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Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB)

English 105: Business English Classwork 3: Spring 2022

Department of English
Name: Sunzia Islam Mim Section: 13 Time:

ID: 2130148 Full Marks: 20 Marks Scored:

1. Read the following comprehension passage and answer the questions.

High-Context and Low-Context Communication

The way we communicate with each other reflects our own cultural background and context. In
some cultures, people tend to convey messages explicitly and directly; verbal and written words
are the primary way to deliver a message. In these cultures, it is the speaker’s responsibility to
deliver a clear message to the listener. In other cultures, including many in Asia, Africa, Latin
America and the Middle East, messages are delivered through more indirect and non-verbal
means. Key information is conveyed via context. It is the listener’s responsibility to understand
the meaning by reading between the lines. The terms Low-Context Communication (LCC) and
High-Context Communication (HCC) come from the anthropologist Edward T. Hall (1976), who
used them to describe the way in which human communication styles differ. According to Hall,
in LCC, meaning is expressed through explicit verbal messages, both written and oral. In HCC,
on the other hand, intention or meaning can best be conveyed through implicit contexts,
including gestures, social customs, silence, nuance, or tone of voice. In low-context cultures,
what (content) is said is of primary importance, whereas in high-contexts cultures, how the
message is delivered often matters more. This entry provides a brief introduction to low-context
versus high-context communication styles and how they affect our interactions and
understanding of one another.

Patterns of direct verbal assertiveness, linear logic, straightforwardness, and transparent

messages are characteristic of LCC. Often generated from individualistic cultures, in which
shared assumptions are not taken for granted, LCC values saying what you mean and
meaning what you say. HCC, more common in collectivistic cultures, relies on
communication patterns of indirect non-verbal cues, spiral logic, a self-humbling tone, and
silence. HCC emphasizes the cultural norm “Don’t say anything that may result in losing
face or hurting the other’s feelings.” The speaker’s intentions, wants, and needs are
expressed in a diplomatic and softer tone to maintain harmony in the relationship. Very little
is explicit in the transmitted part of the message; instead, the receiver is expected to read
between the lines and infer meaning from the nonverbal subtleties accompanying the
verbal message.

Nonverbal communication involves the use of nonlinguistic cues (eye contact, smiles,
touch, silence) and paralinguistic cues (tone of voice, pitch, volume) expressed through
communication channels such as facial expressions, body movements, hand gestures, and
spatial relationships. “Hear one and understand ten” is a common proverb in Japan and
Korea, reflecting the high-context cultural values in those societies. A specific word that
refers to a form of HCC even exists in the Korean language: 눈 치 (Nunchi). Nunchi, the
ability to read someone’s mind or read between the lines, is one of the most important competencies
to communicate effectively in Korean society, because you are expected to understand others’
unspoken agendas and real intentions through nonverbal cues.

a. What is meant by High –Context and Low-Context Communication?

Low-context communication is direct and leaves minimal room for interpretation. It refers to
societies where people tend to have many connections but of shorter duration or for some
specific reason And High Context communication relies heavily on non-verbal and
contextual meanings. It refers to societies where people have close connections over a long

Low context communication conveys their meaning exclusively to the context of a situation.
Even if they are unfamiliar with the cultural background, the address is likely to comprehend
all of the information. But the messages have to be efficient with logical. On the other side
High context communication is group of people who don’t use a lot of verbally explicit
communication and have strong boundaries. They will use communication that focuses on
voice tone, facial expression, gestures and eye movement.

b. Differentiate the features between High-Context and Low-Context Communication

from the above text.

High-Context Low-Context Communication

a. Implicit information a. Explicit information

b. Delivered via a gesture of the speaker b. Delivered directly or verbally

c. Eastern or south Asian communication c. Western culture communication uses LCC

uses HCC

d. Listener’s Focus d. Speaker’s words

2. Match Formal Phrases (from the list) to their informal Versions by writing
them in the space given:

Formal Phrases List

The trend of globalization makes it necessary for many people to…

To state it in brief…

The points for and against…


Life presents a number of challenges…

There are advantages and disadvantages…

Another point is that…

There is a need for strict laws in…

Cooperation between the Government and public is vital…

A final and very important point is…

Informal Phrases: Formal Phrases:

1. Life is not a rose garden. Life is 1. Life presents a number of challenges…


2. On top of that… 2. Another point is that…

3. In a nutshell… 3. To state it in brief…

4. Last but not least… 4. A final and very important point is…
5. Our government must make 5. There is a need for strict laws in…
good laws to help the common

6. Hong Kong is an international 6. The trend of globalization makes it necessary for many
city, so we all must… people to…

7. Every coin has two sides… 7. The points for and against…

8. By the way… 8. Incidentally…

9. Pros & cons of… 9. There are advantages and disadvantages…

10. Govt & people must join 10. Cooperation between the Government and public is
together… vital…


Points, Formal English and Negative to Positive Focus as needed.

(a) I have received your proposal within the deadline. You remembered to submit it on time.

-I am very impressed that you managed to send me the proposal within the deadline. Good job.

(b) You do not meet the minimum admission requirement of our reputed institution. We,
therefore, reject your application. You should get the needed qualifications and then reapply.

-Your qualifications are great but some of the requirements needed to be fulfilled, we have to
reject your application unfortunately but, don’t be sad, sit for the exams again, achieve better grades
and then reapply in our institution.

(c) We sell this cutlery set for the low price of Tk. 110 each and suggest a retail price of Tk. 130.
This will give you a profit of 20 taka which we think will be a good amount for you to earn.

-The wholesale price of cutlery set is tk. 110 per piece and we suggest our customers a retail
price of tk. 130 with a profit margin of tk. 20 which we believe would be a good bargain in the

(d) You must take advantage of our brilliant savings scheme, if you wish to secure your future,
and you are lucky that we have chosen you to be among the first five to be offered an incentive.

-We would like to suggest you to take advantage of our brilliant savings scheme as this will ensure a
secured future for you, and you are lucky that you are chosen to be among the first five to be
offered an incentive.

(e) Even though I have spent 30 minutes on you discussing this project and your assignment,
you simply do not understand what I am saying. Please go and ask Jane to help you from now
on. I don’t want to waste any more time as I have other people waiting for my valuable help.

- Spending 30 minutes with you won't understand the project. I would kindly suggest you to go to
Jane as she will be able to explain much more briefly than me.

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