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Table of Contents
Author’s profile/ Digital Skills passport..........................................................................................3

Executive summary.........................................................................................................................3

Infographics with commentary........................................................................................................4



Author’s profile/ Digital Skills passport
I am Abhilash Sugunan Nair, a student from the university Glasgow Caledonian (GCU). At this
time of the evaluation in digitization, a student should learn or must understand the elements of
digital marketing which will help in their career. Thereby, I am also pursuing my degree in
digital marketing from the “Glasgow Caledonian University” of London. The learned knowledge
of digital facts and analytical skills from this course will help me in the future in my professional
journey. In this course, I have learned how to interact and cooperate with others in terms of
creating significant social media posts for digital marketing or any other form of digital
marketing for bettering the business networks.
Executive summary
The term digital marketing refers to online marketing; this means various businesses use this
medium to promote their service or products. In a way it is a one-stop destination for all the
promotional elements, therefore, in today’s world digital marketing is gaining popularity in every
industry. Although this form of marketing is completely different from traditional marketing, it
needs depth knowledge of the objective and purpose of the company before promoting it.
According to Herhausen et al., (2020), digital marketing includes various channels like video
advertisement, content posts, network marketing, contextual marketing, email marketing, website
marketing, and of course social media marketing. Google insights represent that 48% of the
consumers searching for their desired services or products in various search engines (Silvia,
2019. Thus, the statistics from those search engine results can help to form a post for digital
Furthermore, most businesses use this digital platform due to the huge traffic on various
channels. Such as all social media sites, like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter have a
huge number of users, thus posting content on this platform, increases the chances of reaching
more people at once. On the other hand, it has been observed from the point of view of Saura,
(2021), that most consumers largely rely on digital platforms in terms of reviews, and feedback
on any service or product. Therefore, companies are using this opportunity to reach them and
help their demands in a way that they get influenced by their marketing. Thus, now digital
marketing is considered a new philosophy for emerging business practices. In this way, it can be
understood that the demand for a digital marketing expert is also high at the current time. As a

result, this study will, therefore, completely focus on understanding the various insights and KPIs
of digital marketing in considering the GCU's various posts on the digital platforms.
Infographics with commentary 

(Source: GCU LinkedIn dashboard)

After evaluating the LinkedIn profile of "Glasgow Caledonian University" it has been observed
that they have 92,315 followers currently. Although, they are not really using this social platform
as they should. In this way most of their posts are not even reaching 5% of their followers and
engagement is really low. The above infographic of a post from March 2022 shows that only 17
people have reacted to this post and just one follower put a comment below it. Although the post
was based on an alarming topic, it does not get reached. The KPIs of these kinds of posts make it
clear how good content can slow shadow ban by the digital platforms if the users or business is
not consistent with their content and posting (Natasuwarna, 2021). Thus, it is important to learn
about measurement matrix and KPIs and their use in digital marketing.

L inkedIn -C ompetitor A nalytics [January 2022]


PRME UK & Ireland Chapter Alianza, Inc.

rbb Communications Criteo

(Source: GCU Dashboard)

The above analytical representation shows the "Glasgow Caledonian University" competitor
analysis for January 2022. It can be observed from the above infographic representation that the
total followers gain in this month for PRME UK & Ireland Chapter is 23, among them, new
followers were 5 and their page engagement was 3. However, on the other hand, for Criteo and
engineering, the post engagement was 1188 and 404722 respectively with the help of 14 and 134
posts on LinkedIn. The total follower gain for engineering is 726730 and for Criteo it was
175427. In this way, it has been found that in January most of the followers were engaged by the
engineering posts, secondly by the Criteo posts. Although, from the above analytics it is not clear
what is the content of these posts on LinkedIn for the GCU of London. This can be said that
consistency in posting regular content on any of the social media platforms is important to make
one page visible and available for its followers.

LinkedIn -C ompetitor A nalytics [March 2022]
s s ts ns ts s ts
er er en en re os
w w ctio ha p
llo llo e m a m
ts l
o Fo ag re om s ta
lF ng st tc po To
ta w
po s l
To Ne st
l po ta
p o ta ta
l To
l To To

PRME UK & Ireland Chapter Alianza, Inc.

rbb Communications Criteo

(Source: GCU Dashboard)

In context to the above competitor analytics for March 2022 show that the number of new
followers increases for all the pages other than Alianza, Inc., in comparison to January.
Furthermore, the total post engagement was increased for only the engineering page, which is
350590 in March. Although, it can be the reason for their less consistency and engagement with
their followers. Therefore, it is always pointed out by digital marketing experts that maintaining
engaging content in the social media profile is necessary to expand the business network (Peter
and DallaVecchia, 2021). On the other hand, the above infographic representation of competitor
analytics on LinkedIn for "Glasgow Caledonian University" has shown that other than gaining a
few new followers, every data is almost the same as in January. Therefore, this has been
observed from the data analytics that within these 3 months the business does not get enough

Lin ked I n -Vistor An a lytic s [M a rc h 2022]
16 4.5
14 4

12 3.5
4 1
2 0.5
0 0































































Overview page views (desktop) Overview page views (mobile)
Overview page views (total) Overview unique visitors (desktop)
Overview unique visitors (mobile) Overview unique visitors (total)
Life page views (desktop)

(Source: GCU Dashboard)

In the above illustration, the visitor analytics of LinkedIn for March 2022 has been presented.
Then it can be seen in this bar diagram that the total overview of page view was high at the start
of the month, which is 14 and it decreases to 0 at the end of the month. This represents the low-
profile engagement from the point of view of followers. As per the view of Prathapan et al.,
(2018), in digital marketing engagement is important, as it represents the consumer's direct
interaction with the business. However, in the case of GCU, it is very low, and need to improvise
as soon as possible to reach their expected number of followers.

(Source: GCU LinkedIn Dashboard)
The above infographic depicts the visitor analysis of the LinkedIn digital marketing procedure
conducted by GC University. Thus, the infographics show that on the day of 16th January 2022,
the total number of views attained by the official LinkedIn page of GC University numbered to
be 5 views. It is also marked along with 3 views on the date of 14th January 2022. However, as
compared to the views of the other mentioned dates in the infographic, the 16th of January and
the 14th of January has received the maximum number of views on its page. In addition to this,
the infographic also depicts the factors that the maximum views that it has received are from the
viewer's utilization of the desktop and then from the use of a laptop. It has been commented by
Omar et al., (2020), that most of the advertisement that is made through the digital marketing
procedure includes views and visiting from the utilization of the desktop and mobile apps
themselves. Thus, these factors are actually reflected in this infographic.

(Source: GCU Tweeter Dashboard)
Firstly, to understand the responses and success of the posts and activities made in the Twitter
dashboard, it is essential to understand the key metrics of the tweeter. These include the proper
analysis of "Impression", "Engagement", and "Engagement rate". According to Soni and
Mathur, 2019), Impression on Twitter includes the fact that how many times a Twitter user has
seen the posts. On the other hand, engagement includes the calculation of the total number of
times the twitter user has interacted with the post. The inculcation of clicking anywhere on the
tweet includes any kind of hashtag, avatar, username, link, or expansion. In addition to this, the
factor of retweeting, liking, replying, and following the posts are also calculated on these Metrics
(Dillard and McCormack, 2021. Furthermore, while discussing the engagement rate, then it can
be easily analysed by calculating the number of engagements divided by the total number of
impressions in the post. Moreover, from the above-depicted infographics it can also be
understood that on the date of 10th march 2022, the maximum number of likes are received in
the tweet posted by GC University. The post engagement rate is 0.029787234 and three retweets.
Additionally, it has 1 user profile click. However, on the second day, there is a decline in the rate
of retweets. It is observed that there is only one retweet and like of the posts.

(Source: GCU Twitter Dashboard)
The above-depicted information in the infographic is again about the Twitter dashboard of the
GC university. However, this infographic is based on the engagement involved in their posts.
Thus, it can be clearly understood from the infographic that on the date 12th January 2022 the
maximum number of engagements consisted in GC University's posts. It included 33
engagements, 2 retweets, 1 reply, and 4likes. Thus, the engagement rate is calculated to be
0.03038674. In addition to this, it is also understood from the infographic that 4 engagements
were done through the URL clicks, 2 from hashtags, and 19 from detail expands. Thereafter
another date where the highest rate of engagement is found is on 10th January 2022. On this day
the Twitter post of GC University included 21 engagements. This included 5 retweets, 4 likes, 1
user profile click, 9 URL clicks, and two detail expansions. However, the rate of engagement is
calculated to be 0.034653465.

(Source: GCU Website's dashboard)
The above-mentioned infographic depicts the audience demographics of GC University.
According to Campbell et al., (2020), the audience demographics helps to understand and
analyze the current market share of the organisation. Thus, from the infographic, it is understood
that GC University’s audience is 46.20% female and 56. 80% male. In addition to this, it also
provides the information that the largest group of visitors are in the age group of 25-34 years old,
and the engagements are more frequent through the desktop.

(Source: GCU Website's dashboard)

The interest of the audience in the posts made by the organisation has a huge role to play in its
successful digital marketing procedure. It literally helps to understand and analyze the browsing
details and types of various visitors (Campbell and Farrell, 2020). In the above infographic, it is
clearly depicted that the visitors of the university browse mostly the websites that mostly include
search engines regarding science, news, programming, and development software, and
universities. In addition to this, the other websites include,, and so on.

(Source: GCU Website's dashboard)
Analysing the success and failure rate of the competitor helps in the process of doing well. It
helps in the procedure of constant improvement (Makridakis et al., 2018). Thus, the above-
depicted infographic is all about the engagement of the competitor's organisation for GC
University. Out of this, is the top competitor of the organisation in which there are 100
% affinity and 2.4 million monthly visits and is ranked 256th. The second competitor of this
organisation is This includes 94% affinity, and 1.3 million monthly visits, and is
ranked to be 566th. Thereafter the other competitor's websites GC University includes,,, and so on.
Thus, from the preceding discussion, it can be concluded that digital marketing is the basis of
promoting and advertising in the current world. It is one of the newest forms of marketing as
compared to the traditional method of marketing. Thus, the analysis of this study has clearly
included how the rate of the costs on the posts made by the GC University on different social
media platforms like, LinkedIn, Twitter, and its official website is affected. In addition to this,
the observation of its audience demographics has resulted in 46.20% female and 56. 80% male.
In addition to this, the understanding of the visitor's browsing detail is also included in the study
which has shown that the maximum number of engagements is on the search engine. Moreover,
in the case of the competitor's analysis, it has been observed that the maximum engagement in
the digital influence is done by the website.

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