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Investigating the impact of change in the attitude of Gen Z consumers regarding

sustainable fashion purchase

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Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Introduction.....................................................................................................................3

1.1 Background and rationale......................................................................................................3

1.2 Aims and objective................................................................................................................3

2. Literature review..........................................................................................................................4

2.1 Role of customer preferences in affecting the attitude of Gen Z regarding the sustainable
fashion purchase..........................................................................................................................4

2.2 Analyse the factors affecting the purchasing decision of Gen Z in the fashion sector..........4

2.3 Research Gap.........................................................................................................................5

Chapter 3 Research methodology....................................................................................................6

3.1 Research philosophy..............................................................................................................6

3.2 Research approach.................................................................................................................6

3.3 Research strategy...................................................................................................................6

3.4 Population sampling..............................................................................................................6

3.5 Data collection.......................................................................................................................7

3.6 Data analysis..........................................................................................................................7

3.7 Research ethics......................................................................................................................7

Chapter 4 Findings and Discussion.................................................................................................8

4.1 Findings.................................................................................................................................8

4.2 Discussion..............................................................................................................................9
4.3 Limitations.............................................................................................................................9



Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Background and rationale


Gen Z customers are the customers that are born between the years of 1995 to 2007, as this
generation knows as the digital native. In addition, this respectively means that this generation
has grown up in the digital world. Therefore, they have witnessed the success of ultra-fast
fashion brands. Consequently, this generation is more aware of social media platforms, as also
they have immense knowledge of fashion (Kim and Austin, 2019). Gen Z not only wants high-
quality goods, but also they are responsible for nature. Due to this, they consider sustainability as
a significant aspect while purchasing, as they get influenced by the brands who adopt the
sustainable practice. Thus, this young generation has a high awareness of sustainable fashion.

Henceforth, social media also have a major influence on this generation, since their feeds are
overwhelmed with promoters and sponsors (Tunsakul, 2020). Also, they trust the brands which
ensure sustainability in their business practices.


Gen Z is more aware of environmental practices, as a desire to help the environment was found
to be the major reason for consumers to buy sustainable products. In addition, in this modern
environment of business consumer preferences have changed as they not only see the quality but
also ensure sustainable practices (Potluri, et al., 2020). Therefore, this respective study is
beneficial in providing insight into the significance of sustainable practices in this modern world.
Thus, the fashion brands can understand this and ensure sustainable practices for influencing Gen
Z in this competitive era.

1.2 Aims and objective

This respective research will aim to investigate the impact of change in the attitude of Gen Z
consumers regarding sustainable fashion purchases.


 To critically examine the concept and theory of consumer behaviour

 To analyse the factors affecting the purchasing decision of Gen Z in the fashion sector
 To evaluate the role of customer preferences in affecting the attitude of Gen Z regarding
sustainable fashion purchases.
 To propose effective strategies for introducing sustainable fashion choices within the sector.

2. Literature review

2.1 Role of customer preferences in affecting the attitude of Gen Z regarding the sustainable
fashion purchase

As per the views of Angelis, et al., 2020, in this modern environment of business analysing
consumer behaviour is significant for influencing them. In addition, Gen Z is not only looking
for the quality of the product, as they keep in mind the sustainable practices. Consequently, this
new generation is more aware of sustainable practices as they care about the environment.
Therefore, fashion brands need to adopt sustainable practices in influencing the young
generation. Moreover, it has been identified in the study that sustainable practice aids in
influencing consumer behaviour. Sustainability improves the quality of life, as it protects the
ecosystem therefore this generation is more focused on saving nature. Thus, fashion brands need
to adopt sustainable practices for influencing the consumers.

2.2 Analyse the factors affecting the purchasing decision of Gen Z in the fashion sector

According to the views of Gardetti, et al., (2017), in this competitive environment of business,
the need for analysing the behaviour of the customer is important for influencing them toward
purchasing. In addition, several factors affect customer behaviour; these factors are related to the
social, cultural, economic and environmental. One of the major factors that influence consumer
behaviour is environmental, as this young generation is more aware of the sustainable practices
therefore they ensure that the brand is using eco-friendly and sustainable practices for producing
their products.

2.3 Research Gap

The literature covers the impact of change on the attitude of consumers and their preferences
regarding a sustainable purchase decisions. However, the prior authors did not focus on the
positive attitudes of Gen Z toward sustainable practices. This respective research has fulfilled the
research gap and evaluated the positive outcomes of the consumer towards purchasing
sustainable products.

Chapter 3 Research methodology

3.1 Research philosophy

In this respective research, and interpretivism philosophy will be used, as the study is based on
collecting the primary evidence. In addition, an interpretivism philosophy has assisted in
observing the real-time information and experiences which are associated with eth research area
(Chowdhury, 2014).Consequently; this philosophy has assisted in observing the events
associated with the impact of change in the attitude of Gen Z consumers regarding sustainable
fashion purchases.

3.2 Research approach

An inductive research approach will be selected as the most suitable approach among all the
others. In addition, this respective approach is based on a set of observations that is one of the
essential processes that help in executing the research (Woiceshyn, et al., 2018). Consequently,
this approach showcases the ability to generate meaningful outcomes which help in analysing the
research problem. Thus, this research approach is beneficial in attaining the appropriate
outcomes related to the research topic.

3.3 Research strategy

In this respective study qualitative method will be used therefore an interview strategy has been
selected. In addition with the help of the interview strategy, the perspective of the relevant
population will be extracted (Gilsing, et al., 2021). Consequently, the in-depth insights regarding
the impact of change in the attitude of Gen Z consumers regarding sustainable fashion purchases
can be effectively evaluated with the interview method.

3.4 Population sampling

For extracting the primary evidence a random sampling method will be adopted that can be
beneficial in evaluating the impact of change in the attitude of Gen Z consumers regarding
sustainable fashion purchases. In addition, the random sampling method is convenient in picking

participants in random order, also this method aids in saving time. To attain the purpose of the
research 30 consumers of the fashion sector were approached but only 15 participants have
reverted for the same.

3.5 Data collection

The study will be executed with the support of primary data sources, as for collecting the
primary evidence 15 consumers of the fashion sector will be selected. In addition, it is easy to
collect the data from the 15 participants. Consequently, developed interview questions will be
asked through Zoom call and descriptive data will be analysed (Zhou, et al., 2018). This
descriptive data based on the perspective of the participants help in conducting a depth analysis
of the research area. Therefore, the primary responses collected through interviews would be
supportive in satisfying the research question.

3.6 Data analysis

For analysing the collected data through the interview a thematic analysis method will be
utilised, as the application of this respective method is effective in analysing the different
dimensions of the research area. In addition, the collected data is analysed by assessing different
patterns or themes (Braun and Clarke, 2019). Henceforth, the collection of the data on the impact
of change in the attitude of Gen Z consumers regarding sustainable fashion purchases will be
analysed with the help of the thematic analysis method.

3.7 Research ethics

Ethics are considered the general belief and principles that needed to be ensured during the
execution of the research. In addition, for ensuring the research ethics it will be ensured that no
ethical means of practice will be utilised to satisfy the research purpose. Consequently, there will
be no leak of personal and credible information, as no use of power will be used to gather the
information from the participants (Vlahou, et al., 2021). Thus, the transparency and the integrity
of the research will be maintained effectively to measure the values and social ethics of the

Chapter 4 Findings and Discussion

4.1 Findings

Q.1 What is your age?

Out of the 15 respondents, 5 of them belong from the age group of 9 to 12 years. Out of the
remaining participants, 5 of them belong from the age group of 13 to 18. The other participants
of 19 to 24 years.

The selected respondents are able to provide significant information about the study topic. Gen Z
consumers are the people that were born between 1997 to 2012. These participants are helpful in
order to analyse the impact of change in the attitude of Gen Z consumers regarding sustainable
fashion purchases.

Q.2 Are you fond of buying sustainable products?

Out of the 15 participants, 11 of them shared that they are fond of buying sustainable fashion
products. The remaining respondents are not fond of buying sustainable products.

The majority of the respondents stated that sustainable products provide economic,
environmental as well as social benefits. These products play a major role in order to protect the
environment and public health.

Q.3 Do you feel that you are more inclined towards the companies selling sustainable

Out of 15 respondents, 10 of them stated that they are more inclined toward the companies
selling sustainable products. The remaining participants shared that they are not that inclined
toward the organisation that is selling sustainable products.

Most of the respondents shared that the organisations that are manufacturing sustainable products
are able to maintain an effective customer base. They are also able to deal with its competitors
that are ruling the market. The majority of the participants believed that it is significant for an

organisation to manufacture sustainable products in order to maintain an effective brand image at
the global level.

4.2 Discussion

It has been discussed with the assistance of data analysis and literature review that in today's
business environment, analysing consumer behaviour is critical for influencing them.
Furthermore, Gen Z is concerned with more than just product quality; they are also concerned
with sustainable practises. Most of the participants shared that they are more concerned for the
environment, this new generation is more aware of sustainable practises. As a result, it is critical
for fashion brands to adopt sustainable practices in order to influence the next generation.
Furthermore, the study discovered that sustainable practices aid in influencing consumer
behaviour. Because sustainability improves the quality of life by protecting the ecosystem, this
generation is more concerned with environmental preservation. As a result, it is critical for
fashion brands to adopt sustainable practices in order to influence consumers.

In today's competitive business environment, it's critical to analyse customer behaviour in order
to persuade them to buy. Most of the respondents stated that several factors influence customer
behaviour; these factors are social, cultural, economic, as well as environmental in nature. One of
the major factors influencing consumer behaviour is the environment; as this generation is more
aware of sustainable practices, they ensure that the brand uses eco-friendly and sustainable
practices in the manufacturing of their products.

4.3 Limitations

In this research, the data will be gathered with the help of primary sources, as the process of
assembling the information through the primary sources can consume a lot of time.
Consequently, an interview strategy will be selected therefore the responses of the participants
will be gathered for satisfying the research purpose. Consequently, gathering the responses from
the participants can be time-consuming. Therefore, ineffectiveness in selecting methodology may
affect the quality and outcomes of the study.


From the above information it has can be concluded that in this modern era of business, the need
for adopting the sustainable parties are essential for the fashion brands to ensure success. In
addition, the preferences of consumers have changes, as Gen Z consumers are more aware of
saving the natural resources. Consequently, it has been identified in the study that Gen Z not only
wants the high quality of goods, also they are responsible towards the nature. Due to this they
consider sustainability as a significant aspect while purchasing, as they get influence from the
brands who adopt the sustainable practice. Therefore, it has become significant for the fashion
brands to adopt the sustainable practices for producing the goods. Thus, it is critical for fashion
brands to adopt sustainable practices in order to influence the next generation. Furthermore, the
study concluded that sustainable practices aid in influencing consumer behaviour. Since
sustainability supports in improving the quality of life by protecting the ecosystem, this
generation is more concerned with environmental preservation.

Moreover, this respective research is beneficial for the fashion, as it can help them in influencing
the Gen Z consumers, and they can understand the importance of sustainable practices. They can
use green advertising and avoid the plastic packaging for attracting the consumers and for
constructing a respectable brand image.


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