Online Quiz Instructions

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Math 475 - Online Quiz Instructions

Time: 60 minutes

• Quizzes will be accessible on Fridays at 2 pm. They are due in 12 hours.

• Like all exams and homework assignments, quizzes must be submitted on GradeScope.

• Note that you have 60 minutes to submit each quiz. The clock starts when you open the file.

• Only start if you are sure you have reliable internet for the next hour. If something goes wrong email
me at immediately and submit your work via email. Only use this option as a last

• To scan your work you could use the (free) DocScan application.

• Please make sure your file is in the correct orientation.

• It is best to keep the files in PDF or JPEG format.

• Show all of your work. Keep your work clean and organized. Take your time and submit solutions that
are well thought out.

• Your work will be graded based on its accuracy, its completeness and how thorough it is. Cite any
theorem that you use, check all assumptions of the theorems, etc.

• You can use your notes, the textbook or any online resource that you would like, however you are not
allowed to get help from anybody. You must work on each problem alone.

• You must show understanding of your solutions and your work must be based on what is discussed in
this class.

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