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8mm SL mpc 13 pec ‘Backstory: A renowned blacksmith in the region, Akbas's talent is widely sought ater and one must ypically pay great sums to ‘commission her services, She sa proud artisan that does not sufler impatience oF tisrespect. Her workshop is also stocked with weapons and armor that she has ‘aleady completed and waiting for @ buyer to aim them. Her only pote is that she dows rot el to the forces of evi, as she sees her ‘wares as tools meant to help the forces of Goo Race: Dwarf Exp Points: 6,625, Background: Fighter Player Name: Campaign o¢ Player 10: 1B 41 25. 54 5d10 ‘sng 20 Backstory: Lady Ate is the daughter of {an Elven king and on a mission to recover pioeless family artifacts that nave been lost for generations. Her beauty belies her flerce determination and ample combat prowess. ‘She has vowed not to retumn nome unt she has recovered the artacts. Lady Atel wil ‘ypicaly only engage in conversation with those she thinks ean help heron her quest. Race: Eit Exp Points: 6,880, Backgroune: Noble Player Name: Campaign o¢ Player 10: 3" : — esas +1 30ft. 39° Sd10 oo eee Exp Points: 7,020, Background: Artisan - Baker Player Name: Campaign o¢ Player 10: ‘Armor las 10 (Paes iP: 902038 0) Speed: 30 (9m 5271 Prolene +2 sm ex con 200) Bea) 1000) Nr ws cH 1502) 29004) 160-3) ‘Se: ign 6 Persuasion ivestigtion 4 Ht ‘Sevog Trove: Wid sé Charma+S © (Chatege: 112009) Actions Mutat To Artisan makes four weapon mele attacks or fourengsd tacks Lhe Hamme. Mole Weapon target Hit 21440) ladgeoning damage Special Abilities ow myo te acta don have atm ta canbe ade with ol has ron, know th some prcon here: bong andhow muchituiltketo od make t Hest mea Wi checks CD tosucceed, the must choose he Dc acarinly tothe emai He s considered proicent ith ut cbeck ‘Ader our rote: Most ol estas aremarbesfaguldad they can easly Send messages tocahoter within ‘prmalretrvalng dy wih spending mney. is canbe ted a alarm oar orn ees andro anyother “Too Profeney:Theavtan sree with anumber of tol equaltohis W'Smadier(atleastone) Hecanalschenseto sport ws ofthe poi tobe pete with too dubingits roan. ———— Racial Features ‘Aility Medes +t Languages: speaks Common andon2extra ‘Backstory: Captain of her merchant ship, when ashore she can be found inthe tavem treating her shipmates to ale and general ‘merrymaking. Her outgoing personality and high selfregard have made her many frends, as well as enemies. She is an extremely competent sailor and her ship is ‘one ofthe fastest inthe region. Seek her ‘uti you seok passage by sea, orneed ‘ews of distant lands, She can generally be trusted, so as long as you pay her what she's wort, Race: Hatfing| Exp Points: 6,625, Backgrounc: Sailor Player Name: Campaign o¢ Player 10: oom 3 ecertom 2 Gearon ee 16 +4 30ft. ‘Backstory Milioent, on the surface, appears annaive, mpressionabie traveller Despte her dish features, she is a mature woman in both agevand experience. She is a skiled hunter and warrior, born to a nomadic tbe, ‘She now travels apat ftom her people, ‘alone and only occasionally joining with other adventurers. Its nat know why she is not with ner people, but she seems searching fr something, Race: Human Exp Points: 6,625, Backgroune: Hunter Player Name: Campaign o¢ Player 10: 44 5d10 Sena as Siasoece'a eter re nd ans ‘terme om ‘Backstory: Baroness Briarel isthe youngest daughter ofa noble family fom the far South, ‘Steeped inal aspecs of noble ite fom a youth, including martial ats, Brirtl, nas let her homeland to escape the stuffy court fe ‘and in Search of real adventure. Her real aim ‘Seems tobe serateh an existential ich, and fine ner placa inthe worl. As such, she isan ‘eager adventuring companion and a more than capable fighter Race: Human Exp Points: 6,955, Backgroune: Noble Player Name: Campaign o¢ Player 10: 43 fgrener some Focus es woe 18 42 ‘Sopuae sweat 44 Sd10 1 pseve wont : = (rrcernon ‘Backstory: Owner and operator of Gs Wizarding Supplies, Cit sels sols, potions, ‘and otner magical essentials. Dont try to haggle with her, as she has no time for fruggle adventurers who undervalue her (goods. Once a wandering adventurer hers CGitihas set up shop and favors a more stabld livetinoad. She does, however, sil have ‘humerous contacts across the wizarding ‘worl, and can provide valuable council to Up and coming wizards Race: Halt Exp Points: 6,625 Background: Merchant Player Name: Campaign o¢ Player 10: “a ‘ie a nk ti 12 42 30ft. 43 meee mtn weonsoee 32 5d6 pier Retro fneivctmcrve Fen Soares Sia tooraterce on Seepuamtetae ete ‘Backstory: The jovial and attentive proprietor ofthe ever-busting tavern, the Rusty Maul His homebrewed ale s renowned througout the city, enough so that many have red to steal the recipe ‘The only superticial hint of Lokechar's former lite as a grizzled war vets, infact, the hety maul on the martle being his bar ‘AS amainstay inthe tavern, he is a repository of gossip and valuable ito. Race: Tefing Exp Points: 6,695 Background: Soldier Player Name: Campaign or Player ID: Pe 18 +1 30f. ; “5d10- aes scuba anes) teen nn ‘ hesin Ac cd eo ta) 14 Rasen Bs “HE wae 1544 Backstory: The thug known simply 2s Bones’ isthe leader ofthe city’s largest criminal organization. With a penchant for eruelty, he fs not content with merely deigating dirty work to his underings. He isan active parcpant inal sorts of crimes, and so keeps a high profi inthe ciy’s shadows. Deadly in bate, a play is notin his vacabulary. He is most ikely to be ound in his hangout, vetting new recruits ang ploting his next jobs Race: Human Exp Points: 7,020 Background: Criminal Player Name: Campaign or Player ID: 30 ft. 38 sds. ‘int 9) {Gitsmes heronand Sarown sence 4 pone ‘Backstory: Acolyte Kysen has devoted his if in worship of Lathander, god of birth and renewal. tis not clear yet whether he was bom into service or suddenly experienced a cal 1 service in his mature year. Kysen's sense of duty to his deity mainly involves combating forces who ne deems ta be in apposition tothe hoy balance o ite, eth and renewal, AS such, his altenion is often absorbed by undead enemies and those that are a pestlence to growth and re- ‘row, Race: Human Exp Points: 6,625 Background: Monk Player Name: Campaign o¢ Player 10: “+3 mongour ‘ane 16 +4 40 ft. Freer eae cot aeseee ea ‘Backstory: Baluts wellknown inthe town, ‘not just for his wide varity of magical wares, but also for his unwavering frendiness, especially fora goblinoid. Rumor tat twas ths uncharacteristic Kind nature tat ‘caused him to become an outcast rom his hhobgoblin community. Despite his tendeme he possesses brutish stenth and often ‘draws crowds by bencing steel with his bare hands. fhe can help you in any way, he wit Race: Hobgoblin Exp Points: 6,625, Background: Merchant Player Name: Campaign o¢ Player 10: » ‘emer Cis: 11 Fae iePoins 1102080 20) Speed 089m / 6) Profle +2 sta) 2200 214-0 140) Ste nit Parsons Change: 22500) Actions MatiattadcT hob sopowp makes four weapon melee attacks ou ranged tacks Dagger Mele Weapon Attack 2 tohi.range 2/60 one target Ht 2 (2040 percing damage Special Abilities Thefesttoknw lthegossio tom he ycanestothe shop frst Nsw gi Due tohisje a Sopany hassome own contacts onthe unr wer Withapeopergldor persuatin Necan rine things open Racial Features Marl Advantage: Once prt thohabeblincan el 17 (56) extra damage to crestreititeith aweapon tack it that creator thinset oan a of the hobeblinthat espace Darker cr 18/1257) Langage psks Corton a4 obi +3 maser 13 ecm ch i allah i ate ‘Backstory: Captain ofthe City Watch, Droko has a reputation for zero tolerance for cme, ‘Bom and raised in the city, his passion for the town and its people fel his viglance Loved by most, but etised by others for ‘often jumping to verdicts before seeing fevidence, Outsiders should be wary of running inte him, and be prepared to win him ‘over rom the start. Race: Human Exp Points: 6,625, Background: Knight Player Name: Campaign o¢ Player 10: 19 +1 30ft. 44 Sd10 Lg and Cary 270 be a ang Ee feos Sale et coppe pe ae eh Sele roe 89.8) \Wesorsine wpe mt weapons Toorione pe ofgenng ot eed ‘Backstory: Profi his given name, But was feasingly called “Pagedwalle'by fellow ‘bins due to his love of books trom a young age. Despite being teased by his ‘own people, he takes great pride in his book collection and his near pertect recall of anything he reads. He often wanders alone, ‘but makes a useful ravel companion that provides entertaining fre-side history lesson His areas of intrest and expertise inlude’ rare monster lore, ancient ivlizations, botany, among othe, Race: Goblin Exp Points: 6,055, Background: Book Merchant Player Name: Campaign o¢ Player 10: ‘Armor Class: 11 Pade) Hiei: 1202048 20) Speed 3 (9/650 Profelenay 2 sm Dex con sta) 100) 1260 NT wis HA. 1808) 130) m2 ‘Se seath +2 History 6 Religion ‘Chaenge 1210030) Actions MultitakcThe Scholar makes fou weapon le atcksorfourangd attacks named. Mele Weapan Atak toh ech foe tart. (I) budeeningeamage Special Abilities Bookworm: Mosty the witten knw othe ord cul passed by shan. When oling ay knowlege silt he raft onafare the scl can ro z vestigation chek toremerber free inthe wr col have that fo Feather and Ik The clr can write ani twotines ste thn any normal adventure. Racial Features ‘Ability Modiers:-2 8,12 Dex Sal Sal crestres shuld se dort ices ‘Stay Youhave proce inthe steth shi ven DMG rsa he gnlinson MM gtsteath) Ninble Escape Tecresture can taketh Dseregeor Hise action as aborusacton neath stu Darks rt 18m/ 1257), Languages: soaks Conon nod 33 ch i allah i ate Backstory: Riyaka is @ bom entertainer, rarely seen in public without her instrument \When not playing or engutec in conversation by her admirers, she tends to hum to herself ‘and futer about melodially. The taverns ‘Seem too small a stage for her talents, and she avoids building close relationships. Riyaka is cloaked in mystery, despite her ‘outgoing exterior. Race: Kitsune Exp Points: 6,955, Background: Entertainer Player Name: Campaign o¢ Player 10: ‘5d8 ns sea 10 fctrnom ti 15 +4 38 ‘Backstory: Darting and titoeing trom alley to alley, Toru's work a8 a spy never stops. ‘The nobles and aristocrats by which he is typically employed use him andthe info he collects to wage politcal wartare. Torun employs all the latest gadgets and tech in bis work, so has a close relationship with the best tinkerers and artisans ofthe oty. His services can be bought by adventurers, that '5 if you can find im, Race: Human Exp Points: 7,020, Background: Spy Player Name: Campaign o¢ Player 10: 30 ft. sd8 ems ‘Backstory: Tangel, orphaned at bh is blessed withthe age reflexes and cunning ‘eeded to ensure his survival, Few know the ‘ly 28 well ase, and fora price he wil be your guide. A gifted taker, he is aprotic Socialite in al the city’s cles, yet few know his humble and thieving background. Most ‘know him now for his merehantile success in recent years. He is most often found down by the docks, tending to his shipments, orn the taves entertaining friends and associates Race: Tabaxi Exp Points: 7,020 Backgroune: Urchin Player Name: Campaign or Player ID: +4 30ft. Sumainsows 38 «Sd8 Raps spa Tai Ther ietint) Mah tp dam, ie en ah Beg omehrmemmueey” nner 13° Pearnon rh am ie Serre ame ‘Backstory: These eocentic cousins of abnormally short stature, even for goblins, hhave solved thelr verical impakment by combining forces to take on the persona of “Maximus”. Maximus isa gobin rogue that ‘tus (and sways) his way through pubic ‘Although thee disguise is not footing many, they are eager to prove themselves in both battle and general party environments. Teke care not to ofend them, or you may find ‘a biade at your thoat (and thigh), Race: Goblin Exp Points: 6,680, Background: Thieves Player Name: Campaign o¢ Player 10: Pe reyes rs Mone 3 oe es 38 Sd miracle ae “etna sets 3 ei

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