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Lesson Plan in Mathematics 6

I. Objective

A. Content Standard:
The learner demonstrates the set of integers and able to compare integers

B. Performance Standard:
The learner is able to identify the real life situation that makes use of integers.
C. Learning Competency:

1. M6NS=11g-150,151: Identify real life situation using integers and comparing integers.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Introduction to Integers
References: Lesson Guide in Elementary Mathematics Gr.6, p353
Materials: white board, marker, laptop, google slide, quizizz app
Values Integration: Appreciation

III. Procedure

A. Preliminary Activities

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

1. Prayer
May we through Your blessings, add
purity to the world, subtract evil from
our lives, multiply the good news of
Your son and divide Your gifts and share
them with others. Amen.

2. Greetings

Good morning, students Good morning, teacher

3. Checking of Attendance

Is there any absent in the class? None, sir.

4. Recalling of the Online Classroom Rules

Golden Rule:

Turn On the mic if you will answer and off if

Do not turn off the camera

Utilize chat box.

Do not click share/present now.

Raise your hand if you will say something

Wear your smiles.

B. Developmental Activities

Before we start to our new lesson

let us have first a review regarding our previous
lesson about Similar and Dissimilar Fractions.

What is Similar Fraction? A fraction having the same


Very good, how about dissimilar fractions? A fraction having different


I will be showing you a fractions and you will

do “woah” if the fractions are similar and
“dub” if dissimilar fractions.

1. ¾, 5/4 1. woah
2. 8/6, 2/4 2. dub
3. 28/60, 30/50 3. dub
4. 4/28, 6/28 4. woah
5. 4/4, 25/ 25 5. Dub
C. Motivation
Let us have an activity.

This activity will introduce us to our new

topic about Integers.

So, may I know if you have any idea about integers? Yes, teacher.

A number with positive and negative

Very good.

And now, we will have our activity named Am I an

integer? Choose YES if the number represent integers and NO
if not.

1) 5 1) (yes)
2) -15 2) (yes)
3) 2.5 3) (no)
4) -95 4)(yes)
5) -4.75 5) (no)

C. Presentation:
I will be playing a short video presentation (watching video)
about our topic today.

What is an integers? An integer is a whole numbers with

positive and negative sign.

How can we apply integers in a real We can apply it when we will talk about
Life situation? temperature, money in the bank (debit
and credit), elevation.

Very good!

Again, fractions and decimals are not integers.

D. Discussion:
Do you know that we are using integers
in our everyday lives.

Let’s start with opposites.

We started learning about opposites when

we were in preschool. The opposite of big is small, rough
is smooth, winner is loser. The list goes on forever. What is
the opposite of 5? Most students will say negative 5.
But how does that look? How can we represent
that number?

It can be represented with a negative sign as in -5 or –(5).

In both cases, you have the opposite of 5 which
is negative 5. Using a number line we can graph 5 by
starting at 0 and going five spaces to the right. The
opposite of this would be starting at 0 and moving 5
spaces to the left or -5.

You Try!

Write the opposite of each of the following numbers.

1) 8 1) -8

2) -10.5 2) 10.5
3) –(15) 3) -15
4) –(-20) 4) 20

We Try!
Using your drill board, kindly answer this problem.

A bird was on a cliff 50 feet above sea level.

He dove 20 feet into the ocean to get a fish for dinner.
Graph the bird’s flight on a number line,
and explain what 0 represents.

Very good, it seems like you are learning.

Always remember that a real life situation can represent

an integers.

It can be represented using the key words up, above sea level,
forward, increase of, etc. and it represents positive integers.

On the other hand, we use key words below, backward, under

sea level, decrease of, etc. and it represents negative integers.

In comparing integers, we need to understand that the numbers to

the right of zero is a bigger numbers.
And numbers to the left of zero is a smaller numbers.

As continuation, we will have lots of activities to

test your understanding about integers.

E. Application

Using our quizizz app, we will be comparing integers using

<,> and equal. And we will able to see who among you
truly understand our lesson.

1. Opposite of 142 1. -142

2. What is the opposite of zero? 2. 0
3. What is an integer? 3. Negative and positive whole
number and 0
4. Which is the greatest integer? 4. -17
5. Negatives numbers are right or left of zero? 5. left
6. Choose the integer for: Being in debt ₱140,000 6. -140,000
7. Compare: -8 ____ 8 7. <
8. Compare: -40 ____ -39 8. <
9. Which number set is order from LEAST to GREATEST? 9. -35, -30, -23, -18, -11
10. Select ALL the numbers less than -3. 10. -4

F. Generalization

Values Formation

How we understand the use of Integers in We used it using the keyword

our everyday lives? that represents if a certain thing
or scenario is decreasing and

How we will apply integers in our daily living? We will apply it by comparing
different things or opposite things such
as identifying wether our temperature is
going up or high.

Very good! .
G. Evaluation

Direction: Choose the best answer in each question using

Google form.

1. What is the definition of an integer ?

a. Any number with a negative sign.
b. Whole numbers and their opposites.
c. The opposite of a whole number.
d. The answer to a multiplication problem.

2. Choose the integer for: Withdrawing ₱100,000

from your bank account.

a. 100
b. -100

3. Choose the integer for: Being in a plane 2700

feet above sea level.

a. 2700
b. -700

4. Which number has the SMALLEST value?

a. 0
b. -2
c. 6
d. 5
5. Which number set is in order from LEAST to GREATEST?
a. -3, -5, -9, 0 2
b. 2, 0, -9, -5, -
c. 0, 2, -3, -5, -9
d. -9, -5, -3, 0, 2

H. Assignment
Create your own (five) real life situation that makes
use of integers.

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