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arXiv:0804.2080v1 [math.

QA] 13 Apr 2008

A diagrammatic approach to categorication of quantum groups II

Mikhail Khovanov and Aaron D. Lauda April 15, 2008
Abstract We categorify one-half of the quantum group associated to an arbitrary Cartan datum.

Cartan data and algebras A f . A Cartan datum (I, ) consists of a nite set I and a symmetric bilinear form on [I] taking values in , subject to conditions i i {2, 4, 6, . . . } for any i I, 2 ij {0, 1, 2, . . . } for any i = j in I. ii We set dij = 2 ij . To a Cartan datum assign a graph with the set ii of vertices I and an edge between i and j if and only if i j = 0. We recall the denition of the negative half of the quantum group assoii n1 n3 ciated to a Cartan datum, following [6]. Let qi = q 2 , [n]i = qi + qi + 1n + qi , [n]i ! = [n]i [n 1]i . . . [1]i . Let f be the free associative algebra (n) n over (q) with generators i , i I and denote i = i /[n]i !. We equip f with an [I]-grading by assigning to i grading i. The tensor square f f is an associative algebra with the multiplication

(x1 x2 )(x1 x2 ) = q |x2||x1 | x1 x1 x2 x2 for homogeneous x1 , x2 , x1 , x2 . There is a unique algebra homomorphism r : f f f given on generators by r(i ) = i 1 + 1 i . 1

2 Proposition 1. Algebra f carries a unique (1, 1) = 1 and

2 (i , j ) = i,j (1 qi )1 for all i, j I,

(v)-bilinear form such that

(x, yy ) = (r(x), y y ) for x, y, y f, (xx , y) = (x x , r(y)) for x, x , y f. This bilinear form is symmetric. The radical I of (, ) is a two-sided ideal of f. The bilinear form descends to a non-degenerate bilinear form on the associative (q)-algebra f = f/I. The [I]-grading also descends:



f .

The quantum version of the Gabber-Kac theorem says the following. Proposition 2. The ideal I is generated by the elements (1)a i j i
a+b=dij +1 (a) (b)

over all i, j I, i = j. Thus, f is the quotient of f by the so-called quantum Serre relations (1)a i j i = 0.
a+b=dij +1 (a) (b)


Denote by A f the [q, q 1 ]-subalgebra of f generated by the divided pow(a) ers i , over all i I and a .

Algebras R(). As in [4], we consider braid-like planar diagrams, each strand labelled by an element of I, and impose the following relations 0 if i = j, if i j = 0, (2) = j i j i d ij dji + if i j = 0.
i j i j

i j


j i


for i = j


i i

i i


i i

i i


i j k i j k

unless i = k and i j = 0


dij 1

i j i i j i


i j

dij 1a

if i j = 0

(7) Example 3. For the Cartan datum B2 = {i i = 2, j j = 4, i j = 2} we have dij = 2, dji = 1, and the relations involving dij , dji are =
i j

i j


j i

j i


i j i i j i

i j i

i j

j i j j i j

j i j

For each

[I] dene the graded ring

R() =
def i ,j Seq() j R()i ,


where j R()i is the abelian group of all linear combinations of diagrams with bot(D) = i and top(D) = j modulo the relations (2)(7) and Seq() is the set of weight sequences of elements of I. The multiplication is given by concatenation. Degrees of the generators are deg

= i i,

The rest of [4, Section 2.1] generalizes without diculty to an arbitrary Cartan datum. To dene the analogue of the module Po over R(), we choose an orientation of each edge of , then faithfully follow the exposition in Section 2.3 of [4], only changing the action of k,i in the last of the four cases to f (xk (sk i )d + xk+1 (sk i )d )(sk f ) if ik ik+1 , where d = dik+1 ik and d = dik ik+1 . Here notation ik ik+1 means that ik ik+1 = 0 and this edge of is oriented from ik to ik+1 . Proposition 2.3 in [4] holds for an arbitrary (I, ). As in [4, Section 2.3], we dene j Bi , which might depend on minimal presentations of permutations in j Si and gives a basis in j R()i . Corollary 2.6 in [4], showing that Po is a faithful graded module over R(), holds for an arbitrary Cartan datum and the properties of R() established in [4, Section 2.4] generalize without diculty. 4


= i j.


5 Computations in the nilHecke ring. In this section we slightly enhance the graphical calculus for computations in the nilHecke ring and record several lemmas to be used in the proof of categoried quantum Serre relations below. We use notations from Section 2.2 of [4]. A box with n incoming and n outgoing edges and (n) written inside denotes the longest divided dierence w0 , the nonzero product of n(n1) 2 divided dierences from {1 , . . . , n1 }: (n) =

n When this box is part of a diagram for an element of R(), it denotes the corresponding element of R(ni) R(). A box labelled en denotes the n1 n2 idempotent en = x1 x2 . . . xn1 w0 .


2 (n)


A box labelled ei,n denotes the corresponding idempotent in R():

n1 n2 2

i i

i i i i

i i i Remark 4. Similar-looking diagrams are used in the graphical calculus of Jones-Wenzl projectors, see [3], but the latter has no direct relation to the graphical calculus in our paper. Lemma 5. We have (n) = ei,n (n)

6 Proof is by induction on n:

(n1) (n) (n1)

= ei,n ei,n1



= =



The rst equality uses that x1 x2 . . . xn1 is central in the nilHecke ring NHn1 , allowing us to move these dots across (n 1). The second equality is the induction hypothesis. The lemma implies the following graphical identities: en = en1 en en1 en = en (10)

en1 = en en1

en1 = en en1 (11)

7 The following also hold: 0 en = en a 0 = en (1)n1 a

if a < n 1, if a = n 1, (12)

if a < n 1, if a = n 1. (13)


For each i I the ring R(mi) is isomorphic to the nilHecke ring. The grading of a dot is now ii, while that of a crossing is ii. For this reason one needs to generalize the grading convention described in [4, Section 2.2] and dene i,m P to be the right graded projective module ei,m R(mi){ m(m1)ii }, 4 so that the grading starts in the degree { m(m1)ii }. Likewise, Pi,m is the 4 m(m1)ii left graded projective module R(mi)(ei,m ){ }. 4 The Grothendieck group, bilinear form and projectives. We retain all notations and assumptions from [4], working over a eld k, denoting by K0 (R()) the Grothendieck group of the category R()pmod of graded nitely-generated projective left R()-modules and forming the direct sum R= Consider symmetric



K0 (R) =


K0 (R()).

[q, q 1]-bilinear form (14)

(, ) : K0 (R()) K0 (R()) [q 1 , q] ()q , where ()q = gdim(Sym()) =


1 1 q aii a=1


and ([P ], [Q]) = gdimk (P R() Q). 7 (16)

8 The character ch(M) of an R()-module M, the divided power sequences (n ) (n ) Seqd(), and idempotents 1i for i = i1 1 . . . ir r Seqd() are dened as in [4, Section 2.5]. Let i ! = [n1 ]i1 ! . . . [nr ]ir ! and

i =

nk (nk 1) ik ik . 2 2

Dene graded left, respectively right, projective module Pi = R()(1i ){ i }, Quantum Serre relations. Let
a+1 b1 iP

= 1i R(){ i }.

+ a,b (i, j)

ei,b1 , (17)

i a

i b

+ and also write a,b when i and j are xed. To prove the categoried quantum Serre relations, we assume that a + b = d + 1, where d = dij . The element + a,b belongs to ia+1 jib1 R j + (a + b)i ia jib . + By adding vertical lines on the left and on the right of the diagram, a,b can be viewed, more generally, as an element of i ia+1 jib1 i R()i ia jib i

for any sequences i , i and the corresponding . We can replace sequences i and i by dots to simplify notation. + Left multiplication by a,b is a homomorphism of projective modules
...ia jib ... P

...ia+1 jib1 ... P .


+ The top part of the diagram of a,b contains idempotents ei,a+1 and ei,b1 . + Therefore, a,b induces a homomorphism of projective modules ...i(a) ji(b) ... P

...i(a+1) ji(b1) ... P ,


+ denoted (a,b) and given by the composition + a,b

...i(a) ji(b) ... P

...ia jib ... P

...i(a+1) ji(b1) ... P .


+ It is easy to check that (a,b) is a grading-preserving homomorphism. Likewise, let a1 b+1

a,b (i, j)

ei,b+1 (21)

i a

i b

and write


instead of

a,b (i, j)

when i and j are xed. This element of (22)

...ia1 jib1 ... R()...ia jib ...

gives rise to a grading-preserving homomorphism of projectives

(a,b) : ...i(a) ji(b) ... P

...i(a1) ji(b+1) ... P .


For the next few pages, denote ...i(a) ji(b) ... P by (a,b) P (recall that a + b = d + 1, d = dij ). We have a diagram of projective modules and gradingpreserving homomorphisms / o
+ (a1,b+1) (a1,b+1) P

+ (a,b) (a,b) P



(a+1,b1) P

/ o


terminating on the left at

+ (0,d+1) (0,d+1) P


(1,d) P

/ o


10 and on the right at o Relations (10), (11) imply ei,a

+ a+1,b1 a,b

+ (d,1) (d,1) P


(d+1,0) P









a i i i i j i i i j b

Furthermore, ei,a
+ a1,b+1 a,b

ei,b ei,a ei,b =

i i i i j i i i




11 Therefore,
+ + a1,b+1 a,b a+1,b1 a,b = (1)a1 ei,a 1j ei,b ,

as elements of R(), see below:

+ + a1,b+1 a,b a+1,b1 a,b




i i i i j i i i

d1 (7) c=0 i

ei,a c
i i i j



ei,a a1




i i i j i

i i

where d = a + b 1. Consequently,
+ + (a1,b+1) (a,b) (a+1,b1 ) (a,b) = (1)a1 Id,

as endomorphisms of the projective module by the identity on (a,b) P .

(a,b) P ,

since ei,a 1j ei,b acts


12 Likewise, ei,d+1
+ 1,d 0,d+1

(3) d

ei,d+1 +


(12) d (12)



1j ei,d+1 ,

j j i i i i

where d = dji, and

+ (1,d) (0,d+1) = Id,

as endomorphisms of

(0,d+1) P .

A similar computation shows that

+ d,1 d+1,0 = (1)d ei,d+1 1j ,

as elements of R(), and

+ (d,1) (d+1,0) = (1)d Id,

as endomorphisms of

(d+1,0) P .

Proposition 6. For each i, j I, i = j there are isomorphisms of graded right projective modules
d+1 2 ...i(2a) ji(d+12a) ... P a=0 d 2


...i(2a+1) ji(d2a) ... P.

Proof. When i j = 0 the isomorphism reads

...ji... P

...ij...P = 12

13 and is given by left multiplication by the ij intersection. When i j < 0, earlier computations show that the maps
d+1 2 (2a,d+12a) P d 2


(2a+1,d2a) P


given by
d 2 d+1 2 + (2a,d+12a) + a=0 d+1 2 a=0 d 2 (2a+1,d2a) a=0 a=0 + 2a+1,d2a , (2a,d+12a) ,

are mutually-inverse isomorphisms, implying the proposition. Maps , together are given by summing over all arrows in the diagram (24), with every fourth arrow appearing with the minus sign. Corollary 7. For each i, j I, i = j there are isomorphisms of graded left projective modules
d+1 2 d 2

P...i(2a) ji(d+12a) ... =

a=0 a=0

P...i(2a+1) ji(d2a) ...

Proposition 6 and Corollary 7 generalize Proposition 2.13 in [4] and can be considered a categorication of the quantum Serre relations. Corollaries 2.14 and 2.15 of [4], establishing quantum Serre relations for the characters of any M R()mod, generalize to an arbitrary Cartan datum in the same way. Grothendieck group as the quantum group. Induction and restriction functors for inclusions R() R( ) R( + ) turn K0 (R) into a twisted bialgebra, and all results of [4, Section 2.6] remain valid for an arbitrary Cartan datum. As in [4, Section 3.1] we dene a homomorphism of twisted bialgebras : A fK0 (R)


14 which takes the product of divided powers i = i1 1 . . . ir r to [Pi ], where (n ) (n ) i = ii1 1 . . . iir r . Homomorphism intertwines the bilinear forms on A f and K0 (R), (x, y) = ((x), (y)), x, y A f. Due to the quantum Gabber-Kac theorem, this homomorphism is injective. Surjectivity of follows from the arguments identical to those given in [4, Section 3.2], which, in turn, were adopted from [5, Section 5]. Alternatively, the arguments could be adopted from [2] and [9]; we settled on using a single source. We obtain Theorem 8. : bialgebras.
A f K0 (R) (n ) (n )

is an isomorphism of

[I]-graded twisted

This theorem holds without any restrictions on the Cartan datum and on the ground eld k over which R() is dened. All other results and observations of Sections 3.2 and 3.3 of [4] extend to the general case as well. The cyclotomic quotients of R() described in [4, Section 3.4] generalize to an arbitrary Cartan datum. It would be interesting to relate our construction to Lusztigs geometric realization of U in the non-simply laced case [6] and to Brundan-Kleshchevs (2) categorication [1], [5] of Uq=1 in the ane Dynkin case An . A multi-grading. For every pair (i, j) of vertices of , algebras R() can be equipped with an additional grading, by assigning degrees 1 and 1 to the ij and ji crossings, respectively, and degree 0 to all other diagrammatic generators of R(). These gradings are independent, and together with the principal grading, introduced above, make R() into a multi-graded ring (with n(n1) + 1 independent gradings 2 where n = |Supp()|). The direct sum of the categories of multi-graded nitely-generated projective left R()-modules, over all [I], categories a multi-parameter deformation [7], [8] of the quantum universal enveloping algebra U , the quotient of the free associative algebra on i , i I, by the relations (b) a (a) (1)a qij i j i = 0, (27) deg
i j

= 1 ,



a+b=dij +1


15 where qij are formal variables subject to conditions qij qji = 1. Modications in the simply-laced case. This section explains how to deform algebras R() in the simply-laced case so that the main results of [4] will hold for the modied algebras. These deformations can be nontrivial only when the graph has cycles. As in [4], we start with an unoriented graph without loops and multiple edges. Next, x an orientation of each edge of , work over a base eld k, and, for each oriented edge i j, choose two invertible elements ij and ji in k. Denote such a datum {orientations, invertible elements} by . For each [I] consider k-vector space Po dened as in [4]. This space is the sum of polynomial rings in || variables, over all sequences in Seq(). Dene R () to be the endomorphism algebra of Po generated by the endomorphisms 1i , xk,i , k,i , over all possible k and i , with the action as in [4, Section 2.3], with the only dierence being the action of k,i in the last of the four cases:

f (ik ik+1 xk+1 (sk i ) ik+1 ik xk (sk i ))(sk f ) if ik ik+1 , instead of f (xk (sk i ) + xk+1 (sk i ))(sk f ) if ik ik+1 . The algebra R () has a diagrammatic description similar to that of R(), with the following dening relations 0 if i = j, if i j = 0, j i (28) = ij ji if i j, j i j j i i ji ij if i j,
i j i j



i j


j i


for i = j


i i

i i


i i

i i


i j k i j k

unless i = k and i j = 1


i j i i j i

i j i

if i j


i j i i j i

= ij
i j i

if i j


Reverse the orientation of a single edge i j and change ij to ij and ji to ji . Denote the new datum by . Algebras R () and R () are isomorphic via a map which is the identity on diagrams. This way, the study of R () reduces to the case of any preferred orientation of . Rescaling one of the two possible types of the ij crossing by k changes ij to ij and ji to ji while keeping the rest of the data xed. We see that 1 R () depends only on products ij ji , over all edges of , via non-canonical isomorphisms. Rescalings of ii crossings and dots further reduce the number 16



of parameters to the rank of the rst homology group of . When graph is a forest (has no cycles), algebras R () are all isomorphic to R() via rescaling of generators. When has a single cycle, rescaling of generators reduces this family of algebras to a one-parameter family, with the parameter taking values in k . It is likely that R () has a description via equivariant convolution algebras in Lusztigs geometrization [6] of U when all ij = 1 (compare with Conjecture 1.2 in [4]). Form R = R ().

The Grothendieck group K0 (R ) of the category of nitely-generated graded left projective modules can be naturally identied with the integral version A f of U . All other essential constructions and results of [4] generalize from R() to algebras R () in a straightforward fashion. Modications in the general case. Rings R() associated to an arbitrary Cartan datum admit similar modications that depend on choosing an orientation of and invertible elements ij , ji of the ground eld k for each oriented edge i j. The key point is the change in the denition of the endomorphism algebra, making k,i act by f (ik ik+1 xk+1 (sk i )d ik+1 ik xk (sk i )d )(sk f ) if ik ik+1 in the last of the four cases, with d = dik+1 ik and d = dik ik+1 . Our proof of categoried quantum Serre relations for R() requires only minor changes in the general case of R (). Everything else generalizes as well. Acknowledgments. M.K. was fully supported by the IAS and the NSF grants DMS0635607 and DMS-0706924 while working on this paper.

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and Department of Mathematics, Columbia University, New York, NY 10027 email:

A.L: Department of Mathematics, Columbia University, New York, NY 10027 email:


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