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Math 475 - Exam 2 - Instructions

Time: 180 minutes

• You have 3 hours to submit your answers for Exam 2. As soon as you open the file the clock starts.
Your latest submission during the allocated time frame will be graded. Open the file only when you
are completely ready.

• You can use your notes, the textbook or any online resource that you would like, however you are not
allowed to get help from anybody. You must work on the problems alone.

• Each problem should go on a separate page.

• Only use what has been discussed in this class. Anything else must be proved.

• You may use any theorem or homework problem but please cite them.

• To scan your work you could use the (free) DocScan application.

• Make sure your solutions are legible and upright.

• Show all of your work. Keep your work clean and organized. Take your time and submit solutions that
are well thought out.

• Your work will be graded based on its accuracy, its completeness and how thorough it is.

• Only start if you are sure you have reliable internet for the next three hours. If something goes wrong
message me immediately and submit your work via email. Only use this option as a last resort.

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