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Pin 1 DS

Pin 2 BERR

Pin 3 GND




Pin 8 DSI

Pin 10 DSO

Connect WPP to 12V with 100ohm resitor when you want to write to the chip. Make
sure WPP is > 11.4V when power on. Depending on your bench power supply you may need to
adjust the resistor value up or down to get in this range.

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You will need to register and activate your device BEFORE YOU CAN USE IT. Yes it looks like you can use
it without registering it BUT IT WILL NOT WORK……….TRUST ME ON THIS.

There is no need to mess with the XML files, they are now included in the default software.

To use the tool select the tab “tools” and then select “Configure”. Once the window opens select
“Other” in the left column. Select “BDM” in the center column. Select “Ecu411” in the right column. This
file will work on the 0896 and 0411 512K pcm’s.

Make sure the BDM is connected to the Pcm BEFORE you plug in the USB cable OR reconnect the Pcm to
a power supply. Once it’s hooked turn Plug in the USB to your computer, in the bottom right of the
program it will say “Connected” and “BDM OFF”. Now turn on the PCM, it should now say “BDM ON”.
That’s it….in the top row of icons click ID to make sure it’s working. It should return the type of Chip, if it
does your good to read or write to the Pcm now. Make a note… read the flash chip WPP does NOT
need to be connected but to flash a new file to the chip it does need to be connected. You can’t just
leave WPP connected (that’d be too easy). The Pcm will not boot and tools over the data buss will not
work if you do. It is only used/needed to flash the chip with.

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