Offer Letter

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,rlllr, |SC]RitsE


|une 08, 2017

Illr. Oieiy Satya Srirama Chandra Mufthy

3 -12O, Kacheeri Street, Komaripalem,
E.G.dist, Andhra Pradesh, 533346.

Dear Olety Satya Srirama Chandra Murthy,

FurtJrer to or.rr cliscrrssions, we are pleasecl to offer yotr the position of Assoeiate Csnsultant in our
Your total On Target Earnings will be INR 2,79,996/- per annum.

Your initial place of work will be Iscribe Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd, Address No' 53, 4th block, sth
Cross, Behind Sorry World Signal, 100 Feet Rci, Koramangala Extension, Bengalurrr, Karnataka

Please bring the following documents at the time of joining:

a. Copies of educational certificates, starting from matriculation.
b. Relieving letter and service certificate frcm the present employer.
c. Last pay slip.
d. Photocopy ofthe PassPort.
e. PAN card.
f. Passport size photograPhs [3J

At the time of joining, you will be required to sign the employment agreement, which will be sent to
you upon receiving your acceptance.

Looking forward to welcoming you aboard.

Yours sincerely
For Iscribe Software Solutions Pvt Ltd.

Narayana Swamy
Head of Recruitment
Accepted by Employee
Date of foining:

No. 53, 4th block, sth Cress Behind Sony World PH: 080-70970770
Signal,l0O Feet Rd, Koramangala Extension
Bengaluru, Karnataka 560034 www, i scr i besoftwa re -com
.rlllr. !SCIR.itsE

Salary Components
Earnings: A Monthly Yearlv
Basic Salary 8,193.00 98316.00
Medical Allowance 1,2.50.00 15000.00
CCA 4,506.00 54072.OO
Special Allowance 3,687.00 44244.OO
House Rent Allowance 4,097.0O 49164.OO
Conveyance Allowance 1,600.00 19200.00

Gross Salarv 23,333.00 279996.OO

* Employer's contribution towards statutory compliance

and other benefits.
**Employees desirous of receiving
tax exemption against HRA, Medical Allowance will need to declare
the same in the IT Declaration.

Welcome to Iscribe Software Solutions Pvt Ltd.

We consider it important for us to understand our mutual expectations regarding your employrnent
with Iscribe Software Solutions Pvt Ltd.. This Agreement, together with Appendix, "Additional
Obligations under the Employment", constitutes the agreement between us relating to your
employment. When signed by you and an authorized Company representative, will be a legally binding
agreement. If there is anything you do not understand, please feel free to discuss this with us. Please
also feel free to have a la',vyer of your choice review this agreement for you.

The purpose of this Agreement and attached Appendix is to set out the terms of your employment with
us as follows:

1. Commencement and Term of Employment

a) Your effective date of employment will be fune 12, ZAL7.

bJ This offer of employment is contingent upon your lawful status to perform the duties
contemplated herein and to accept and perform this employment in India.
cJ Subject to Clause 1 [e) below, the term of your employment will be indefinite, subject to
termination pursuant to the terms of this Agreement and the requirements of applicable India
I : rlr

dJ Your initial responsibilities, as from time to time established by the Company in its discretion,
will include, but not be limited to those described on Appendix to this Agreement.
e) Your employment will be subject to a three-month trial period. During this trial period, your
employment may be terminated by us or by you at any time, upon one-week prior notice of
terminaiion or palrmeni in lieu ihereof
No. 53, 4th block, Sth Cross Behind Sony World
PH: 080-70970770
Signal,l00 Feet Rd, Koramangala Extension
Bengaluru, Karnataka 560034 info@iscri
www. iscri besoftwa
'l ll,' iSCIR.itsE

2. Benefits Plans

You will also be entitled to oarticipate in the Company Benefit Plans, as from time to time
established, at such times as you qualify for them or, as the case may be, as you are seiected for
participation in them. The Company reserves the right to amend or discontinue such benefit
programs in its sole discretion and without compensation to you for such amendment or

3. Privilege and Casual Leave fVacation) Entitlement and Paid Holidays

aj You wili be entitieC to 22 days cif pnvilege leave per campieted caleirdar ]ieai lif service.
Privilege leave will be accrued on the basis of five and a half days ol leave for each three
months of continuous employment.
b) Privilege leave will be taken by you at times that will be determined, depending upon the
ronrriromonfc nf fhp hrrcinccc actirritiec nf tho Cnmnanrr rnd dpnenr{ino rrnnn lho nrnrricinnc of
nafional law, unless the Company and you will otherwise specifically agree.
c) Privilege leave entitlement must be taken in the first calendar year in which it may be
discharged. However, you will be entitled to carry forward privilege leave up to a maximum of
twenty two days.
d) You will be entitled to a maximum of B sick leave days per completed year of service
e) You will enjoy 10 paid holidays as established by the Company in conformance with the laws of

4, Hours and Business Travel

a] The working hours under this Agreement will be forty [40J hours per week. The Company
business day is generally from 10:00 AM to 18:00 PM. Notwithstanding, your duties may
require you to engage in travel on behalf of the Company, and to work at hours required by the
nature of the business of the Company. You expressly agree to accept such reasonable travel
and hours of work without additional compensation.

b) Business travel and assignments outside of India will be notified to you in advance, but you
agree that you wiii not refuse such travel anr'r assignments rnrithout imperatirre reasons"

5. Professional Expenses

You are reasonable and necessary professional expenses for trave] and lodging, incurred in
furthering of Company business, will be reimbursed to you in accordance with the standard
policies cf the Cci;rpai'iy, as irorr-i time to time iu eiiect, upcll preselriaiioi-r oi dccumeniaty
evidence acceptable to the Company.

No. 53, 4th block, Sth Cross Behind Sony World PH: 080-70970770
Signal,100 Feet Rd, Koramangala Extension besoftware,com
inf o@i scri
Bengaluru, Karnataka 560034
.rlllr, iSC:IR.itsE

6. Termination of Employment Relationship

aj The CompanSz and you mutually accelrt the possiLrility that at some future point the Company
or you may wish to end this employment,
bJ Your employment may be terminated by the Company without notice or payment in lieu
thereof if you commit any serious or persistent breach or non-observance of the terms,
conditions or stipulations contained in this Agreement, or are guilty of any serious negligence
or gross misconduct in connection with or affecting the business or affairs of the Company.
c] Your employment may be terminateri by either the Company or You upon giving rarritten notice
for payment of salary in lieu of noticeJ of one month, or the statutory requirement of the then
applicable law, whichever is greater, and payment of any statutory indemnity/gratuity
required by law.

7. Notice under the Agreeme:rt

Any notice given under this Agreement to you rnay be seled by being handed to you
personally, or by being sent by registered airmail, where appropriate, to you at your last
known address, with service deemed to be the day next fexcept Sunday) following the day of
posting, and with sufficient proof of service by post being proper address of the envelope and
prepaid posting of the registered letter. Notice to the Company may be hand delivered or sent
by registered airmail, where appropriate, tc the Company's registered office for the iime being.

Iscribe Software Solutions Pvt Ltd.

By: Narayana Swamy
Title: Head of Recruitment

No. 53, 4th block, 5th Cross tsehind Sony World PH: 080-70970770
Signal,100 Feet Rd, Koramangala Extension
Bengaluru, Karnataka 560034
www. scribes oftwa

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