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Road to Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination

Common Question Types in Paper 3 Listening (聆聽 Part A 常見題目)

1. 個人資料
address (地址) website (網頁) email Address marital status
(電郵地址) (婚姻狀況)
Field (行業) Occupation / 人名: 職業

a. Address (地址)
Room (單位) Flat (單位) Unit (單位) Block (幢)
Number / No. (號碼) Floor (樓層) Centre (中心) Building (建築)
Plaza (廣場) Square (廣場) Tower (閣) Garden (花園)
Mansion (大廈) Street (街) Road (路) Avenue (大道)
Lane (道/巷)

b. Website (網頁)/ Email Address (電郵地址)

Website (網頁) : Colon _ Underscore
http: // / Slash @ At
// Double slashes . Dot
Email address (電郵地址) - Hyphen .net .com .org
注意: 寫網頁和電郵用小寫 .gov 一個字 ¿ All in one
( ) bracket

c. Marital status (婚姻狀況)

single (未婚) married (已婚)
divorced (離婚) widowed (喪偶)

d. Occupation / Profession(職業)
business (商業) education (教育) health (健康) journalism (新聞)
legal (法律) transport (交通) government (政府) student (學生)

2. Number (數字)
telephone number (電話號碼) credit card number (信用卡號碼) invoice number (收據號碼)
number of hours (多少小時) number of years (多少年) price / $ (價錢)
cost (成本) fee (費用) membership fee (會員費)
amount (總額) figure (數字) age / aged (年齡)
number of … (數目) About XX% of …… More than XX% of ……
About + all/most/half/a third More than + all/most/half/a
/a quarter of/none of ……. third / a quarter of/none of …….

普通數字 0 (zero), 100 (a hundred), 500 (five hundred), 1000 (one thousand),

700,000 (seven hundred thousand), 1,000,000 (one million)

倍數 double, triple, quaduple

次數 once, twice, three times

序數 1st (first), 2nd (second), 3rd (third), 10th (tenth), 20th (twentieth),

60th (sixtieth), 100th (one hundredth)

分數 1/2 (half), 1/3 (a third / one-third), 1/4 (a quarter), 1/5 (a fifth/one-fifth),

1/8 (an eighth / one-eighth), 2/3 (two-thirds)

小數 0.1 (zero point one), 0.04 (zero point zero four)

百分率 10% (ten percent), 30% (thirty percent), 100% (a hundred per cent)

比例 1:2 (one to two), 19:1 (nineteen to one)

電話號碼 60058444 = six double oh five eight triple four

21113399 = two triple one double three double nine


3. Date , Time and Measurement (日期、時間、量度單位)

Date of meeting Next meeting deadline How long
會議日期 下次會議日期 多久
Time needed / deadline schedule 年份 = XX%
required 截止日期 日程
length height weight
長度 高度 重量

日期 1. 10 July 2012 / 10th July, 2012 (tenth of July two thousand and twelve)
10 July 2012 / 10th July, 2012 (tenth of July two oh one two)

2. 7 September 1997 / 7th September, 1996 (seventh of September nineteen ninety-seven)

7 September 1997 / 7th September, 1996 (seventh of September one nine nine seven)

3. September 7 (September seventh)

September 7 (seventh of September)

4. December 31 (December thirty-first)

December 31 (thirty-first of December)

時間 1. 8 a.m. / 08:00 (eight a.m. / 8 o’clock in the morning)

2. 8:15 a.m. / 08:15 (eight fifteen a.m. / eight fifteen in the morning /
A quarter past eight in the morning)
3. 8:30 a.m. / 08:30 (eight thirty a.m. / eight-thirty in the morning /
half past eight in the morning)
4. 8:45 a.m. / 08:45 (eight forty-five a.m. / eight forty-five in the morning /
A quarter to nine in the morning)
5. 12:00 p.m. / 12:00 (twelve o’clock / at noon)
6. 2p.m. / 14:00 (Two p.m. / Two o’clock in the afternoon / Fourteen oh oh
7. 2:15 p.m. / 14:15 (two fifteen p.m. / two fifteen in the afternoon /
A quarter past two in the afternoon / fourteen fifteen)
8. 2:30 p.m. / 14:30 (two thirty p.m. / two-thirty in the afternoon /
half past two in the afternoon / fourteen thirty)
9. 2:45 p.m. / 14:45 (two forty-five p.m. / two forty-five in the afternoon /
A quarter to three in the afternoon / fourteen forty-five)
10. 8:30 p.m. / 20:30 (eight thirty p.m. / eight-thirty in the evening /
half past eight in the evening)

11. 12:00 a.m. / 0:00 / 24:00 (twelve o’clock at midnight)


grams (g) 克 kilograms (kg) 公斤 pounds (lbs) 磅
millimeter (mm) centimetres (cm) 厘米 inch (“)
foot/feet (呎) metres (m) 米 kilometres (km) 公里
square metres (m ) square foot/feet dollars ($) 元
cents 分 seconds 秒 minutes 分鐘
$5.3 = five dollars thirty cents
$8.8= eight dollars eighty cents
hours 小時 days 日 weeks 星期
months 月份 years 年 decades 十年
centuries 世紀

4. Ranking (排名)
always 總是 often 經常 usually 經常 sometimes 有時
rarely 很少 seldom 很少 never 永不

excellent 極好 very good 極好 good 好 satisfactory 滿意
fair 可接受 below average 低於水 poor 差

5. 方法

through + v. + ing / n. by+ v. + ing / n

通過 通過

6. Names and Proper Nouns (名字與專有名詞)

a. 姓名
surname (姓) last name (姓) family name (姓)
given name (名) first name (名) other name (名)
fore name (名) name (姓名) Person (人物)
Person responsible (負責人)

b. 名稱
company name (公司名稱) school name (學校名稱)

c. 地方
location (位置) destination (目的地) place (地方)
MTR stations (港鐵站) tourist spots (旅遊景點) roads (路)/ streets (街)
place of residence (居住地點) place of work (工作地點) date of birth (出生地)
district (區域) city (地方) country (國家)
nationality (國籍)

7. Comparison (比較)
Differences (不同)
… is different from … 不同 … is more than … 多於
…is fewer than / is less than … 少於 … is shorter/bigger/more trendy than …較…
… is the shortest/biggest/the most trendy 最… … is less + adjective than … 不及
… is the least + adj. 最不… better than 優勝於
worse than 差過
Similarities (相似)
…is as + adj. as… 一樣 … is the same as … 一樣
… is similar to … 相似

8. Attitude / Tone (態度 / 語氣)

view (意見) opinion (意見) belief (信念) sb thinks / claims that …

(某人覺得/ 聲稱)

How sb feels about response (回應) reaction (回應) objection (反對)


comment (評價) argument for / against attitude (態度) tone (語氣)

(贊成觀點 / 反對觀


Positive  Negative  Neutral
positive (正面) negative (負面) undecided (無決定)
amused (開心) annoyed (憤怒) not sure (不肯定)
enthusiastic (熱心) bored (悶) unsure (不肯定的)
like (喜歡) confused (不知所措) uncertain (不肯定的)
satisfied (滿意) skeptical (懷疑) factual (敘事的)
pleased (高興) dislike (不喜歡) conclusive (總結的)
happy (高興) critical (批評的)
contented (滿意) indecisive (不果斷的)
supportive (支持的) dishonest (不誠實的)
decisive (決斷的) disappointed (失望的)
sure (肯定的) rude (粗魯的)
certain (肯定的) worried (擔憂的)
honest (誠實的) ridiculous (荒謬的)
polite (有禮的) ignorant (無知的)
aggressive (有野心的) nervous (緊張的)
surprised (驚奇的) anxious (焦慮的)
amazed (驚奇的) doubtful (懷疑的)
excited (興奮的) suspicious (懷疑的)
confident (有信心的) shocked (震驚)
interested (有興趣的) disgusted (反感)
tactful (乖巧的) uninterested (不感興趣)
caring (關心的) unsympathetic (不同情)
skeptical (懷疑)

Listening 常見單字/詞語
Positive  Negative  Neutral
Absolutely (絕對地) Bad Maybe (可能)
OK I don’t think so (我不認同) Perhaps (可能)
Certainly (肯定地) Not Possibly (可能)
Right (對) Not really (不是如此)
Good No
Sure (肯定)
Great (好極)

Listening 常見句子
Positive 
 I am glad / I am delighted to …(我很高興)  That’s confirmed then. (計劃確定)
 I think that will work… (我覺得方法有效)  That’s wonderful / fantastic… (好極了)
 It’s really kind of you … (你這樣做太好了)  You’ve got a good point… (你的建議很好)

Negative 
 I’m afraid I can’t … (我恐怕我不能)  That’s not a very good idea. (不是好提議)
 I am sorry that … (我很抱歉)  There’s no way we can … (我們不可能…)
 I don’t believe that helps (我不覺得有效)  We can make it (我們可以成功的)
 I’m not sure.  There’s no guarantee. (沒有保證)
 I can’t confirm right now. (我現在不能確

9. Cause and Effect (原因與影響)

why reasons causes effects

原因  影響 影響  原因
Because/As/Since + 原因 + 影響 影響 + because/because of/due to/owing to + 原因
原因 + so + 影響
原因 + Therefore/As a result + 影響
原因 + causes/leads to/makes/results in + 影響

10. 攜帶物品 --- Putting Ticks (加剔號) /Putting Crosses (加 X) / Put Question Marks (加問號)
 對話提及的物件與答題簿內的排列次序並不相同
 檢查你是否在所有空格內加上符號

 X ?
You must take… You mustn’t take You may take…
一定要帶 一定要帶 你可以帶

Remember to bring… You certainly can’t take I recommend / suggest you take
記得帶 肯定不能帶 … 建議帶
Don’t forget to take… You’re not permitted/allowed to I don’t mind if you take…
不要忘記帶 bring… 不准帶 不介意你帶…
You’re required to take… No … is allowed. It’s up to you …
需要帶 不准… 隨你喜歡
It is a must to bring … Don’t take… Take … if you like
一定要帶 不要帶 如你喜歡,可以帶…
All you have to take with you is… You’re not to take… It’s okay / all right / fine to take…
一定要帶的包括… 不要帶 帶也沒問題
The items you need to take are…

11. Complete diagrams 填圖

Put a tick in the appropriate box. 在適當的格子裡加上 號
Draw an ‘o’ in the correct spot. 在正確的位置加上 o 號
Shade in part ‘C’. 將 C 部分加上陰影
Label the picture. 標籤 / 標示圖畫
Draw a line to connect A and C. 畫一條線連接 A 和 C 點
Write in the correct symbol and correction. 加上正確的符號及作改正
Draw a broken line. 畫一條虛線
Draw a dotted line. 畫一條以圓點組成的線

Go straight on 向前行走
Turn right / left 轉左 / 右
Cross 跨過
Go along 沿著 … 行
Go through 穿過
Head north / south / east / west 向北/南/東/西行

in front of X // behind X 在某東西的前面 / 後面
in the front // at the back 在某空間的前面 / 後面
on the left // on the right 在左面 / 右面
near / beside / next to / by / adjacent to X 旁邊
opposite / facing X 對面
diagonally opposite 斜對面
on the same side // on the other side 同一邊 / 另一邊
between X and Y / in between / in the middle 兩者之間
above / on top of / on X 在上面
below / under X 在下面
X is at the junction of Road Y and Road Z. X 在 Y 路及 Z 路的交匯點
X is at the corner of Road Y and Road Z. X 在 Y 路及 X 路的角位

12. 排次序

Put numbers from 1 to 5 to indicate how important each facility is.
1 = the most important 最重要
5 = the least important 最不重要


I’ll put a two there / …certainly the second on the scale… /

it was 2 on our scale / should rank as ‘3’ on the list

High rating 高排名 (1)

the highest rating / the most important / the most popular / favour / the best

Middle rating 排中間 (3)

in the middle of my scale / place it in the middle

Low rating 低排名 (5)

not important at all / not very appealing / the least important / the other end of the scale / at the end of

the scale / not really foremost / near the bottom of the list/ the worst

Comparison 比較

slightly above / slightly less important than / marginally better than /

more important than

13. 流程圖

flow chart (流程圖) step (步驟) procedure (程序)

stage (程序) sequence of events (事件順序) measure (方法)

Listening 重點字眼
首先 First of all/ firstly/ one of the first things/ the first step / let’s start/ to begin with/ once

其次 secondly/ the second thing/ then/ next/ the next one/ besides/ thirdly/after that/What’s

more / what else? / something else is

最後 lastly/ the last thing/ last but not least/ finally/ final thing/in the end/ the final stage

14. 是非題

Circle True or False for the following statements.

Determine whether the following statements are true or false.

15. 圖片題

Which one is the correct floor plan? Tick the correct box.

Which dinosaurs are in the park? Tick the correct boxes.

What the players are allowed to have: Put ticks or crosses.

The Odyssey will visit seven places on its cruise. Put number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 in the circle
on the map to show in what order the ship will visit these places.

16. Oher Questions (其他問題)

description 描述 special features 特徵 remarks 備註 comments 評價
actions to be taken facilities 設施 activities 活動 special offers 優惠
What 甚麼 Which 哪個 How 怎樣 ways 方法
Where 哪裡 When 何時 Why 為甚麼 reasons 原因
Advantages 好處 Disadvantages 壞處 suggestions / task 任務
recommendations 建議
definition 定義 criticism (批評) effects 影響 leads to… 導致…

a. 目標

objective(目標) aim (目標) goal (目標) purpose (目標)

target (目標) mission (使命) function (功能) principle (原則)

b. 好處 / 壞處

advantage (好處) benefit (好處) strength (強項) positive point (好處)

attractions (吸引之處) disadvantage (壞處) problem (問題) drawback (缺點)

danger (危險) weakness (弱點) difficulty (困難) negative point (壞處)

criticism (批評)

c. 原因

reason (原因) cause (原因) factor (因素) why (為甚麼)

d. 影響

effect (影響) consequence (影響) result (結果) outcome (結果)

problem (問題) How sb is affected (如 What can happen (什

何受影響) 麼事會發生)

e. 建議

advice (建議) recommendation (建議) suggestion (建議)

guideline (指引) tips (貼士)

f. 方法

What sb does / did method (方法) approach (方法)


way (方法) means of … (方法) how (怎樣)

g. 寫問題

What sb wants to know The question sb asks The question sb asks sb

Sb’s question What is sb’s question?

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