Coursework 1-Group Presentation - Diagnosis of Case Study Organisation

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Coursework 1- Group presentation-

diagnosis of case study organisation

Name of the author:

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Executive summary
The key findings of this report are that the company faced various challenging in maintaining
its business operations such as an ineffective leadership style approach. An ineffective
leadership style approach further contributed to increasing other challenges for the company
such as mismanagement of business operations, lowering the motivation of the employees,
and degrading brand value and brand image of the company in the market. However, the
implementation of the triple bottom line and transformational leadership style approach could
help the company in gaining a significant position in the market.

Table of Contents
Executive summary....................................................................................................................2


Case diagnosis and analysis of combined implications.............................................................5

Key issues...................................................................................................................................6

Potential current and future implications...................................................................................7


Business ethics...........................................................................................................................9




Change management is a process of implementing change in an organisation effectively.

With the changing demand of the business implementing different changes in the business
operations of the company results in increasing the performance of the company. The report
is further based on the provided case study of the pledge for cotton. The report will further
include a case diagnosis which will be extracted from the case study and a critical review of
the pledge for cotton will be presented in this report. The report will include key issues and
an effective analysis of the potential current and future implications incorporating scrutiny of
the wider global environment. The report will shed light on CSR and business ethics which
are in line with the case study provided.

Case diagnosis and analysis of combined implications

The mentioned case is presented in case study is about the history and growth of PFC
company. The owner of the company focused on providing high-quality clothes at affordable
prices moreover to contribute towards providing funding for the less privileged people in
society. The owner of the company focused on providing high-quality products and
maintaining high employee satisfaction and a positive working environment in the company
in order to improve the performance of the employees and enhance the quality of the
company's business operations (Hagelberg, 2015). The company collaborated with other
companies in Bangladesh in order to provide pure cotton products to its clients.

The case study offers a critical review of the initial aspects of sourcing the raw materials as
well as other functions that contribute to the development of the company (Davis, 2015). The
case study offers insights into how the early times and perspectives of Gail the owner of the
company helped in overcoming the challenges posed by the fashion industry of that time. The
case study highlights that the company PFC was formed with key objectives such as
encapsulating a pledge for the well-being of the less privileged. The case study offers insights
into the processes and operational functions of the company over the past couple of years.

Key issues

The major issues were due to the collaboration of the twins in managing the leadership role.
The responsibilities shared by both the twins were not fulfilled effectively due to which the
leadership of the company was affected. The design team of the company faced issues and
felt the frustration of the leadership gap due to which their performance was affected. Maria
being one of the leaders was not available to resolve the issues of the company which
influenced the satisfaction level of the employees. Another major problem which was faced
by employees was experiencing less value from the CEO which further contributed to
reducing the employee satisfaction level and their performance in the office. One of the
issues mentioned in the case study was lowering the rate of motivation of the employees as
Maria being the CEO discouraged the employees by stating that she did not attend the fashion
show completely because it was boring and instead, she went shopping.

Due to the less amount of motivation behaviour of the CEO herself the employees of the
company were completely demotivated as they were unable to focus on their work and design
new clothes for the launch of next season's line. It can be stated that the company faced a loss
in its reputation level because of the ineffective leadership style approach that was followed
by the company's CEO. The leaders are supposed to motivate the employees of the company
in order to increase employee satisfaction as well as to increase the quality of performance of
the employees however the employees of PCF faced issues due to reduced attention and
motivation level provided by the new CEO (Anand, et al., 2015). The major issue which was
faced by the company due to which the reputation of the company was impacted was the
issue of designing a new line of clothes because of less effective leadership style approach in
the company as compared to the effective leadership style of the company that was followed
earlier by its owner.

Potential current and future implications

The current implications of utilising sustainable practices for the manufacturing process in
the clothing industry would help in reducing the environmental impact of clothing
companies. The company faced financial issues, less level of employee satisfaction and an
ineffective leadership style followed in the company resulting in ineffective decision-making
by the CEO which further contributes to degrading the level of performance of the company
in the market. The company also faces financial issues due to mismanagement in the
company and due to the degrading reputation of the company in the market (Anderson, et al.,
2014). However, implementing a transformational leadership style approach and increasing
the genuine concern for staff, keeping regular updates reading the business operations and
performance of the staff could help the company in increasing the change of increasing its
performance and position in the market effectively.

Implementing an effective leadership style approach and strategic approaches helps the
company in attaining a significant position in the market (Day, et al., 2014). Due to
experiencing various challenges mentioned above the twin brothers decided to target the low-
cost market to survive the challenges which were faced by the company. However, the future
implication of this strategy is that the company will be able to manage the competition level
in the market and, maintain sustainable and significant performance in the market. The
company can use the strategy of recycling clothes which would help it in reducing its
environmental impact as well as in increasing its brand value and brand position in the


Maintaining CSR policies in a company helps in increasing its effectiveness and efficiency in
its business operations. The use of CSR policies further contributes to increasing the level of
performance of the company in the market and in increasing its market value in the company.
The PCF company as mentioned in the case study was able to maintain CSR policies when
Gaile was managing the business operations as she was concerned for the wellbeing of
employees and providing effective services to the underprivileged ones in society (El-Kassar,
et al., 2017). However, with the changed leadership approach by the twins the company faced
issues in its leadership and management due to which the company faced financial issues and
issues in maintaining its CSR policies. The company can however by implementing a triple
bottom line to manage its degrading position in the market.

The triple bottom line approach includes 3P's which include people, planet and profit. The
company should focus on being profitable by maintaining an effective profit margin on its
products in order to gain a competitive position in the market (Ahi and Searcy, 2015). The
company should also focus on increasing the satisfaction level of its employees to increase
the performance of the company and increase the employee satisfaction level. By managing
the profit level of the company, it would be able to contribute and focus on implementing
sustainable practices in order to contribute towards maintaining the planet. By using the triple
bottom line approach the company can effectively focus on improving the financial
challenges and increasing the employee satisfaction level which could further contribute to
increasing the market value of the company in the market.

Business ethics

Maintaining ethical practices in the business environment is necessary in order to enhance the
positive working environment of the workplace (Enderle, 2015). The PCF company as
mentioned in the case study faced various ethical issues due to the change the company faced
which included a change in leadership style approach. After Gail gave the position of CEO to
the twin brother the company started facing issues as a lack of coordination and different
perspective of the twin brother contributed to impacting the performance of the company
significantly. The company faced various challenges such as a lack of motivated employees,
a lack of design ideas due to ineffective guidance to the employees and financial challenges.
However, implementing significant ethical policies which could include maintaining
confidentiality, respecting each other and focusing on creating a positive work environment
in the company could influence the position and brand value of the company in the market.


It can be concluded from the above information that PCF company has faced various
challenges due to the ineffective leadership style approach which was implemented by the
twin brothers. The difference in the position of the company in the market could be observed
by comparing the performance of the company when it was monitored by Gail with the time
when the company was monitored by the twin brother. The difference in both approaches
impacted the performance of the company and the satisfaction level of employees as well as
customers of the company.


Ahi, P. and Searcy, C., 2015. Assessing sustainability in the supply chain: A triple bottom
line approach. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 39(10-11), pp.2882-2896.

Anand, S., Vidyarthi, P., Singh, S. and Ryu, S., 2015. Family interference and employee
dissatisfaction: Do agreeable employees better cope with stress?. Human Relations, 68(5),

Anderson, N., Potočnik, K. and Zhou, J., 2014. Innovation and creativity in organizations: A
state-of-the-science review, prospective commentary, and guiding framework. Journal of
Management, 40(5), pp.1297-1333.

Davis, P.J., 2015. Implementing an employee career-development strategy: How to build

commitment and retain employees. Human Resource Management International Digest.

Day, D.V., Fleenor, J.W., Atwater, L.E., Sturm, R.E. and McKee, R.A., 2014. Advances in
leader and leadership development: A review of 25 years of research and theory. The
leadership quarterly, 25(1), pp.63-82.

El-Kassar, A.N., Messarra, L.C. and El-Khalil, R., 2017. CSR, organizational identification,
normative commitment, and the moderating effect of the importance of CSR. The Journal of
Developing Areas, 51(3), pp.409-424.

Enderle, G., 2015. Exploring and conceptualizing international business ethics. Journal of

Business Ethics, 127(4), pp.723-735.

Hagelberg, L., 2015. Overall Insight into the Fashion Business.


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