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B r i e f c o m m u n i c at i o n s

Orthogonal representation ranging from 0.5–16 kHz. In the periodotopy experiment, we pre-
sented broad band noise with amplitude modulation rates ranging
of sound dimensions in the from 0.5 to 512 Hz (see Supplementary Methods and Supplementary
Fig. 1 for stimulus details). We obtained data in multiple sessions
primate midbrain from each of three different animals for both experiments (Fig. 1a).
All experimental procedures were approved by UK Home Office
Simon Baumann, Timothy D Griffiths, Li Sun, (Supplementary Methods).
Christopher I Petkov, Alexander Thiele & Adrian Rees Consistent with our previous study in macaques11, the sounds evoked
robust BOLD responses in the inferior colliculus with maximal t ­values
Natural sounds are characterized by their spectral content greater than 30 when contrasting the combined sound stimulation with
and the modulation of energy over time. Using functional a silent baseline (Fig. 1b). We analyzed the BOLD response to the dif-
magnetic resonance imaging in awake macaques, we observed ferent spectral frequencies by identifying areas in the inferior collicu-
© 2011 Nature America, Inc. All rights reserved.

topographical representations of these spectral and temporal lus that responded best to either low, mid-range or high frequencies.
dimensions in a single structure, the inferior colliculus, The analysis revealed a consistent response pattern in all three animals
the principal auditory nucleus in the midbrain. These (Supplementary Fig. 2). Areas preferring low spectral frequencies clus-
representations are organized as a map with two approximately tered along the dorso-lateral border of the inferior colliculus, whereas
perpendicular axes: one representing increasing temporal rate areas responding best to high spectral frequencies were located along
and the other increasing spectral frequency. the ventro-medial border. The mid-range frequencies predominated
mostly between the areas for low and high spectral frequencies. This
A general organizing principle of sensory systems is the representation topographic representation of frequency is consistent with the tonotopic
of their peripheral receptor arrays as topographic maps in the brain. organization along the dorso-lateral to ventro-medial axis that has been
Systematic representations of where light falls on the retina or a haptic established electrophysiologically in primates and other mammals1,2.
stimulus touches the skin occur at several levels of their brain path- An analysis to identify areas in the inferior colliculus responding
ways. Similarly in hearing, the receptor array in the cochlea is repre- to temporal modulation rates also revealed a consistent organization.
sented in a frequency, or tonotopic, map at all levels of the mammalian In this case, the low rates clustered at the dorso-medial side of the
auditory pathway, including the inferior colliculus1–3. However, in inferior colliculus, approximately perpendicular to the axis of the
addition to their spectral frequency content, a second fundamental spectral frequencies (Supplementary Fig. 2), with the high temporal
acoustic dimension, the modulation of energy over time, is crucial for rates being represented along the ventro-lateral border.
the characterization and perceptual analysis of biologically important In an additional analysis, we mapped the trends of these preferences
sounds such as speech and animal vocalizations4. A systematic map for frequency and temporal modulation rate by subtracting the response
of this second, temporal or periodotopic dimension in the auditory strengths (beta values) to the low frequencies from the response strength
pathway has proven to be more elusive. Electrophysiological studies to the high frequencies and modulation rates, respectively. The resulting
sampling the electrical activity of single neurons or clusters in the maps revealed two gradients, characterized by a decreasing response to
inferior colliculus have not been consistent in reporting a topographi- low frequencies or rates and an increasing preference for high frequencies
cal representation of temporal stimulus dimensions5–10. or rates, that run dorso-lateral to ventro-medial for the spectral frequen-
We examined the topographical representation of spectral and cies and dorso-medial to ventro-lateral for the temporal rates (Fig. 1c).
temporal information using functional magnetic resonance imaging The axes of these tonotopic and periodotopic gradients are approximately
(fMRI) in rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta). This technique allows perpendicular to one another.
activity to be sampled across the whole structure and has the advan- To quantify these gradients, we analyzed the subtraction maps of
tage of being relatively free from ascertainment bias compared with the inferior colliculus using multiple regression analysis (Fig. 2).
the electrophysiological sampling of single neurons. A two-dimensional gradient plane was fitted to the values of the
We mapped neural activity in the inferior colliculus at high spatial subtraction map (Supplementary Methods). The resulting values
resolution (1 mm × 1 mm in-plane) by measuring the blood oxygena- represent the direction of the gradients (correlation coefficients
tion level–dependent (BOLD) signal to sound stimuli in two separate and significance of the regression analysis are summarized in
experiments. The first experiment served to identify a tonotopic gra- Supplementary Table 1). The gradients showed correlation coeffi-
dient. In the second experiment, we tested for an analogous tempo- cients (r2) between 0.56–0.89 and significance levels of P < 0.0005.
ral (periodotopic) gradient. The stimuli for the tonotopy experiment The orthogonality of the two gradients is evident by comparing the
consisted of narrow bands of noise containing spectral frequencies average angle between the axes of the tonotopic and periodotopic

Institute of Neuroscience, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. Correspondence should be addressed to
S.B. (

Received 30 November 2010; accepted 31 January 2011; published online 6 March 2011; doi:10.1038/nn.2771

nature neuroscience  VOLUME 14 | NUMBER 4 | APRIL 2011 423

b r i e f c o m m u n i c at i o n s

Figure 1  BOLD response maps in the inferior colliculus. (a) Location of

the analyzed MRI slices (in red) on a sagittal structural MRI from one
a b R L 30

animal. V and D indicate the ventral and the dorsal edges of the slice. D D
(b) t value map of all sound stimuli versus no-sound for one of the slices
in a (t value shown by scale on right). Robust responses from the inferior
colliculi are clearly visible. (c) Subtraction maps for the boxed area in b.
BOLD responses are shown to high spectral sound frequencies (hf, left) t: 0
or temporal rates (hr, right) versus the low spectral frequencies (lf) or
temporal rates (lr), respectively, for three animals. Change toward blue
indicates increasing dominance of high frequencies or rates. Change
c Tonotopy Periodotopy

toward red indicates increasing dominance of low frequencies or rates. Ws 6.7 2.2
Minimal and maximal response estimate coefficients (beta values) are hf hr
displayed above and below the color scale, respectively. Letters in upper
left corner of left column indicate animal ID. lf lr

5 mm –9.1 –2.0

gradients, which was 97.5 degrees (±17.9 s.d.) for the left inferior D DI
colliculus and 103.1 degrees (±35.1) for the right inferior colliculus 2.9 3.0

(see Supplementary Methods and Supplementary Table 1). hf hr

The significance and consistency of the gradients apparent in both lr

inferior colliculi of all tested animals (Supplementary Fig. 3) dem-
onstrate that the two fundamental sound dimensions, frequency and V
© 2011 Nature America, Inc. All rights reserved.

modulation rate, are represented topographically in the inferior col-

liculus of macaques. The arrangement takes the form of a map in Cr 3.4 2.7
which the axes for increasing spectral frequency and increasing tem- hf hr

poral rate lie perpendicular to one another. Because we collapsed the

lf lr
two fMRI slices in the rostro-caudal dimension (see Supplementary
Methods) the curvature of the frequency-band laminae revealed by –3.4 –3.7

electrophysiology in the rostro-lateral region2 is represented in a flat R L

two-dimensional map in our data. This may lead to some loss of reso-
lution in the frequency and modulation rate representations, which in other species5–7 and, by extending it to primates, suggests that an
could conceal a systematic representation; however, from our data, orthogonal arrangement of tonotopy and periodotopy in the inferior
their orthogonality is clear nevertheless. The organization shown in colliculus is a governing organizing principle in the auditory system
our data gives independent support to electrophysiological evidence of mammals.
Tonotopy Periodotopy
The midbrain is the first level in the auditory pathway in which sub-
Difference map (β): hf–If Difference map (β): hr–Ir stantial neuronal selectivity for amplitude modulation rate is evident
–5 –5 in the average firing rate as well as the response being synchronized to
Ventral ← dorsal (mm)

Ventral ← dorsal (mm)

the temporal waveform10. This is consistent with the inferior colliculus

being the structure in which the temporal pattern of neuronal activity
0 0
is converted into a topographical representation. That the axis of such
a representation is orthogonal to the tonotopic axis would facilitate the
independent processing of these fundamental sound dimensions.
5 5
5 0 –5 5 0 –5 The systematic representation of temporal envelope information in
R ← L (mm) R ← L (mm) the inferior colliculus is an organizing principle that could facilitate
Two-dimensional regression Two-dimensional regression the subsequent analysis of this important cue for identification and
20 segregation of sound objects. In speech perception, for example, the
Response (β): hr–Ir

Response (β): hf–If

10 2
amplitude envelope of a small number of frequency bands carries
0 0 sufficient information for intelligibility4. Envelope fluctuations also
–10 –2 provide important cues for segregating sound in situations where
–4 multiple sound sources are present with overlapping frequency com-
Do–5 –5
rsa –5 ponents12,13 The identification and grouping of components sharing
rsa 0 l→0 0
l →
Ve 5 5
L (m
m) Ve 5 5 L (mm
) the same temporal envelope is one of the cues that the brain uses to
ntr R← ntr R←
al al parse or stream information into distinct sources.
Gradient direction: 58 degrees Gradient direction: –30 degrees These data represent, to the best of our knowledge, the first dem-
–5 –5 onstration of a spectro-temporal map in the midbrain of a primate.
Ventral ← dorsal (mm)

Ventral ← dorsal (mm)

Figure 2  Estimation of gradient directions by two-dimensional regression

0 0 analysis. These are shown for the spectral experiment (left) and the
temporal experiment (right) in the left inferior colliculus of animal Ws. Top,
subtraction maps for the response estimates. Middle, fitting of a plane to the
values of the response-estimate coefficients (black dots). Bottom, gradient
5 5 direction is displayed by the contours of the subtraction maps. Gradient
5 0 –5 5 0 –5
R ← L (mm) R ← L (mm) directions are indicated relative to the dorsal-ventral axis. The angle between
Resulting relative angle: 88 degrees the axes of the tonotopic and periodotopic gradients is shown below.

424 VOLUME 14 | NUMBER 4 | APRIL 2011  nature neuroscience

b r i e f c o m m u n i c at i o n s

The systematic representation of frequency and modulation rate COMPETING FINANCIAL INTERESTS
in perpendicular gradients that we found suggests an organization The authors declare no competing financial interests.
for the analysis of temporal rate independent of spectral frequency. Published online at
Furthermore, our data also represent a major advancement in Reprints and permissions information is available online at
non-invasive brain imaging. Until recently, it was challenging reprintsandpermissions/.
to record BOLD responses from brainstem nuclei, especially in
humans14,15. These high-field fMRI data show for the first time, to 1. Rose, J.E., Greenwood, D.D., Goldberg, J.M. & Hind, J.E. J. Neurophysiol. 26,
294–320 (1963).
the best of our knowledge, the detailed organization in a primate 2. Merzenich, M.M. & Reid, M.D. Brain Res. 77, 397–415 (1974).
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4. Shannon, R.V., Zeng, F.G., Kamath, V., Wygonski, J. & Ekelid, M. Science 270,
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6. Heil, P., Schulze, H. & Langner, G. Aud. Neurosci. 1, 363–383 (1995).
7. Langner, G., Albert, M. & Briede, T. Hear. Res. 168, 110–130 (2002).
We wish to thank D. Hunter for his assistance in animal handling and data 8. Krishna, B.S. & Semple, M.N. J. Neurophysiol. 84, 255–273 (2000).
recording. This research was funded by the Wellcome Trust. 9. Müller-Preuss, P., Flachskamm, C. & Bieser, A. Hear. Res. 80, 197–208 (1994).
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AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS 11. Baumann, S. et al. Neuroimage 50, 1099–1108 (2010).
S.B., T.D.G. and A.R. designed the experiment. A.T. provided the animals and 12. Hall, J.W., Haggard, M.P. & Fernandes, M.A. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 76, 50–56 (1984).
13. Bregman, A.S. Auditoy Scene Analysis: The Perceptual Organization of Sound
supervised their handling. L.S. provided the echo planar imaging sequences and
(Bradford Books, MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1990).
optimized them for each animal. S.B. recorded the data. S.B. analyzed the data with 14. Guimaraes, A.R. et al. Hum. Brain Mapp. 6, 33–41 (1998).
help from C.I.P. S.B. and A.R. prepared the manuscript with contributions from 15. Griffiths, T.D., Uppenkamp, S., Johnsrude, I., Josephs, O. & Patterson, R.D.
T.D.G., A.T., C.I.P. and L.S. Nat. Neurosci. 4, 633–637 (2001).
© 2011 Nature America, Inc. All rights reserved.

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