin X
T+5 1, 0Sxs37/4 X Sin x, 0<xSt/2
if x *0 X<n sin (7+ x), *<x<n
Iffis continuous, then which of the following hold(s) for
(c f,-tanx where the inverse (a)
all n? (2012) 1 fx=0
9. Let (x denotes the greatest
4. 1f fC)= xeR where [z] denotes the greatest integer less than or equal to
(a) a 0 (b) a,-b,=1 trigonometric function tan "x assumes values in . If f() = (r sin x), then f() is (1986, 22M)
(e)- =l (d)a-1 -1 (a) continuous at r =0 (b) continuous in (EL0)
integer function, then (2019 Main, 9 April 1)
) differentiable at x = 1 (d) differentiable in (-1)
Fill in the Blank (a) lim f() exists but lim f() does not exist
(i) 6 ()=|sin(log,(t + 2))) where for t eR, [tl denotes td
Adiscontinuous function y f() satisfying =
+=4is greatest integer less than or equal to t, (6) f is continuous atr=4 Fill in the Blank
given by f)=.... )Both lim f(x) and lim f() exist but are not equal
(1982, 2M) vf60'sin;| ifx*o 10. Let T
(a) lim f() exists but lim f(«) does not exist f()= [2] sin41 where denotes the
Analytical &Descriptive Questions if x= 0 I4+

greatest integer function. The domain of f i s . . and

List-I List-l1 5. Letf:H,3]> Rbe defined as the points of discontinuity of fin the domain are.
1+1sin x1 sin ,<x<0 (1996, 2M)
11. Let f)=
6 P.The function f is 1. NOT continuous at I x + , 1sx<1
b, *=0
a n 2x/ tan 3x
continuous at r=0 and f)={z+lal, 1sx<2 Analytical& Descriptive Question
The function f,is 2. NOT differentiable X+ e), 2 sxs3, (2019 Main, 8 April 1)
Determine a and b such that f() is
continuous at x =0.
x=0 0Sx<1
differentiable at r= where, [t denotes the greatest integer less than or 11. Let f()= 3
(1994, 4M) R.Thefunction 8 equal to t. Then, f is discontinuous at 2:-3x+. 1sxs2
is and its derivative B (a) four (6) only two points
or more
- Cos 4x
NOT continuous at points
12. Let f =
2 aK0
differentiable at ra only three points (a) only one point Discuss the continuity of f, f'and f"on 0,21
(1983, 2M)
a, r=0 S. The
function f
4. and its derivative
continuous at r=0
Vi6+ -4 The correct
Determine the value ofa if possible, so that option is
is continuous at x = 0. the function (a)P2;Q+3;
(b)P->4;Q1; R>1; S4
(1990, 4M) R+2; S+3
c)P-4:Q2;R-> 1;S+3
(a)P2,Q1; R»4; S+3
and Differentiabi mit, Continuity
182 Limit,
Function 41, For x eK, |(7) =|log 2 - sin a
(a)gis not ditlerentiable at x = 0 =f(), then fferentiability 183

for where, a and b are non-negative
gative real numbe (b) &'(0)=
cOs (log 2)
(2016 Main) f:R> R be any function. Define
compositie function g (t) =1f x)|,¥ g:R>R
Topic 6
the . If
f ,(gof)

Objective Question II
continuous for
all real x determine
values and of a
b, is
of a
COs (log 2)

ditferentiable atr =
0and g'(0.
(a) onto if f is onto Then, g
(b) one-one if f is
(2000, 2
Further, for these gof ifferenda and sin

(log 2
than one correct
option) r=0?Justity your
12, Iffand gare differentiable functions in (0, 1) (c) continuous if
(d) differentiable if continuous
10)=6, then satisfying
One or more (2002, 3M z0)==0 and
f21, (2009)
be a continuous and g
() be a f0) =2=g0), for some f is differentiable
f(r) =rc0s, 3. Let f ) ,1[
1. For the
function. Prove that f ()+ 8 () is a discontinun (a) 2f"() 8'()
(2014 Main)
22. The function
f («)= (*-1)|¥ -3x
+21+ cos (1 x|)
discontinus b) 2f(e) 3g'c)
one r in the
not differentiable at is
for atleast
(a) function. ()f)= g ' (a) fMc)= 28'l) (a)-1 (1999, 2M)
1. ) , f r + 2 ) - f ( ) < 2
1 + , 0srs2 (1987, 2 (b) 0 )1 (d) 2
(b) hm / ) =] 4. Let f )=13-x, 2<xs3 13. Let f)=0 **0,xeR,then fis 23. The set of all
(2012) points, where the function f(t) =

the interval [l, *=0

(c) for allxin the interval 1,
differentiable, is
(d) ftr) is strictly
decreasing in Determine the form of g ()=f U () and henca f (a) differentiable both at x = 0 and at x = 2 (1987, 2M)
points of discontinuity g, any
of if
h differentiable at *= 0but not
(a)(-, b) [0,o)
Analytical & Descriptive Questions 5. Let f+ ) = f)+ f) for all x andy. If the funes (1983,2 )not differentiaB at x = 0 but
differentiable at x
tifferentiable at
2 (C)(-o,
24. There exists
0) u(0, o) d) (0, o)
I+a, ifr<0 and x 2
is continuous at x=0, then show that f ( is an (d) differentiable neither at x = Onor at x = 2
function f()
satisfying f 0)=1,
2. Let fx-11. ifr20 f0)--1,f ()>0,Vx and
r+1, ifr<0
at all x.
(1981, 14. Let gx)
- ; 0 <*<2, m and n are
(a) f* (x) < 0,Yr
b)-1«f*() <0, Vx
(1982, 2M)

gur-1 b. ifr20 (c-2sf) s-1,Vx (d) f' (-2, Vx

integers, m*0, n>0 and let
p be the left hand 25. For
derivative of |*-ll atr=l.f lhm g)= p, then real number y, let [ y] denotes
nteger less than or equal to y. Then, the greatest
at a Point function
Topic 7 Differentiability -2 Sx<0:
(a) n =1,
(c) n = 2, m
(b) n = 1, m=-1
(2008, 3M) f)-an( -
1+ (1981,,2M)
correct option) 0. Letf C r ) ,
>2, m=n
Objective QuestionsI (Only one 6. Let f)=2-1, 0sxs2
2 and
15. If fis a differentiable function satisfying (a) discontinuous at some r
1. Let f:R>R be differentiable at ceR and flc)=0. If (6) continuous at all z, but the derivative f '() does
gr) =|f(r)L then at r =, gis (2019 Main, 10 April 1) g)=If)|+f(lz|). Then, in the interval (-2,2) gi's 0,Vn è1,nel,then (2005, 2M) exist for some x

(2019 Main, 11 lat| (a)f) = 0, xe (0, ]

c)f(x) exists for all x, but the derivativef "() does not
(a) not diferentiable
(a) not differentiable at one point (b)f "(0) = 0 = f(0 )
exist for some :
b) differentiable if f"Cc) =0 (d) ftr) exists for allr
b) not differentiable at two points
(c) not differentiable if fl) =0 (c) f(0) = 0 but f "(0) not necessarily:
(c) differentiable at all points
d) differentiable iff'(c) = 0 (d) If)Is1, x e (0, 1 Objective Questions II
2. If f: R-» Ris a differentiable function and (d)not continuous 16. Let fc)
7. Let f:(-1, 1) =||x|-1|, then points where, f) is not (One or more than one corect option)
R be a function defined b differentiable is/are (2005, 2M)
m 2 1 dt 26. For every twice differentiable function f:R> -2,2]
/2)=6,then ft)-max(xl-y1-*}.IfKbe the set ofallpointsa
X 2 (r-2)is (2019 Main, 9 April I1)
(a) 0, +1 1 with (f0))+(f O)* =85, which of the following
which f is not differentiable, then K has exactly (c) 0 (d) 1 statement(s) is (are) TRUE?
(a) 12f (2) (2019 Main, 10 Jan (2018 Adv.)
0 17. The
)24f (2) (d) 2f'(2) (a) three elements b) five elements
domain of the derivative of the functions (a) There existr, s e R, where r < s, such that fis one-one on
3. Let fl) (c) two elements tanx, if|x|si1 the open interval (r, s)
=l5--10|;xeR Then, the set of all values of (d) one element f () ={1 (2002, 2M) (b) There exists e (-4, 0) such thatf G%)Isi
x, at which the function, glx)= f(f(«)) is not 8. Let f)=maxxl, ), xl2
(xl-1), iflz|>1 (c) lim f(r) =1|
differentiable, is (2019 Main, 9 April 1)
(a) f5,10,15, 20 (b) 15,10, 15 8-21xl, 2<lzls4 (a)R-{0 b) R- (d) There exists a e (-4, 4) such that f(a)+ f"la) =0 and

(c){10 (d) (10,15) Let S be the set of points in the interval (-4, 4) at wu c) R-3 (a)R--1 f(a) 0
is not (2019 Maln, 10Jan 18. Which of the following functions is differentiable 27. Let f:(0, T)> R be a twice differentiable function such
4. Let S be the set of all
points in differentiable. Then, S
function, f(x) min {sin z, cos is(-n,7) that limf) sin t-f)sin x_ sin' xfor all re(0, )
at which the at (2001, 2M)
(a)equals -2,-1, 0,1,2} (b) equals-2,2 x =0?
Then, S is a subset of which of the not
differentiable. () is an empty set (d) equals -2-1,12 (a) cos (1 l) + I«l b) cos (Ix l) -1xl t-x
following? .Let fbe c) sin (| zl) + |xl (a)sin (xl)-|xl
differentiable function from R to K
(2019 Main, 12 Jan 1) a
su T h e left hand derivative of f (t)= [x] sin (7 ) atx=R, R then which of the following statement(s)
f)-f0)1s2 |x- y13, for all x, yeR. f f0 , then is (2001, 2M) is (are) TRUE? (2018 Adv.)
integer, is
) dxis equal to (2019 Main, 9Janl (a)-1 (k -1) t b-1- (k -

) r

5. Let Kbe the set of all

real values of
)-1 kn
f(x) =sin x, where the (a) 2 20. Let f: max (x, *'}
Then, the set K is equal toT) COs| z| is not function (c) 1 (d) 0
et:RR be a function defined by f x)

6)f for all xe (0,7)

(a) {0}
(2019 Main, 11 Jan 10. Let S =(t ER e set ofall points, where f (t)is not
Such that f'(a)= 0
=|x-T (e*-1)sin |xl
(2001, 2M) (c) There exists a e(0, 7)
(c) b) (an empty
1) ()
dhfferentiable at t).Then, the set S is 2018
(a)-11) (b)-10}
0, 7} to ) 10,1)
a) (an empty equa (d)-10,1
set) (b)10
(d) {0, Tt

exactly three

184 Limit,
f'lx)-3g'(7) =
(a) (-10) (0, 2)

solutions in Limit, Contitinuity and

Differentiability 185
39. The function f ()=1+ 1sin x|is
b) f")-
3g'(") =
Ohas exactly one solutiosn inFl,0 (1986, 2M))
andh has exactly one solutior (a) continuous no where
R, g : R - >R

R- +3x+2,
(c) f'o)-3g' (x) =

45. For the function

28. Let f: =r (b) continuous everywhere x*0
that f(t)
R. Then,
d) fe)-3g'(r) Ohas exactly two solutions in

(c) differentiable at x=0

f) ={1+ *;

h (s(s(r))
=rfor all re and exactly
solufions in
two (0, 2) (la (d) not differeniable at infinite number of 0 , x=0
the derivative from the
[1,o) be continuous fupets points right, f'0*) =.. and the
()g)16 33. Letf:[a,b]>
function and A0. If x+lyl=2», then y as a function of zis
(a) defined for all real x (1984, 2M)
derivative from the
left, f" (0)=... (1983, 2M)
66 (b) continuous x 0D
b) h(

at = 46. Let f)= -1sin r-1)1-Ixl,ififx*1 be a real

() h(0)= 16
(c) differentiable for allx (d) such
(d) h(g(3)
= 36 be
defined by
g:RR be defined as E) ={|f()dt. that =forx
d <0 -1, ifx=1
Fdt, if

a, b
eR and
+ Il) Then,/ 1s Assertion and Reason valued function. Then, the set of
29. Let
(lr -d)+bld
sin( l (2016 Adv.)
not differentiable, is points, where f() is
f ) = acos For the following
choose the correct (1981, 2M)
0and b=1 Then, answer
Q ifa

20 from the codes (a),1b), ©) and (à) defined as True/False

at r =

continuous but not differentiable follows.


atr 1 =
ifa 1 and
b= 0
(a) g() is
differentiable on R
eat a (a) Statement I is true, statement II is also true;
47. The derivative of
Statement I is the correct explanation of Statement I

(6) landb=0 b) g(r)is an even

fünction is always
at r =Q =land b=1
ifa an odd
() not

(c) gl) is continuous but not ditferentiable at h b) Statement I is true, Statement II is also function.
(1983, 1M)
1 ifa

atr =

and differentiable at either true;

(d) not Rbe funete (d) g) is continuous a Statement Il is not the correct explanation of

30. Let
R and
g but not both Statement i Analytical & Descriptive Questions
Hr- 71 f ) (c)Statement I is true; Statement II is false
and glt)d f)

by ft)= [*-3] (d) Statement I is false; Statement II is true


defined than or equal

integer less
denotes the greatest (2016 Adv.) 41. Let f and g be real valued functions defíined on interval
b 48. flr)={
to y for y e R Then, 34. If f) =-cosx, -rS0, then -1, 1) such that g" ()is
points in2 continuous,
g0) *0, g' 0) =0,
discontinuous exaetly at three
1, 0<xs1 &"0)* 0, and f ) = gl)sin x.
In z, Statement I im lg() cos x-80) cosec z = f"O). and
at four points in
(6)fis discontinuous exactly Statement II f" 0) If f is differentiable at r =0 and |cl<then find the
(a) f(x) is continuous atx 2
= -
s0) (2008, 3M)
(c)gis not diferentiableexactly atfour points Match the Columns value ofa and prove
that 64b =
(4 -) (2004, 4M)
(b) f) is not differentiable at x =0
gis not diferentiable exactly at fve points
in (c) f) is differentiable atx =1 42. In the following, F] denotes the greatest integer less
than or equal to x.
49. If f:-1,1-R and
f'0) =lim_níand f0)=0.
d) f ) is differentiable at x = - :
Find the value of lim (n+ 1) cos -n, given that
31. Let g:R Rbe a differentiable function with Column I Column II
g0)=0. g 0) =0 and f (1)#0. (2015 Adv.) 35. Let f: R - Rbe a function such that
A. zx| P. continuous in (-1, 1)
Let f t ) - & l ) , r:0 f+ )= f)+ f ) Vx, yeR. If ft) is differentiabr
B. q iferentiable in (-1, 1) olimcos (2004, 2M)

r=0, then (20 50. Let a eR Prove that a function f:R>R is

0, x=0
(a) f*) is differentiable only in a finite interval aontaining C. X+ .strictly increasing (-1,1)
D. -11+|x + 1. .not diferentiable atleastat one differentiable at a if and only if there is a function
and h(t)= for all reR Let (foh) (t) denotes f{h(x)} zero
and (hof) denotes h{f). Then, which of the in-1,1) point in (1,1) g:R-> R which is continuous at a and satisfies
b) f)is continuous for all x e R f()-/(a) = g ( ) (*-a), VzeR 2001,5 M)
following isare true? () f)is constant for all x e R (2007, 6M)
(a)fis differentiable at x = 0 (d) f) is diferentiable except at finitely many pous 51. Determine the values of x for which the following
(b) h is differentiable at x =0
43. Match the conditions/expressions in Column(1992,with function fails to be continuous or differentiable
36. If f)=min {1,,}, then (2006,3 statement in Column I 2M)
1- x<l
() foh is differentiable at =0
() hof is differentiable at (a) fCx) is continuous everywhere Column lI f (x) ={(1 -1) (2- x), 1sxs2.Justifyyour answer.
x=0 6)fe) is continuous and differentiable everywhere
3- x>2 (1997, 5M)
32. Let f. g:-1,2]> Rbe continuous functions which ()f)is not differentiable at two points
A. sin (t [7)) P.differentiable everywhere
twice are
differentiable on the d) f)is not differentiable at one point Bsin{T(t- |E|)} no wheredinerenuaE
values of f and g at the points interval (-1,2). Let the
the following table: -1,0 and 2 be as in given
S7. Let hor) =min {x, ) f o r every real number ofx, " . not 1 and-1
diferentiable at 52. Let f() =xe
(a) h is continuous for allr
I=2 (b) h is differentiable for allx Fill in the Blanks Test whether
(c)h (x) = 1, Yr>1 where f(), B() ) f) is continuous atr=0
8lr) (a) h is not
44. Let Ft) =f(t) gt) h() for all realx,
and h(x) are differentiable functions. At same point i) fr) is differentiable at x 0
(1997C, SM)
differentiable at two values ot al real x and x. if
In each of the 8'%)=-18%) 53. Let f[(r+ )/2] {f()+ f()/2 for

F(%) f'(r))=4 f(t%),
întervals (-1,0) and (0,2), the 38.
The function f()= -31, 0 and h ' () )=21 and equals-l and f0) 1,ffnd f2).

(198 (1997C, 2M)

(f-3g) never vanishes. s
f0)exists (1995, 5M)
is/are Then, the correct function
statement(s) 3x,1, 2 4
=kh(t%), then k =..

(2015 Ad.) (a) continuous at x =l at r

discontinuous at x =1 (d) differentiadie atr

and -1
When xa1 Limit, Continuity and

f() =

0 i fthe derivativa.
ifferentiability 187
: R R

when r= 10. For 18. If?+ ¥=1, then

f r=0

54. A
xg(x), then g{x) equals

*, find f"(0)Irom first prinat (a) y-2 y+ 1= 0 (2000, 1M)
f(T ) = f
If f(a) =x tan "
be Frin tan

(1990,44M) (b) yy (y+ 1=0

R Let
that f'(t)=2f
(0), 61. (C)yy(y -1=0 (d) yy"+ 2y+ 1=0
(2017 Main)

Type Questions (1978, (b)- 5in X cos x|

determine /(a1

of the

CTaph t - | 1 - x l , - 1 S r s 3
differentiable functian
1- 9
(9 19. Let f(x)
=|6 1 0
where p is constant.
Draw a

is not 62. Let :R> R be a
41. If g is the inverse ol a function f and f' 1

f)-0./=3and f )
u anv. (1989, 4M) =1.
the prunts 1+ then Then, )atz =
0 is
such g'(x) is equal (1997, 2M)
numbers and f: R> Rbe b) 6 (2015) (a) p
56. Let
Rbe the
set of

R. fal - foYs
Prove If g)=2f"O coseç t - cotf cosec t f ) de (a)1+* (d) 1+ g
(c) p+ p
(b) p+ p
(d) independent of p
and n (1988,2M)
thst for all
C1+g( 20. If f P (x) is
polynomial of degree 3, then
that f(t s a unstant

forxe 0.
(1987, 2M) (2017 A If y= sec (tan ), thenatr=1 is eaual
S7. Let fa be a
value. 12.
firi,tz Ef"0 e1sts,
find its
63. Let f:R> R and g:R> R be respectively given (2013) dr (1988, 2M)
the interral F2.2] such that fxl+1and g() =r*+1. Define h:R^ Rhu () (c) 1 d) (a) P"()P"(x) (b) P" (x). P" (x)
be deined tn
S8. Let fu -1.-2sas0
(c) P (x) P" ()
(d) a constant
max(f(). g(), if xs0. glt) log f(), where f() is
et =
a twice differentiable
-1. 0<aS2 n min{f(). g(), ifx>0. function on Fill in the Blanks
positive 0,
o) such that f(x+1)

5M) The number of points at which h(T) is not differentia Then; for N =1,2,3,...,F"|N+ to 21. fize .
y+ sin'z,then at r
Tes tbe iferentiability of g(z) in (-2.2) =0,=. (1996, 2M)
is (2014 22. Let fc)
S9. Let f ai=? - r -I - 1
64. Let pl) be a polynomial of degree 4 having extremun
xlzl The set of points, where f() is twice
eemAX0):0stisx,0SISl (2008, 3M) differentiable, is .. (1992,2 M)
and =3-1:2
of the
1.2and lim1.2.Then,the valuedpe 23. If flz) =lz-2 and
glz)= f[f)]., then g' )=... for
Dhus the contunuty and difierentuabihty (1990, 2M)
unctaon f (nthe interval (0.2). 5, 5M) (2010
-419* 1
24. The derivative
of sec with respect to
26 (2N +1)
Topic&Diferentiation ) 4125 2N+1 -r'atz=is (1986,1 M)
25. If f)= log, (log z). thea
Objective Questions I Oniy one correct option) (a) (b) c)- (d) 2x- f" (a) at r=eis .. u985, 2M)
26. If f,r).g,(r), h, r), r=1,2.3 are polynomials in x such
1. f
C c FC,- `C, Q0C2p =AQ) 14,
that f.(a) = g,(c) = h,(a), r = 1,2,3
. ther the oróered pair (A. B) is equal 6. For x> 1, if (2x =
4 , then (1 + log,2x) dr (2007, 3M)
(2019 Main, 12 April I)
420. equal to (2019 Main, 12 Jant
(a) 19 b)420. 16) (c) (360, 18) (d) (380, 19) and F= 8 8,) 8)
2. The dervative df tan S COS Z with (a) log, 2r+ log,2 b) 108, 2x-log,2
respect to
(c)x log, 2x (d) log, 2 then F') at r =a 3. (1985, 2M)
where 0 .
7. If
(2019 Main, 12 April Il) slog,log,) -*+ =4(y>0) thenat 19. f f" ) =- f(), where ft) is a continuous double and f')= sin z, then dx (1982, 2M)
b)- (d) 2 equal to (2019 Main, 11 Jan differentiable.function and g() = f ' .
3. lfe the ordered (a) (6) ()
(d) + 2 )
Analytical& Deseriptive Questions
P)- andF')5

dr' dat=00is equal 24+e 4+ 24+
28. If y= bx_
8. Let such tho then F(10) is (2006, 3M)
-a) (r-b) (r- ) (x- b) (x-c) (r-)
(2019 Main, 12
April )
f:R-> R be a function
(a) 0 (d) 2
)= +*r(1)+ zf" 2)+ f"(3), xeR
(2019 Main, 10Ja
(b) 5 (c) 10
Prove t h a t = | . (1998, 8M)

4. If
Then, f(2) equals Letf be twice differentiable function satistying
fa) =1.
fd)=3 then (a) 30 (b) - 4 (2005, 2M)
derivative c)-2 (d) a)=1, f(2) 4, f3) =9, then

fGG)+ff atr=1is (2019 Main, 8

x=3tan tand y
(a)f"(x) = 2, Vx e (R)
29. Findat r=-1, when
(a) 12 b) 9
d) 33
April 11) =
3sec t, then the value of (6)f "() = 6=f "(x), for some x e (. 3)
5. If 2y=| cot 3 cos- sin
I8 (2019 Maln, 9J (sin ) sec 2x+2 tan In (r+ 2) =0.
r e exists atleast one x e (1, 3) such that / "(=2 (1991,4M)

co6z-sin then i (a) (a) None of the above

equal to
(2019 Main, 8
()2 3 a unction ofr and log (x + y) =2xy, then
(2004, 1M)
the value 30. Ifr=sec 0 cos 8 and y = sec" 6- cos"4 then showthat
(1989, 2M)
April ) of y'
(d)2 (a) 1
(0) is
(b)-1 (c) 2
(d) 0

Continuity a twice differentiable functi
T88 Limit, 34. Let f
be on such tnat

f"() = - f (),1° (9)=8 () and Toplc 7 Limit, Continuity and

roots ofa
3, 4 and
h () = f () 1+ls ()12
2. (a) 3. erentiability 189
1. Ifa be a

polynomials ofdegree
A) Ba) C() 6. (b)
6. (a) . (a) 4. c) g(x)is continuous for all
A), B)and Cx)
Find h (10), ifh 6)
10. (a) 8. (a) e(0,2)-(1] and glx
differentiable for all e(0,2)-1)

0. c) 11. (b) x

B(a) a 14. c) 12. ( 0.

A(a) + (tan )", find 13. b) 15. (6) 61. 8 2 . (2)
respectively. then show that|A'(a) B'(a) C"(a) 35. Let y=en dx )
18. (d) 19. (a) 18. (
64. pl2) = 0
58. (3)
22. 20. ( d)

5 (1981, 21. c)
(d) 23. (a)
where prime
(1984, 4M)
36. Given, 1x
cos (2x+ 1), find
26 d
26. (a,b,d) 27. (bc,d)
2A. (a)
28. Topic 8
divisible by f(t). dx bc)
9. (a,b)
30. (b.c) 31. (a,d)
1. b)
2. (d)
to r ofthe

34. (a, b, c, d) 36. (b, c)

(bc) 6. b)
3. (6)
4. (d)
with respect
Integer Type Questions 33. (b, c) 36. (a, d) 6. (6)
32. Find the
38. (a, b) 9. (b .( 8. (c)
+sin" 37. (a, c, d) 39. (b, d) 40. (a, b, d) 13. a)
10. (a
11.(d) 12. (a
doga cos t) 37. Let f:R-> R be a continuous odd function 4. (d) l5. (6)
sin )
y= (logs . (b) 17. a) 18. (b) 19. ()
16. ()
vanishes exactly at one point and f(1) = 42. (A)-> P, q , 5; (5)P S; (C)> r, s; (D)> D. s 21. 1 22. x ¬R-{0} 23. C)
(1984, 4M) 24. -4
(B)>r 44. (24)
Suppose that F ) =, f() dt for all xe-i
43. (A)> p: 25. 26. 0 27.4-1)
that 45. f(0") =0,
br)e" =i then prOre
33. If (a G-1fO}I dt for all x e [-1,2], If lim1 47. True
9. 32 32
6. x=0 48. (a =1) a -3 33. 11
(1983, 3M) 1G() loge 16+
52. (9 Yes (i) No 35. s (3r casr+sin r)- (tan xj'[2x
then the value of f 51. (1,2) cosec 2x +
log (tan x)
(2015 A 3.,-1) 54. 55. (0,1,2) 57. f'o)=0
(iT+2),x <1
36. 3(1-)**
58. g(x)is differentiable for all x e(-2,2)- (0,1) 31.
Answers 3 (x-1) 4r +2).
x >1

11. ab= 12. a =8

. (c)
3. (d)
7. (a)
. (b) x0
Hints& Solutions
11. 12.(d)
9. 0 . (c) b)
16. (c)
14. fx) (1+x Topic 1 and-Form 2. Itis given that lim - ..)
13. d) (c) 15. C) X>0 0
(d) 19. (b) 20. (c) Since, imit enst and equal to 5 and denominator is
17. d) 1. Let
21. (a) 2 .(d) 23. (a. c) 16. (d)
zero at r=1,s0 numerator r - ar+ b should be zero at
15. a =,c =* and b ER x+ 2
sin _
25. 26. h\2hr -h 27. -1 a 2 P rm X=l,
125r + 2 sin x+ 1 ysin -
-z+ 1
So 1-a +b=0 a=l+ b

28. 7 . 30. False 31. log,4 Topic 5 On rationalization, we get On putting the value of c from Eq. (i) in
2. (d) 3. (d) b) (+ 2 sin Eq. (0, we get
1. (a) 8. (b, c) P =lim-
32. a* cosa + 2asin a 33. 0
6. d) 7. (b) 0 + 2 sin x+1 -sin' x + - 1 -0+b) x+b_5
10. xe(-o,-1)u[0,o),[-1,0) I-1
9. (a.b, d)
x(+2sinx+1+sin x-x+ 1)
35.(7) 36. (2)
l1.fand f'"are continuous and f' is discontinuous at x =4

Topic 2 =lim + 2sinx+ 1 ysinx-*+ 1)
+ *

1. d) 2. (b) 3. (d) 4 (a) Topic 6 x+2 sin x lim -1)-0) =5

c) 6 (c) (d) 0hm x- sin"*+2 sin *+*
8.(c) 1. (b, c, d)
lim(r- b) =5
9. b) 0. (d) 11. (c) 12. X+a+1, ifx<-a
13. (C) 14.e 15. e 16. e 2x T+2sin

x+a-1), ifa Sx<c LU 1-b=5

l7. a =2
2. 8{f)+b. sin x+2 sin x+r ...(i)
if0SxS1 rule, we get b=-4
Topic 3 Nowapplying the L' Hopital's '6' from Eq. (i) to Eq. (n), we get
x-2)+b, ifx>1 1+2cos On putting value
1. (c) 2. (a) P2 x
. (1) 6. 1
5. (6) . (b,c)
a =1,b = 0
2x-sin 2x+2
sin 2x cO8 *+ 1
+2 cos

on applying limit)
gof is differentiable at x = 0 So,
Topic 4
4-x, 2<xs3
(a) . (b)
0-0+2 +1 3. Given, * Dr +D
ga)=2+x, 0<xS1, discontinuous at x=,
3. (6) 4..(c)
5. (c) 2 x=2 lim
1. (a,b,d) 8. (a, d)
2-x 1<x$2 (x-k)(+k+ xk)
9. (b,d) 10. fx)= {4 - ?
Discontinuity of g at x ={1,2) x+2 sin lim
(r-k}{x+ k)
lim -ysin*a-x+1
Va +2sin x+1

7. Clearl Limit, Continuit and

190 Limit,
- 10, Wehave, lim>
(1- cos 22)3+ cO8
tan 4: )-im28in x
entiability 191
(r-r+ ) y+0
tan 4x
2 sin lim+ co8 )
+1++ 4
m an 4x
rationalising the nu 2xx
4x lim-

form 0-0 land lim an


0 = lim-
y 1 + 1+ +2)
-2: (a + b) (a -

b) =a-
4.Givenlimt s 2-1+o
1+ 0os.r=2cos 11. PLAN (form
sin' 1+-1
1+1+ +2) 1+ +1 ifn<m

sin [again, rationalising the im

a+a t+
Jifn=m = lim
= lim-
umerata ..+
Dm+ o, ifn>mand abo> 0
-, ifn>m and abo< 0 -3
sin 1-m 11++2)y1+ +1) Description of Situation As to make degree
numerator equal to degree of denominator. of
Above limit is finite, if n-3
=0, ie. n =3.
im 15. im tan 2r-2x tan
2 41
lim r)
2/2 x2 lim t *
+1 -b=4
0(1- cos 2x
NOTE In thigonometry try to make all
= 42 lim sin by cancelling y' and then by direct substitution trigonometric functions in
same angle. t is called 3rd Golden rue of
lim++1-ax-ax-bx-b trigonometry.
2 tan
1-tan x
-2x tan
cot I- tan cot-CoS im ..cos L-sin 1)
5. Given. linit = in 8. lim
2 (T-2:x im *1-a)+x1-a-b)+(-6) 4 2 sin x

ain x+1
Here, we make degree of numerator
2x tan -tan
1-a xtan COLtan
degree of denominator

lim 1-a =0 a=1 2xtan I+tan r

imtan" 2d+ tan') 1-tan'r

and lim x(1-a-5)+(1-6)4
lim -

lim T 12(sec r) im Sin h (-cos h) 1-a-b=4
8A0 cos h h - 4 1-a)=0]
:1+tan =se ] 9 ind0- tan? +02 sin' x(l-tan" 2)
(CDs-Sin (CO6Z Sin26ec sin A2sin2 12. Here, limh+2+h)-f()
tan =+lim reh0 f(h -h* +1)-f) 1-
F: (a-6)= (a - b) (a + b) 8 h0 cos h h° :f'2)=6 and f")=4, given -. 20a-0) 2
lim 2 sec COS
(o I+ Sin
r) sin h- sin
Applying L'Hospital's rule,
=lim2h +2+ h)-2+2h)-0_f2):2
2 = lim
4 h0 h cos h h0 {f' (h - h* + 1)}-(1-2h)-0 f'0):1 16. LHL= lim coS2 (-1)
on applying limit) x-1

usingf"2)=6and f' 0)=4
2 sin i m sin (-1)
iin cos h 4 4 4 16 o, Given, lim n) nxtan j sin n_0

Put r=1-h,h>0, for x> 1,h+0

6. lim
0sinx cot 2x=lim
tan 2x lim Sinh)|
tan 4x sin'x 1 2 im-h
9. imSnt cO8 )im sin z(1-sin') lim{(o n)n_tan
Sin n =0
im rtan 2 nx
I04 (tan 47) sin" x (a-n)n-1} n = 0 sin h- 2
-2 himh
0 h
= lim4r =lim Sin(T-Tsin)) (a-n)n=l
r-04 (tan 4x) lsin x) RHL= lim cOs 2(r- 1)
ant Again,
limnT Sin r) sin (T
0) -SUn lim 2SIn(r-1)|
Siml=lim anx
14. lim COs - 1) (cos *-e) -1
-sin x T r1

limsin tsin
x (r) in

Limit Continuity an
192 Limit,
-G)24 lim 22h -2- 4h ifferentiability 193
Gu)=-y25- x* = G. 2h (1 2h) 1 h
hm 2r-16 im br =7
2 25- h-0 (1 2(t-2) 2 7
F o r1 .h0 2h) (1 h
Sn im 2Wehave, sinx, xt
2. otherwise =0, 1.+2,

f-2tan 1(+5) a+j-5o all g Given.I 29.

1m (1 1) tan
eist ax t 1. t)0,2 Put I- 1 =y
Hene.f a avs )-tan*)-(**j-1
&l= 4
1+(x+j) (x+ j-1) ()=2

lim ytany 1)=-lim y

f.()-tan (r+ )) -tan" (r+j- glf()]=sin )+1. x*, nt =0,t:1
= 5, x= nt 2 22
r) =(tan "(r+ 1)- tan) Now, im gU)= lim (sin x)+1 =1 tan

+(tan (t+2)- tan't, 30. If lim f)g

P=2(W2hr-h*+ 2hr) r)]exists, then both lim f(r) and im
+(tan "(x+ 3)-tan 26. Given, gla)
+(tan "(T* n)-tan (t*n may or may not emst. Hence, it is a false statement.
Here (r)= tan "(r+n)-tanx 31. lim L I*1 im -1W1-r -1)
o t exus
Lmt des
This statement is false asx*0.1e, x s(0,) +I -1 vl-I-1 0
S 0 = log,2) 2
18 Sax. f= 6) This statement is also false as 0 e (0,o)
(c) f () tan (x
= +n) - t a n x
log,2 log,4

reR-. lim t a n ( ,(x)) = limtan(tan "(r +n) - tan' 32. Here, lim ) " sin (a h) - a sin a

f 0sI<l

im tan(f,(r) = lim tan tan

=limSin (a h)-sin a]
At 1+nx+
RHL 0 =0
lim 2 Here, BD=y*- (h -*=2hr- h Pa sin (a h) h sin(a h)}]
sd LEL A 2 8 Dh = 2hr - ) h
c) statement is false. c 2 cos a sin
im =sin1 (d) lim sec-G, (*)) = lim (1+ tan* f,(*))
A h 2hr-h = im- 2 a + h) sin (a +h)
Sinoe, RHL = LEL
=1+ lim tan (f,(*) =1+0=1 ph8(2hr - h*+ 2hr*
d ) statement is true. a cos a + 2a sin a
init does not enst.
19. -n a-Va-2- a82 (J2r-h+ v2r 33. Lim X-sin r m r -sin r)
1- 23. L= lim- ,a>0 2r 0r+ cos r lim(r+ cos* r)
lim23- =
lim n-1) 8 2r+2r128
a- 21-n) d+n)
20-n)2 27. lim
sin+a lim
' sin +

20. Given, fla)

- 1+|x |° 1-
=2.f'(a)=1. gla) 1.g'(a) = -

=2 lim 0-0
g fa)-8 la)f( On dividing by *', we get
1 sin(1/)1
34 mr-D2r-5) lim
lim8 fla)-glajf "t) lim 2a 8 a 4
using L' Hospital's rule
Since, L is finite im
g' la)fla) gla)f"(a) 2a =4 a =2
35. Here, lim-sin =1

=2 2)--1) 0)=5
L =lim
21. Given,
G-25- r-08 a° 64
28. f()={ (+a-16x +20 it x+2
24. lim l0g (1+2h)-2log (1+ h) (r-2) x 5!
lim -G)-imG)-0 h0
1-0 h2 lim-
Applying L'Ho8pital's rule, we get Since, continuous at r=2.
using L Hospital>'s ax-31 5!
rule) 2
+16x +20 [using L'Hospital's
f2)= lim-
lim 2h 1+h :-2 2

Differentiabiy Limit, Con tinuity and Diffferentiability 195
and 1+f8+) - f ) = 1 Lan (T Hin" x)limAin'r.
Limit, So. 1 4 f 2 - a) - f2)) TtBinx
194 -
(-h+ Bin h) sin|
T-V2sin lim
1- then 'lim
und lim i n x
1 h -0

(: Ie}

L I -0 X
1 for 1<x40 nnd h ->0' -h->0)
(a-11 g5 lim a-v2
sin + 2 sin and LHL lim A+8inh). (
- hin
-1 -0 1-x T +2sin'r tan (T sin)+ (lal-sin (r

existsonly, a1 lim. [z?

LAmit 2
on rationaliza. r->0
lim - im
lim -2sin 1 an (rsin x)+ -x-sin(x(-1)
r1V1-x T +2sinx limSinh)

0 h
5 ..(11)
: lal= x for x <0

6-1 lim and e =-1 for -1

<x«0 5. lim {E]+|z)sin (zlim (7|-I) sin {x

Egs (a)
and (ü).
we get Vt+V2sinx lim tan(tsin)+ (x+ sin(- *

6a ) -6a
sin' x+ cos.
*->0 (:lx=-xifx <0)
= lim 2-I)Sin (-1)
lim tan(tsin )+ (x-sin -0
lim (a] = - 1)

lim 2 cosx lim ->0

x+ )sin(-1)
36 Given. lim x1i-x *l Vt+ v2sinx sin (-0)= - sin 0
= lim
(r+ 1)sin(-1)
e -11 cos(a")-1 1 lim 2cos = lim ngr81n ) + +sin x -2xsin z
=(0+1) sin (- 1) (by direct substitution)
2TX1 V1-« - sin 1 (sin(- 0) = - sin 0)


Put r cos 6,
then as > 1 , therefore 0>0
lim tan(Tsin) 1sin x 2xsinx K e y ldea Use propety of greatest integerfunction x] = x - (x).
- el2

00' 1-cos
tan (7sin ) Tsin'x14 Sin-28n.I|
lim 20
Tsinx in
1-c068-3 -0

exl-2)bin- 200sin = lim tan(Tsin" ) im

2, We know, x] = x - {i

r+0 T sin
1+ lim 2 lim Sin
- -2:1 im 2 lim - 2 x 0
2/T m
0-0 T+1+1-2 =n
For this to be erists, 2n -m =0 sin2)
2 lim RHL LHL .Given limit =lim
Limit does not exist
x 0 sin0
4. Given, lim (+2+3t.15)- )
Topic 2 1 Form, RHLand LHL
Key ldea limflx) exist Iff (1-1al+ sin|1 -al)sin|1- :0s1,therefore
1. Letl=l i m / -
|1 form) lim f(x) = lim f(x) lim
= 120 -0 = 120
11+2-1)-f2)) -a < r lim
Put *=1 + h, then
im d .n-fo Atr=0,
l= If2-1)-13) 1'h->0*
km 2-)-12-1-f13 1). f13) RHL= lim tan(Tsin )+ -1x+ sin l -s)sin -xl| 1-r
l 2-1)-12)
f12-)-f3 ) f3)-f(2
Now, lim f(t) = lim
= al-f12-1)-f/(2) lim
tan(tsin x)+ (x-sin(r-0)
On applying
L'Hopital rule, we get
lal =xfora>0 (-Ih+11+sin|-) sin, l -lim- ) c o 1 -
lim 2-)-/13 ) 0 for 0 <r -l-a
and a] h-0'

l= 12- 1)+ /(2-1)-/13

and lim ()= linm 1-l-1+os
On applying limit, we get =
lim an (T sin a) + (1 (h +1)+sin h)sin|
2 exist.
f1-/13) X0 lim which does not

l= -0f(3-12
h-»0' h-b]
11= h+las h >0)

lim -(x+1)-cos
tan(r sin x) Tsin+1 (:-l=
hand|h +

I~0"T sin"x

and LHospitals rule, we get

196 Limit,
Continuity Applying Limit, Continuity and C
Topic Squeez Newton-Leil entiability 197
t) a
(1 torn

==1 on nitz'ss Theorem and Limit

Covertingiinfinite Serie
v e n ,
lim (1 tan'

f+ an dand are
roots of quadra
Definite Integ ralsBased
12. Let s 0 ) J
log ylog f(1 )-h +
2 =0 equation Taking log on both sides, we
25 get
+ B= -
lim log y= lim f ' 1 + ) P375 15 ... 0)
logp-log 2
tomi we

aß - log, f() =

lim log|
nto simple
using Hospital'srla 375 ... (i)
S. A
eliminate radca sgn equation.
_f0) 6
NoW, lima+ nlim 2B
As for
in a f) 3 =1
Description reduces to
a b=c0
hen d
i my= e
arr - c0,tzeRor

log lim y=2 (0 + + a++upto intinite terms)+ = lim ~.log

1e independent
Thus fist
should make
adove equation ( +B +B +...
+upto infinite terms)
n 7 }

as 0.
from oetiaents

Let a -1 t'. Thus when a 0,11

13. n+2 (1+2/x S for GP
- - 1r-(( -1)=0 lim [(1 +5x)"
1)*- (r 1+ 1)r+1 =0. asf>
1+5x 0
- a) 1 -B)
a)a- aß +-aß
- 1 -

14 1 + 3 1-a.-B +aß -xnlim log7

21 8x- 1 =0 lim (a+3aa * (a +B)-2aB n r=1
2a 2x r-1=0
1-(a +B) + afß
2r- ) r + 1)=0
15. limX+6***

form On substituting the value a + p =and aß =rom
mala)= -1/2 =x lim
lim +4) Eqs.) and (i) respectively,
* t+l
e get
10. Here. 1 -z iog d-b*)* form) 29
Converting summation into definite integration, we get
16. lim 15 3752 291
375-25-2 348 12
log,f)=z log a
15 375
= a - b) ...0) tan+ tan * l i m * tan x|* secx Put tr=z

Give 1 - zlog ( - b*)* =2b sin*

4 «
X01 tan x) f )dt xdt = dz

1-b)=2bsin tan x)
tan *
tan x'x
2. lim -
form log,fts)-og
0 [(1 - tan x)tan "1-tan dx
...) secxtannx
= lim Sec )2secx
Ti, PLAN lim S TTl4 2x
Using Newton-Leibnitz formula, we get
ByAM &GM2 x0

[using L' Hospital's rule]
Given, limSn(1)+ a (1- )
2b (x-1)+ sin (x-1) J Here, at x =1,
From Eqe. (ü) and (), 8. Let I= lim = lim
sin (x-1) n*n =i yn+ rn>*n =i ny1+(rln) T=log
sin 6=1 -1)
lim- = lim -rln f)=0
9=as 9e-z,7 * * 1 Sin(x-1)|
nn1+ (rln* Now, sign scheme of f')is shown below
l1. Here,
lim (sin 1j" -
0+ lime e-i er z a = 2 or 0 4. Here, At r=1, function attains
n ein x" 0 Since, f(x) increases on (0, 1).
as, (decimaly' -0 Hence, the maximum value of a is 2. f0)> fa/2)
n (+ n x* n x>0 . Option (a) is
T(a) =lim f1/3)< f2/3)

n!(n )- ..Option (b) is correct.


Limit, Continuity and

Continuity at a Point 0
1,then (] =0 Differentiability 199
198 Limit, Topic 4 ind

fa when >1 . Given

function is
1s2 1sxe /2 lim og0+ ax) blog (1 -bx)
V2 cosx-1 x- 1 nd =1

f(x) ={Cotr-1 4
Thorefore, ()= «l*-I*]=0,if1 sx< J2 = 4:1+b-1 using lim )_11
Optaon (c) ) = 0 , if

4 Thorofore, 0sx<V
Al This shows that / ( ) 18 continuous at x = 1.
Function f() is continuous, 90
so it 1B
ofore, f (x) is discontinuous in ( f0)=(a +b)
aclo COnunua many other points. Therefore, (b) is the ,0)u[N2,n)
answer. on
1. f)= zcos(z(z+ F)
log /S)0 Atx=0
=limf ) 3.
Given,f ()
[tan*x] m him r cos(z(x + [z])=0
Now, -45° <x< 45°
and f) =0
lim 2 tan(-45) < tan x <tan (45°)
Optaon (d) I8 in0orTe
x-1 -
tan 45 < tan < tan
. It is
continuous at x =0 and
other integer points. clearly discontinuous at
cot *-1 x
SWe hs. -1< tan x<<1 8. PLAN If a continuous
furcton has vaiues of opposte
sign inside an
Put r+h, when x-then h->0 0< tan x <1 interval, hen t has a root in that nterval

tan' a =0 fg (01-R
We take two cases.
ie. f ) is zero for all values of r from x= -45° to 45
lim Case I Let f and g attain their
Thus, f ) exists when x> 0and also it is continuous at common maximum
kh0 cot 1=0. Also, f (X)is diferentiable atr =0and has a value
value at p.

of zero. fp)= g(Ph

Therefore, (6) is the answer. where pe(0,1
im 2 6 cos h-sin Case II Let fand g attain their common
h0 cot h-1 4. Here, F)- cos value at different points.

cot h+1-1
iogi li og fla)= Mand glb) = M

iog! !iog- cos (+)= cos Cos y-Sin rsin yand 1sz<0 0Sr<1 f()-8c)
fla)-gla) >0 and f(6) - g(b) <0
=0 for some ce(0,1) asf and 8 are
cot (x+ y)=0TCot y-1, continuous functions.
l o g l = iz iog 0 -
d cot y+cotr f)=cos 2 , 1sx<2 fl)-g(c) =0 for some ce [0.1] for all cases.
by using integration by parts lim cos h-sin h-1
2 cos 2sx<3 Option (a)=f)-sid-3tf()-g(c)) =0
log = iogd - n - h0 -2
which istrue firom Eq.
1 cot h which shows RHL =LHL at x =ne Integer as if x = 1
Option(d)fo-ro=0which is true from Eq. (
iog =iog2-( - lim(-cos h)+sin h lim cos T=0 and lim 0=0 Now, if we take f()=land gls) =1, Vxe (0,1)
(sin h + cos h)|
iogl- iog2-1 -
[logz D
h0L 2 sin h x+1
Options (b) and (c) does not hold. Hence, options (a) and
logl iog 2-1
Also, f0)=0 (d) are correct.
= -

log 2-0 lim 28in+2sin cos .. Continuous at x=l.

log L= log4 -log e= log= L= = 2 (sin h + cos
h) 9. fen)=a,fen")=a,
h 0 Similarly, when x =2,
46in cos fen)= b, +1
im fle)= lim f(t)=0 a,-b,=1
lim 6in+ cOs Thus, function is discontinuous at no r fen+ 1)= n
cos'tdt 2x (sin h + h)|R:
6. lim
form h02c 2
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.
6. Given, f(x)= «(Wr +
* +1)
fen +1)}=a,
Applying L'Hospital's rule, we get
Z. NOTE Allintegers are critical
point for greatest integer luncio f ) would exists when r20 and x + 1 20. a,-1-1 or a,- b,-1-1
Case I When x el
cos(r) 20lim 2. cosf()2 f would exists when r20. r -1-b,-1
co8 I + 5in r f (x)= [a-=*-¥=-0 -4 y=y4-
nsEln I 1+1 f ) is not continuous at x = 0, 10. Given
Case II When x«l because LHL does not exist. or f (x)= 4 -
0<x<1, then [x] =0 Hence, option (c) is correct.
11+ sin x|} dkin| w6 <x <0
For f(r) to be continuous, we must have b x=0
11. ft)=
etan 2/tan3r 0<r<tl6
f0) = lim f )
(1 -bx)
= lim 8 (+ar) -log at x 0.

Since, f() is continuous


200 Limit, ontinuity and Diffe entiabillity 201
v(+ )2 +a) log
RHL (at
r=0) =
LHL (at

lim {1
=0) =

sin h |ainA
= ro- 2X Lan
sin x»0 Topic 5 Continuity in a Domain
im an2 tanSh =

Lan' x 1.
r--lo X= 0 Civen"4rdt =
(z -2) gt)
+b -a d
Crom Ea

and -1)=-a Cloarly, ) 18 not continuous at x=0.

2) provided r:2)
and -
. Option (1)for Q.
at r = 0.

12. Sinoe. f(r) is


i Given, h ()= [6in (lo8, x + 2)], where [ 1 +2 r 2 I-2

So, lim g(x) = lim '5
f0)= LHL ia C.I.P.
x, xs0 2 R

0 s 4h

Thus, ) = It is given -1<z<e2 - 2 " form as x2 f0)=6

Z sin* 2h 4 -1+2 <x+2<e"" -2+2
limg(r)= im ff )
1<x+2<d2 1
Now, to check continuity of f(2) (at x =0). log. 1< log. (x+2) <log,2
d , ) dt = fa,). djt)-f(4c)-6;(
RHL=lim 1+ 0
0<log, (+2)«
f)is contnuous
for 0srsr On
13. Sinoe.
applying imit, we
RHL at= LHL at= sin 0 <sin log,(z +2) <sin
. LHL=limlog 0<sin log, (*+2) <1
2 limg)-42)* f 2)=4*(6
for all
sin log.(+ 2] =0
..) Hence, f() is continuous x.
t)=0, f'3 ()=fs'"()=0 f)-6and f'2) 8
a-b a

sin (a +1) x+sin x It is differentiable and continuous at z = 0.

, x<0
.Option (4) for R - 1
Als. RHL atr =LHL at 15. Given, f)={ , X=0 2. Given function
x+ bx*2-y2
(iv) Given,f, () ={
b2 if x = 0 Sin(p lz Sn
1s continuous at x =0.
- - b=b

LHL at r=0) = (RHL at x = 0) = f0)

Now, lim f, ) = lim *sin 0 f)=
a 2b=0
On solving Eqs. () and (D), we get sin(a +1)x sinx
lim| )-2xi- is continuous at r =0, then
aana 012
lim+ 62-1_, Forr=0,f'()
lim + h)-f0) fO)= lim f)= lim f)...)
14. Let glr) = ar- bbe a polynomial of degree one. lim- h>0

lim flr) = im p * +Sinr

a-b, IS0 ain
(a +1)+1 lim =
-0 bx 1+ bx + 1
c ) = lim p1+1-p+2 lim
2- z>0 h+0 h
a+2 =c f )= lim h s i n 0
Since, f() is continuous and f'(1) = f(-1) 2 h0 and lim fr)= lim
LHL atr= 0)= (RHL atz= 0) r-
a-C Thus,
lim [d +)-1
= lim-
lim (a+b) = 1 r=0
and b eR
...) ) Given, h:R-> Rand h)=sin (1-*) Again, lim ' ) =lim 2 sin-
Also. ')=f-1) hx)is continuous at x = 0
does not exists.
Now, fx)= cOs1- (2xe"
Since, lim cosdoes not exists.

log f()=log (1 + z)- At x = 0 n(n-1)2 n{n-1(n-2)..d<1]
log (2+ 1)) Hence,f'x) is not continuous at r=u
On differentiating both x) does not exists.
=l+nr+2 12.3
sides, we get .Option (3) for S.
17)i8 not differential at x = 0

. : Hence, option (2) for P.

i) Jsin x ifx z0
Given, f2x) {tan'x

, if x = 0

and (--1, -1l Sx<0 Limit, Continuity and

202 Limit
0Sx<1 lim lan If (a)] = 0
Differentiability 203
nd r-2
2x, 1sa<2
10. t)-(z) sin
x+2. 2sx<3 So, tun / ) 18 not coninuous atx =2
+ 1])
6, *=3 Now, )-r-1> /)-2
2 1
a ). 2
x-2 We know that,
z] ia continuous on R-I. where
: ifn S*<nt1, V n eInteger, [ e , Clearly, 1//()18 not continuoUs at x = 2. denotes the set of integers and
Eq alf = a n d im fit)=p+2 lim f()= -1 f0) sin
r-0 So, tan f()) and
are both
discontinuous at
discontinuoua for [x 1) =0.
lim f(t)= l f1) 0Sx+1<1> -1sz<0
x=2. Thua, the function is defined in the interval.
lim f)=4-f2)= lim f) =4 fo A. The function /) = tan x i8 not defined at x = , 80
r 2 11. Given, 0Sz<1
lim f() = 5 * f3) f() is not continuous on (0, 7). f(x) ={ ...6i)

Gner tuncaor
at-, Is5
t:f-4 ) Since, g)= xsin i s continuous on (0, T) and the 2-3x 15x52
Furction f() is discontinuous at points 0, 1and integral function of a continuous function is Clearly, RHL (at z =1) = 1/2 and LHL (at r =1) =1/2
continuous, Also, f)=1/2
algven that
cont1nuous at 6 Key ldea A function is
said to be continuous if it iscontinugur fl)is continuous for all z e0,21
&.nd t as

Cieariy. f5) ) +1
.(1) each the domain.
point of f)= |sin dt is continuous on , On differentiating Eq. (0, we get
6-h)1+ 1)
im f = hmjar - We have, , 0<xsdT OSIe1
a - )1
...(1) 5 if
(c)Also, f() = B
4 '=4 -3, 1s1$2 ...(1)
anc in fr umibl 6 h)- z+3
a+ bx
f=b+ 5x if 3Sx<K5
if 1<x<3
26in9 a Clearly, RHL (at r = 1) for f' r) = 1
and LHL (atr = 1) for f (x) =1
b 5 - x) 3 We have, lim f ) =1
30 if «25 Also, f)=1
Functaor fir is continuous at X=b 3* 4
Thus, f"(a) is continuous for all r e0.2}
f5)in fi= im f( Again, ditferentiating Eq. (), we get
Clearly, for f ) to be continuous, it has to be continuws lim fc)= lim 2sin
atr=1,r=3 and x =5 1 , 0sr«l
= o- - 1 b5- z)3
E: In rest portion it is continuous everywhere]
So, f(a) is continuous at x = 3n /4.
f 4, 15x2
(a + bx) a + b =5
lim =
fc)is continuous at all other points. Clearly, RHL (at r =1) = LHL (at r =1)
Thus,f"() is not continuous atr =1.
a Pinally, f9-sin (z+ )= f or f"(r) is continuous for all re 0.2]-1
E: lim f()= lim f)=/0
Gve funcion f= {-zeR 1

Now.i f= lim
(b+ 5x) =b + 25 =30 n e i --sinl- Topic6 Continuity
for Compositionand
:lim f(x) =lim fl«)=/61|
put=4 h, when I-4', then
1. Given, f=rcos r21 »f')=sin + cos
h>0 and lim f= lim
m4- i)=3 On solving Eqs. () and (i), we get b =5 and a =0 r{r/2)*
Now, let us check the continuity of f ) at x=8
and hm f)= im 4-
Here, lim (a + bx) =
a + 3b =15 li sina)- Now, lim f'()=0-1=1 » Option (b) is correct.
I +3
So, f) is not continuous at r = n/2 *
put I= 4- h, when x-+4 Now, xe [l. c) »
e0, 1] » f"() <0
then h>0 and
lim (b+ 5x) =b + 15 =20 9. We have, for -1 <x<1
im3-0) =3 r +3 Option (d) is correct.
and f4)-4-14-1-3
0Sxsin n*s1/2 As f'(1)=sin 1+cos1

Hence, for a =0and b 5, f)is not continuous atx

= xsin rx=0 ' ) i s strictly decreasing
and lim f'()=1
and numerically less
lim f) = f4)= lim flt)=3 values of d becomes negative and
1)cannot be continuous for any B0, XSin tr

is slightly greater than l and so by So, graph of f "(r) is

shown as below.

7. an Iwhen x
So, function )is continuous at Given, fC)x -1 for 0 Sx s definition of [x].
1 <r<l+h
5. Given z=4 f(r) [rsin na] =-1, when

functionf:-1,3) Ris defined as

-1, 0sx <2
and equal to 0
in the closed
s , f() is constant so f() is continuous and
1 , Sin1 +cos1)

l+. -1Sz<l f)=0, 25xsr dic , 1] and

)=+1zl, 1s1«2 tan (-1),
0sx<2 dilferentiable in the open interval(, 0 1
) . 2sxs3 tan [f()] =tan0, 2sxST
Atx= 1, f(x) is discontinuous, since lim
and lim1+h)=-1
lim tan
[f(x)] = -

tanl l
) is not differentiable at *=

lence, (a), (b) and (d) are
204 Limit, Continuity
(at x=2) =2 and LHL (at x Limit, Continuity:and
Now, RHL
Also, RHL (at x = 1) =1 and LHL (at x=1)=a =2)»0
3. Civen
function 18 (x)=
Differentiability 205
15-x-101,x eR

I+2]. x e [l.
x), f(t)is Therefore, f(o) is discontinuous at x=1,2 Hx) = f(Sx) and
Now, in
We have,ft) =,-2Sx<0
differentiable so by LMVT
f(r)- * 2 ) - f a )
. flf)is
discontinuous at x =
{1,2. = f(15 -Ix-10|)
=15-|15-lx-101-10 and
f(2)=2-1, xs2
6. Since, f() is continuous at x
= 0.
= 15-16-1x-10||
gl) =If)|+ f(ld)
As. ft>1 im f()= f0) 15-15- (r-10)| .x2 10 learly. \f) -2Sr<0
xe|1, *) -11. 0STS4
For all f0)= f0°) =
f0) =0 15-15 +(x- 10)| ,x< 10
2 1 fa+2)-f()>2 continuous at x= k 1, -2 Sx<0
To show, (15-115-xl , x2 10D
RHL lim fk + h) = lim f)+ fh)=fl)+ fo
--1). 0sx<1
For all rel. *)
f (a)- 1. fa)<0
(15+ (x-5) = 10+ x , < 5
-1 1sx$2
f f )20
fk) + f0) f(1zl) =|xf -1.0slxls2
LHL l i m , f k - h ) = {im f ) + f-h)] 15-(x-5) =20-x , 5 sx< 10
ifr - a : fz))= -l is not possible as Izl <0
if-a Sr<0
h+0 15+(-15) =x , 10sx<15
(1a -1)' b. =
f(k) + f0) =
f(k) +
f0) 15-(x-15) =30-x, x215
=r-1, Ixl s2
x-11-1F+ b, ifx20
lim f) =
f(k) =?-1, -2 SxS2
COntinuous at = -a > f() is continuous for all x e R From the above deinition it is clear that g() is not g)=If)1- f(lzl)
A5 C07 (' 1E differentiable at x = 5, 10, 15.
o ( - c ) go (-a =
gof (-a) 1--1. -2 Sx<0
1-b=1-b=l > b=0
4. Let us draw the graph of y = f(), as shown below
Also. gof (x)Is continuous at r=0 Topic7 Differentiability at a Point =--1)--1. 0sx<1
gof (0)= gof (0) = gof (0') 1. Given function, g) =1f)| 1Cs y sin x -1 r-1, 1sxs2
b= b= (a -1)* - b > a=l where f:RR be differentiable at ceR and f(9- -2sI<0
then for function 'g at x = P +X
2, ifr-1 0 OSI<l
gc+ h)-g) where h>0 | P4
Hence gof ()= if -1sx<0 &'(e)= lim 2r-1. 1Szs2
h>0 h "

(r-11-1. ifr20 y= min {sin x, cos

I Now. let us draw the graph of y = g(r, as shown in the
lim fc+ b-If©l = lim fC+ hb hgure.
the neighbourhood of a =0. gof () r, which is =
h0 h h0 h Clearly, the function f ( ) =min {sin x, cos x is not
at z =
0 differentiable at x= and [these are point of
3. As. fz) is continuous and gr) 1s discontinuous.
[asfc)=0(given)| 26)
lim+ -f© intersection of graphs of sin x and cos x in ( , «, on -2.4)
Case I g) is discont1nuous as limit does not exist at
which function has sharp edges). So,
(-3T y-2(-
im C+ )-f© S=
)=f(x) gl) h which is
i n e() =
üm \ ()+ glr) =
does not exist. :fis differentiable at r
ez is discontinuous. 5. We have,
Case II gr) is discontinuous
Now, f" (e) =0,
if then g) is differentiable at
otherwise LHD (at x= ) and RHD ) = sin |al-|«1+2 ( r - r) cos |xl
lhm gl7) =
8R). [Here.y=2 - 1)or r - -2)represent a parabola
(r) = f(z) - g l ) . " (at x= c) is different.
ft) =Sn
x* *+2(t-
T) cos t, if r <0
um ) =

mf(z) gT) =
ensts and is 2. sin x- x+ 2(x-x) cos r, if x20 with vertex (O. -2) and it open upward
a finite Key ldea () First use L' Hopital rule
quatuty s i n ( - 6 ) = -sin 8and cos(-0) = cos B]

but (i) Now, use formula r)sinx: ifr<0

Note that there is a sharp edge at
r =1only, so g) 1s
h)= ftE) elk) = um +2cos.r-2(r -
os* not differentiable at r=l only.
f(x) ={

f)+ glT)} d itr>0

olr) f() E)is =


F dt f1%xX]-4,0x)-oM),(» Cos x-l+2 cos x*-2(r- r) sin x.

whenever Elr) 1s disconunuoue.
learly, f() is differentiable everywhere exeept 7. Key ldea This type of questions can be sovedgraphicaly
4. Given, fa) = *z, 01<2 possibly at x =0
Given. f <0 and x> 0
3-1. 2<143 : f ) exist for x Given. f:(-1,1>R such that
Let l=lim 2idtlim
iere, Rf (0) lim (8 cos*-1 -2(r-7)Sin
fof r)= ffr] = ) , 0s / 2 form, as/f)
3 - , 2< 1)s3
-2) L0 = 3-1-0 =2
the graph, we get the follwong figure.
1 f). 0< f)<1 applying the L' Hopital rule, we get und
Lf' (0) = lim (cos x 1 -2(r- TSin
On drawng
fof ={1 f(r), 1< f) |1-, 2<x<3 -0

3-f(). f)s3 |3-1+ ),
2< 0srs1 Jrodt =f,)-*0 +1-0=2

1<zs2 Rf ) = Lf' 0)
4-, 2xs3 So, f(x) is differentiable at all values ot a
(fof) ) ={2+ x, 0sr<1
So, I=2/2). f'2)=12/' 2) :/)

2-x, 1<Is2 .

lim 4d
r-2*i4/ 12/ (2)
ey ldea This type of problem can be solved graphicaiy.
and DifferentidO
Z00 Limit
Continuity Forlxle . 4
S-. e.4 Continuity and Di erentiability 207
STaphofy -its ft8-2xs 2. xel-4.-) 10.
We have
f)=x- t(e" 1)sin i -

Here. students
2<als4 (- Me 1)sin z. I<0 generally gets confused
modulus. To cbeck in defining
xl>2and lsis

differentiable at r =0
f()=- - rM* 1)sin z, 0sr< -

RfO)- un ) - f 0
(r )e -1)sin x, h

We check the ditlerentiability atr =0 and hcos-0

and graph ot y

We have. lim in cos0

(r-7) -1) cos r- (e" -1) sin z
e"(-1),reo hcos -0
y=S-2 8-2
cos r+ (e -1) sin r -h = 0

(-7) sin re"]D <r<: So. fz)

r-r(-1)cos r+ (e-1) sin r diferentiable at =0
is z

+-7) sin xe'.x >> To check

diferentiability at r=2
r I mpreseetaovmpiete curtie 5 32- 3 5
Clearly Rfe)-in)-fe)
-i-r-1*I lim f"(c) =0 = lim f (r)

= f r s- . Hence. the graph of y = f() is

and lim f'()=0= lim f (t)
e-h cos-h
fis differentiable at r =0 and r=
rom the igur. t s clear thst function hsve sharp 2-h
Hence, fis difYerentiable for all x
edges. st z = - -
11. We have, fa)=| log 2 -sin r| and gt) =f(f IeR
Pncaon s not aierentisble at 3 ponts. Note that, for x0, log2 > sin r
1 e- 20-h)
f)=log2-sin x = Ha -

&Key loea Ths type d probiem can be solved graphicaly g)= log 2 -sin (ft))

From the graph it is clear that at x=-2, -1,0, 1,2 log 2-sin (log2 -sin
We bsve. ft= Z, curve has sharp edges and hence at these points Life= in C - - f2
S-2. 2<|zis4 f1s t Clearly, g() is differentiable at r=0 as sinz is ad
differentiable. differentiable.

Let draw the graph d

y=f Now, & = - cos (log2-sin r) (- cos I)
For zs2f=max . 9. Given, 1 f() - f6)1s21x-»12,V x, y eR
= cos cos (log 2- sin x) 2-h s
Let first rew
the graph of y=|rl and y=ras shown &'0)=1.cos (log2)
following igure. f-fs2|x-y1?
Ix-yl 2. Given, f0) =2 =g(l), g0) =0 and fl)=6
(dividing both sides bylx- fand g are differentiable in (0, 1).
Put = + h and y =z where h is very elose to
2ero Let h)= f()-2g7 ...1)

lim | h)-f| h0)= f0)-2g0) =2-0 =2 -2-h si22-h

0 + h) im
-x h-021(x+ h)-x and h(1)= f(0)-2g0) =6-22)=2 h
1 h
lim h)-f) h0) = h)=2
2-h)sn22-h) =-
h-0 h
Hence, using Rolle's theorem, im
lim + h)-f@|s0
h'c) =0, such that ce (0,1)
Clearly, y lzl and y r intersect at r=
= h Differentiating Eq. () at c, we get not at I=2

Thus. fir s diferentiable at r =0 but

Now, the graph of y -1,0,1 Substituting limit directly on right hand fl)-2gc) =0
max (|,rfor Iz| £2is

:0<r<2,m:0. n are
side and using lim |f(x)1=| lim f) f'o=2gd Given, gir)=
log cosa-1)
AHD and LHD at
at a point we use r21

lim + h)-f_su o check differentiability

LHD, then f(r)is dferentabe
ar ine

apoint and if RHD untegersand|


h 0 h point. -l
oflI - 1 |at r =l

-If)l=0 (Ix)lcan not be less than Description of Situation The left hand

)=0 As, f(r+h)-f Also, lim gr) = p=-1

1 2

RS =m h
)is a constant function. (1h-)-- -1
Since, f0) =1, r-h)-/ h-0 log cos
(1+ h -1)
therefore f(x) is always egu und
LAf x)= lim - h

Now,J,o'dx =dx =[ =(0 -0)=


and Limit, Continuity and

208 Limit,
Domain of f (0)
e *-1-1, 1}
Differentiability 209
sin (1«|) -Ixl= " m
-h ) Let ) * (x) =|xl Nvw,
-1-1-0 many-one function i ne,
function but f (r) is
18. RHD of h
ffenee, (h) in
Rf'2)-lim ) - f2)
log f x) xB
h(d) Let
Nw, f(x) ia
LHD ofsin
TeRbut g (x)==\x|is
= hm h1-1-h1Bin h -h Hence, (d) is wrong. differentiable at z - im -1)-1). 0s 2
Funct f(x) =(-1)|x-4x+21+ ca
Sin h) Therefore, (d) is the
nnswer. 22
NOTE In diforontiablo of| ()| g havo to
(|zl). So,
(2-1)2 -1) -sin2 3- sin 2
points for whichf (x) - 0
conster crtcal Lf'(2) Rf° 2). fis not differentiable at x =
using LHospital's rule sin
19. Given, f (a) [r]
Therefore, (d) ia the
less than k, [x) = k-1 answer
1 Ifr is just xlis not differentiable at x =
0 x20
-1 mtAn h f Co)=(k-1)sin t a 23. Gven.
cOs|x|=o (-), ifxeg
(k-1) sin T*- k ein n k but
LHD of f(«) =lim x- k
cosx, if z20
1 m= n
m = lim - 1 ) sin T* COs _Jco8
x, if z 40
cos , if x20
hm f 0 f(x)=( - 1--
Gven fd)-f lim-1)sin r (k-h)
Therefore, it is differentiable at x =0.
- 0, n e integers and n 21
lim Now, I-3x +21=|(x-1) (x-2)
x-1) (x-2), ifx1
wherex=k- =(x-1) (2-x), if1 sx<2 f
f 0 0)0
lim -
k-1) -1sin h T (-1* (k -1)r

(x-1) (x-2), if 2 r
Since there are intnitely many points n h
heghbourhood of s e 0 Therefore,
20. Given, f)=max{x,*'} considering the gra RHD at z -
separately, y=? and y=x (a-1) (x-1) (*-2)+ cosx, if - z <r<1
NOTE y= r is odd order parabola and y = x is always f e)={--1) *-1) (z-2)+ cosx, if1ix<2 and LHD ar9
Hence. f0) f (0)=0
intersect at (1, 1) and (-1,
(-1) (t-1) (x-2) +cos, if2 sr<z
Hence. fiz) Ls dieren:able iir all z
16. Usung graphical transiormauon. Now, x= 1,2 are critical point for differentiability.
As. we know that, the function is not difflerentiable at
Now, f)=in Because f () is differentiable on other points in its
24 SLnce. fui ts contnuous ard derentiable where

stharp eages.
i n (1, co) domaîn. f0=1 andf)= -1.fz >07z
Teus.f) L decreasngfor x a n d concave down.
in-,-1 Differentiability at x =1
f' )={* Lf'(1)= im -f
Therefore. (a) is answer
(3x* in (1, co)
25. Here. f - a n -
y =*
- cos1
lim (-1) (r-2)+COS I-1 -

A1.1) Sunce. know

[iz - n:and
tan nz =0
we :

-1 =0-sin 1 =-sin 1 1- 0
: lim (cos r) at r =1 -0 0.
1,-1/B x-1 dx
Teus f u s a constar: functhcn
-Sin xatx=1-0= - sin xatr=l=-sin all exst for every x, their value
The point of consideration are and Rf' (1) = lim ()-f0)
x-1 being 0
f'-T)=1 and f'-1')=3
teusts tor all I.
f'-0) =0 and f'0*) = 1
(r-2). 0s -x-1as

In funt f1)=1 and f'1)=3 im-(r-1) 26. We have

Hence, fis
not differentiable at -1,0,1.
y = I| al- we heve 3 = 0 - sin 1 = - sin l |same approach]
Hence, f)s nt
thary e0get al -1,0,1.
y =
let hx) =|x|, then H () =1f ()1=h\/ ( and f:R-~1-2.2
dilerettabje at
,1. Therefore, function is
ditlerentiable function. sof i5

Dinge, composition functions

of two ( 1 ) = Rf' (1). (a) Since. f Ls twice

17. Given. f
- ) drr-1 Onunuous, g is continuous if fis continuous. So,ans
1s (C).
atx =1. continuous tunction.

continuous function.
)=an ' z,
i-111 (a) Let f (x) gan, Lf' (2) = lim / ) - /e2 This is true tor every
where f(T} 1s
\x| g (x) = -2 Hence, we can always find r e (r, S),

is R (x) is
an onto function.
cOsr-cos2 one-one.
f (a) is
discontinuous nt and range of x func lim
( - 1 ) (r - 1)* 2
z = -
] urnd R.»)But
nce, range of g (x)is18(0, (x) ino i5 g
This statement is true.
=1. L
Hence, (a) 18 -(1-1)e-1)-
sin2 =

wrong =

210 Limit,
we get
Wlien (x)-2, then
Continuity andDifferentiability 211
1)- - x+ C )= - xsin x+ 8in x.
x+3x+2-2 and
b) By LM.VT
sin *
X= 0 gr)=|x| f)+ |4x -71f(x)
It is giventhat r =f =0, then f(x) (1xl+ 14x-71) )
fb)-flalf'dl= a i.0. whenx
- (Ixl+ |4x-71)\f-3)
b -a H)= t (0,2)
) - f -4
3 f)-f4
inCin , -z- 4x-
(x-4x 7) (-3).
7)(-3). -1/2 Sx<0
If 04 2)
12 12 (z-4x 7)-2).
1sx< w2
Rangeoffis -2.2 Option (a) is incorrect. =( -4x 7)(-1). 2 Sr< w3
s1 C=0
(x-4x 7) 0) 3 x 7/4
f-4)s4= f(r) = - * Sin x
4s f0)-
hg(e(f() =f) (x 4x- 7) 0). 7/4 Sx<2
* Sin x
(a) f(x) (z 41 7) (1).

h(e) = f() I =2

Hence. statement

no function
is true.

ven then we
-in Sin
g f ) =z
h(g8)) f3) =3* +33)+2=38
9x-21. 0s1<1
(C) As b) f(x) X x

Option (d) is incorrect. 6x-14. 1s1<v2

sin x>x Vxe (0, Tr) From Eq. (i), h(g)) = f 3x-7, 2 Sx<v3
h(gf©) = f f ) 0, 3 x2
fual=85co h(t)= ff() ..i)
5x-7. xz =2
using &f() = d Now, the graphs of f(z)and g(zare shown below.
Now, f0-f0 =
2sin0-$5 cos 0) fa) , Vx e (0, 1) h' () =
f"(f()f() .(1V) Graph for f()
0-fO=$5 Putting x=1, we get
Itis true h' (1)
and lim fai does not eists.
(C) f(r)=-x sin x
f'f1))-f°1)= (3 x36 +3) x(6)
Hence. statement is false. f(x) = - sin x - X Cos * =111 x6 =666
f'(x) = 0 . Option (6) is correct.
d) From option b. 1f'z s land z E(-4,0)
- sin r - x cOs X =0 Putting * =0 in Eq. (ii), we get

Hence. z)=fz) f 4-1 tanx = - * h0)= f(f0)) =

f2) =8 +6+2=16
:f(z)e [-2.2]] :. Option (c) is correct.
29. Here, f ) = a cos (lx° - «l)+ blxlsin (|x' + xl)

Now, let pe(4.0 for which E{p) =5 If-x0

cos | - xl = cos ( - )
Similarly. let qbe smallest positive number q E (0,4) X X Clearly. fa) is discontinuous at 4 points.
such that glg) = 5 -xs0
|3T/2 . Option (b) is correct.
Hence, by Rolle's theorem
cos -x1=cos (* -x)
is (p.9) Graph for g(r)
(c)= 0 for
cos ( I - x l ) =cos - x),V xeR ..0
5 we move
e(-4,4) and since gr)1s greater than Y=X Again, if +x20
as form I =
p to I =
xlsin (Ix +xl) =xsin ( + )
and flxs4 f Their exists a e (0, 7) for which f'(a) = 0
(7)f2 lin (p. q)
Thus, It is true
Fc)=0 xlsin (lx + axl)= - rsin(-(+ )}
(d) flx)= -X sin x
fÍ-ff'=0 x l s i n (| + xl)=xsin ( + ),VxeR X
So, f(a) f" (a) =0 and Sx) = - sin x - x cos x
(1x'+ xl)
fla) =0 fx) a cos (lx -xl) blxlsin +
Hence, statement is true. S" (x) = -2 cos x +x sin x

-123T71 2 3 2

(r + )
f(x) a cos (r x)+ bxsin
27. Given, lim 1sint-f(t) sin z =
sinz r 4-- Which is clearly s u m and
composition of

Using L'Hospital rules

lim )cost-f(t) sin r
sin? z
It is true.
ence, f(x) is always continuous
30. Here,
and diflerentiable.

-3, -1/2sr<l

f(x) 28. As,

cos r
-f (x) sin x =sin' x ef) =
x -2, 1sx<v2 points, when
()sin x- f() cos r= - Thus, g() is inverse of v3 Clearly. gr) is
differentiable at 4

x) sin x-f() cos x sin'x f(x). u=

lx -3] =

[*] -3 ={-1. 2sx< re-1/2,2).

3 Sr<2
Sin" a -1 B(f(x) = * 0,
Option (c) 1s correct.

-sin 1
x) &fx))-f )=1 1
s' ) ) =

that, f:(a,b]>
[1,o) ntinuity and Differe tiability 213
212 Limit, 1,
0 Ka 37. From the
g(). *>0
gt)={fCdt, a sxsb '(x)=51n , Sxs0 figure,
=0 0<xs1
31. Here, ft) ={0.
&). r<0
y min (x. *}
|F). r20 x>1
g(a) =0= g(a") = gla)
f'(=1-g (a). *** X
Now, Differentiable at x =0, LHD =0, RHD=
Not differentiable at x=0
Option (a) is corrvt.
lasgla')= lim)dt Differentiable at x= 1, LHD =1, RHD=
(b) Differentiable at x =1. h(t) is continuous all x, but h(c) is not
and glo)= d t =0] two points differentiable at
3 x =0 and x=1. (due to sharp edges). Als0
g6)= g(6")= s(6) =fodd Also, for = - 2 h'()=1,7 z>1.
Hence, (a),. (c) and (d) is correct answers.
0 ) = -1
h0)=land continuous for allxeR f ) =-
diiferentiable st r=0
38. Here, x-3 X21
So, ha)is not

Option (b) is not correct.

' (x) ={f(a)
a<a<b Differentiable at x =-
l4 2 1 l
fihal) as k(r) >0 Now, .
c) fothr)=
sie). a200
at x =1, lim l + h -3|=2
85. fr+ )=f)+ f0), as f ) is differentiable atx = 0. LHL at=1,
si). I<0 &' (a) =0

but &'(a") =
f 0)=k lim-3(-h) 13_13,13-14-3-2
2 4 4*2*4*-2
a ) = lim +h)-f)
:range of f) is Now,

[1,o),Vxela, . f9)13 continuous at x =1T

fohy0)=f ). foh) 0)=-f 0) at a
lim f+ fh)-f)
x =
g is
. fotNz) is not differentiable at I=0. - --3), 1Sx<3
and & (6*) =0 h0

Option (c) 1s not correct. Again, f()=(r-3), r23

but &'(6)=f(6) 21| lim 6 )

(d) =1. z=0 8 i s not differentiable at *= b.

h >0 h form
l4 2 4
Given, f+ )=f)+ f), Yx,y -1, 1sx<3
Now, (hof) 0)= im f0)=f0)+ f0), f')=1 23
34. ft)=cOs , when = y=0 f0)=0) x<l
e-1 E Using L'Hospital's rule,
h-glz) 1, 0sxs1
lim =f0)=k RHD atz= 1 =

-1 log , ...) differentiable at x =1.

h0 1
LHDat x=1>5
Continuity atx=- f)=k, integrating bothsides, 1
2 RHD at r=3 not differentiable at r=a
=1 g0) lim=0 as g (0) =0 fl)= kx+ C,as f0)=0 Again. HDatx=3 - 1
Option (d) is correct.
32. Let F (r) = f(x)-3g (z)
RHL= i m - cos
f ( ) is continuous for all xeR and f ()=k i.e. 39. We know that, f(r)
(1) y=sin r
=1+ Isin x|could be plotted as,
constant for all x eR.
F-1)=3, F0) =3 and F2) =3 h0

So, F (x) will vanish atleast twice in (-1,0) u (0,2). Hence, (b) and (c) are correct.
. Continuous at x = o. Here, f(r) = min {1,2,?}which could be graphically
F")>0or <0,7 ze-1,0) u0,2) A

Hence, f(x)-3g' (r)=0 has exactly shown as 27 37 y= Sinx

one solution in Continuity at x=0
and one solution in (0, 2). YY
33. A function f() 15 continuous at x= a,
if RHL = lim (0+ h) -1= -1
lim f() =
lim fx)= f(a). Continuous at x = 0.
Also, a function f(x) is differentiable at z=a, if Continuity at x=1, X
Y Y Y|Sin x|
lim -fo)- X-a
lim -fla) f0) =0
RHL= lim log (1 + h) =0
1.e. at
fla)=f°(a") Continuous at x =1
f) for xeRand
differentiable -2T

X=1 due to sharp edge.
nce, (a) and (d) are correct ans

and Ix-1+|x+
1|=2 in (-1,1) Limi and Differentiability 215
D. f )=
and differ im
dif erentiablein f ()= f
1s conunuous
214 Limit, .13 The function . (0)
, i).
y=1+/sin x/
43. We
know, [) el, V
reR Here, lim f)=lim f-fg)
(8) By
Therefore, sin (7|a|) =0, V xeR By theory, a

y=1 +/sinr (x)) is ferentiable everywher we k 2 lim - fa) lim g ()

that sin ( Also, hm ()= lhm b sin Ia -a

(A) (P) sin{T(r


therel f'(a) = im g ()
Again, 1)
** f'(a)=g (a) >

Now, - [x] {z} =

b sin
T 21 37 then r(r- E))= r{x} f(«) is differentiable at z= a.
which is not
differentiable at x e]I =1 Conversely, suppose fis differentiable at
the answer. a, then
Therefore, (B) T) is Also, it is differentiable at r = 0 lim / (a) exists finitely
but not
g)-h () Rf'0)=L f' (0*)
|sin xl is
for all x,
44. Given, F)
f(«) Let -f (a)
Clearly, y=l

at infinite
number of points.
On differentiating
at x o, w e get =
-1 1 g)= x-d* a

when y>0 F ) = f ' ) : g(#%) h Fo)+ f%)*E' ) h ( )

x+ y=2y, Rf'(0) = lim--h 2 f'(a),
40. Since, r+|yl=47 r - y=2y, when y< +
fto) E%)h' ) ra= Clearly im g () =f' (a)

when y>0
when y<0
> x>0

where, F' ()=21
g ()=-7 g ) and
F(to),f )=4f%)
h' ) = kh(
hm -
2h 8
g (t) is continuous at x=a.
Hence, f() is differentiable atx=a, iff g) is
continuous at x= a.
which could be plotted as, On substituting in Eq. ), we get
51. It is clear that the
given function
21 F)=4fta) gr)h (ro)-7 fg)e a)hg) and Lf'(0)= limn - ),
+k fe)ht f() ={(1-2- x), 1Sxs2
2 1 =4-7+ h, [using F (to)= f() gt)ht,) 8- x>2
445 X k =24 continuous and differentiable at all points except
J4- possibly at x=1 and 2.
**0 Continuity at x= 1,
Y' 45. Given, f(x) ={1+ 646 (4-c
0, x=0 a =1 and 646=(4 - ) LHL = lim f )= lim (1-x)
Clearly, y is continuous for all x but not differentiable at
=lim1-(1 -h)]= lim h =0
e l 0

dy1, »0
= lim
dr 1/3, <0
Rf' 0)=f'0*) =lim
h0 h-+0 1+ 49. Here, lim (n +1) cos n and RHL= lim fc)= lim (1-)2-x)
Thus, f) is defined for all x, continuous at x=0, = lim [1 - (1 + h)] |2-(1 + h)]
diferentiable for all xeR-(0}, -Vh - lim h0
for 1<0. and Lf' 0) =
f'(0") =

= lim- h-(1-h) =0

41. Wehave, lim 8 Cos x-g0) 0

nr orm m 1 where, ) - 1 . ) - 11=f' LHL=RHL=f(0)=0
= lim cOs -g(x)sin r h0 i+ 1+0 Therefore, fis continuous at x = 1

Differentiability at x = 1,
given,f'(0) =lim
COs X »
Since, fx)= gt)sin x f0*)=0 and f'0) =1 h-f
f')= g ) sin I+ glt) cos x Lf(1)= lim
h0 h
and f"()= g") sin x+2g' (a) 46. Given, ft)=-1) sin (a-1) ifr1 lim (n +1) cos-n=P0) ... im--h)-0lim h -
"(0) =" cos x--gt) sin x ifr=1
= lim
Thus, lim lgt) cosx-g 0) -1, h0

cosec x =0=f"0) ere, ft)- (1+ ) cosx-1, f0)=0 h)-f0)

Statement I is true.
Cr-1 sin -x, 0sx-(1 and Rf' (1)= lim +
Statement Hf')=g() 1)
f0)= g0) sin x+ gl) cos x As f'Ce) +cos im-(1+ h) (2-(1+h)]-0
Statementllis not a correct
f)={(-1 sin1) *,


42. A. xlzl is
explanation of StatementI. 1 m

h(1-h). lim (h -1)=

continuous, h h0
increasing in (-1,1). differentiable and
B. xl is strictly r0--1.1 Since, L [f'1))=R/°(1),

therefore fis differentiable at

continuous in-1,1) not ere, f () is not differentiable
atr=0 due to1
x=0. and differentiable at Thus, f t) is not differentiable at x =.
From Eqs. (i) and (i), weget =l.
C. x+x] is Continuity at x =2,
00ncreasing limn +1)cos- -1)
discontinuous at x = in
Itis always true that differential of even u function
isan LHL= lim f ()= im (1 - x) (2
not differentiable atr=0. and even

odd function. 8 (a)

lim g -(2-h)]
Since, f Ct) is
once, g (x) is continuous at x=a =
lim[1 (2-h] [2-

differentiable at x =0. given h0

Itis continuous andf (x)- f (a) = g (t) (r-a),vxe

at x =0.

and l i m * 1 ) - f ( « )
it, Continuity andDiffer
410 Limit,
f'(x) =

h0 h
+ | l - x l ,-1 sxs3
entiability 217
lim(-1+h)h =0 - -1+1-x, -1 sx<0 58.
Given that, f(x) = -2 Sxs0

lim 3-
lim- h
0+1-x, 0sx<1 (x-1), 0<xs2
RHL= lim (t)=

fe3)+ [e) -f) |1+x-1, 15x<2 Since, x

e-2,21. Therefore, Ixle [0,2)
lim3-2+ h)) =lim

2+-1, 25x3 (zl)=zl-1,7xel-2,2]

atr=z h+0 -X,-1l Sx<0 T(lxl)=*, 0srs2

thereforefis not continuous 1-x, 0Sx<1 -z-1, -2<xs0
LHL atr=2

cannot be

differentiable at all
+z 1x<2 Also,
1,-2 Sx<0
ns f(x)|={1- x, 0sx<1
continuous and = lim-
h0 x+1, 2Sx<3
except at r = 2 .
which could be shown as, -1, 1 sxs2
from Ea,G Also, B)= f(lz1)+1f)1
= lim2-
2f)-1+2f(h)-11-f 4 --1+1,-2Sxs0
52. Given, f)={* h->0 h -1+1-x, 0sx<1
lim+fG)-1-f) x-1+x-1, 1xs2
h+0 h -x-2sxs0
lim f)-1-1 glx) =0, 0Sr<1
h from Eq, 2x-1). 1sxs2
f()= -1, VxeR
1 O
0 =0
fdx= -1 d« 8'()=0, 0sr<1
Clearly, from above figure, y 18 not continuous and not | 2, 1sx<2
To check continuity atr=0, fCc)=-+ k, where, k is a constant. differentiable at x ={0,1,2,.
.RHD (atx=1) 2,
LHL(at r=0)= lim -h =00 But f0)=1, LHD (at x =1) 0

56. Since, f)-f%s(r- y* g ) i s not differentiable at x = 1.

RHL lim =0 theretore f0) = -0+ k


f 0)==0
fc) =1-x, VxeR » f2)= -1
Also, RHD (at x =0) = 0,LHD at (x =0) = -1
g ) is not differentiable at
=0. x

Hence, g(x) is differentiable for allxe(-2,2) -{0,1}

f)is continuous at z = 0

ci) To check differentiability at x =0,

54. Wehave, f(r+ ) =f0) f(),Y x, yeR.
f0)= f0) f0) » f0){f0)-1)=0

59. Given,
Lf0)= lim 0-h)-f0
f0)=1 f0)0 f)= -*-x+1

lim 0+ h)-f0) _ limf)-f limx )

y**| - * |
(x) =3x -2x-1 = 3x+ 1)(x-1)
f(x) is increasing for x e (-p, -18)U0,o)
0-h)=1 Dince,f'0)=2 »
h>0 and decreasing for r e -13,1)
Ifs 0
Rf0)= lim -f0) lim L=2 : f0)=1 which is only possible, if |f '()|=0
max f(0);0stsx, 0sxsl
Also, given g(x) ={
0 h-0 h 3- l<rs2

mh 0
he2h-- 00 Also, )=im E+ b)-f) f)= 0 d=1). 0Sxs1

:. f() is not differentiable at x =0.


= lim1 0 ) - f
or f ' ) = Constant
g\3- x. 1<xS2
67. Since, f-)=f)
53. Given, g(t)=-T-X+1, 0sxs1

vz.yeR using, f+ )=f0-/01| .fx) is an even function. 3-x, 1<xs2

On putting y =0, we get f0)=lim 0+h)-f0 At x=1,
flim-1 h
h0 h RHL= lim
: f0)=1) = lim- f0-h)-f0 3-x) =2
fC)=2f) from Eq.0 LHL =lim (
-h and *-x+1) =0

Since, f '0) exists.

f-2 Rf'0)= L/'0)
. It is discontinuous at x = 1.

-l, 0sxs1

fc)-21z.yeR .0
integrating both sides between 0 to x, we e lim -fO) _1im fh)-f0)
h0 h -n
Also, 8'
g't)= 1, 1<xs2

f'0)=-1, we get d-2 2 lim)-/0)=0

f) and g'(1)=3-2-1 =0
log.ft1-log. If0) =2x lim)-f0)_0
h-0 h
g) 1s
continuous 1or all
differentiable for all xe0,2)-{l.
xe (0,2)

{1} and glo) 1s

lim h0
-. 1 log,f() =2x
u) log.If0) =0 f'0)=0

3Sinr - f ) ) Limit, Continu and Differentiab

limg(r) - 0 sin multiplying both sides by
Limit, On z, we
= lim (0) get
n x(1+ " ' = "Cjx+ 2"C,
when 1* COS Again on ..+n"C,
ferentiating both side8 differentiating both sides w.r.t. , we get

60. Given that. f()=

2- when
3-2 0 get
+)+n-1)x(1+ 2-21
"C +2 "Cx+ ...+ :

f0 )-f PLAN) In these type ol questons, we draw the graph of the functin utting *=l in both s1des, we
RHD lim C +2) "C2 + (89 "Cg +..+ (n) c Again differentiating Eq. (i) w.r.t. 'x, we
The points at which the curve taken a sharp turn. Ata get
h-1 )
lumA-70-)5 points of

Curve of f()

g(r) a r e For n=20, we get

n2+ (n -1)2"-
on x 0 in
S A - 2 0 - - 7 0 - ) 6
20+2) C2+ (3) "C t... +202 20 =
Eq. (), we get
A 21 20 (2+19)2° =420 (2l8) y=1
ix+1 A(2°) (given)
puttingr=0. y=1 in Eq. (1u), we get
On comparing, we get dy
dx e-0
--fa (4, B) = (420, 18)
LHD Now, on
putting z =0. y l
2. Let f(*)
tan tan r-1

sin x+ cos x Eq. (iv), we get
iam -7a-6)-5

at t 1 and 0.
tan z+1)
h(t) is not differentiable
x =

turns at x = t l and 0.
[dividing numerator and deuominator
Sh-20--2h)-70-h)-5 As, h() take sharp
by cos x> 0, xe
S h Pn - h* -70-k)-5] Hence, number of points of non-ditferentiability of h (
ot h 0.|1
is 3.
2 LHD=RED cx+ dx+ e
tan - tan dr
- h @h-3h) 64. Let p)= ax* + bx*' + t a n *

Hence, reçuired value of f'l)=- p't)= 4ax +3bx+2cx+ d 1+ tan (tan) So, dy at (0, 1) is
61. Give f = ztunz
p'1) =4a + 3b+2c+ d=0
and p'2)= 32a + 12b+ 4c+ d =0 = tan| tan: 4. Let y=fGG)-Ga
Using first princple. L On differentiating both sides wr.t. z we get
fa)=ind-n)-fa)| im 1 2 givenl
Since, tan A-tanb (A -B)
1+tan Atan B
f G) Ff)f)+2//
ar+ br + (c+ 1)x+ dx+e9 by chain rule
-h)tan0-h)-tan0) im
Since, it is given thatxe|0,
c+1 2 , d=0, e=0
So. ft fuf-fo-2f0)f)
From Eqs. () and (i), we get
C=l 44) d
dy =f G):f()3)-21)3)

Also, for| *- : f0)=1and f(1)=3}

him 1n a-h) 4a +3b = - 2

f (0) 8)-3)6
and = 3 x9)+6 =27 -6 33
tanh 32a +12b = -4

a=and b=-1. Ttetanan 5. Given expression is

2y=0o s
*' +? "Lan san -8,trBe cot x-3

0 2 -
h Lan2-h. P2) =-8+4
Now, derivative of f() w.r.t. 1s
dividing each term ot numerator and
denominator by sin x

p2) = 0 df)df
d(r/2) d(t)
cotcotr +1|

62. g)= 2 () cosect cott cosect cotr- cot


f())dt Topic8 Differentiation

g)=GcOsecf) cosec x 1. We know,
: cot(A -
cot AcotB+1
B)cot B-cot A
8)=3-1 +""C+ "Cx+ "C2...+ "C*
a Differentiating the given
equation twice w. X
differentiating both sides w.r.t. x, We
nl+x) -' ="C, + 2 "Ga T+ t " Given equation is ...)

Limit, Continuity
=4+-e log,(1) = 4 + - 0 Limit, ntinuity andD
=+4 11, Here,
& 1s tne inverse of f( ). fferentiability 2211
fog(x) = x
0< On dilferentiating w.r.t. z, we get
Atr=eand y= &)x g() =1> s')=. F (x) is constant
F (10) F 5) =55
dy2e-1 -0
2e-1 g) 16. Let,
gt) =f(x)

2+ 4 2e+4 using Eq,

7+8,-7 0<0 -

0<0<r| g ) has atleast 3 real roots
which are x 1,2,3
0ot (oot8)={8.

8-. e<27 8. We have, 1+ {g)* g'()has atleast 2 real rootsbyinmean value

f ) = + f 09+ «f"2)+ f"®) 8 " ()has atleast l real roots
x e
&) =1+ {e() in x e (1,3)
f()=3x* +2xf°(1) +f""(2) /"(x)-2-1 0. for atleast 1 real
f")=6x+2f" (1) 12. Given, y
sec(tan x) 1"(7) =2, for atleast one root in xroot inxe(1,3)
2 y ={
f"()= 6 Let tan x= 0 Given that, log (x + )=2xy
f"3) =6 t = tan 6 At x=0, log ) =0 y=1
(), . To
Putting x=1 in Eq. we get
y=sec =J1+? findatdx (0,1)
-1), 0<x6 f0)=3+2f" 1) + f" 2) On differentiating W.r.t. 4, we get
and putting x = 2 in q . (1), we get On differentiating Eq. (i) w.r.t. z we get
f2)=12+2f'1) dx 2/1+
From E(iv) and (v), we get
6 At x=1, dy _1
1)=3+2f'0)+(12 +2f (1)) dx 2 dy 2y (x)-1
3f0)=-15 dx 1-2(x- y)x
13. Since, f() =
es e5=fx+1) =«f() =resla)
6. Given equation s
'(1)= -5
and gx+1) = log x+ g)
2=4 f"(2)=12+2(-5) =2 using Eq.t g*+1)-g) = logx
0, 1)

f)=* +*f"0) + zf" (2)+ f") i.e. ... (1)

On applying 'log, both sides, we get .

18. Given, - ¥=1

log,2r = log, 4 - l o g , 3 ft)= - 5 x +2x +6 Replacing xby *- we get On differentiating w.r.t. x, we get
2y log, Qr) = log, 2)*- 2r-2) f2)=2-52 + 2(2) + 6=8-20+4 +6--
2x+2yy =0
: log, n =mlog, n andlog, =fr) 9. We have, *=3tan t and y =3 sec t
log (x-1)-log 2 X+Y=0.
2log,2r)-2) =2x2log,2) (3
dtsect) Again, ditferentiating w.r.t. x, we get
1+log,r Clearly=a=
dx a
(d3 tan t)
tan t)
ri-"ia-} (1)
1-y'y'+ y"=0
On differentiating 'y w.r.t.'i, we get dt
3 sect
On substituting, x =
1,2,3,.. ,N in Eq. (i) and adding, sinr cos
dy - l o g ,) 1 - (r- logE,2) tant tan sin t we get 19. Given. f()=|6 1
dz (1- log,27)
3sect sect
dyd d d dydt On differentiting w.r.t. x, we get
1-log,2)-1-*log,2 dx dxldx) dt\dx) dx
14. Since, dx 1_(d
(1 log,2x) d (dy d
3cosr -sinx sin cosx
(sin t) dy dyldx dx) f-6-1 0 1+0 0 0
So, (1+ log,2)-10E,2)-log,2
d dt Cos cOs
sect 3
d d d dy de P P P P P
3 tan t) dy dy) dx\dx) dy
7. We have, dt dt sin x cos
rlog,(log, 1) - r+Ý=4.
written as
= 4+*-xlog,log, x)
which can be
cos 1 - +6 -1 0

Now, differentiating Eq. () w.r.t z we

.1) Since, f =-f 3x cos r -sin z
10. Let y =tan6xzto-1 2.(3)
d x "log.z1-log,log,) Let y=tan
by using product rule
derivative) & ()= -

f(x) : gr) f°(). given)...)


-2tan a:2tan'x=tan
br-Sin x - cos *|

logog,log, ) Also, f")6 0 +0+0

Now, at x=, y =4+

d1 3 1+

- elog,log, e)
[using Eq. 6)
gx) =-
1+9 Fo-)G

222 Limit, Continuity
23. Given, f (x)= | x-21 ntinuity and Differentiability 223
6 u s r Sina
&)=ftf )=llx-21-21 22x-1.-2x+2x+2
+1 + 1¥ dy
x»2 and=
When, de nsec"'0-sec0 tan 0- cos"-"0-(-sin 8)
0 0 0

-2--1) sin? 2x
(a) |6
g Ct)=I (*-2)-2|=lx-41=x-4

P P 1 when 2
(+1in =
tan 8 (sec8+
g' () = x> cos 0)
6-1 0

0=0 =
independent otp
24. Let u =sec u=y1- 28. (x - a) (x- b) (*-) (t-b) (x-) -C
bx and
tan 0(sec" 0+ cos" 6)
x= cos 8 ax
0% dy n (sec"0+ cos" 0)
20. Since. = Pu)
both sides we get
u =sec Fsec2 8) and v= sine x-a) - b) (x-c) -b) (x-c)-
dx sec + cos

On differentisting ax
u =t-20 :
secF:) T-ser
(yn(sec"6+ cos e)
U= sin 0 (x- a) *-b) (x-c) -e)x-b (sec8+cos)
Again. diierentiating. we get
= -2 n((sec -cos" 0)+4n+4)
de ( - a) (x-b) (*- c) (*-c) (x-b) {(sec-cos 6) +4} (+4)
2 y2 =¥P")
2 = P")-207%)* d
cOs 6
-c) (-b)x- (- a) (x- b) (x-e)
+4 dx)
2'=Pa)P") du 2 (du -4 l o g y= log ? - log (-a) (r-b) - ) A() B() C(|
2 cosdu)a--
du 31.
0 d3 log y=3 log x- log (x-a)- log (z-b)-log(x- Let o)=| A(a) B (a)
(a) C .)
Again, diferentiatung, we get
On differentiating, we get A (a) B (a) C' (a)|
2 )=P c)P* ()- Pc)-P"() 25. Given, fc)= log,log :)
iiven that,
ft)= 10g (log)
a is repeated root of quadratic equation
2P(P" y x-a *-b *-c =0.
. We must have f (t)= (x- a) g)
On differentiating both sides, we get
o)= Plx) P**"(7) A'() B"() C°(%)|
log ) |-log(log x). = A (a) B (a) C(a)
P P f'Cc)=-
logx) x (x- a) x(t-b) x(-c) A (a) B°(a) C'(a)
a C A'(a) B' (a) C («)|
21. Given z= y- sin 1 -loga) e
yx(a-) x (b-)z(c-x) ( a ) =| A (a) B (a) Cla) |=0
On putting r =0, we get
f'= a_+-C A' (a) B'a) C'(«)|
0.e 0 (1) a-x b-x c-x) X=a 1s root of ' (x).
y=0 f'= (r a ) is a factor of ¢' (*) also.
or we can say (r - a) is a factor of f(c).
29. Here, (sin )+sec 2x)+2 tan log (r +2)=0
differentiating Eq. 1) both sides W.r.t. x, we get On differentiating both sides, we get
( ) i s divisible by f().
26. Given, F() =| ) 82 )8s +sin"
cOs x
(sin y) ilog (sin y) cos22 32. Given.y -log sin)-login COs)
puttingr =0. y=0, we get log,(sin ) in2
dy log. (cosx) 1+
0-0)- o,0
+2sin 0cos 0 dr
(log(cos )-cot x
2 2 sec log (r+2) 2
dy=2 08, (Sin ),+log,(n x)
tan 1)
&a) 2 (21xl)4x-1 (x+2) 1+
|& )82') gs'(a)|+|& () =0
d log. (cos) {log, (cos )
22. Given, f(x) = z|x| +2" log 2 tan {log (r +2))
F'(a) =0 +0+0 =0 r=l,4* Putting -1,y=-we get
ifx<0 ,(a) =g,(a) =h,(a);
fis not differentiable at r =0
but all R-10). 27. Given, y=/
( 32
ZI, and f' ) sin' x yr-3
dx log, 2 16 + n

Therefore, f)is twice differentiable 33. Given, (a + bx) e" =x

for all and y =sec"0- cos
R-(0. sec 0- cos
we get
sin 1 +1)2-@x-) ferentiating W.r.t. 0
y=x [log () log (a
- + bz)]
+1 +1 tan 0+sine
and (1i), wet get
From Eqs. i), (1i)

224 Limit, dy sin (3 .cos +sin

we get
dx tan
+ bx) 2x cosec2x + log
log (a

1 |log
(v)- 5x
dy +cos-(2x+1)
36. Given, 3 | 1 -xl
5x +Cos (2x + 1), x<1
( a br) ..i) 31-)
+ Cos"(2x + 1), x>1
We get
both sides,

The function
is not defined at x=1.
(a+ bu)-1 -*:b
1 - ) - 1 |-2 sin
(1-(1- 4x+2), z
a dy
)2 (a +bx) dx 5-1)-x-2
-1)2 sin (4x +2), 1»1
from Eq. (i))
Y(a+ bx)) :-2sin (4x+2), «<1
dy | 3 (1-x)
-2 sin (4x+2), *>1

34. Given. h(t)= lf(«)]+ [g()] 37. Here, lim
x1 G (x) 14
h'x=2ft)-f')+2g(«) g') F' 1 [using L'Hospital'srl
=0 f ' ( ) = g%and g' () = - f ] |
1 G () 14

hx) is constant.
As F)=,f)dt= F'()=-fln
h 1 0 ) = h5) =11
and G c)=, tf{FONdt
35. Since, y = e***+ (tan x)", then G' (x) = «|f{f(}
y=u + U, where u =e**and v=(tan x)* lim =lim =lim f
Here, u = and log v = xlog (tan x) 1f{f) f1/2)
On differentiating both sides w.r.t. z, we get Given, F(x) 1
r 1 G(«) 14
x (3x cos +
sin *') ..(i)
l du _xsec'r
and log (tan x) 14
dx tan x
(tan a) |2a cosec (2x) + log (tan x)] ...(ii)

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