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Films are transforming into an emotionally supportive network of tremendous changes in the
frameworks of a country. Methagu is a very popular Tamil film among youths it was directed by
T. Kittu in 2021. Among other films related to this issue, it is one of the most accurate films that
bring out the people's suffering and how youngsters' hands were forced to take arms and protect
the Tamil people to survive and to get justice for the war crimes that happened to them. This
paper will throw light and analyze the politics on the separation of Tamil Eelam people based on
their identity and language by the political powers in both India and Sri Lanka, how these
people's lives were destroyed by them for their power over the land. The reason for

choosing this particular topic and film was, even after a decade of the war how

emotionally Tamil people were affected and still, people from Eelam were known as

refuges and how justice was neglected for them. This paper will be a post-colonial

analysis on the movie.


This civil war took place in Sri Lanka between the native Tamils and the Sinhalese people who
came to power over the land. This article dependent on broad experimental field exploration and
essential sources/information endeavors to recognize psychological oppression from
freedom/opportunity battle through a contextual investigation of the furnished battle of the
Liberation Tigers of Tamil

Eelam in Sri Lanka. It is contended here that the LTTE was a psychological militant
association/development because:

(i) it's battle was predominantly founded on equipped savagery; (ii) it requested help from the
majority through abuse; (iii) it deliberately designated regular citizens; (iv) it significantly
depended on self-destruction assaults; (v) it generously sent under-age youngsters; and (vi) it
was proactively associated with internecine conflict. LTTE was formed to fight for their basic
needs that were refused in their homeland, but they were painted as terrorists through time. The
basic politics behind this civil war was power and control over the land of Sri Lanka and India
also stands with Sri Lanka over their people in this dispute and helped them directly and
indirectly in many ways to destroy LTTE. This group of soldiers was formed with the sacrifice
of many things for their people's freedom. "In the early stages, the hierarchical construction of
the LTTE was expansive based. That is, a Central Committee was shaped by joining a political
wing and a tactical wing. Veluppillai Pirapakaran (also known as Thamby, which implies a more
youthful sibling, or Karikalan; Pirapakaran was called Thamby because he was to be sure the
most youthful individual from the Central Committee) was the top of the tactical wing while
Uma Maheswaran was top of the political wing." LTTE was formed in the year 1976 and their
struggle ended in 2009 when three powerful countries come together with their armies and killed
Velupillai Pirapakaran. Within these 30 years of fighting the civil war, many soldiers were died
at a young age for their freedom but still after all these sacrifices their dream over their land was
never fulfilled. Sinhalese people wanted the Tamil People under them, the Tamils were neglected
in everything education and administration and even worse the Sinhalese army during the war
have done many war crimes such as the brutal killing of men and raped many young girls. This is
what every Cristal clear in the movie Methagu that the Tamils were forced to take arms as their
solution for freedom.

Literature review

This paper critically analyses depictions of Eelam Tamils in Tamil cinema in light of the three-
decade-long separatist struggle, at most times led by the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam,
against the Sri Lankan government.

"Imagining Eelam Tamils in Tamil cinema" by M. Ranganathan in 2012 talks about the
representation of Tamil Eelam in Tamil cinema in both good and bad ways. Tamil films have
either made references to or consolidated Sri Lankan Tamils or their problems in recent years.
This paper was a close reading of a few notable films to illustrate how they were figured in
Tamil cinema in light of the ethnic conflict. These include Thenali (), Kannathil Muthamittaal (A
Peck on the Cheek, 2002), Nala Damayanthi (), and Rameswaram ().

"Political Terrorism of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) in Sri Lanka" by Gamini

This paper was published in the year 2007 two years before the war civil war ends in 2009. And
this paper talks about the terrorist violence which has been unleashed in Sri Lanka by the
Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) in support of their quest for an ethnic homeland in the
north and northeast of the country. But all these people saw these fights and attacks as a form of
terrorism but only a few were able to see it as a fight against the colonizers. And we all know
that violence will bring no good to any dispute in history and more or less the same happened in
this dispute. The film Methagu clearly shows the effects of colonialism. And even after liberation
how the people were affected.

Demand for 'Tamil Eelam' this article was published two years (1979) after the civil war has
begun in Sri Lanka. This article clearly explains the cause of the fight as depicted in the movie
Methagu. The article talks about the murders and injustice done to the Tamil peoples of Eelam
and how a group of youngsters was grouped to fight against this injustice.

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