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Heroes of Sol'an: Gorespire Keep

A Wildspire Homebrew
Table of Contents
Campaign Setting: Gorespire Keep Heroic Townsfolk Quests 14
Introduction .......................................................................3 Kysen Fatzgoruld (Lvl 7 – 8) ............................... 15
History ...................................................................................... 3 Gal and Gol Ironmuck (Lvl 7 – 8) ................... 25
Geography ..............................................................................4 Baroness Briarfell (Lvl 8 – 9) .............................33
Region: Lonellome .................................................................... 4
Gorespire Keep ..........................................................................5 Nuthunaol Heed (Lvl 8 – 9) ..................................41

The Five Houses .................................................................9 Profblix Pagedweller (Lvl 9 – 10) ................... 48

Ulcirin Havesh and the Fated Githyanki .............................. 9 Millicent (Lvl 9 – 10) .................................................. 55
Vara'kaa and the Sisters of Shar ......................................... 10
Fenrick Molson and the Night Pack ....................................10 Index 68
Buttons (The Boss) and the Misfits .....................................11
Zaroc and the Lost ..................................................................12 Monsters ....................................................................................
Adventuring in Gorespire Keep ........................13 Items ................................................................................................
Art .....................................................................................................
References 69

Gorespire Keep Campaign Setting


elcome to the third miniature-inspired setting
for your Wildspire Heroic Townsfolk How To Use
miniatures. It is our aim to help DMs integrate This setting could be inserted into any campaign as a location
these figures into their campaigns either as a of interest, and the starting point of six adventures centered
side-quest in an established realm, or a around your Wildspire Heroic Townsfolk miniatures.
continuation of the Heroes of Sol’an Alternatively, any quest within this setting could be easily
campaign setting, a Wildspire custom setting modified to fit into any small farm town with minimal terrain
in the world of Sol'an, a realm inhabited by migrated races of considerations. Use the information within this document to
guardinals, the celestial anthromorph guardians of Elysium. support any or all of the supplemental quest modules for
For more information on the world of Sol'an, refer to the Gorespire Keep.
Heroes of Sol'an Campaign Setting (estimated release
Within this document, you will find details about the Notes
campaign setting such as history, geography, and NPCs. Text in italics is meant to be read directly to the PCs, such
Additionally, we have added SIX short quest modules that as the descriptions within the story boxes.
can be initiated by NPCs within the setting. You can run the Text in bold are suggestions, and can be easily changed to
quests straight from the modules, or just pick and choose fit your campaign environment .
elements to add to your current campaign. Remember, everything in this guide is merely a
suggestion, and we encourage DMs to change any
details to best fit into their campaign.


n the northeast extreme of the continent,
Gorespire Keep has a storied history with Bel's March
several drastic changes in power and control.
Currently, GSK acts as a major node from the When Bel's army reached the north coast of Lonellome, he
dark lands further south to the civilized sent emissaries to attempt to barter with the orc settlement
cultures of the Nations of Light in the north, for resources and workers. Instead of negotiating, the orcs
with influences from major players on both fled into the badlands leaving GSK empty. Word of the
sides. abandoned settlement reached a sect of Fated githyanki at
Sigil, who quickly mobilized to seize control. They arrived to
find others from across Lonellome flowing into the city. In a
Before the Dark Invasion rare show of restraint, Lord Inran of the githyanki chose his
The most primitive of structures within the walls of GSK are tongue over his sword to lead negotiations over joint control
from an ancient civilization of unknown (to most) origin. It is of the town.
believed that the ruins were inhabited by powerful creatures
instead of societies for many years after its abandonment. It Century of Peace
was a powerful band of orcs that eventually laid roots here Sometimes cooler heads prevail in shared authority, and that
again, around 180 years ago. The keep thrived as an orc seems to be the case with GSK. Rarely are there serious
stronghold, with upgrades to the stone residences and castle enough issues that warrant a council meeting. When one is
during their occupation. necessary, the leaders of the houses show amazing
For more information, refer to the Heroes compromise and communication. They have yet to fail
of Sol'an Campaign Setting. conflict resolution through discussion and typically find
outcomes amenable to all parties involved.

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are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.

orespire Keep is located on the southern The Badlands
continent of Lonellome, named for "Lonely
Night" as play on the elvish word for night The wide area on the east coast between Gorespire Keep and
"lómë". The northern coastline sees a near Folly Peak is actually known by several names, including the
constant sunrise from the northern Dark Lands and the Outlands. The flat and unforgiving plains
hemisphere, while plunging into a dark are home to many migratory and tribal clans. Just to name a
tumultuous storm to the south. Although few, there are ancestral tiefling Outlander bands that attempt
disconnected from the Nations of Light, there are several to claim a serfdom over simpler tribes throughout. Powerful
large cities on Lonellome that maintain a level of control and clans of orcs and khasta battle against minotaur and goliath.
order. There are few maps of the area in existence with even less of
those trustworthy, as the dynamic political and economic
For more information, refer to the Heroes landscape often redefine the geography.
of Sol'an Campaign Setting.
Mireailin Forest
Lonellome Elvish for "Gem Lake", this dense forest allows for natural
This southern continent on Sol'an is located directly south of beasts and wildlife to thrive. The lake and island feature
Solreem'on under the constantly roiling dark skies. Although within the thick forest contains the large temple city of
the nourishing UV rays make it through the clouds to feed the Torchpool (see below). To the north, part of the forest was
plants and wildlife of Lonellome, the unique flora do not harvested during the Dark Invasion to build the massive
contain the vibrancy and vitality as in the north. ships at Sunrise Yard used to carry Bel's army across the
In the south, the land breaks apart into shallow bogs used Barrier Sea.
for farming rice and other regional crops. Traveling further
south from this area, the long peninsulas also break apart Torchpool
into shallow seas and dotted islands before reaching the With architecture similar to a jungle temple, Torchpool is run
continent containing the south pole, Axicos. by two small families of genasi (fire and water) and their
Pulstram followers. The Cathexis family (fire) focuses on teachings of
both mental and physical fire, with strict rank requirements
The capital of Lonellome, Pulstram is a large city containing and frequent trials of their followers. The Abysna family
a constantly contentious cadre of noble families. The wealth (water) draws inspiration of the deepest, darkest, and calmest
flowing through Pulstram is extravagant at the least, as the of ocean realms. They award tattoos to trainees that reach a
nobles flaunt their treasures openly to assert their authority. pinnacle of understanding or mastery of calmness of mind
There is a wide diversity of races here, and a large population and body. The population of followers is widely diverse and
of planar beings as well. The walled and fortified city lies well mostly peaceful, with the area acting as a shrine to the
protected by the surrounding Felshrrg Mountains. elemental planes of fire and water.
The Bogs Sunrise Yard
The area of shallow (mostly) slow moving water to the east Before the Dark Invasion, Sunrise Yard was a pleasant
and south of Pulstram are generally referred to as "The fishing village. When Bel's forces reached the north coast, the
Bogs". There are rice fields among other unique produce orcs were powerless to oppose his will. Many in the village
farms within the first several layers of the complex network. were forced to work tirelessly beside the lower fiends to build
Further out, the wide pools become dangerous, with the massive warships needed to ferry Bel's army north. Once
deceptive sink holes, hidden temples, and alpha predators. the last ship set sail, the villagers were left tired and weak,
For the most part, the water moves in undulating waves from sapping the tropical atmosphere and jovial energy from the
the outer perimeter where it feeds from the ocean. town and leaving the surrounding forest leveled. Now, the
Gith protect the village in return for first pick at market,
Folly Peak satisfying their high-brow tastes.
A lone volcano, originating from a small fissure of steam Currently, several bands of Githyanki slavers have set up
from deep below the planet's crust. A dynamic flow of magma camp, only holding authority over the lowliest and weakest of
has created a peak of porous stone and an extensive network beings left behind by Bel's fleet.
of tunnels.
The ominous volcano is aptly named Folly Peak for two
reasons. Originally, it referred to anyone that attempted to dig
into the rock searching for precious gems formed from the
pressure and heat. The pumice-like stone easily gives way to
heavier weights, causing mining equipment to get stuck and
eventually lost in the soft rock. More recently, the folly refers
to the any that wander too near, as the coven of red dragons,
led by Matriarch Nisara, guard the sole peak.
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are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Gorespire Keep

orespire Keep rests atop some high coastal Outside
cliffs (similar to those on Solreem'on), an
interesting architectural mecca of varied
origin. The keep itself seems to be of dwarven
influence, yet close inspection may reveal a Two githyanki warriors guard each side of the bridge
more ancient lineage. Homes and shops vary day and night, with more standing just outside the
large stone doors that open out from the stone keep.
between stone and wood construction, with Banners of black and red hang perfectly pressed off the
elven and human influences. Beneath the streets and high walls, and more guards can be seen patrolling the
structures is a complex network of tunnels and caverns, with roof.
connections to the street level of town and the coast below.
Those knowledgeable on the tunnels know that several paths
lead further down into the darkness below, with plenty of Entrance
ominous and alerting ruinic imagery to turn adventurers
Inran's Keep Upon entrance to the main chamber within the keep,
accents of red and gold highlight the shades of grey
Named after the first Gith Lord, the large fortified keep alone and black that are featured in the decor, with fancy
on the coastal island houses the Gith forces of Lord Ulcirin portraits of noble Githyanki and epic battles between
dragons. The chamber is immaculately decorated, with
Havesh. The structure appears to be dwarven construction, a large wooden table that runs the length of the room,
yet a high skill check may reveal it is in fact of much more seating nearly 40 people, and cushioned chairs and
ancient origin. Decorated and maintained to the highest couches around the perimeter. At the back wall of the
standards of Githyanki nobility, the keep's halls are chamber sits a large fancy chair of dark wood and black
impressively guarded and patrolled. Most only ever see the metal, the seat for the Lord of the Githyanki.
foyer and grand chamber within the stone fortress when
meeting with Lord Havesh. The Gith have no interest in
searching the tunnels and caverns below the town and castle,
and as such have closed off any that approach the keep.

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are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Inran's Keep (Continued) Candlehome Tavern (Continued)
Should a group attempt to enter the castle without a meeting, There are several staff of Lost that rotate throughout the day,
they will be turned around at the bridge from the mainland. with two remaining to work after hours. All of them except
However, if they have an appointment, they would meet Brank have the clouded eye feature of the Lost.
Shundayis Malarin, the administrator. Servers
Name Description
Shundayis Malarin
Oretok Male half-orc Lost, strong and quiet.
Yubis Female tiefling Lost with pink skin and long black
This Githyanki female has a slight purple hue to her Soren hair, polite but busy.
dark and sickly skin. Her pointed ears have many
serrations, revealing her as an accomplished fighter, Gregory Male human Lost, young with shaved head,
and are easily visible as her hair is shaved close to the Voreen unconfident but hardworking.
skin on one side up to a part. The remaining black hair Female Ursinal (Bearkin guardinal) Lost, soft and
with white highlights is tossed over the side and hangs Emelia
caring. Still slightly afflicted - slow responses.
down past her shoulders. Her dark matte armor has
accents of fire red, with Lord Havesh's insignia large on Young male githyanki, spoiled and priveledged -
her chest plate. not good employee.

Shundayis' ascension through the ranks has led to her end- Heed's Healing Hut
job, one she is not too happy with. Although she takes great This small shop is run by Nuthunaol Heed, a human plague-
effort into keeping the business of the house in order, she doctor fulfilling a calling to heal those in need.
hates how her male counterparts look down on her for her
more "domestic" role. Outside

Stonefall Quarter Located in a small single room stone structure that

This area of GSK is the most ancient, with many of the stone was perhaps once for storage, there is a swinging
structures falling into disrepair. As the primary quarters for hand-painted sign that hangs beside a door and lit
the Lost, houses are packed with multiple residents sleeping torch below a single window. Directly on the door is a
on piles of rags and rotting bedrolls. Houses not occupied by plague that reads "Please Knock, I welcome all when I
the Lost are either empty or house a group of Misfits, with a am here." The statement is repeated in several other
likely entrance to tunnels below nearby. languages below.
Aside from homesteads, there are several larger stone
structures that used to be purposed for administrative or
governmental services. As now all services are run out of the Inside
keep, these structures now contain several storefronts and
one of the two taverns in town, Candlehome Tavern.
Once inside the small single room (15 ft. x 20 ft.), your
Candlehome Tavern eyes are immediately drawn to the stacked shelves of
planted herbs and succulents. Below on a workbench,
you see tools used for grinding and drying herbs, as
well as some small flasks of varying volume and color.
The large stone structure originally built as a cathedral Larger flasks contain clear solvents for making potions,
of sorts has been highly renovated, with the expansive very meticulously labeled and organized. There is a
inner chapel area now separated by fine wooden and magical light, uncomfortably bright emanating from
metal construction. The main entrance is a large the center of the ceiling.
wooden double door with a ring of lit candles around
it. Upon entering, you see two bar areas to your left and
right with stool seating of about 10 each side. In front Nuthunaol Heed
of you is a large wooden desk and someone to greet
you. Behind, you see wooden walls that connect to a
single hallway directly back, lined with bright and warm
candles. Two hallways continue left and right and turn The plague doctor is dressed in shades of black layers
towards the back with doors lining the stone walls. with a white facemask contrasted by a black hat. The
glass eye covers are tinted a dull rose and always
seems to catch the light in an uncomfortable
There are two styles of rooms here. The cheaper are the reflection. His belt is full with multiple tools, pouches,
stone rooms that form the perimeter of the inn, while the and containers. Always by his side, the large white bag
contains bandages, salves, and remedies.
wooden-walled rooms on the interior are more expensive and

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Nuthunaol Heed (Continued) Squalor Square
Nuthunaol refuses to remove his head covering while in his A small complex of merchant tents and structures is
shop, but will remove it if met elsewhere. He takes no coin for indifferently referred to as "Squalor Square", as the penny-
services that can be performed on the spot, yet will charge for pinching owner rarely upgrades or fixes the four failing
potions and other resources from his inventory. merchant stands. The vendors are employed by Garrick
However, he will not attempt to remove the curse afflicting Rinster, an overwieght githyanki who tends to overstep his
the Lost, as the threat of retribution from Vara'kaa is one he authority. Rinster is known for trying to maintain full control
takes very seriously. of his employees, often bordering on slavery.
Trader's Quarter
This area contains several merchants and a small market, as You reach the cramped square containing several
well as residential structures made of dark wood. Most of the rundown stands and tents that seem in major disrepair.
houses here are occupied by residents with moderate amount You are immediately bombarded with yells of sales and
of income and wealth, such as those that work within the featured items as you approach. A disorienting
shops and taverns, or low level members of the higher cacophony, you are instantly uncomfortable as they
houses. begin tugging at your arms.
The Misfits have trouble maintaining a safe-house in this
district, quickly cleared and often resulting in long prison
sentences under Inran's Keep. The Boss rarely recommends Merchants
placement of a safe-house here, but would love the Name Description
opportunity to establish one should one arise.
Young male sea elf, raising money to cure his Lost
The Hermit's Hideout father. Hand-made crafts and jewelry.
Middle-aged githzerai female, in an abusive
Oriza relationship with Garrick. Random assortment of
tool/craft/hobby sets and a few overpriced artifacts.
This quaint little shop is quite literally... little. The small
wooden structure only stands about 5 feet tall, and Older human male with a long grey beard and large
covers only a little over a 5 ft. square. Immediately Tim bald spot. Magic components, herbs, spices, and a
outside is a collection of shelves and tables that hold few scrolls.
the wares of the goblin shopkeep. Only "open" about
Female khaasta, wife of Zaroc. Weapons, armor,
half the days of the week, a sign that reads "Gone to Luq
ammunition, and adventuring gear.
search the unknown, be back later" notifies patrons of
his absence.
Watcher's Quarter
A tiny shop of books and trinkets displayed in open air under With a distinctly different architecture, this quarter appears
a white tent, if open. When not open, all that occupies the to be the most recently built by a foreign influence. The wood
space is the small hut, locked and secured holding the used for the structures is lighter in color and maintains a
owner's inventory as well as the large tent. glossy sheen. The shingles and accents on the buildings are a
deep red and there is a constant pleasant aroma of damp
Profblix Pagedweller wood and sweet berries. Most of the residents here are
occupied by either members of the Night Pack, unaffiliated
residents, and a group of Misfits or two.
Profblix is small even for a goblin, standing only about Besides homesteads, the only other structures are the
2.5 ft. tall. His skin is a clear light green, and his clothes Spiresong and the Night Tower.
are impressively clean and pressed. His comically large
nose, genuine smile, and desire for intelligent dialogue The Spiresong Tavern
make him easy to converse with.

Profblix often leaves his shop to travel, searching for This large single-story wooden structure has beautifully
knowledge to write in his journals or trinkets to place on his manicured flowers and bushes creating an alluring
shelves. When at his shop, he is often copying notes from his entrance to Gorespire's more luxurious tavern. Thinly
journals to clean parchment that he will sell. He has several covered windows with lanterns behind them create a
journals for sale on the topics of rare monster lore, ancient warm light across the front lawn of the establishment.
The double doors are usually wide open, showing a
civilizations, botany, and his only opinion piece that glimpse of the main room consisting of hanging
interviews survivors of the Dark Invasion. sheets and large floor pillows. The exotic music and
drink service are all performed by scantily clad females
of a variety of races.

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The Spiresong Tavern (Continued) Shar's Tower
This tavern is owned and operated by the Sisters of Shar Outside the city walls lies the remnants of an ancient stone
who reside outside Gorespire's walls. Although not talked tower, with only the bottom three levels of the once massive
about openly, many of the female employees will consider structure still remaining. A large geodesic sphere constructed
sharing a night with a patron for the right amount of coin. with panels of solid metal has been erected on the third floor
They are not forced to do this, and those who partake are to act as the altar to Shar and Vara'kaa's meeting chamber.
confident in their body and decision to give pleasure for coin. The bottom floor has one large central circular room, with
The establishment is run by Demi Tanner, a human several small private rooms on the perimeter. The central
female member of the Sisters of Shar. Rooms run about chamber has comfortable chairs and a library, as well as a
double the cost of the Candlehome Tavern, yet come with large dining table. The second floor contains several more
some added amenities such as a public bath, sauna, and living quarters and rooms for storage. A spiral staircase leads
room service. up to the single room inside the sphere that spans a 25 ft.
Demi Tanner diameter. A single large throne sits inside the chamber, with
banners of dark purple and black matching the upholstery of
several chairs for attendees. The chamber is enchanted with
a magical effect in which the single moon-light source in the
This human female appears to be in her mid 30s, with
light brown hair in a bob haircut. She is wearing a skin-
top center of the sphere casts shadows that constantly shift
tight purple and black dress that accentuates her
and disorient.
sensual form. Her wide smile behind deep purple
lipstick is inviting and alluring. The Tunnels of Gorespire
The naturally formed tunnels below GSK are expansive and
Demi genuinely cares for the girls under her watch, and is dynamic, as the Misfits will occasionally add a new tunnel, or
considered among them as an amazing boss and friend. This block another.
starkly contrasts Vara'kaa and her more strict and There are frequent formations of hardened magma rock,
regimented leadership. However, if any question her devotion and even a few spots of resting and cooling lava. The large
to Shar or her place among the fanatic house, she will gladly chamber located on the eastern perimeter is where The
prove her vigorous faith and loyalty. Boss calls home, his misfits sleeping on cots or in bags along
the tunnel corridors.

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are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
The Five Houses of Gorespire Keep

lthough not everyone that calls Gorespire home
are members of these five factions, they are
pressed to make allegiances and avoid pissing Lord Havesh has many of the typical githyanki features
off any of the ruling groups. Githyanki hold the including dark yellow-green skin, short black hair, and
top spot in the town, with only the Boss acting long and pointy ears with an intricate pattern of
in defiance or opposition. Generally, the Gith serrations along the back edge. He stands over six feet
Lord Havesh is viewed as trustworthy and tall and has a gaunt and stringy frame covered in plated
reasonable among the populace. However, to expect armor with dark maroon lining. He wears a luxurious
compassion from the Lord would be foolish, and to challenge maroon shirt and grey pants under the armor
him would be a deadly mistake. containing the sigil of the Lich-queen, a crown with
The Gith are tasked with maintaining order among the tall, thin spikes.
general populace, and administering any punishment they
deem necessary. However, when needed the houses will meet
outside the town at Sunrise Yard to resolve any issues. Mission
Lord Havesh has two main goals for the githyanki here. The
Here, the houses are listed in order of more immediate goal is to create a sizable fleet meant to
decreasing authority and wealth ferry githyanki warrior across the Barrier Sea to perform
raids on weak coastal cities. With the pilfered wealth, Lord
The Fated Githyanki Havesh wishes to gain complete control of Gorespire Keep.
This faction of Gith are known as "Takers", with the principal Residence
mantra of "might makes right". Originating from the Astral Much of the githyanki, including Lord Havesh and his most
Plane, the githyanki establish outposts on the prime material trusted officers take residence in the large castle within
plane, usually wrestling control from a faltering ruler. Here, Gorespire Keep. The origins of the castle are unknown, with
the Gith have established an impressive hold of GSK, as well the previous residence consisting of a powerful clan of orcs
as considerable wealth through a system of taxation and that were driven away by the dark invasion. Currently named
trade. Anyone residing within the keep's purview pays rent to after the first githyanki lord, Inran's Keep has been upgraded
Lord Havesh, a tithe for shelter and protection. Those who with modern Gith decorations.
do not pay are exiled from the town and left to the wild lands
that surround Gorespire. Relations
As worshipers of the lich-queen Vlaakith, the fated here The Gith will work with any other faction, yet they are the
have established a working relationship with Nisara, the red most reluctant to work with the Boss and his rogue band.
dragon matriarch of Folly Peak. This partnership essentially They find the fanatic activities of the Sisters of Shar a little
solidifies Lord Havesh's uncontested control over Gorespire extreme, yet necessary. They look down on the Lost as weak
and the surrounding area. and undeserving of much. However, they know they must
appease the wants of the Lost and the Misfits to maintain
Lord Ulcirin Havesh order within the town.
Most Gith despise any adventurers from the North, and
Level 14 Eldritch Knight Fighter view them as privileged and soft. They particularly dislike
Lord Ulcirin Havesh has led the Gith at Gorespire Keep for Githzerai, Illithids, and Elves.
nearly 30 years after besting the previous lord in a duel. He is
known throughout the area as a skilled fighter and intelligent
Although for selfish reasons, Lord Havesh will entertain
conversations with adventurers from the Nations of Light if
only to gather information that could be sold or traded. He is
impressed and will respect anyone that displays exceptional
martial prowess.

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are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Vara'kaa has a considerable amount of compassion for the
The Sisters of Shar Lost, often stealing away young impressionable women from
This group of the Church of Shar are fanatic worshipers of the group to join her ranks as an initiate. She will not go
Shar - The Mistress of the Night. Twin sister to Selûne, along with any plans to remove the Lost from the ruling
Shar is the goddess of darkness, secrets, and caverns as a council or from GSK.
neutral evil greater deity. Her followers are members of the
Church of Shar, with several distinct groups within.
One such group is the Order of the Dark Moon, a
secretive monastic order that uses the gifts of the shadow
weave from their deity to enhance their martial prowess.
Vara'kaa, The Sorcerer-Monk of Shar
Level 10 Monk / Level 3 Sorcerer
Vara'kaa has traveled to Sol'an to escape the abrasive and
harsh environment of the Gray Waste. Her Diakk ancestry
afforded her no comforts in her homeland, so she left and
adventured among the planes before happening upon a
monastic temple of the Order of the Dark Moon. She
trained for nearly 10 years before leaving to establish a sect
of the Shar worshipers on the material plane.

Vara'kaa is nearly six feet tall, with her heavy form The Night Pack
approaching 300 pounds. Although most Carcene
Diakk have a hunched frame, Vara'kaa stands tall with
The Night Pack are the only Gorespire house that could
good posture, adding to her intimidating physique. She
potentially be considered "good", with a primary goal of
has a broad stork-like body with a slightly humanoid survival and protection of the wilderness in the dark lands.
face and long bill. Long, thin arms end in clawed hands Since the dark invasion, the natural landscape of this area
on her wingless form of short dark feathers, with (especially further south) has been scarred by powerful and
highlights of purples ranging from dark to neon hues. mysterious creatures. The Night Pack attempts to protect the
Her head-feathers form a neon purple mohawk, and surrounding wilderness by eliminating any unnatural
she has painted her beak to contain similar bright presence.
purple tones.
Fenrick Molson
Mission Dark-Touched Lupinal Werewolf
Vara'kaa shows no mercy to her acolytes, often requiring Fenrick was once a proud hunter, a member of a pack of
them prove their faith through trials or duals among their Dark-Touched that roamed the badlands looking to eradicate
membership. Much of Vara'kaa's focus is towards evil creatures that defied the natural balance. However, his
maintaining the balance and ranks of her order. Outside of fate was reforged when bitten by a lycanthrope deep in the
Gorespire, Vara'kaa sends her agents to find opportunities to badlands. Outcast by his pack, Fenrick was destined to
undermine Selûne and her allies. She often works up grand continue his life's work and recruited any that would help. He
plans and intricate schemes, targeting small sects of druidic established himself in Gorespire, but often leaves on
clans within the large vasts forests of Sol'an. extended forays.
When Fenrick transforms into a werewolf, his armor
Residence contains "break-away" connectors that allow his frame to
The Sisters of Shar occupy the Night Tower, just outside the outgrow the protective hide. In this form, his lupine features
keep's walls. This once massive stone structure is mostly are accentuated with his snout elongated and his claws and
destroyed, with only the ground floor fully intact. Attached to fangs enlarged.
the crumbled second and third floor is a haphazardly
constructed solid-metal geodesic dome. This chamber houses
the altar to Shar and Vara'kaa's chamber. The magically
enchanted metal panels cast shadows throughout the altar in This wolfkin does not fit the typical dark-touched
a disorienting fashion, an effect controlled by Vara'kaa. lupinal physique, with broad shoulders and a squat
form. Standing about 5'5, his thick dark and grey fur
Relations hide his bulking musculature and many scars. His left
ear has been severely mangled, with a large tear
The Sisters of Shar rarely go out of their way to help any of splitting the ear at the top. He wears leather armor that
the five families, with the exception of aiding the Gith at has been covered in some tar-like substance to create
times to maintain a decent relationship. They are the most a black matte effect.
resilient to policy changes when it comes to the law of the
land, and enjoy GSK as it is.

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In a history laced in irony, the core of the Night Pack consists The Misfits
of lycanthropes, recovered from the darklands by Fenrick Although listed lower in wealth to the Night Pack, there is a
Molson's troupe. Although they seek to fight an unnatural high flux of coin and valuables through the rogue band of
presence, they themselves are abominations of the natural ne'er-do-wells. The Boss fails to maintain any real sustainable
realm. Because of this, they refuse to intentionally turn wealth, as his chaotic schemes rarely end successfully. From
anyone desiring the benefits of the curse. However, the Night their tunnel hideouts and safe-houses scattered throughout
Pack will attempt to onboard any werewolves they come GSK, the Misfits attempt to sow chaos and confusion
across. somewhat randomly to the citizens above.
Entry into this house is relatively easy, as the benefits it
Residence affords a scarce and are often outweighed by the
The Night Pack reside within the wooden watch tower that consequences of the reckless tactics. Membership may seem
rises nearly 20 ft. over the large stone walls, as well as the somewhat transient, as those who survive the harsh struggle
small houses immediately surrounding. The Night Pack for food and station often find allegiance to higher ranked
always have eyes scanning the surrounding lands from high houses.
within the watch tower, which contains two levels. The
bottom level acts as Fenrick's office and meeting chamber. Buttons (The Boss)
Relations Level 10 Feral Felis Barbarian
Fenrick and his pack have little interest in the goings on in Buttons has lived a rough life. The comfort and privilege as
Gorespire Keep, and rarely grab for more power. However, the house pet of the noble Renfro family out of the southern
they are unafraid to vote against any proposition that lessens capital city of Pulstram was ripped from Buttons when he got
their portion of authority or gives more to another house. lost within the tunnels under Gorespire Keep while his family
Fenrick is not viewed in high favor with Lord Havesh or was visiting. Abandoned and afraid, Buttons battled the likes
Vara'kaa, as he openly opposes their authority in these of large rats and animated corpses just to survive, gaining
opportunistic situations and is too strong to overthrow. reputation among the more intelligent denizens of the
The Boss (see below) has managed to forge a very caverns and caves below GSK. Each time Buttons fought for
favorable relationship with Fenrick and his Night Pack, his life, he harnessed the rage to strengthen his resolve,
serving as a font of information and secrets within and eventually claiming rule over the Gorespire tunnels.
around GSK. It is conceivable that Buttons would have been His influence began to attract followers willing to live in
maliciously ousted from the ruling houses long ago if not for the cold dark tunnels in exchange for the opportunity to take
Fenrick's support. part in subterfuge or thievery under Buttons' command. A
ragtag gang at first, Buttons knew he had to gain a resource
that he could trade to the other houses in order to remain in
his station. Thus, The Boss emerged as a suitable persona to
correspond with the other factions of GSK.

A large cat, Buttons weighs a little over 20 pounds and

stretches almost 2 feet long. His squat face adds a bit
of a comical appearance to the feral Felis, contrasted
by the vicious scar over his right eye. Buttons
occassionally lets his tongue slip from his mouth when
he is in deep thought or listening intently. Although he
tries his darnedest, Buttons cannot manage to keep his
stark-white fur clean anymore. His extravagantly fancy
robes and chair face the same issues with cleanliness,
detracting from his otherwise noble appearance.

Knowing that their existence hinges solely on their ability to
trade items and information, their mission is to establish a
constant currency stream. Button's "business model" is
simple: If your success rate is 50%, then you need 200%
activity to be at efficiency. Therefor, the Boss constantly sends
agents out to attempt heists and information gathering,
knowing full well some of them won't survive.

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The chaotic and troublesome nature of the Misfits really Zaroc
grind on Lord Havesh, who strives for order and structure. As
such, Lord Havesh has ordered that any member of the Level 16 Khaasta Fighter
Misfits caught committing a crime can be executed on the Zaroc is a proud Khaasta from the badlands south of
spot. This outcome is explained thoroughly to every new Gorespire Keep, struck in his prime by the Haze and left
initiate of the Misfits. behind to his fate by his clan. Zaroc was found and sheltered
Residence by Kysen Fatzgoruld who initially looked over the few Lost
The Misfits have found refuge in the tunnels and caves below within GSK. Zaroc showed signs of faltering consciousness,
GSK proper, with several crowded safe-houses throughout a rarity in those afflicted by the curse. Kysen took the time
the city. Buttons and his most trusted Misfits camp in are and effort to slowly bring Zaroc out of his Haze, a true test of
large open cavern under the Stonefall Quarter. Zaroc's constitution. To repay Kysen, Zaroc dedicated his
returned vitality to helping any cursed by the Haze.
The Misfits have garnered support from both the Night Pack
and the Lost, keeping the "lower" houses at a vocal majority Zaroc is a strong and athletic lizardfolk with dark
when the council is adjourned. Whereas Fenrick will often brown skin highlighted with a light-toned chest and
interact with Buttons and exchange goods and information, torso. His head resembles a horned-toad with a short
Zaroc simply tolerates the Misfits in order to maintain that fanning crest around his face. His eyes have a slight
majority. grey shimmer to them, remnants of his past affliction.

Zaroc and his crew have been cured of the curse, and now
seek to help out as many of the afflicted as he can. They work
with the Boss to find cursed people that cannot afford the
required blessing to cure their ailment and bring them to
Gorespire. They will often hire out services to raise funds to
purchase a blessing from the Sisters of Shar. Vara'kaa allows
them to purchase such a blessing, but insists she choose who
will be cured, often selecting women to join her acolytes.
The Lost have been "given" access to the older structures that
make up the Stonefall Quarter. These stone homesteads are
cold and worn down, with groups of Lost sleeping on piles of
rags or blankets within each building.
None of the other houses give much time or attention to the
Lost. Even with Vara'kaa's interest for recruiting purposes,
she hardly regards the group otherwise.
The Misfits do work often with the Lost, where the Boss
bribes Zaroc with coin or favors to side with them on issues
that go to council.
The Lost
The lowest ranked house contains residents that have been
struck by a horrible curse that has ravaged this area for
centuries. Referred to as "the Haze", this curse seems to
travel slowly across the land. At random, several residents
within a given town will be afflicted, causing the creature's
eyes to gloss over with a smoky grey appearance as they fall
into a malaise and stupor. The curse is curable by clerical
magic, but many within the land do not have the coin or
station to acquire such services. Once cured, a slight bit of the
grey smoke remains in the eyes of the creature, a telltale sign.
Aside from Zaroc and a few capable cured who have
remained behind to help, this house consists of humanoids
struck by the Haze.

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Adventuring in Gorespire Keep

side from the quest modules presented for this
campaign setting, these NPCs can be used to Stand Alone Setting
spawn any concurrently running plot lines as Gorespire Keep can be dropped into any campaign as a new
well as integrating player background stories. regional location for the heroic townsfolk quests.
For instance, Nuthunaol Heed could posses the
remedy for a vicious disease or Profblix
Pagedweller could have happened upon an Get them to Gorespire
ancient relic. GSK allows for amazing racial and cultural The PCs need to go to Gorespire Keep...
clashes with its planar beings and diversity of races.
Additionally, you can uses the five houses to test alignments To follow an assassin or thief that wronged them.
and allegiance of your PCs, pitting compassion for the Lost To search for a relic/item.
against the debauchery of the Sisters of Shar. To gather information about the surrounding area.
Gorespire Keep can act as a great midpoint between two To rest on their long journey.
regions, as you can mold the origin cities and societies of this To gain audience with any of the five houses.
moderate encampment to fit a destination for your party to To search for a planar being.
eventually adventure. However you utilize this setting, it is
meant to remove your party from a more comfortable and Alternative Quest Hooks
safe setting. Your PCs should feel unsettled and vulnerable The Boss is looking to start a feud between the Sisters of
here, with all they meet eager to sap wealth from Shar and the Fated Githyanki. He has a master plan to
unsuspecting visitors. spread lies and rumors throughout the town.
Zaroc is unhappy with his current agreement with
Heroes of Sol'an Vara'kaa when it comes to curing the Lost. He is
stockpiling his funds in an attempt to go behind Vara'kaa
If you are progressing the Heroes of Sol'an campaign, there and cleanse a group of his followers with someone new.
are several ways to direct your party to Gorespire Keep. First Millicent is afflicted by a poison she ingested from berries
and foremost, it is recommended to return the party to Boiler on her road to GSK and needs help. Perhaps Nuthunaol
Bay after their time in Greenhill. The return to Boiler Bay Heed can help.
should allow for primary story progression and a chance to Baroness Briarfell needs a top-notch escort back to her
reunite PCs with lower-level acquaintances. It is home in Pulstram, a trek that would take nearly 10 days
recommended to use their time in Boiler Bay for a major on horseback and filled with dangers of the wild.
event that will point them to the new continent and setting, Kysen has spent much of the year searching for a powerful
such as an assault on their home port by forces of darkness. liche that is wandering the Badlands wreaking havoc
Additionally, This is a prime opportunity to use character among the nomadic tribes.
backstory in order to progress to this new location.
Once Arrived
The adventuring party should realize quickly that their
association with the Last Hope and the Nations of Light hold
no favor here. In fact, should they openly flaunt their northern
titles they may have to deal with some unwanted attention. It
is DM discretion if the party will have a contact in GSK, but it
is recommended they are given Kysen Fatzgoruld's
(Wildspire Heroic Townsfolk) name and description.
Please refer to the campaign setting for
further suggestions and plot ideas for
bringing your group to Gorespire Keep

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Heroic Townsfolk Short Quest Modules
Levels 7-10

The Heroic Townsfolk of Gorespire


he following short quest modules are designed Nuthunaol Heed and the Firetrap
to be run in sequence, or as stand-alone
encounters incorporating the Heroic Bloom (Levels 8 – 9)
Townsfolk miniatures from Wildspire. Each Through a text translated by Kysen, Nuthunaol has found a
module has instructions and guidance for potential cure for "The Haze" that afflicts the Lost. He has
running these quests, as well as potential been working a while on a more natural therapeutic for the
storyline seeds and extended plot lines. Read blight, using a mixture of healing herbs. Now, he feels there
straight from the module or just pick out a monster here and may be an extract that would complete his concoction. But,
there, we hope that these stories inspire your own extracting the precious component will be extremely
adventures. dangerous, as it comes from the Firetrap Bloom, a creature
Kysen and the Death Knight that finds its way from the fire elemental plane near the
elemental rift at Torchpool.
(Levels 7 – 8)
Kysen Fatzgoruld is the group's contact in Gorespire Keep, Profblix Pagedweller and the
with indirect connections to the Nations of Light through his Badlands Bullies (Levels 9 – 10)
monastery, The Temple of Infinite Thought. His mission in The diminutive goblin scholar usually can evade threats as he
Gorespire Keep is to maintain the balance of life and death, crosses the badlands in search for artifacts and trinkets,
not to allow any disturbances is the natural flow of life. As using his learned magics to turn invisible if danger comes too
such, he feels personally responsible for removing the death near. However, in his most recent trek he was assaulted and
knight that has set up shop at a coastal cemetery. robbed by a new band of outlanders able to bypass his
Gal & Gol and the Ironmuck magical protections. The warrior clan, lead by a massive
orange-skinned tiefling, calls itself "The Thundering Horde"
Incident (Levels 7 – 8) and attacks quickly on horseback. Guide your party as they
The Goblin siblings have a plan to free their tribe from seek retribution on the Outlanders and their Warchief to
enslavement by a githyanki lord. They even managed to recover Profblix's stolen goods.
procure the treasure horde needed to buy their clan from the Millicent and the Abandoned Elder
slaver, but no one trusts a goblin! Their attempts to disguise
themselves as an orc chieftan have had mixed results, and (Levels 9 – 10)
could really use the party's help. Guide your adventurers as Millicent has finally found the last piece of the puzzle that has
they negotiate with the githyanki slavers for the goblins' encompassed her entire year. She has found an ancient door
freedom. in the tunnels below Inran's Keep, with an intricate picture
Baroness Briarfell and the Trial of puzzle that blocks entrance. She has figured out the first two
pieces, and just recently came across the clues she needed to
Shar (Levels 8 – 9) crack the third and final piece. Little does she know that
Lady Tristi Briarfell has left her comfortable noble life in behind the door is the long sealed chamber of an abandoned
Pulstram to make a name for herself in order to gain family elder brain! Take your group down into the tunnels and ruins
favor over her siblings. She has traveled to Gorespire Keep to deep below GSK to face the abandoned elder brain and his
earn membership to the Sisters of Shar under Vara'kaa, yet a ancient defender, the Brain Golem.
rival noble who has already established herself is keeping her
out. It is time for Trista's trial, but she fears her rival has
rigged the event for her failure. The group will help Trista in
her trial, where they end up facing against several shadow

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Kysen and the Death Knight
A Wildspire Homebrew

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elcome to one of the miniature-inspired quests
for your Wildspire Heroic Townsfolk NPC: Kysen Fatzgoruld
miniatures. It is our aim to help DMs integrate
these figures into their campaigns either as a Level 10 Human Way of Shadow Monk
side-quest in an established realm, or a
continuation of the Heroes of Sol’an campaign How to Use This Module
setting. This quest can also be inserted into any campaign as a quick
This quest, as part of the Gorespire Keep setting, features diversion or side quest chain. Preferably, this quest can be
Kysen Fatzgoruld, the human monk. Kysen Fatzgoruld is the initiated in any moderately sized port town along a group’s
group's contact in Gorespire Keep, with indirect connections travels, with only minimal terrain considerations.
to the Nations of Light through his monastery, The Temple
of Infinite Thought. His mission in Gorespire Keep is to Please reference the Heroes of Sol'an Setting document
maintain the balance of life and death, not to allow any for information about Gorespire Keep and the NPCs
disturbances is the natural flow of life. As such, he feels within.
personally responsible for removing the death knight that Text in italics is meant to be read directly to the PCs.
has set up shop at a coastal cemetery. Additional NPCs from Text in bold are suggestions and can be easily changed to
the Heroic Townsfolk collection have been integrated into fit your campaign environment.
this setting and quest module. For a more detailed Skill check DCs are general and meant to reward higher
description of Gorespire Keep, refer to the Heroes of Sol’an rolls with more information. Higher skill check rolls gain
campaign setting at (Coming 12/2020). the knowledge from lower DCs. Feel free to adjust DCs
based on your preference.
Remember, everything in this guide is merely a
suggestion, and we encourage DMs to change any
details to best make it fit into their campaign.
You can change the monster’s stats or choose new
monsters to apply this story to PCs of a different level.

Ch.1 Passage to Gorespire Keep

Heroes of Sol'an Campaign
As recommended in the Heroes of Sol'an Campaign
Sunrise Yard
Setting, the party can use their contacts in Boiler Bay to
secure passage across the Barrier Sea. Gorespire Keep
proper does not contain a port or harbor, as the jagged rocks This port town is in shambles, with scrapped wood and
that dot the shoreline and the harsh waves make docking or broken boat parts scattered across the sandy beaches
mooring very difficult. Instead, they would most likely dock at and cluttering the expansive docks. There are very few
Sunrise Yard. ships docked, and one larger warship currently under
construction. Several armored githyanki are snapping
Stand Alone Quest Module whips and yelling orders to the workers on the large
This module can be run without the geographical
considerations of a port or within the town described in this
setting, with or without the use of Sunrise Yard. Kysen can Sunrise Yard is the location where Bel's army stopped and
simply be dropped into any city setting with an accessible built an armada of warships to ferry them across the Barrier
cemetery (or alternative setting for the death knight Sea. Since his departure, the Gith have taken control of the
encounter). The only other consideration is the location the once small peaceful fishing village. Although they do pay the
adventurers will encounter the skeletons in ch.4, as larger villagers a pitiful wage for their labor, they have enslaved
more developed cities may prove such an encounter difficult. several clans of goblins and kobolds to "aid" the villagers.
If using this quest module in a larger city, have Kysen lead For the most part, the Gith soldiers will mind their own
the adventurers outside the city walls to encounter the business and stay out of any adventurer's way. That being
undead, with the explanation that Kysen received said, all ships requesting overnight docking must register and
information as to the direction and timing of the undead pay with Thiren Noss, the leader of the Gith forces in this
approach. area.

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Sunrise Yard (Continued) A Short Hike to the Keep
Thiren Noss There is a stables at Sunrise Yard where horses can be
purchased, or rented for the short journey east along the
coast to Gorespire Keep. The cost for purchase is nearly
double traditional cost, as such beasts of burden are less
This githyanki seems to have lost his desire to frequent in this area. The price for rentals to GSK are very
maintain peak physical form. Although his limbs are reasonable.
still thin and long, his belly awkwardly pushes against
his dark leather armor. His balding head of short red
hair is very strange against his sickly green-brown skin,
accented by a short chin-strap red beard.
As you head east from the depressing port town, you
see the vastness of destroyed forest that spread south
from Sunrise Yard, with the land now dark and dismal
Thiren has become very comfortable in his new post. With without the vibrant foilage. The wind blows cold from
githyanki respect so closely tied to martial prowess, Thiren the south, and the waves crash violently against the
earns his respect through other virtues, such as his amazing shoreline. Not too long after leaving, you can see the
management skills and infamous treatment of slaves. Thiren walled city approaching on the horizon, with the top of
has mastered the art of manipulation and mental warfare the Watcher's Tower and the large keep already
which he enjoys practicing on the slaves within Sunrise Yard. distinguishable.
His antics have caused several of his targets to take their own
lives in a horrific and public manner, entertaining the
githyanki troops and supporting his authority among the Gaining Entrance
Thiren will interrogate all groups docking at Sunrise Yard If the group bypassed Sunrise Yard, they will have to go
and/or traveling further to Gorespire Keep. He is a skilled through an interrogation from the guard at the gates of
enough interrogator and should be able to sniff out any bad Gorespire Keep. If the PCs manage to evade their
lies that the PCs give. Otherwise, he will take down the associations with any good-aligned nations, they will not be
names of the group and take any deposits for overnight stays. bothered much once inside the city walls.
He will give the group a parchment with his seal to show the Do-Gooder Resentment
guard at GSK to show they have passed his review. If the party does not hide or manage to deceive interrogations
about good-aligned associations, they will be told to quickly
conduct their business and be on their way. The group will be
monitored closely while within the city gates.

Ch.2 Meet the Good Monk

he venerable monk, Kysen Fatzgoruld, has
purchased residence within the Watcher's Finding Kysen
Quarter in a small single-story home near the Obtaining directions to Kysen through name or description is
large gate. He is often at home in his expansive easy enough from merchants or anyone within Candlehome
library where he restores historic texts of the Tavern, as well as guards or members of the Lost and Night
region. He often has several large books out at Watch. Those associated with the Sisters of Shar or Misfits
once, using language references to translate would not recognize Kysen by name, and would have a low
his current text of interest. chance of remembering his description.
Kysen is a monk from the Temple of Infinite Thought,
located in northern Sol'an near the base of the Golden Peak
Mountains. Closely aligned to Lathander, the temple's
mission involves the natural cycle of life and protecting the The directions you received lead you to a small single-
processes of death and renewal. Under the teachings of it's story home located near the wall and near the large
current Grand Master, Prophet Kuaw'kaa, once one of his main gate within the Watcher's Quarter. The wooden
acolytes has reached a certain level of understanding and structure seems relatively new and well maintained,
enlightenment, they must leave the temple and finish their with what seems to be a recent enough coat of paint
study and training in distant lands where they may service on the siding and roof.
the balance of life and death. Kysen has chosen Gorespire
Keep, an understandably difficult assignment, but a region
that will definitely benefit from his influence.

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section of this PDF to fulfill those skill
Introductions checks.
As mentioned before, Kysen spends a good amount of his
time inside his abode translating ancient texts and preserving Kysen's Charge
regional lore. As the group may have noticed, Kysen did not offer his direct
help in their current endeavors. Kysen will gladly divulge
information about his focus.
The man standing before you is dressed in a full-
coverage tan hooded robe tied at the waist with
corded rope. His bald head shines from the many "I am charged to maintain the cycle of life, the balance
candles that light his home, used to illuminate his desk of birth, death, and renewal. This fowl land is constantly
area covered in parchment and bound pages. You only assaulted by unnatural, nay supernatural forces, from
see one insignia on Kysen's clothing, a simple outline swarms of rambling zombies to powerful liches. I do
of an eye, with a swirling vortex as the pupil located on what I can for the lands, but I am only one man.
the left of his chest. However, when the abominations make their way into
Gorespire Keep and threaten the good people here, I
must step in. Some source of great evil power is near
If the PCs have removed their foreign insignias, they will the keep, and I think someone is aiding their chaotic
have to divulge to Kysen their association with the Nations of agenda. Within the last few nights, there have been
Light and the Sunguard. several attacks within the city walls by recently raised
undead. I have walked the entire wall, and all my
Unknown Associations findings suggest they shouldn't be able to breach
If the PCs delay this information, Kysen will still offer to talk through to the town. Yet they have. I must uncover
with the group, with his initial assumption of their visit how they are making it through the town's guard and
surrounding his ability to find passage and safe haven for wall."
peoples in the north. Through his connections, Kysen is able
to work as a mediator for people looking to either return to a
Nation of Light after exile, or help guide and establish those Nature/Religion check
on their first journey north. DC Outcome
Adventurers from the North Low level undead tend to wander aimlessly, without a
Once Kysen is aware of the PCs true origin, he will fill the destination or target.
group in on the political landscape of GSK. 13
More powerful undead can direct and command such
lower creatures.
If there is a more powerful undead here, they must
stay close to maintain their control.
"What you have here is a house system, a joint
leadership of the Gorespire Keep community. When an
issue arises worth consideration of the five houses, the
leaders will meet out near Sunrise Yard to debate. Most
How Can We Help?
day-to-day management decisions are left to the Gith, Kysen cannot cover the entire town by himself, he could use
holders of the stronghold and general guard. As long as the group's help to patrol this evening to find and defeat
you stay quiet and don't cause any trouble, there is no rambling undead.
reason the Gith should mess with you. Now, those
Shar fanatics out in the tower ruins should be avoided
at all cost. Their chaotic regime is untrustworthy and
honestly...pretty dang crazy. Vara'kaa, their leader is sly "The first night, there were only three. Last night, I had
and smart, and she will often make deals that sound to take down ten of the damn things. Their intensity is
great outright, but end up costing you more than you increasing, and if I had to guess, tonight there will be a
gain. Zaroc and his band of afflicted are generally group large enough to cause some serious damage. I
trustworthy and may be able to help you with cannot patrol this entire town by myself, yet with your
information, should you need it. Or if you want to pay help I feel we can stop them in time."
for it, you can set up a meeting with the Boss down in
the tunnels. The Night Watch are also quite "I will take the the Watcher's Quarter, if you guys can
trustworthy, and can help you if you are willing to help keep track of the Stonefall and Trader's Quarters. Here
them. Whatever you plan to accomplish while you are take this... if you encounter the undead, you can send
here, I am sure you will find a house or two that will me a message and tell me where to be."
help you out."

Investigation checks can be made on any A helpful Item

of the five houses of GSK. Use the Kysen gives the PCs one of a pair of sending stones, a magic
information in the campaign setting item that allows a person to use the spell sending once per
day to communicate with the holder of the other stone.

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Ch.3 Search for the Undead Swarm

he party will search the northern areas of GSK Wandering Lost
for any undead disturbances. Tonight, a decent
sized group of various undead will make its Those heavily afflicted by The Haze often tend to sleepwalk
way to cause chaos and destruction within the in the dead of night, sometimes being mistaken as zombies.
town walls. They have a specific route This could cause a real problem should a PC mistake a Lost
commanded for them to follow, with a final for an undead minion.
destination of homes within the Stonefall
Quarter. Undead Assault
Soon after the middle of the night, the group of skeletons The exact location of the encounter is in the NW corner of
and zombies will enter the tunnels from the shoreline. They this district. Depending on their relative location, they will
will travel through the tunnels, with any Misfits present easily hear a commotion and yelling as the horde emerges.
running if they happen to encounter the horde. The undead They will be the first on the scene by several minutes
will emerge from the tunnels through one of the many secret compared to the Gith guard. Kysen will also arrive after
passages used by the Misfits (yes, even climbing stairs!). Once several minutes if not informed by the sending stone (his fast
on the streets, the group will attack any humanoids they movement can get him there quickly if informed, arriving in
encounter. Depending on how long they are allowed to act about a minute).
unhindered, they will span out in small groups from their
point of emergence.
Much of this scenario is dependent on the groups decision GSK Cemetery
and searching plan once they leave from Kysen's abode. To The official resting place of the town's residents lies just
best aid DMs, below is listed information both during the south of the town's walls along the eastern coast. Overall, the
search and at the time of the swarms assault for several graves are undisturbed and intact, with no signs of foul play
different locations. except for a single ransacked tomb NOT associated with
these events.
Trader's Quarter
Generally speaking, The PCs will not find much information The Tunnels of GSK
within this area of town, especially at this time of night. All of Should the group somehow manage to search the tunnels,
the shops and merchants are closed, and many of the they will encounter groups of Misfits traversing or patrolling
residents are asleep. It would be believable that if the PCs the tunnels. The PCs would generally be left alone, with the
searched long enough, they may find a lonely resident still small groups usually running away from anyone in the
awake. Residents in this area have heard rumors of skeletons tunnels.
and corpses walking into town, but they do not seem too However, should the PCs travel near Buttons or the central
concerned knowing the rigor of the githyanki guards. hideout, the Misfits will form a large group that will confront
If investigated further, the PCs may notice that residents the PCs and determine their intentions.
are in fact worried, but don't want to be seen as paranoid or
doubting the Gith. This may be present in a weapon by the Tell the truth
door or extra locks on doors and boarded windows. If the PCs are honest about their intentions, they will be
allowed to continue searching AROUND The Boss's hideout,
Undead Assault but not allowed to enter the chambers behind them.
Should the PCs be here when the horde attacks, it will be Hostile
difficult for them to perceive any immediate disturbance.
Perception checks or passive Perception can be used to Fighting the Misfits would be a horrible idea, but if engaged
hear a shriek or yell from the Stonefall Quarter to signify these NPCs are low level fighters and rogues and would be
the attack. easily dispatched by even a pair of PCs. The implications of
It will take the PCs several minutes to run over to the this slaughter would be heavy indeed.
Stonefall Quarter to engage from within this district, Undead Assault
depending on their relative location. By the time they get to
the conflict, both Kysen and several Gith guards will be in The group might have an opportunity to cut off the undead
engaged. It is DM discretion to how many undead will be within the tunnels below the city before they can do any real
remaining when these PCs arrive. harm. If the PCs are within the tunnels when the horde is
present, they will encounter fleeing Misfits who will warn of
Stonefall Quarter the undead advance.
There is no previous evidence or reason for anyone to believe A sewer battle map has been included in
this is the district in which the undead will attack. For that the next chapter for this scenario.
reason, searching this area before the assault won't really
reveal any clues that inform the group of the target location.

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Ch.4 Obliterate the Undead
Here Comes the Cavalry
Encounter Depending on how quickly the PCs engage the undead, Gith
Skeleton (x6, MM p. 272) guards and Kysen will eventually arrive to help out if needed.
Zombie (x4, MM p. 316) After the combat is concluded, the Gith guards will recognize
This encounter is well below the PCs ability, and is more for the group's aid and thank them. This will garner the group a
story purposes than to be a real challenging combat. As reputation among the Gith, better allowing them access to
mentioned before, the undead army will emerge from the meet with Lord Havesh if desired.
tunnels through one of the several secret entrances used by
the Misfits to sneak around town. After attacking the
several Lost (unable to run from the slowly shambling
creatures) in the house immediately west of the tunnel
entrance, they will spread out in small groups searching
for targets.

Ch. 5 Kysen's Realization

nce the scene has settled down after the I knew this man
encounter, Kysen will begin searching the Kysen explains his concern...
bodies, particularly the zombie bodies that still
have some clothing/jewelry. After a few
minutes of searching Kysen pauses as he pulls
a pendant from one of the zombie corpses. "I've seen this pendant before, this man... he was a
good man. Jalen was his name, he lived here for several
years. He first attempted to work with the Gith and
then later found a home with the Night Watch. He was
A silver chain that is rusted at several sections holds a killed... in one of his many patrols defending the wilds
single oval pendant containing some kind of hardened of this land. He does not deserve this... foul form... he
dark maroon resin. Upon the resin is mounted a finely would have been disgusted."
crafted silver insignia of three moons over a single
mountain peak.

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Here's the plan
Kysen asks the group to meet him tomorrow so he can gather
Another Wave
information. The group will encounter another wave of low-level undead a
mere 30 minutes out of town, as the wave makes its way
towards GSK. There are more creatures in this wave, a sign
of the increasing strength of each wave.
"I must talk to Fenrick, he will tell me where they laid If the origin of these creatures is where they are headed, it
Jalen's body and I will know where I must go next." is conceivable that this wave has been slowly marching up
Kysen pauses for a second, his face tightening as he the coast near all day.
scans your group. "Did you see? Those undead were
being controlled, or commanded, I do not exactly Encounter
know, but I know that they should not have been able
to maneuver the tunnels below town. I fear there is a Skeleton (x9, MM p. 272)
powerful puppetmaster at play, and I would welcome
your aid. Please, meet me at my home at dusk Zombie (x5, MM p. 316)
tomorrow. I do not yet know how I will repay you, but I The group will see the group of undead shambling up the
will do my best." coast at a slow pace once within their vision range. Even this
larger wave should not be difficult for this group, dispatched
with limited resources.
The Next Day Rewards
The group will have most the day to do as they please,
potentially meeting more NPCs within GSK or advancing any Investigation check
subsequent central story or backstory plots. DC Outcome
One of the zombies has a nice enough set of
Preparation 10
chainmail armor (Medium size).
When the group meets up with Kysen at dusk, he has more
information. 13
Another of the mostly intact corpses has two platinum
pieces wedged into his eyes.
18 Random Magic Item.
"Fenrick and most of his pack were on patrol, but one
of the watch that stayed behind remembers Jalen well.
He died defending the pack from an ambush in the
badlands by some gnolls. They buried his body in a plot
of land used by several tribes in the area. It is along the
eastern cost, a few hours walk south from here. If we
leave now, we should get there around midnight."

Kysen is geared up and ready to go, but will allow the group
to quickly gather anything they might need for the journey.
They leave the city proper and head straight south along the

Ch. 6 Dark Knight of Chaos

he group will eventually see the makeshift Approaching the Cemetery
cemetery off in the distance, located on an hill
that overlooks the shoreline. Here they will
encounter the death knight and some of his
raised minions. Alderick, a death knight under The cloudless sky and bright moonlight illuminate the
the command of a powerful lich, has come to landscape before you, and in the distance you can see
the outline of tall gravestones and stone altars. The
this area with one particular mission, to cause cemetery is perched on a small hill that overlooks the
chaos and fear in the citizens of Gorespire Keep. He has with shoreline below, and a slight fog slowly weaves
him a powerful evil artifact, Kiss of the Lich, which can raise between the headstones.
low-level undead from corpses.

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Perception check Alderick's Address
DC Outcome
A full monologue is presented below, but it is understandable
that a group may interrupt Alderick with questions or
From this distance, you can make out headstones of hostility at any point. Use the notes and speech below to
10 many types, some stone in various states of disrepair and answer questions and react.
others of wood in pyres and humanoid forms.
Alderick is acting under command of a powerful lich, with
Within the fog you notice swirls, are sure sign of
movement within the cemetery.
the mission to cause fear and despair to the townspeople
of Gorespire Keep. The lich believes reducing the morale
You focus harder, and think you may see several and inducing fear in the region will empower himself, and
18 humanoid shapes, standing motionless among the has sent his minions for such purpose.
graves. Alderick's mortal life was a human champion of one of the
noble houses of Pulstram. A paladin to Mellifleur, the god
of necromancy, he quested for his life mission to achieve a
Disturbed Graves powerful transition his next form, granted by a lich
Once the group moves closer, they will notice patches of growing his dominion somewhere in the badlands.
ground of varying size with upturned graves. In the center of Alderick particularly pities heroes, considering their
the cemetery sits Alderick, motionless and quiet until directly actions an insult to those they assume to "save".

"I knew, eventually, your kind would come. Heroes...

pfft... false prophets, you seek to defend the weak and
The wind whistles and howls as it passes through the
desperate. You bring hope to them, yes? But for how
headstones, pushing the fog around but not clearing it.
long? Will you be there for them, the next time their
As you make your way further into the cemetery, you
courage fails them? The next time... their meekness
notice a patch of graves that seem severely disturbed.
makes them easy prey. You can't protect them forever,
You find another one, slightly larger, just 30 feet to the
you doom them... to fail the first time they are without
left, and a third even larger.
your protection."
The hulking form stands tall, reaching nearly eight feet
Alderick, the Death tall, and stretches causing a symphony of cracks and
metal clatter. He slowly draws the longsword from his
Knight back.
"Causing fear across the land may empower my
As the PCs approach the center platform, their engagement master well enough, but ridding it of the likes of you
with Alderick will depend on skill checks (Perception, passive will surely bolster his dominion."
Perception) DC 16.
As you reach the center of the area, you notice a raised Kysen can be used to ask questions if the PCs have
stone platform, just about 10 feet across. Upon it is trouble moving the encounter along. Kysen is
several broken stone statues, most only reaching three interested in the death knight's story, but is ready
to four feet tall. In the center, you see a large set of to attack at any moment.
dark plate armor, seemingly resting against the central
statue. Suddenly, two red orbs flare up within the dark
helmet and a deep, raspy voice addresses you.
Alderick has been watching the PCs approach, and will Zombie (x5, MM p. 316)
address them once they notice his presence. Proceed to Death Knight
"Alderick's Address".
Combat Notes
Failure Early in the fight, Alderick will use the Kiss of the Lich to
summon 5 zombies.
Make sure to take note of the Death Knight's ability
Suddenly, a deep, raspy voice addresses you. "Marshal Undead", which provides advantage to him and
his zombies against Turn Undead.
Alderick will use Hellfire Orb on any grouped up PCs.
Alderick will start his address before they know his location. Kysen will engage the death knight directly, but will back
Proceed to "Alderick's Address". off if he takes too much damage too quickly.

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Death Knight
Medium undead, chaotic evil

Armor Class 20 (plate armor, shield)

Hit Points 189 (19d8+95)
Speed 30 ft.


20 (+5) 11 (+0) 20 (+5) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 18 (+4)

Saving Throws DEX +6, WIS +9, CHA +10

Damage Immunities necrotic, poison
Condition Immunities exhaustion, frightened,
Senses Darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 13
Languages Abyssal, Common
Challenge 17 (18,000 XP)

Magic Resistance. The death knight has ADV on

saves against spells and other magical effects.
Marshal Undead. Unless the death knight is
incapacitated, it and undead creatures of its choice
within 60 feet of it have advantage on saving throws
against features that turn undead.
Spellcasting. The death knight is a 19th-level
spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell
save DC 18, +10 to hit with spell attacks). It has the
following paladin spells prepared:
1st level (4 slots): command, compelled duel,
searing smite
2nd level (3 slots): hold person, magic weapon
3rd level (3 slots): dispel magic, elemental
4th level (3 slots): banishment, staggering smite
5th level (2 slots): destructive wave (necrotic)

Multiattack. The Death Knight makes three
longsword attacks.
Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, Reach
5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d8+5) slashing damage
(10 or 1d10+5 if two-handed) Plus 18 (4d8)
necrotic damage.
Hellfire Orb (1/Day). The death knight hurls a magical
ball of fire that explodes at a point it can see within
120 feet of it. Each creature in a 20-foot-radius
sphere centered on that point must make a DC 18
Dexterity saving throw. The sphere spreads around
corners. A creature takes 35 (10d6) fire damage and
35 (10d6) necrotic damage on a failed save, or half
as much damage on a successful one.
Parry. The death knight adds 6 to its AC against one
melee attack that would hit it. To do so, the death
knight must see the attacker and be wielding a
melee weapon.

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Ch. 7 A Good Deed Done
The Fall of Alderick Kysen's Thanks
Kysen is greatly relieved to have this conundrum wrapped up,
and gives his thanks to the party.
A grizzled scream escapes the death knight's lips as he
crumples to the ground, sparks fluttering out of the
cracks of his armor creating a thick ash that piles up
around the armor. "Unfortunately, this land is ripe with such chaotic and
evil beings. They see civilization as an insult to their
idea of the balance of life, they despise complacency. I
Alderick does leave behind his very fancy plate armor, shield, have read many texts that describe their rise and fall,
and longsword, with DM's discretion as to the quality and always ended by their own greed. There is always
potential magic properties. He also leaves behind the Kiss of someone more powerful..."
the Lich, which is described here. "Anyway, I owe you my thanks. I did not expect to find
such a powerful foe, and I worry about the master to
which he referred. Please, let us return and rest.
Kiss of the Lich Tomorrow, let's discuss how I may help you on your
Wand, very rare, evil path."

This wand is about a foot long with a shrunken skull mounted

atop. Each of the skulls eyes contain gems that glow bright red.
Twice per day and taking a minute to cast, you can raise d6
skeletons/zombies from corpses within a 40 ft. radius. These
undead are under your command for 24 hours, losing their
animation once time expires. Each use of the wand causes one of
the gem eyes to lose its glow until it resets.

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Gal & Gol and the Ironmuck Incident
A Wildspire Homebrew

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elcome to one of the miniature-inspired quests
for your Wildspire Heroic Townsfolk NPC: Gal & Gol Ironmuck
miniatures. It is our aim to help DMs integrate
these figures into their campaigns either as a Level 5 Rogue (x2)
side-quest in an established realm, or a
continuation of the Heroes of Sol’an campaign How to Use This Module
setting. This quest can also be inserted into any campaign as a quick
This quest, as part of the Gorespire Keep setting, features diversion or side quest chain. Preferably, this quest can be
Gal and Gol, the Goblin siblings that have a plan to free their initiated in any moderately sized port town along a group’s
tribe from enslavement by a githyanki lord. They even travels, with only minimal terrain considerations.
managed to procure the treasure horde needed to buy their
clan from the slaver, but no one trusts a goblin! Their Please reference the Heroes of Sol'an Setting document
attempts to disguise themselves as an orc chieftan have had for information about Gorespire Keep and the NPCs
mixed results, and could really use the party's help. Guide within.
your adventurers as they negotiate with the githyanki slavers Text in italics is meant to be read directly to the PCs.
for the goblins' freedom. Text in bold are suggestions and can be easily changed to
Additional NPCs from the Heroic Townsfolk collection fit your campaign environment.
have been integrated into this setting and quest module. For Skill check DCs are general and meant to reward higher
a more detailed description of Gorespire Keep, refer to the rolls with more information. Higher skill check rolls gain
Heroes of Sol’an campaign setting at the knowledge from lower DCs. Feel free to adjust DCs
(Coming 12/2020). based on your preference.
Remember, everything in this guide is merely a
suggestion, and we encourage DMs to change any
details to best make it fit into their campaign.
You can change the monster’s stats or choose new
monsters to apply this story to PCs of a different level.

Ch.1 No One Trusts a Goblin

al and Gol Ironmuck, of the small Ironmuck
clan, think they have a really good plan. Their A Stranger Approaches
clan has been enslaved by Alliston Brank, a
githyanki lord trying to make a name for This introductory interaction can really occur anywhere
himself with Thiren Noss, the captain of the around town, but most likely would occur in public areas
Gith forces at Sunrise Yard. In what can only such as the market or in a tavern.
be described as amazing luck, their clanmates Depending on passive Perception or Perception checks,
happened upon some lost treasure presumably from the dark the group may observe the strange cloaked figure before it
invasion. However, the clan elders were smart enough to notices them.
realize that if they attempted to barter their freedom with the
found treasure, their masters would easily discover how they
acquired it and just take it from them. The figure you see wears a thick and heavy dark
Gal and Gol have been tasked to take the treasure to hooded cloak with the hood pulled over its head. It
Gorespire Keep and sell it for coin, a currency that would be walks in small quick bursts with an unbalanced gait and
acceptable and less suspicious to the Gith lord. Their plan? the cloak dragging on the ground.
To stack up under a large coat and assume the guise of an orc
selling the treasure in the market. Their disguise? Not great.
In fact, they have yet to attempt to discuss their treasure, with Once Gol notices the fancy looking group he will direct Gal to
Gol's broken common and squeaky voice not fooling anyone approach the PCs.
they have encountered.
When the group encounters the pair, it seems as though
they are practicing their deception, approaching random
people in the market and engaging in conversation. The cloaked figure turns toward you and begins to
waddle your way. You see two beady eyes set in green
skin and a toothy smile.

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Insight check on Gal & Gol
An Awkward Conversation DC Outcome
Gol will initiate conversation with the PCs asking about their You feel this creature is generally attempting to engage
adventures and equipment. 10
in small talk.
Gol seems nervous, as if he is biding time and is
constantly evaluating your responses.
The figure begins talking in an attempted gruff voice You realize that as conversation progresses, Gol is
"You... you look strong, yes? You fight... ha ha... you 18 becoming more confident, and a little surprised by your
good at fight? I like fight. You like drink? I like drink, continued engagement.
too. My name Gol, how do do?"
Gol does not speak orc. If any PCs speak
Gol will attempt to keep conversation light, quickly orc to Gol, he will smile and give Gal a
transitioning through several common themes. subtle kick to have her begin their walk
away from the group.
The weather: "That rain ago... loud thunder, yes?"
The undead attacks: "You hear story of dead attack? If any PCs speak goblin to Gol, he will
scary things, yes?" respond in goblin before realizing the
Life in GSK: "I live here, long time. Work, drink, party, transition. He will then become extremely
yes? Home over there" points to Stonefall Quarter. nervous and give Gal the signal to walk
The workers at Spiresong Tavern: "You like pretty lady? away.
Pretty lady at tavern, fun time!"
Perception check on Gal & Gol The Follow Up
DC Outcome Depending on your adventuring group, they may or may not
This is the weirdest orc you have ever seen, something
engage Gol & Gal immediately. If they do, proceed to Ch. 2. If
seems very off. not, have fun with random encounters with the odd pair at
varying locations around GSK until they prod further.
You notice the weird proportions around the waist of this
figure, even through the thick and heavy coat. Random Encounters
You had a feeling for some time, but you are now certain Gol isn't the best at remembering who he has talked to, and if
18 this is a goblin, potentially riding another goblin or other he fails a Perception check (DC 11) we will initiate a
creature. conversation similarly as before.
If he does recognize the party, he will try to pick up
conversation where they left off. "Good to see again! How
do do?"

Ch.2 The Goblin Siblings

nce you decide to progress the storyline, Gol
will ask the group to follow him to his home in
the Stonefall Quarter. They have taken up Once inside, Gol unlashes a cloth that falls over the
residence in one of the many abandoned doorway, providing privacy for your dialogue. "Ok, ok...
structures. Gol sorry, Gol not orc," the figure states as he removes
his cloak revealing two goblins, one standing on the
shoulders of the other. The one goblin on the bottom
squeaks out a "Hi, my name Gal" as she shoves Gol
You follow the cloaked figure through the Stonefall off her shoulders, causing him to stumble onto the
Quarter, passing several empty and collapsing homes floor.
as well as occasionally crammed house of afflicted.
Eventually, Gol walks into one of the homes through
an open portal without a door.

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Crack in the Plan
A Sad Story A particularly perceptive player may realize that the goblin
Once the commotion has settled from the big reveal, Gol will siblings' plan still seems a bit weak. Why would the slavers
start explaining their situation with Alliston Brank, the Gith take gold and set them free, when they could easily take the
slaver. coin and continue their servitude, similar to before? This is
meant to be a hole in their design, one the group will
hopefully help figure out.
"We come from big family, keep to ourselves, not
cause harm. Live in camp, past boat city from here.
The Next Step
One day, dirt-skin elf come, kill our father... we cannot The order and selection of events to follow will vary widely
fight them. Now, family work all day, carry tools, depending on your specific group of PCs. The events below
hammer nails... hard work, little food or water. Bad will be generally described and can occur in any order.
life." You see Gal's eyes start to tear up as Gol If the group reaches a point where they are ready to head
recounts these events. Gol continues, "while working,
we find buried shinies, really fancy things... very
out towards Sunrise Yard, proceed to Ch. 3.
valuable. But, we cannot trade for lives... they would
just take shinies from us, keep us work. We come here, Selling the Treasure
sell shinies for coin, use coin to buy lives." There are several locations the group could decide to help
"We dress like orc, try to be orc. People listen to orc,
the goblins sell the loot for coin.
no one listen to goblin. No on trust goblin. Yet... no
one trust us." Profblix Pagedweller
The goblins have encountered Profblix, who is genuinely
concerned and interested in Gal & Gol's plight. However, he
does not have the kind of coin the siblings are requesting, and
Protective of the shinies could only potentially buy a few of the cheaper gems.
Should a PC request to view the found treasure, have them
roll a Persuasion or Deception check depending on the Squalor Square
situation. No matter which vendor is approached, they would defer any
conversation of such purchases to Garrick. Although Garrick
Persuasion / Deception check would not be able to afford any of these items, he would
DC Outcome gladly use this opportunity to gain favor with Lord Havesh. If
the group allows, he would arrange a meeting between the
Gal freaks out and starts shouting "They steal! they
steal!" the group must defuse the situation.
group and Lord Havesh.
Gol nervously responds "Please, our lives. It is our Lord Havesh
lives" and is hesitant to show the treasure. Even with Garrick's arrangement, Lord Havesh does not have
As Gal removes a large backpack from her shoulders, Gol
time to handle such meddlesome affairs. That is until he is
18 explains "You help us get coin for treasure, yes? Please, informed of the specific items in question. The group will
our lives in this bag!" meet one of Havesh's captains initially, but will earn audience
with the Gith commander once the items have been shown.
A Demon's Purse The Gith lord cares not for the gems or jewelry, but will
Sure enough, there are some very nice treasures within the offer 70% value to take them off their hands if desired. He is
bag. very interested in the dagger, initially offering 300 g and
willing to go up to 500 g with good Persuasion checks by
A small pouch of cut gems worth 600 gold. PCs. The book also draws his attention, showing recognition
A gold necklace with multiple valuable gemstones worth when seeing the name Loradania. He will offer 600 g for the
80 gold. book, willing to pay up to 700 gold coins.
A ceremonial dagger made of a dark green marble with History check on Loradania
veins of neon yellow, very delicate. Worth unknown.
A fancy looking book containing songs in a variety of DC Outcome
languages that account tales of demonic champions and 10 Loradania was a high ranking Erinyes in Bel's army .
lords. The name "Loradania" is inscribed on the inside of
the cover. Worth unknown. 13
Loradania had a reputation for her musical ability, and
wicked magic that could be weaved from her songs.
The Erinyes has been illustrated holding her demonic
Flashback 18
lute made of dark wood and bone.
Loradania was the master of the cursed lute featured in Riyaka's
quest within the Greenhill setting.

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Kysen Fatzgoruld History / Investigation check on Alliston
Kysen will not be interested in the gems or jewelry. He finds Brank
the dagger interesting, but is not his style of collectible. The
book, however, is of great interest to him and will pay 450 g DC Outcome
coins for it. Alliston Brank is an arrogant and prideful githyanki of
minimal standing. He spent many years going through
Buttons 10 official channels to raise his rank among the leading
The feline boss could be a one-stop shop for the group few, just recently trying his hand as a slaver to gain
looking to sell all the items at once. Buttons does not wealth and reputation.
accumulate wealth much, yet does have a bit of coin for such Alliston is not favorably viewed by Thiren Noss or Lord
occasions. However, his prices are low, ranging from 13 Havesh, as his social behavior is brash and lacking
60%-70% actual value for the gems and jewelry. He will refinement.
attempt to add favors and trades to supplement the coin in
these purchases. He will offer 250 g for the dagger and 200 g Word on the streets is that Alliston is banking his
for the book. 18 wealth, attempting to purchase a station within Lord
Havesh's close circle.
Vara'kaa's bartering for the items is similar to the Boss, History / Investigation check on the
willing to purchase any of the items at only a slightly better marble dagger
price (around 75% for gems and jewelry). She will offer 300 g DC Outcome
for the dagger and 400 g for the book.
Daggers such as this are not meant for combat, and
The PCs are often used in ceremonies.
The PCs have the option to purchase items themselves, and it Lacking the fine metals and intricate designs of
will stay DMs discretion as to their success and any 13 civilized relics, this dagger fits the description of a
implications should they cheat the goblin siblings. more fiendish and dark nature.
The unique coloration of the marble offers a little
Gathering Information more description, matching ceremonial and regional
The PCs may wish to find out more about the goblin tribe, theme of powerful slaadi clan of Xaositects located in
the Gith slavers, or other aspects about this mission. With a the city of Xaos in the Outlands.
bounty of sources throughout Gorespire Keep, use good
judgment when determining which information is available History / Investigation check on the
for each interaction. General skill checks on multiple songbook
subjects are presented below. DC Outcome
History / Investigation check on 10
This book contains many songs in a variety of
Loradania (Recent) languages, both recreations and original works.
DC Outcome Loradania was known for her music, her songs used to
inspire armies and confuse enemies during battle.
Loradania was seen among Bel's forces as they built
their armada at Sunrise Yard. Although not inherently magical, certain lyrics in
exotic languages may enact magical rituals or spells.
Rumors have it that during their holdover, Loradania
went missing.
It was thought among the fiendish army that Loradania Heading Out
18 had angered Bel by communicating with Zariel, his ex-
lover and now rival.
Once the group is comfortable with their planning, Gal and
Gol will ask them to continue their help in their bartering
with Alliston. The group may have come up with a better
History / Investigation check on Ironmuck plan, but Gol will present his idea.
DC Outcome
Not a very notable clan, they are among many of the
10 "We will be Torok, orc chieftan, looking to purchase
small family tribes that inhabit Lonellome.
Ironmuck clan as slaves. You guys... mercenaries I
Their residence on the coast allows for a simple life of hired... keep me safe."
spear fishing.
The Ironmuck family lacks in physical and martial
18 prowess, but makes up for it in heightened
They must all head out to the Ironmuck camp, located near
intelligence and charisma. the Northwest point of Lonellome.

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Ch.3 A Tense Negotiation

he path to the Ironmuck camp takes the group What is Alliston Doing?
through Sunrise Yard, allowing for more
interaction with Thiren Noss or any other d4 Outcome
residents or slaves. The Ironmuck clan is a 1 Gone to GSK, will return in a day or two.
little different most of the other slaves that
work the docks of Sunrise Yard in that they 2 Hunting, will return in several hours.
return to their homes every night. That is 3 Training with a guard just outside the tent.
where Alliston and his cronies have set up their camp, among
the humble tents of the goblins. If the group passes through 4 Writing in ledgers / answering notes inside the tent.
Sunrise Yard during the day, Gal and Gol wish to avoid the
docks, as they do not want to be recognized by their families
or any of the other workers. Bartering for Goblin
Then, the group will travel another hour or so along the Freedom
coast until they reach the camp. There, they will immediately
gain audience with Alliston to discuss potential terms for a The negotiations with Alliston could go a number of ways
transfer of ownership. depending on the actions of the party. Use the notes below to
determine the path of the dialogue and ouctomes of actions.
Between Sunrise Yard and Ironmuck
Camp Alliston has no desire to continue being a slaver. He sees it
as a means to an end, and would happily drop operations
given the opportunity for better business ventures. To that
As you continue to travel away from Sunrise Yard, the
end, he has been saving wealth in order to pursue a
coastline is dotted with abandoned camps of varying
shipping venture between Pulstram and GSK. In fact, he
sizes. Gal speaks up to fill in the group, "These were is a mere 1200 gold away from going half-in on a galley
camps, families of our kin. Most nice, good families, no with another aspiring lord in Pulstram. Any reasonable
do harm. Now, all slaves, or dead... Any that didn't get transaction that nets him 1200 gold would result in
caught fled to forest, maybe to Torchpool." his acceptance, knowing he can leave this life behind
and begin his new venture.
As with many fated githyanki, Alliston is not afraid to
Torchpool is the tribal civilization that revolves around two impose his will on weaker opponents. Should the PCs
clans of genasi. For more information, refer to the setting choose to not barter in force, and Alliston feels his forces
information on p.4. could overpower the group present, he will signal an
attack to his guard.
Approaching Ironmuck Camp Should Gal & Gol be present, it won't take much for
Alliston's entourage numbers five at night, and three in the Alliston to realize the identity of the goblins. He will
day while two of the guards escort the goblins to the work question the PCs intention for helping the pesky goblins,
site. Two guards generally post outside the large tent, while and think this entire situation is just ridiculous.
there is often a Gith sleeping in the tent during the day to If the group offers anything less than 1200, Alliston will be
prepare for a night watch. Alliston spends his days at the very hesitant to make a transaction, barring highly
camp maintaining correspondence and his affairs, sport successful persuasion checks.
hunting in the woods to the south, or sparring with one of his
guard. He also often travels back to GSK for a day or two, Resolution
leaving his guard behind to manage the slave operations. Generally speaking, there are two general outcomes of the
Bought Freedom
The small huts constructed with branches and mud The Ironmuck pair's plan was a success! Alliston is grateful
can be seen ahead sitting comfortably just off the
sandy shoreline. The larger grey tent, set about 60 feet
to be out of the business of slaves and ready for his next
from the goblin community, is intimidating in its
station. Proceed to Ch.5.
contrast to the small structures. There are two armored
githyanki outside the tent, one standing and the other
Failed Diplomacy
setting perched against a large crate. Tempers flare in frustration and blades are drawn. Proceed to
The group may decide to avoid bartering
completely and choose combat straight
away. Proceed to Ch.4.

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Ch.4 Githyanki Steel

ithyanki with a high enough station to be Combat Notes
trained in martial combat are extremely
skilled, devoting their life to perfecting their All the Githyanki inherently know the spell jump. If you
combat prowess. Additionally, they harness want an interesting combat scenario, have them all (or
their racial control of psionic powers to just the warriors) cast jump at the beginning of the fight.
enhance their battle tactics. Alliston, of higher You can describe the effect as their knees inverting to now
rank and skill, has honed his psionic abilities resemble grasshopper legs. They could use this
to include telekinesis and planar travel. They will fight enhancement to dart around the battlefield in confusing
viciously to the death. patterns. Add misty step as an escape should one get
rushed by several PCs.
Encounter Alliston will use plane shift in one of two ways, per DM
discretion. It could be used as an attempt to escape with
Githyanki Knight his life to his homeland on the Astral Plane should you
wish to establish a returning villain. Alternatively, he could
Githyanki Warrior (x3 or x5) cast it by touch on a PC, attempting to send them to
Palace of Dispater on the second level of the Nine Hells.
He would obviously say somethine cliche like "You're not
going to like it here..."

Ch. 5 The Family Reunion

f the family is currently in the camp, there is an Just Rewards
emotional celebration, the goblins reveling in their
newfound freedom. A festival and fish feast will be Gal and Gol offer a gift to the adventurers...
prepared as a thanks to the adventurers. Otherwise,
Gal and Gol will ask the group to stay and wait for
the family to return for a feast of thanks. The two
githyanki escorts, upon encountering the group and Gal slides of a boot and slides a golden ring that was
not seeing their comrades would turn and run. They will around her big toe, "Please take, ring has magic. Ring
inform Thiren Noss of Alliston's demise, who could not care is thanks."
less of his fate.
Choose a magical ring that best fits your group as a

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Githyanki Warrior
Medium Gith, lawful evil

Armor Class 17 (half-plate)

Hit Points 49 (9d8+9)
Speed 30 ft.


15 (+2) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 13 (+1) 10 (+0)

Saving Throws CON +3, INT +3, WIS +3

Languages Gith
Challenge 3 (700 XP)

Innate Spellcasting (Psionics). The githyanki's innate

spellcasting ability is Intelligence. It can innately cast
the following spells, requiring no components:
At will: mage hand (the hand is invisible)
3/day each: jump, misty step, nondetection (self

Githyanki Knight
Medium Gith, lawful evil
Multiattack. The githyanki makes two greatsword
attacks. Armor Class 18 (plate)
Greatsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, Reach Hit Points 91 (14d8+28)
5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (2d6+2) slashing damage Speed 30 ft.
plus 7 (2d6) psychic damage.
16 (+3) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 15 (+2)

Saving Throws CON +5, INT +5, WIS +5

Senses passive Perception 12
Languages Gith
Challenge 8 (3,900 XP)

Innate Spellcasting (Psionics). The githyanki's innate

spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 13,
+5 to hit with spell attacks). It can innately cast the
following spells, requiring no components:
At will: mage hand (the hand is invisible)
3/day each: jump, misty step, nondetection (self
only), tongues
1/day each: plane shift, telekinesis

Multiattack. The githyanki makes two silver
greatsword attacks.
Silver Greatsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit,
Reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (2d6 + 6) slashing
damage plus 10 (3d6) psychic damage. This is a
magic weapon attack. On a critical hit against a
target in an astral body (as with the astral projection
spell), the githyanki can cut the silvery cord that
tethers the target to its material body, instead of
dealing damage.

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Briarfell and the Trial of Shar
A Wildspire Homebrew

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elcome to one of the miniature-inspired quests
for your Wildspire Heroic Townsfolk NPC: Baroness Tristi
miniatures. It is our aim to help DMs integrate
these figures into their campaigns either as a Briarfell
side-quest in an established realm, or a
continuation of the Heroes of Sol’an campaign Level 8 Human Fighter
This quest, as part of the Gorespire Keep setting, features How to Use This Module
Lady Tristi Briarfell who has left her comfortable noble life in This quest can also be inserted into any campaign as a quick
Pulstram to make a name for herself in order to gain family diversion or side quest chain. Preferably, this quest can be
favor over her siblings. She has traveled to Gorespire Keep to initiated in any moderately sized port town along a group’s
earn membership to the Sisters of Shar under Vara'kaa, yet a travels, with only minimal terrain considerations.
rival noble who has already established herself is keeping her
out. It is time for Trista's trial, but she fears her rival has Please reference the Heroes of Sol'an Setting document
rigged the event for her failure. The group will help Trista in for information about Gorespire Keep and the NPCs
her trial, where they end up facing against several shadow within.
elementals. Text in italics is meant to be read directly to the PCs.
Additional NPCs from the Heroic Townsfolk collection Text in bold are suggestions and can be easily changed to
have been integrated into this setting and quest module. For fit your campaign environment.
a more detailed description of Gorespire Keep, refer to the Skill check DCs are general and meant to reward higher
Heroes of Sol’an campaign setting at rolls with more information. Higher skill check rolls gain
(Coming 12/2020). the knowledge from lower DCs. Feel free to adjust DCs
based on your preference.
Remember, everything in this guide is merely a
suggestion, and we encourage DMs to change any
details to best make it fit into their campaign.
You can change the monster’s stats or choose new
monsters to apply this story to PCs of a different level.

Ch.1 The Privileged Noble

aroness Tristi Briarfell is a bit of a brat, a Roadblock Rival
middle child in a family of 7 who has been Already, Tristi has come upon a hiccup in her newfound
pampered and sheltered throughout her destiny. Lady Ysenia Tulouse, a drow baroness similar in age
childhood. Her teenage years of angst and to Tristi and longtime rival out of Pulstram, has been a Sister
bitterness led to harsh punishment from her of Shar for nearly two years already. Ysenia was the popular
parents, stripping her of her comfortable life girl who could never do wrong, always top of her class and
and landing her on the streets. Granted, her highly accoladed. Ysenia actively put Tristi down, her main
parents give her a meager stipend (10 g a week) and a chance target of subterfuge practice. It wouldn't be a stretch to say
of retribution. If Tristi can manage to gain a reputable station, Ysenia ruined Tristi's school life, and now could potentially
she can return to the family and participate in all the benefits ruin her triumphant rise.
afforded. To this point, Ysenia has already spread rumors among the
A new perspective sisterhood, referring to Tristi as the "pity acolyte" or "charity
Fighting her reputation and not finding a good fit in case".
Pulstram, Lady Briarfell came to Gorespire Keep in hopes to Time of Trial
find new opportunity. A few years here has given her the Tristi's service to the organization as a waitress at the
experience and perspective to understand the downfalls of Spiresong Tavern as well as her determination and hard
her previous lifestyle. She now has personal reasons for work during training has moved her up the ranks. Despite
gaining reputation and station, she understands that respect Ysenia's defamation campaign, Vara'kaa has granted Tristi
is earned, not given. She has interacted a good bit with some her final trial, a mission to defile a moon elf altar to Selûne
of the githyanki guards here, training a bit with them in their located just inside the forest surrounding Torchpool.
off time. She has adopted their philosophy of "might makes Normally, Tristi would not hesitate to act. But, after an open
right", and is ready to take what she is due. To that end, Tristi threat from Ysenia to kill her if she tries to complete the trial,
has been going through the long audition process for the Tristi is quite depressed and has yet to attempt the trial.
Sisters of Shar here in GSK.

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Passive Perception can determine which PC sees the
Below Stellar Service commotion described below between Tristi and her boss
The group may cross paths with Baroness Briarfell at either (Demi Tanner at Spiresong or Yubis Soren at Candlehome).
The Spiresong Tavern or Candlehome Tavern depending Proceed to Ch.2 once the group confronts Tristi.
on GM preference...
The Spiresong Tavern fits the story better, but involves You overhear some commotion, turning to see Tristi
themes of pay-for-pleasure, which may not be appropriate being scolded. "I... I know, I don't know what is wrong
for your group. If that is the case, you can opt to remove with me tonight, I will do better" You hear Tristi
this theme, or move Tristi's employment to Candlehome explain. "It's not just tonight, you have been off for
Tavern. Tristi does not participate in such activities, as several days now. Whatever it is, you have to figure it
money is not her ultimate reason for working here. out!"
Tristi is usually a top notch employee, using her good looks
and charm to entertain and the unique clientele of this
establishment. However, her current situation has her The Breakdown
frazzled and disconnected causing her service to slip.
Tristi will greet the group at the tavern and bring their If the group has yet to engage Tristi about her absent
drinks. She will get one of the drink orders incorrect, and mindedness, she will accidentally drop drinks or food at the
have to run it back to the bar. groups table.

The waitress, dressed in a form-fitting dress of black You see tears well up in Tristi's eyes as you can hear
and purple with a belt tight around her waist, has dark the muffled scream forming behind her closed lips.
skin and hair that falls straight to her shoulders. She "I'll get this cleaned up right away, I'm terribly sorry,"
smiles as she approaches the group, "Well good she squeaks out as she quickly walks away from the
evenin', my name is Tristi, what can I get for ya?" As table. She stops for a moment at the same lady who
she takes your drink orders, she is noticeably more scolded her earlier, who grabs a towel and points to
attentive to the male members of the group, offering a the door, "Go, get your shit together!".
chuckle and smile when they speak.

Tristi can be found for the next 10 minutes outside the tavern
As the night progresses, Tristi will continue to make errors in attempting to settle down to return to work. She is so
her service to the group. At first, she laughs it off as "brain distraught that she will welcome any ear to listen to her woes.
farts", but will become frustrated at herself.

Ch.2 No Way Forward

aroness Briarfell will open up about her current
situation. She will explain to the group how she
has made it to the final trial she must pass in "Ysenia is truely vicious, I once saw her push a girl out
order to be initiated into the Sisters of Shar a window because she didn't like her laugh. She
under Vara'kaa. It is vital for success of this task doesn't make empty threats... and I am certain she will
that she is not discovered by the tribal elves. In try and kill me should I go for the altar."
an open threat observed by other members in
standing, Lady Ysenia swore to end Tristi should she attempt "I am not worried about the task as presented, I have
practiced years moving about the shadows and
the trial, an intimidating prospect for sure. Tristi is sure that remaining unseen. But, not knowing what Ysenia has
should she reach the forest altar, a trap or ambush would planned for me, I fear I will be noticed, or caught, or
be set to kill her. killed..."
"I must succeed, I must join the Sisters of Shar so I
may show my family that I am worthy of their respect
"I have worked my ass off... and that perfect little and their name. That I deserve the kingdom they have
!@#$% is just going to ruin it all...for fun! It is a game worked so hard to build. Please, help me!"
to her! She acts all high and mighty, insulted if I were
to attain the same station as her."

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History check on the Sisters of Shar &
Perception check on Baroness Brairfell Vara'kaa
DC Outcome
DC Outcome
Through her tight dress you notice trained musculature
This fanatical group worships Shar, the Mistress of the
10 and a strong core, perhaps the good lady is skilled with a 10
Night, neutral evil twin sister of Selûne.
blade or fist.
Their followers, many among the shadovar of Thultanthar,
You spot a tattoo only half hidden by the back of her
13 go by the Church of Shar which pursued subversive
13 dress depicting a castle outlined in thorny vines (family
tactics to undermine Shar's enemies.
Their leader, Vara'kaa, is one of the elite sorcerer monks
You see the hilt of a dagger sticking out from her right 18
18 that were the champions of the Dark Lady.
boot, the lady does not work without protection.

Insight check on Baroness Brairfell With Your Help...

DC Outcome
Tristi asks the group for help, and can offer 70 g per person
Tristi seems very capable of molding the truth to her that accompanies her to the forest altar. She receives her
10 advantage, but currently her guard is down and she family's allowance monthly by carrier, and with her work at
seems vulnerable. the tavern, has managed to save up quite a bit.
You sense fear, she feels that if she fails this trial she She asks them to meet her outside the tavern
won't have another opportunity for a long time. midafternoon the next day to travel. She will cover the cost of
horses for the travel.
Below it all, you sense that Tristi is tired of the rumors
and the backstabbing and the greed of her home culture.
18 She wishes to reach a station where she can keep to
herself yet still have the benefits and pleasures afforded
by her family name.

Ch.3 To the Forest Altar

A Quick Prayer
When the party meets Lady Briarfell, she now has
custom made chain mail armor under her purple cloak.
She wears a beret style cap with the same thorned vine
castle centered on the front. she has a longsword The nighttime forest symphony is electric, deafening in
hanging off her belt and has several javelins and a the otherwise silent canopy and covering your
nicely crafted spear affixed to her steed. She has movement through the thick foliage.
enough horses to accommodate your group.
You head out from Gorespire on the same road that High passive Perception or an active check can determine
brought you from Sunrise Yard, but turn south at the which PC notices the clearing ahead.
town's edge. As the sun sets in the distance, you break
from the road and enter into the dense forest. Just
several hundred feet in, you realize the uneven damp
ground and large roots that tangle across the ground
You see ahead a clearing in the trees and a slight hill or
make travel on horse near impossible. "We can tie up
soft grass that supports an altar to the moon goddess.
the horses here, best to go on foot from here," Trista
The altar is made of wood and stone, with a marble
circle depicting the moon and emitting dull moonlight.
Just in front of the altar is a elven figure, with wild hair
windswept to the back and patches of leather armor
The journey takes several hours on horseback, and the group covering his mostly tattooed body. You pause a
will arrive to the forest altar just after midnight. The group second, hoping the figure did not hear your approach.
will observe a wild looking moon elf giving a quick prayer But the elf stands a moment later, looking up at the
before darting off on his patrol. The time after will seem moon for one more breath, before walking out of view
perfect for Tristi's forray. away from the altar.

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The Nearby Camp The Trap is Sprung
Nestled past the altar from the group's approach is a small Tristi will activate the trap, causing the summoning of four
tribe of moon elves, with two currently on watch while the shadow elementals that immediately engage the group.
clan is in trance. The one guard the group observed at the
altar will continue his circular patrol route, leaving a window
of about 10 minutes until the he returns. The other guard is
perched in a tree that hangs over the the camp, nearly 100 ft. Suddenly, you see Tristi stop moving suddenly, as a
from the altar. black smoke starts emitting from somewhere behind
the altar. She steps back and squeals, "Guys??
Perception check on the camp Something is wrong here!". You hear a whirling noise
DC Outcome as three areas around the altar also begin releasing the
thick black smoke. The black smoke forms into
From your perspective, you cannot see any occupants or humanoid shape, as the whirling noises become
movement. disorienting whispers.
A slight breeze pushes on the tents, with one of the
13 structures revealing a low light from within when the
cloth shifts. NOTE: Keep track of the sounds during
this encounter, as the wood elf camp is
You catch movement, something small falling from the
18 trees above the camp. You train your eyes upward to see close enough to be alerted to combat if
an elven figure perched in a tree eating some sort of fruit. heard by their camp guard or the
patrolling guard .
Here is my Chance
Once the patrolling guard has been out of sight for a few
moments, Tristi will make her move. She wishes to sneak by
herself to the altar so she may destroy it, and asks the group
to wait and watch.
A well laid trap
Ysenia has indeed laid a trap here for Tristi, in the form of
four hidden artifacts, three that surround the altar and one
planted directly in the moon insignia of the altar. A DC 23
Investigation check is needed to discover one of these well
hidden traps. When Tristi (or any PC) removes/breaks the
marble moon piece, it triggers the trap

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Ch.4 Shadow's Fury
Encounter Resolution
Once the combat is over, the group may now have to deal
Shadow Elemental x4 with the frieghtened and now defensive wood elf tribe.
The party will now engage with the shadow elementals, Should the group have somehow hidden the combat from the
summoned straight from the Plane of Shadow from the four elven camp, proceed to Ch.6. Otherwise, proceed to the next
disc-like relics of shadovar construction. chapter to determine how the group will handle the elves.
Combat Notes
When in melee range, the shadow elementals will use
their Maddening Darkness when available, or melee
attacks when not.
Using magical or divine light would be very effective here,
but would also draw the attention of the wood elf camp.
Should the elves be alerted, they will awaken and arm
themselves, protecting their tents and young and
closely watching the encounter.

Ch.5 The Moon Elf Chief

nce the combat concludes, the group will see From a Distance
several armored elves clustered near the group
of tents off in the distance. The chief, Vaven
Lunaren, is only concerned with the safety of
his clan. He assumes that the group is here to The tribal elves are grouped up, now armed and
attack them, yet is hesitant after watching the armored, inside the large white tent, with several
combat with the shadow beasts. This small warriors outside closely watching your group. Among
them, you notice one that wears full leather armor and
clan, although willing and able to fight to the death, wishes to a ceremonial headdress. They seem to be waiting for
be left alone to their simple lives. your next move.
Vaven will address the group should they approach the
elves. He pleads for them to leave them be, even with any
damage that was done to their altar.

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Shadow Elemental Shadow Form. The elemental can move through any
space without squeezing. the elemental can enter a
Large elemental, neutral evil
hostile creature's space and stop there. The space
inside the elemental count as magical darkness.
Armor Class 15 (Natural Armor) Additionally the elemental has advantage on stealth
Hit Points 90 (12d10+24) checks in dim light or darkness.
Speed 0 ft., fly 90 ft. (hover)
Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, the elemental has
disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA (Perception) checks that rely on sight.

10 (+0) 17 (+3) 14 (+2) 5 (-3) 20 (+5) 8 (-1) Actions

Multiattack. The elemental makes two touch attacks.
Skills Stealth +7
Damage Vulnerabilities Radiant Touch. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Damage Resistances Bludgeoning, Piercing, and target. Hit: 12 (2d8 + 3) Necrotic damage.
Slashing from Nonmagical Attacks Deep Whispers. The elemental target targets one
Damage Immunities Necrotic, Poison creature it can see within 60 feet of it. The target must
Condition Immunities Exhaustion, Grappled, Paralyzed, succeed on a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw or take 17
Petrified, Poisoned, Prone, Restrained, Unconscious (5d4 + 5) psychic damage halves as much on a
Senses Blindsight 10 ft., Darkvision 120 ft., Passive success.
Perception 15
Languages Primordial, Telepathy 60 ft. Maddening Darkness (Recharge 4–6). Each creature
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) within 5 ft. must make a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw.
On a failure, a target takes 14 (2d8 + 5) psychic
Dark Sight. The elemental can see perfectly well in damage and becomes frightened for 1 minute A
natural and magical darkness. creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each
of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success or
Light Susceptibility. If the elemental start its turn in a take 9 (1d8+5) psychic damage if it fails.
space that has magical light source of 2nd spell level or
higher it takes radiant damage equal to the spell level.
Dissipate. The elemental dissipates in the path of the
attack, imposing disadvantage on a single attack that
would have successfully hit.

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Upon Approach Tristi's Concern
It was made very clear to the baroness that should the elves
discover her presence, she will fail her trial. She does not
As you approach the the camp, the apparent chief know exactly how Vara'kaa learns of the events of the
steps forward to address you, "Please, do not come mission, but she is sure that Varak'aa is aware.
closer. We can talk from here. My name is Vaven, we Although hesitant, Tristi knows she must face Vara'kaa's
mean you no harm." judgement. She asks the group to meet her in the tavern
sometime in the next few days so she can inform them of the
Diffusing the Tension
With Tristi freaking out that she has failed her trial now that
the elves have discovered her mission, it falls on the PCs to
diffuse the tension with Vaven.
This scenario is not meant to end in conflict, with Vaven
accepting any outcome that includes his clan's safety and the
group leaving the area. Moreover, this a great chance for
great role-playing during the diplomacy with the elves while
trying to calm Tristi down.

Ch. 6 An Exception to the Rule

uckily for the Lady Brairfell, Vara'kaa was
scrying the entire trial, observing the traps laid
by Ysenia obstructing her designed trial. She is
understandably furious, and does not hesitate
to strip Ysenia of her rank and station. Tristi is
given praise for her prowess in thwarting
Ysenia's assassination attempt, and is accepted
into the Sisters of Shar.
As promised, she will return to work at the tavern and
update the group the next time they come in.
Full of Gratitude

"Well, apparently Vara'kaa was watching the whole

thing... saw the trap Ysenia laid for us. She was not
happy, to say the least. She humiliated Ysenia in front
of the sisters, stripped her of her rank and membership
and sent her on her way! The little @$%^& ran out of
the tower crying for her parents!" A big smile crosses
the dark-skinned lady's face as she exclaims, "I'm
initiated! I made it in!" She sighs a big sigh of relief
and relaxes her frame.

Tristi wants to run off and write to her family, yet she may be
working a shift at the tavern, delaying her note until she is

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Nuthunaol and the Firetrap Bloom
A Wildspire Homebrew

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are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.

elcome to one of the miniature-inspired quests
for your Wildspire Heroic Townsfolk NPC: Nuthunaol Heed
miniatures. It is our aim to help DMs integrate
these figures into their campaigns either as a Level 8 Human Life Cleric
side-quest in an established realm, or a
continuation of the Heroes of Sol’an campaign How to Use This Module
setting. This quest can also be inserted into any campaign as a quick
This quest, as part of the Gorespire Keep setting, features diversion or side quest chain. Preferably, this quest can be
the good plague doctor Nuthunaol Heed. Through a text initiated in any moderately sized port town along a group’s
translated by Kysen, Nuthunaol has found a potential cure for travels, with only minimal terrain considerations.
"The Haze" that afflicts the Lost. He has been working a
while on a more natural therapeutic for the blight, using a Please reference the Heroes of Sol'an Setting document
mixture of healing herbs. Now, he feels a new extract may for information about Gorespire Keep and the NPCs
complete his concoction. But, extracting the precious within.
component will be extremely dangerous, as it comes from the Text in italics is meant to be read directly to the PCs.
Firetrap Bloom, a creature that finds its way from the fire Text in bold are suggestions and can be easily changed to
elemental plane near the elemental rift at Torchpool. fit your campaign environment.
Additional NPCs from the Heroic Townsfolk collection Skill check DCs are general and meant to reward higher
have been integrated into this setting and quest module. For rolls with more information. Higher skill check rolls gain
a more detailed description of Gorespire Keep, refer to the the knowledge from lower DCs. Feel free to adjust DCs
Heroes of Sol’an campaign setting at based on your preference.
(Coming 12/2020). Remember, everything in this guide is merely a
suggestion, and we encourage DMs to change any
details to best make it fit into their campaign.
You can change the monster’s stats or choose new
monsters to apply this story to PCs of a different level.

Ch.1 Breakthrough

uthunaol, the good plague doctor of GSK, Referred from Kysen
has been working on a natural remedy for If the group have yet to wander into the Healing Hut, the
"The Haze", the affliction affecting the Lost. group can be asked to visit Nuthunaol from Kysen, as he is
So far his mixture of healing extracts has aware of Heed's plan.
not shown efficacy on the blight, yet he is
continuously trying new combinations and
finding new potential ingredients. Kysen A Potential Cure
has recently transcribed a regional texts that outline
adventures in the forest around Torchpool, the genasi tribal
city to the southwest of Gorespire Keep.
"I've been working on a concoction to aid those
afflicted by 'The Haze'. A mixture of plant extracts, no
Introductions magic needed, but I haven't perfected it yet. As of now,
the foul-tasting sludge provides temporary clarity,
There are several avenues that the group can use to interact lasting about 15 minutes or so. While effective, it is far
with the cleric NPC. from a cure."
Refer to setting information for "I think what is lacking is a component that heals
descriptions of Nuthunaol and the damaged tissue, and Kysen has discovered such a
Healing Hut component. Sap from a Firetrap Bloom can heal
burned tissue, and as it turns out, there are reports of
The Healing Hut the dangerous plant growing along the lake that
The PCs may randomly come across Nuthunaol in his shop, surrounds Torchpool. If we could get some, I could
the Healing Hut. Nuthunaol can recognize the ability of the finish and refine to a potion that may actually offer a
adventuring party and offer to buy their escort services to natural remedy to the horrible disease."
obtain the firetrap bloom extract.

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are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
A Risky Endeavor
History/Arcana check on Firetrap Bloom. Nuthunaol is sure to explain the risk in both retrieving the
DC Outcome Firetrap Bloom extract, but also in making the natural
10 A large conscious plant from the Elemental Plane of Fire. therapeutic. Vara'kaa runs a bit of a racket when it comes to
curing one of Zaroc's Lost. Nuthunaol has been warned and
The plant contains thorns of burning hot gas, and blooms is often watched to make sure he is not undercutting her
of pure fire. system. However, Nuthunaol feels this natural remedy falls
The intense heat emitted from the creature can quickly outside her control, and is the best option for Zaroc and his
raise the temperature in its immediate area. afflicted.
History check on Torchpool. For Your Troubles
DC Outcome
Nuthunaol does not maintain a lot of gold. He is willing to pay
The tribal city is home to two genasi families of fire and for the horse rentals and reward the group with several
water. potions of his own make (DM Discretion).
The Cathexis family are fire genasi with monastic training,
13 and the Abysna family of water genasi with more druidic
The area itself has a fusion of both the fire and water
18 elemental planes, sometimes allowing creatures to cross

Insight check on Nuthunaol.

DC Outcome
The good doctor is difficult to read without viewing facial
The good doctor is difficult to read without viewing facial
You detect genuine excitement just from Nuthunaol's
movements and talk of finding a cure.

Ch.2 Journey to Torchpool

hen the group is ready to head out, they will
take a path out of GSK similar to previous The Forest Road
excursions, yet turning south at the first fork
and bypassing Sunrise Yard. The road turns The group will have to make a decision on how to progress
west, and intersects with the forest once at the forest's edge just east of Torchpool. A wide path is
surrounding Torchpool. This part of the cleared to the jungle temple which is visible from this
journey would take nearly 6-8 hours on distance.
horseback, and provides a good opportunity for random
encounters if desired. The terrain is a grassland with rolling
hills and clusters of healthy green trees, so natural beasts or You stop to take in the sight before you, as a wide road
nomadic marauders would work well as random encounters. extends before you traveling west towards the large
temple city. You can see the central pyramid towering
over a walled city, yet the treeline covers any view of
the majority of the city.. Nuthunaol suggests, "We
Leaving from the keep, you travel along the same road shouldn't go all the way to the bridge... once we get
as before, but you turn south at the first intersection close enough we should hitch up the horses inside the
about halfway to Sunrise Yard. The desolate landscape forest here and walk. No need to get questioned by
turns to lush rolling hills and grasslands a few hours those guards if we don't have to."

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are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Skill checks
Searching for the Firetrap Instead, you can have the PCs roll skill checks in Nature or
Investigation to find the plant.
The rare Firetrap Bloom can be found along the shore of the An Investigation check DC 22 will discover a Firetrap
Torchpool. Finding one will be quite difficult, requiring Bloom.
successful skill checks. A Nature check of DC 19 will reveal hints that there might
be a Firetrap Bloom around, offering advantage to
Random Investigation checks.
You can roll a d6 to determine when the group will come
across the plant. You can add modifiers to the d6 rolls if the Sighted!
party finds a way to increase their chances of finding the From a Distance
bloom. For example, if the group rolls a 4 or 5, they could add
+2 to their next roll as they are in an area that is more likely
to have an active bloom.
Finally, you spot a distinctive glow just 50 ft. ahead
d6 Outcome through the dense trees.
1 No Luck.
2 No Luck. Better Look
3 No Luck.
You realized this area of the forest seems more
4 temperate and humid, a noticeable increase in As you maneuver around to get a better look, you see a
temperature. large plant form, unmoving... except for the low-
burning orange flames dancing from several blooms of
You find the remnants of a plant, potentially one of the the massive creature. The flames are smooth like a lit
firetrap blooms that was destroyed. candle in a room, sometimes sputtering a bit.
6 You discover a Firetrap Bloom.

Ch.3 The Firetrap Bloom

he group will combat the Firetrap Bloom, a Is it Getting Hot in Here?
hearty plant-based creature with infusions of Read each section below at the top of the round as the
fire. Take note of the creature's 'Incinerate' combat progresses.
ability which increases the temperature of its
immediate surroundings over time. Once the Round 1
plant has been destroyed, the group (or
Nuthunaol) will be able to extract the healing
sap (quantity based on Survival check).
Suddenly, the orange blooms flare with life, now
swirling petals of orange and white fire. You hear
Encounter drumming rhythm of "pffs" and pops as jets of flame
ignite down the length of the thorny vines in bright
Firetrap Bloom blue flame. You immediately feel the surrounding air
The firetrap Bloom is a deadly plant-based creature of fire, warming up.
vulnerable to cold damage, yet resistant to bludgeoning and
piercing damage from non-magical weapons and magic.
Round 3
Combat Notes
Slashing damage does normal damage to the Firetrap
Bloom without magical enhancement. Although not quite burning your skin, the temperature
The group may attempt to talk to the creature, which can is continuously increasing in the area surrounding the
only understand and speak in simple sentences. The plant creature. You feel if you stay nearby any longer, you will
creature enjoys its life here on Sol'an, and has no reason begin to take damage.
to acknowledge any of they party's requests.
The intensifying heat for the incinerate ability is provided
by both the fireblooms and the thorny jets of flame on the
vines. Should the group manage to significantly douse the
creature, reduce or eliminate the damage.

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Firetrap Bloom Water Susceptibility. For every gallon of water splashed
on it, it takes 1 cold damage.
Large elemental / plant, neutral
Summon Magmin (Recharge 4-6). As a bonus action, the
Armor Class 16 (Natural Armor) Firetrap Bloom sweeps its long vines, swirling flame
Hit Points 311 (22d10+88) from the blooms and thorn jets and summoning 1d4
Speed 0 ft. magmin (MM p.212) in random locations within 15 ft.
Incinerate. The Firetrap Bloom slowly increases the
ambient temperature in an area within a 30 ft. radius.
Rounds 1-3: The air becomes uncomfortably hot.
20 (+5) 13 (+1) 19 (+4) 6 (-2) 11 (+0) 5 (-3) Rounds 4-5: Any creature within the radius takes 1d6
fire damage.
Saving Throws STR +11, CON +10 Rounds 6-7: Any creature within the radius takes 2d6
Skills Perception +6, Stealth +7 fire damage.
Damage Vulnerabilities cold Rounds 8+: Any creature within the radius takes 4d6
Damage Resistances Bludgeoning and piercing damage fire damage. The fiery winds are distracting, imposing
from non-magical weapons disadvantage on any attacks within the area of effect.
Damage Immunities fire, poison
Condition Immunities exhaustion, grappled, paralyzed, Actions
petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained, unconscious Multiattack. The Firetrap Bloom makes two vine attacks
Senses Truesight 20 ft., Darkvision 120 ft., passive and two firebloom attacks per round.
Perception 16
Languages Common, Sylvan, Ignan Vine. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 15 ft.,
Challenge 18 (20,000 XP) one target. Hit: 14 (1d10+9) bludgeoning and 9 (3d6)
fire damage.
Magic Resistance. The Firetrap Bloom has ADV on saves Firebloom. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, range
against spells and other magical effects. 60/120 ft., one target. Hit: 18 (6d6) fire damage.

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Encounter (Continued) Resolution
Next Level Heat Once the Firetrap Bloom has been defeated the area returns
to normal temperatures within a few minutes, depending on
Round 4 how long the combat lasted. It may take some PC action to
put out the small fires surrounding the corpse.

The heat is becoming oppressive, seemingly sucking

the moisture from the surrounding air and foilage.

Round 6

A wave of heat from the Firetrap Bloom suddenly

ignites leaves and twigs in the area. The entire area
around the plant is now ablaze.

Round 8

The winds now swirl around the area in a whipping

inferno of flame, causing all in the area to cover their
faces to block the blistering heat.

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are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Ch. 4 The extract

uthunaol is perfectly skilled and confident
in his ability to extract the thick sap from
the corpse of the Firetrap Bloom. "It will probably take me a few days, and a few failures
Nuthunaol would apply his survival check before I find the perfect mixture. I just hope this is the
(+7) should he attempt the extraction. missing ingredient, there does not seem to be a
However, should a PC feel they would have slowing of the afflicted that flock to Gorespire. Please,
better luck, Nuthunaol would guide them in I have several potions here in my shop that you might
the process (offering advantage). find useful."

Survival check to extract sap.

A survival check less than 10 offers enough sap for 2 potions. Follow-Up
DC Outcome If the group returns to Nuthunaol to check on his progress, it
10 3 servings of sap. will take him about a week and 2 full servings of the Firetrap
13 4 servings of sap.
Bloom sap, but the therapeutic shows promise, with the only
test subject showing a slow but progressive recovery. It may
18 6 servings of sap. not be as flashy and complete as divine magic, and it will not
be easy to acquire more of the critical sap, but it brings hope
to Zaroc that they may have found a solution absent of
Return to Gorespire Keep Vara'kaa's judgement.
The return trip to GSK is another chance to introduce some
random encounters if you so desire. Nuthunaol wishes to get
to work on his healing solution, yet obliges in allowing the
group to pick a few potions from his stock as a thanks for
their help.

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Profblix and the Badlands Bullies
A Wildspire Homebrew

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.

elcome to one of the miniature-inspired quests
for your Wildspire Heroic Townsfolk NPC: Profblix
miniatures. It is our aim to help DMs integrate
these figures into their campaigns either as a Pagedweller
side-quest in an established realm, or a
continuation of the Heroes of Sol’an campaign Level 8 Goblin Illusionist Wizard
This quest, as part of the Gorespire Keep setting, features How to Use This Module
Profblix Pagedweller. The diminutive goblin scholar usually This quest can also be inserted into any campaign as a quick
can evade threats as he crosses the badlands in search for diversion or side quest chain. Preferably, this quest can be
artifacts and trinkets, using his learned magics to turn initiated in any moderately sized port town along a group’s
invisible if danger comes too near. However, in his most travels, with only minimal terrain considerations.
recent trek he was assaulted and robbed by a new band of
outlanders able to bypass his magical protections. The Please reference the Heroes of Sol'an Setting document
warrior clan, lead by a massive orange-skinned tiefling, calls for information about Gorespire Keep and the NPCs
itself "The Thundering Horde" and attacks quickly on within.
horseback. Guide your party as they seek retribution on the Text in italics is meant to be read directly to the PCs.
Outlanders and their Warchief to recover Profblix's stolen Text in bold are suggestions and can be easily changed to
goods. fit your campaign environment.
Additional NPCs from the Heroic Townsfolk collection Skill check DCs are general and meant to reward higher
have been integrated into this setting and quest module. For rolls with more information. Higher skill check rolls gain
a more detailed description of Gorespire Keep, refer to the the knowledge from lower DCs. Feel free to adjust DCs
Heroes of Sol’an campaign setting at based on your preference.
(Coming 12/2020). Remember, everything in this guide is merely a
suggestion, and we encourage DMs to change any
details to best make it fit into their campaign.
You can change the monster’s stats or choose new
monsters to apply this story to PCs of a different level.

Ch.1 Still a Bit Tender

rofblix loves adventuring, searching ancient Stand Alone Quest
ruins and shallow dungeons for lost treasures Profblix can be dropped into any city setting with the only
and forgotten relics. His travels take him far consideration being the location of a "badlands" type area.
and wide across Lonellome, with his regional Feel free to modify the details of this quest to fit your
knowledge and magic prowess keeping him campaign setting. Most groups tend to help cute injured
safe. His most recent trip, however, was as big goblins looking for retribution.
as a failure as he has encountered. He was
attacked by a band of outlanders just south of Gorespire Please refer to the setting section of this
Keep, trampled by their powerful horses and stripped of his PDF for more information about Profblix
most recent finds. and his shop
The group will encounter Profblix still healing from his
sustained wounds and bitter about his assault. They can meet The Painful Recount
him in his shop within the Trader's Quarter, or enjoying
drinks at Candlehome Tavern. He may also be bumped into at When the group encounters Profblix, they will notice his
Squalor Square perusing through the recent additions. injuries.
Heroes of Sol'an Campaign
Profblix may have been introduced to the group during Gal &
Gol's quest earlier in this PDF. Enough time should pass You see the goblin shopkeep with a large bandage
between that encounter and this quest that it is conceivable tightly wrapped around his torso, and one of his ears is
Profblix was assaulted on his most recent foray. uncomfortably crumpled and twisted. He moves slowly
with occasional painful spasms.

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are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Profblix's Story History Check on the Badlands
After acquiring a strong drink, Profblix will tell his tale. He is DC Outcome
amazingly articulate for a goblin, but struggles with long
pauses while his brain catches up. He recounts not being 10
The area's landscape will often change dramatically due
able to "magically transport away", he is referring to some to volcanic activity from Folly's Peak.
magical intervention on his ability to use misty step. Still, adventurers are drawn to the potential treasures lost
in the caverns and tunnels that run underground here.
The underground tunnel network was formed long ago as
"I had just finished an amazing run through some magma from Folly's Peak found new routes through the
caverns just south of town. The Badlands is littered land. It is believed that tunneling magma may have
with large chasms that open hundreds of feet down, destroyed several underground civilizations.
providing access to an extensive network of tunnels. It
is quite helpful being a small guy like me, I am able to History Check on the outlanders
get through some tunnels that many cannot, and I had
DC Outcome
found some really nice relics! As soon as I popped up
out of the chasm, I spotted the horsemen. Now... I am The power dynamics of the clans that wander the
no stranger to danger, and I have many tricks for 10 Badlands changes often, with new power hungry
evading such marauders. By the time I noticed they warchiefs rising and falling.
saw through my invisibility they were right on me.
Their leader, a half-demon with burnt orange skin, ran Most tribes lack nice armor or weapons, and usually
me over with his large beastly steed." Profblix winces consist of a ragtag crew of bandits. The occasional clan
in pain as he recalls the events. "I tried to escape, but I of well armed and armored warriors usually become
was unable to magically transport away. Some 'thing' flashy targets quickly.
kept me grounded... I don't know what it was. I would Hearing Profblix's recount, you find it interesting how
of surrendered at that point, but there was no point, I 18 quickly this band seems to have established themselves
couldn't move. They went through my pack, took in the region, a true feat indeed.
everything they deemed valuable... which was
everything. With my injuries, it would have taken me
days to get back to town, but a group of the Night What Did You Lose?
Watch was on patrol and found me just a few hours Profblix was treasure hunting within the abandoned ancient
after." illithid ruins (unknown to him) located underground below
GSK and the northern Badlands. Most of his findings include
some pencil rubbings of ancient runes, a few stone relics, and
If asked more about the group that attacked him... some unidentified bones.
One of the pencil rubbings is a piece of the puzzle being
studied by Millicent (Heroic Townsfolk) and will be used to
initiate her quest later in this setting.
"They wore interesting armor, it looked like splint mail
but the patterns were very unique. Their helmets, Further Reason to Act
which covered their faces, depicted smiling and If the idea of retribution for the friendly goblin scholar is not
laughing demons. Their swords were long and thin, and enough to push the group to act, Profblix will mention two
they were skilled with large, stinging bows. And then
their was the big guy, much larger than the others and
further points that may convince them...
dressed in full armor of similar make. He was decked A group such as this establishing themselves in the region
out in really nice looking items, including his intricately will eventually start to grab power and resources from
designed helmet and beautiful bow. I bet he has many other tribes, drastically altering the local landscape. There
tricks up his sleeve, if my interaction proves anything." may be another tribe powerful and willing to challenge
this new threat, but it is uncertain.
Also, the quality and supposed unique properties of the
Find Out More warchief's inventory seems worthy of any adventuring
party's attention, with several potentially rare magical
Insight check on Profblix items.
DC Outcome
Profblix is genuinely upset and disappointed with getting
caught by the outlanders.
You can determine the goblin is being modest about his
13 magic abilities, he has some high-level spells at his
You catch a hint of further disappointment when he
18 mentions losing his most recent relics. Perhaps he thinks
he found something valuable or meaningful.

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Ch.2 Preparation

rofblix will do his best to give the group as
much information about the outlander tribe's Not Typical Rentals
appearance, number, abilities, and tactics as he It is safe to say that the group may desire horses that are
can. Use the notes below to help the group slightly more trained and armored than your typical rental.
prepare, with special attention to planning for For such horses, they will have to visit the stables owned in
the tribe's unique mounted combat tactics. run by the fated githyanki. Several scenarios are listed below
Refer to the outlander stat blocks and for the DM to choose...
magical items held by the warchief to answer any
questions the group may ask based on skill checks. More Gold. These specialized horses cost much more to
rent, an should probably also have a deposit associated in
Masters of Mounted Combat. These outlanders are case they do not return.
highly skilled in mounted combat, offering them some Collateral. The group could leave behind something of
unique tactics when raiding. Should they be assaulting a value to replace the cost of any lost warhorses.
group or person on mounts, they will chase them down Favors. The group may need to promise a future favor in
and assail them with arrows from behind. If their targets order to gain the trust of the githyanki stable owner.
are not mounted, they will attempt to run them over with
their powerful steeds.
Swarm of the Horde. The outlanders tactics involve the Roll Out
warchief picking out a target and dismantling a group one- The group will head out from GSK heading directly south. It
by-one. They will attempt to overwhelm the most will take several hours to reach the spot where Profblix last
dangerous target early. encountered the outlander band. Feel free to insert some
Entrapping Magic. The warchief contains several interesting random encounters in this area.
magical items that aid in restraining and capturing Of note, most of the other tribes that occupy this region are
creatures. His Mask of the Warchief's Vision allows him on edge and will run or hide from any large group of mounted
to see creatures shrouded in magical invisibility. His humanoids.
Longbow of Anchoring can prevent a creature from
teleporting away. And finally, his Lasso of Planar Binding
can stop a creature from jumping to a different plane.
As you exit Gorespire's gate, you immediately leave the
road that heads west towards Sunrise Yard, instead
traveling straight south into the flat expanse of the
Badlands. The desolate expanse before you seems
unlivable, yet you do occasionally see small tribes or
families that hide and flee your traveling party.

Ch.3 Riders on the Horizon

Encounter Combat Notes
Outlander x6 Should the PCs target the horses of the outlanders in
order to dismount them, use the warhorse stat block. The
Outlander Warchief warchief's warhorse is stronger and heartier, with an AC
The PC (or Profblix) with the highest passive perception of 13 and 29 total HP.
would notice the oncoming horde first. The individual raiders are quite weak compared to the
PCs at this level, yet their true strength lies in their
coordination and group tactics.
The outlanders will fight as long as their warchief is still
Hard to determine at first, but quickly coming into alive and fighting. Should the warchief fall, the outlanders
focus off in the distance is a cloud of dust and smoke. will consider fleeing when their health is low.
Soon enough, the outline of humanoid riders within
the dust cloud become visible, as the raiding group
charges toward you.

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are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Outlander Harsh Environment. The Outlander is accustomed to the
harsh environment, granting advantage on CON saving
Medium humanoid (any race), lawful evil

Armor Class 16 (Breastplate) Actions

Hit Points 61 (12d8+12) Multiattack. The outlander makes two longsword or
Speed 30 ft. longbow attacks.
Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, Reach 5
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8+2) slashing damage.
15 (+2) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 9 (-1) Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, Range
150/600 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8+2) piercing
Saving Throws CON+3, WIS+4 damage.
Skills Animal Handling +4 Trample. The outlander directs his trained horse to run
Senses passive Perception 12 through his target of medium size or smaller. A
Languages Common, racial medium creature must use a reaction to roll a DEX
Challenge 3 (700 XP) saving throw DC 18 to dodge the attack, while small
creatures have advantage on the saving throw. On a
Mounted Raider. The Outlander is skilled in mounted failed save (or if no reaction available) the target takes
combat and gain the benefits of the feat Mounted 22 (3d10+6) bludgeoning damage and knocking them
Combatant. prone.

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Outlander Warchief Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, Reach 5
ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8+4) slashing damage.
Medium humanoid (tiefling), lawful evil
Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, Range
Armor Class 18 (Splint +1) 150/600 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d8+1) piercing
Hit Points 109 (15d8+45) damage.
Speed 30 ft. Vicious Trample. The warchief directs his trained horse
to run through his target of medium size or smaller. A
medium creature must use a reaction to roll a DEX
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA saving throw DC 19 to dodge the attack, while small
18 (+4) 13 (+1) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 17 (+3) 12 (+1) creatures have advantage on the saving throw. On a
failed save (or if no reaction available) the target takes
33 (5d10+6) bludgeoning damage and knocking them
Saving Throws STR+7, CON+6 prone.
Skills Animal Handling +7
Damage Resistances Fire Legendary Actions
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13
Languages Common, infernal The warchief can take 3 legendary actions, choosing
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP) from the options below. Only one legendary action
option can be used at a time and only at the end of
another creature’s turn. The warchief regains spent
Mounted Raider. The Outlander Warchief is skilled in legendary actions at the start of their turn.
mounted combat and gain the benefits of the feat
Mounted Combatant. Cheap Shot. The Outlander Warchief makes a longbow
attack at advantage on a target that went prone this
Harsh Environment. The Outlander Warchief is round.
accustomed to the harsh environment, granting
advantage on CON saving throws. Coordinated Strike. The Outlander Warchief makes a
longsword attack at advantage when there is an ally
Innate Spellcasting (racial). The Outlander Warchief's within 5 ft. of the target.
spellcasting ability is CHA. It can innately cast the
following spells without components. Warchief's Mark. The Warchief calls out a target to his
Outlanders, granting advantage on attacks against the
(1/day): Hellish Rebuke, Darkness marked target to his allies within 60 ft. until his next
Multiattack. The outlander makes three longsword or
longbow attacks.

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Ch.4 Loot of a Horde

t is apparent that this group has been successfully
raiding the land for a while now, with the wealth Longbow of Anchoring
spread across them quite substantial. Aside from the
loot on the table below, they also have amassed Weapon (Longbow), very rare
currencies used in some of the tribal clans in the This longbow is made of sleek dark wood, with the bowed wood
region. And of course, the warchief has several really
nice magical items that can be split up among the containing braided grooves spiraling across the entire piece. This
group (according to DM discretion). weapon is a +1 magic bow, adding to damage and attack rolls.
Three times a day, when you successfully hit a creature with this
Coins and Valuables bow you can say the command word to cause the target to make
a CHA saving throw DC 19. On a failed save, a magical rope
Investigation check appears connecting the arrow to the bow and counteracting any
DC Outcome attempts of the target to magically teleport as per the spells
10 22 platinum, 352 gold, 227 silver, 191 copper Thunder Step, Dimension Door, or Teleport. The effect lasts until
A bag with a few large uncut gems (~ 300 g) and one the command word is spoken again, or when the target leaves the
small cut gem (~80 g) range (150 ft.).
18 An additional bag of coins worth 350 gold.

Tribal Currency Lasso of Planar Trapping

These sacks contain currency used by some of the tribes
around the Badlands. They have no real monetary value, but Wondrous Item, very rare
may be used to trade for food or items.
This magical rope is indestructible by physical damage, and is
A sack full of pristine small sea shells. highly resistant to magical damage. A creature can attack with the
A sack full of smooth pebbles. lasso using their ranged attack modifier, causing the loop of the
lasso to fall over the target. When the command word is spoken,
Profblix's Stolen Goods
Profblix will find all of his stolen treasures, including the the lasso immediately tightens and glows with a dark blue pulsing
ancient relics and runes imprints he sketched. As mentioned energy. Any creature caught by the lasso must immediately
before, Millicent (Heroic Townsfolk) is looking for one of succeed a CHA saving throw DC 22 or become bound to the
these imprints in her quest module next in this PDF. current plane of existence, counteracting magical abilities or spell
effects such as Plane Shift, Gate, or Etherealness. The effect lasts
The Warchief's Inventory until the command word is spoken again, or when the target
Below is listed the mundane and magical items held by the breaks the lasso's hold.
Outlander Warchief.
Splint Armor: Samurai styled with dark maroon color.
Longsword (x2): Katana style.

Mask of the Warchief's Vision

Wondrous Item (Mask), rare

Once per day, this mask can grant the wearer the benefits of the
spell See Invisibility for 1 hour.

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Millicent and the Abandoned Elder
A Wildspire Homebrew

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elcome to one of the miniature-inspired quests
for your Wildspire Heroic Townsfolk NPC: Millicent
miniatures. It is our aim to help DMs integrate
these figures into their campaigns either as a Level 10 Human Deep Stalker Conclave (UA)
side-quest in an established realm, or a Ranger
continuation of the Heroes of Sol’an campaign
setting. How to Use This Module
This quest, as part of the Gorespire Keep setting, features This quest can also be inserted into any campaign as a quick
the seemingly innocent explorer, Millicent. Millicent has diversion or side quest chain. Preferably, this quest can be
finally found the last piece of the puzzle that has initiated in any moderately sized port town along a group’s
encompassed her entire year. She has found an ancient door travels, with only minimal terrain considerations.
in the tunnels below Inran's Keep, with an intricate picture
puzzle that blocks entrance. She has figured out the first two Please reference the Heroes of Sol'an Setting document
pieces, and just recently came across the clues she needed to for information about Gorespire Keep and the NPCs
crack the third and final lock. Little does she know that within.
behind the door is the long sealed chamber of an abandoned Text in italics is meant to be read directly to the PCs.
elder brain! Take your group down into the tunnels and ruins Text in bold are suggestions and can be easily changed to
deep below GSK to face the abandoned elder brain and his fit your campaign environment.
ancient defender, the Brain Golem. Skill check DCs are general and meant to reward higher
Additional NPCs from the Heroic Townsfolk collection rolls with more information. Higher skill check rolls gain
have been integrated into this setting and quest module. For the knowledge from lower DCs. Feel free to adjust DCs
a more detailed description of Gorespire Keep, refer to the based on your preference.
Heroes of Sol’an campaign setting at Remember, everything in this guide is merely a
(Coming 12/2020). suggestion, and we encourage DMs to change any
details to best make it fit into their campaign.
You can change the monster’s stats or choose new
monsters to apply this story to PCs of a different level.

Ch.1 The Last Piece!

illicent has been searching for the final Stand-Alone Quest
piece of the puzzle for nearly an entire
year, scouring the tunnels below GSK The most difficult part about initiating this quest as a stand-
that extend south all the way to Folly alone module is determining why Millicent would trust the
Peak. She brazenly explored the group to help her in this endeavor. It is recommended that
tunnels below Inran's Keep, evading you use an established NPC to introduce the group to
detection from the githyanki guards Millicent as trusted friends and allies. Similar to the
that patrol the small dungeon. From there, she gained access continuation of the Heroes of Sol'an campaign, you can
into a much more ancient section of tunnels further describe Millicent's reaction to finding the last piece of the
underground. These tunnels led her to a door, filled with puzzle.
many pictograms and three concentric locks.
Millicent is no novice to ancient puzzles, and she knows Heroes of Sol'an
not to just "try your luck" when it comes to attempting to You can transition straight to Millicen't quest at the
open. She has figured out the first two circles by acquiring completion of Profblix's quest. Profblix could go to visit
the clues (a set of three images) from other parts of the Millicent at her rented home within the Trader's Quarter, or
ancient tunnel system. She is now ready to try her luck at the she could be waiting at his shop when you return from the
lock, but reasonably nervous and afraid of the consequences Badlands.
of failure.

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Don't Make Assumptions Finally!
No matter how you introduce your group to the party, they Millicent is going over the recently imprinted parchment that
will quickly recognize that her innocent appearance is a cover givers her the final clue she needs. Once she has established
for her hardened dungeoneering experience. Her bubbly that the PCs arent in league with the githyanki, she talks
attitude and charm are disarming, yet anyone that mistakes it about her findings and her risky journey below Inran's Keep.
for weakness will be quickly proven wrong.

"Where I come from we have an amazing library that

The human female you see has bright red hair bound in contains texts of all sorts. Personally, I have taken a
a ponytail that hangs just down to her shoulders. She liking to the tombs that describe the underground
carries a large backpack with noticeably different gear tunnels and chambers of ancient civilizations. One
than most other adventurers, such as several mining such text puts an ancient mind-flayer colony here on
picks and a sturdy hand shovel. Her leather armor is Lonellome many, many years ago. It is said that the
well made, yet contains several signs of combat such illithid colony had to move out when the magma of
as large gashes and small divots. She has two swords Folly Peak creeped into the massive empire. Not the
dangling from her belt, and a nice longbow strung quickest of assailants, the illithids were able to take
across her back. most of their treasures with them, but I knew there
might be a chance something was left behind. So... I
went looking. Most of the tunnels below the town are
natural, probably caused by magma from the volcano.
But, when you get over to the tunnels around the Keep,
you find something else. You have to go a good bit
deeper, but eventually you get to carved stone tunnels
and a large circular door. Here, I took a sketch..."

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The First Clue The Middle Ring
While showing the sketch of the rune door, Millicent explains
the first clue.
"Once I figured out the scheme, it took me another
couple of months to find the second ring. See how the
symbols on the circle match the middle ring, and here
"So I wouldn't dare touch the dang thing before is the superimposed structure!"
knowing how it works, I can only imagine the death
that those foul creatures would think up for someone
trying to get through their precious door. So, I set out
to see if there were any clues anywhere that might help
me figure out the code on this thing. It took me nearly
six months to find the first one, deep down where
some of the tunnels were lined with volcanic stone. I
came across what seemed to be an altar of sorts and
found this." She takes out a piece of parchment with
another sketch.

Close Call!
When Millicent points to the symbol she associated with the
second clue, she points to the incorrect icon located at the
2:30 clock location on the middle ring. Hopefully one of the
PCs notices that the correct symbol is located at the 4:00
location, as noted on the key (p.63)
The Inner Ring

With the two pieces of parchment in front of her, she Millicent takes her most recent clue and compares it
continues, "So I know two things about these clues. to the door. "Now, I have the final clue!"
First, the top part represents which ring on the door
the particular clue applies. This actually took me a
while to figure out, as they put false clues all over their
tunnels. Surely, those too quick and careless would
have paid a hefty price. But here, you can see that this
clue matches the outer ring of the door!
"Second, these three symbols in the boxes are
components of the icon on the outer ring. So here, you
can see these three symbols are superimposed on
each other to form this icon." She points to the icon
located at about 9:30 on a clock face on the outer ring.

Millicent is identifying the correct icon for this ring, as noted

in the key (p.63)

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History check on GSK Tunnels
More Information DC Outcome

Insight check on Millicent The prospect of an ancient illithid civilization directly

10 below GSK is interesting, as the mindflayers are mortal
DC Outcome enemies of the githyanki.
As you look her over, you can see healing scars and deep The most studied and written about section of the
bruises. Yet, she shows no signs of hurt or concern. tunnels below Lonellome are on those directly below
You detect general excitement, like a kid trying to steal GSK. Consensus is that many of them were formed in
13 one major volcanic event many, many years ago.
When she discusses the potential for uncovering relics Rumor has it that the githyanki are aware of the
18 of the lost illithid civilization, you get the sense her main connection in their tunnels to the forgotten ruins below,
drive is uncovering lost knowledge. 18 yet Lord Havesh has commanded that none are to go
into the tunnels, in fear of intricate traps and strong
History check on Illithid Civilizations
DC Outcome
Many across the land know the rumors of an ancient Ready for Adventure
10 mindflayer civilization deep in the underground tunnels Millicent will ask for and gladly accept the party's help in this
of Lonellome, yet few have dared to investigate. endeavor, realizing that she is about to finally attempt to open
You did come across some texts in your studies that the rune door. She suggests you pack for days underground,
13 describe the massive colony as having multiple elder and will meet you in front of Candlehome Tavern when the
brains, a pinnacle of illithid society. group is ready to head out.
One ancient text talks of the different groups that made
18 up the illithid empire, with one elder brain maintaining
control over a sect of mind flayers.

Ch.2 A Major Obstacle

s the group heads out from Candlehome
Tavern, Millicent explains the first obstacle they
must overcome before they can even get into
Patience is Key
the right tunnel system. They must sneak past There are two githyanki guards in the dungeons of Inran's
the patrolling guard near the keep's prison, Keep, one that remains stationary at the small guard station
something Millicent has done several times while the other patrols the perimeter of the dungeon cells
without too much concern, yet getting an entire every 10 minutes or so. However, to add a fun twist of
armored adventuring party through is a completely different randomness, roll a d6 for a specific event to occur at a time
story. the group is attempting to sneak by. Millicent is stern about
the need to just wait if the time doesn't feel right.
d6 Outcome
"The githyanki guards that patrol the prison are not the The guards perform their normal routine, patrol every
most timely or observant of the house. Rarely ever 10-15 minutes.
having to actually deal with a threat, they often fall
The guards perform their normal routine, patrol every
asleep or lose focus, which is great for us. One time 2
10-15 minutes.
the two guards got in a heated debate allowing me to
enter the tunnels beyond, and were still pissed at each The guards are gossiping about several of the low-
other when I returned several days after." Millicent 3 ranking guards and servants of the keep. They delay a
takes a look around the group, "However, if we were patrol by 10 minutes.
caught... we would need something really good to
trade Lord Havesh for our lives." The guards start playing a dice game, missing patrol
for nearly an hour.
The guards get into an argument, disadvantages on
perception checks and miss patrol for nearly an hour.
Both guards are finishing a large meal and fall asleep
for a good hour.

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The Githyanki Prison 2. Main Prison Cells
There are two ways in which the group can enter the tunnels. This central chamber connects to all other rooms in the
There are locked gates at both the coastal tunnel entrances dungeon, as well as the entrance tunnel B.
and where those tunnels intersect with the worked stone of
the dungeon, yet Millicent has managed to steal a key from
one of the incompetent guards. This square chamber has hallways leading to all other
portions of the dungeon, with four prison cells within
The goal of the group is to reach "C". the center portion of the room with chain fencing
Gaining Entrance anchored to floor and ceiling. There are currently two
prisoners in the cells. The first is a female leonal with a
A. This tunnel connects from a coastal cave on the west quite serious sounding cough in the NW cell. The
side of the small island that houses Inran's Keep. This is other is a male human with heavily clouded eyes
where Millicent suggests the group enter. representative of one afflicted by "The Haze".
B. An alternative tunnel entrance into the dungeon. This is
an option, yet they would have to cross the main prison
section to reach their target tunnel. 3. Storage Room
1. Side Prison Cells
This section is the main focus of the group should they enter
through tunnel A as Millicent suggests. Jossick, the tiefling This room contains stacked crates and barrels, as well
as shelving units with bedrolls, linens, and supplies.
prisoner has previously aided Millicent in avoiding detection
in exchange for food and wine.
4. Guard Station
This small chamber houses two prison cells of metal
chain construction anchored by the strong stone walls.
Only one of the cells is occupied by a thin and The chamber just north of the main prison room is the
emaciated tiefling man with dark red skin and guardstation and stairs that lead up into Inran's Keep.
asymmetric ram-like horns.

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Navigating the Dungeon Tunnel B
Events and skill checks needed to progress the group Tunnel B offers more of a challenge, as it is closer in
through this dungeon depends on which tunnel entrance the proximity to the guard station. It is more important for the
group chose. group to know exactly what the guard is doing in this
Tunnel A Avoid the Guard
The group will be able to observe any patrol in the room, and Similar to Tunnel A, the group must avoid detection by the
even into the next chamber from the tunnel. Jossick will help two githyanki guards.
the group by providing information on the guard's current
activities. Sickly Leonal
The female leonal prisoner is very sick, and will have
disadvantage on checks to perceive the party as the move
through the chamber. However, if a PC rolls a particularly bad
Millicent gives a soft whistle, catching the attention of Stealth check, the prisoner will erupt in a violent coughing fit
the Tiefling prisoner who turns to regard her with wide should she be startled by a passing player, potentially
eyes. She holds up both a waterskin and cloth alarming the guards.
containing some bread, to which the tiefling nods and
begins to quietly inform Millicent of the guard's recent Lost Prisoner
activities. The male human is fully under the spell of the horrible
affliction, and cannot perceive but the loudest and most
obvious noises. However, he may get spooked and start
Avoid the Guard shouting should a PC make noise near his cell.
The group must work together to avoid the patrolling guard
and not be heard moving through the chamber to the locked Off Limits
gate in the NE corner. This task will be made easier
depending on what the guards are currently doing. Once the group has passed through the gate into tunnel C,
Millicent will lock the door behind her. Once they reach the
Make contested Perception vs. Stealth end of the tunnel, they will observed that entrance to this
checks between the group and the guard passage from the coast has been intentionally collapsed to
Guard Skills: Perception +2, passive Perception 12. prevent anyone from using this route.
Opportunistic Jossick
Once Jossick realizes that Millicent has brought friends, he is
not going to let this opportunity to exploit some food or The natural stone tunnel dead ends in a collapsed wall
contraband from PCs. of stones, with sounds of the ocean filtering through
the blockade from the other side. Just off to the side
As the PCs become known to Jossick, he will hold his there is another tunnel that begins a steady decent as
hands out of the locked chain prison door asking for more it disappears into darkness beyond behind a jungle of
offerings. Should the PCs decline to offer up more, he chains connected by a large lock. There is a piece of
will start to call out the the guards. It is DM discretion parchment affixed to the tightly strung chains that
as to whether the guard responds to his calls. reads "By order of Lord Havesh, any who enter the
Jossick's threats are mostly a bluff, as he does not want to tunnel beyond will be hunted and killed on site. DO
have the wine and bread from Millicent to be taken away
by the guards. However, he assumes that the Gith lord
may actually reward him for helping catch the intruders. The group may attempt to pick the lock (DC 19) or attempt to
break the chain blockade in order to continue.
A Long Hike Ahead
It will take several hours of traversing natural tunnels and
caverns, led by Millicent who has searched these tunnels
before. Feel free to add random encounters to keep the
players on their toes.

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Ch.3 The Ancient Ruins

his section of tunnels are the remnants of part Long Hidden Trap
of the illithid society that once occupied the One of the chambers has been infiltrated with volcanic
vast tunnels of Lonellome. As per the lore, magma that has long solidified into porous rock. The magma
these chambers have long ago been picked flow covered a secret compartment containing a lost tomb.
clean by centuries of dungeoneers. For that However, the secret compartment is trapped with a
reason, there is not much of interest in these mechanical device that will cause a stone slab to close at the
halls, except for maybe a still underscovered doorway. The group must first clear the lava rock before
trap or hidden treasure. examining or removing the small stone slab.
A DC 19 Investigation check of the room will reveal the
Empty Chambers stone slab positioned to fall in the doorway, as well as the
You can use the notes below as possible rooms the PCs may trap before removing the stone slab on the floor. The trap can
explore be disarmed with a thieves tool check DC 19. If the trap
activates, a stone slab falls straight down in the doorway.
Library The PCs must find a way escape the stone
A room with a large stone table and large stone bookshelves chamber
carved out of the stone.
Altar Ruins Continuing On
A large pillar of crumbling stone is placed in the center of the It is another hour or so of natural tunnels, that also continue
room, with pieces of a once carved statue strewn across the deeper into the earth, before you reach the lair of the
ground. abandoned elder.
Sleeping Quarters
Several stone slabs remain in this chamber, once used to
house mindflayers of this sect.

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Ch.4 Lair of the Abandoned Elder

his section of tunnels are the remnants of a Solving the Puzzle
small part of the ancient illithid city. A small The rune door is unlocked turning the large stone circles
sect, under the control of one of the several containing the rune icons until the correct icon is aligned
elder brains located in the impressive empire, with the diamonds at the top of the indicator rings. Once the
was in charge of maintaining control across desired icon is in the top position, the stone circle can be
the entire society. Called "The Karalith" or pushed in to lock in the selection.
"The Keepers", they were also in charge of Use the key below to help determine if the group
protecting the texts and history of the illithid kingdom. successfully unlocks the door.
However, the mindflayers were able to take all of their
history and prized relics with them when they fled long ago.
Unfortunately, the elder brain, permanently injured by falling
stones during an earthquake, was bound to the defenses and
unable to be moved with the rest of the large empire. The
mindflayers abandoned the elder, left to slowly deteriorate
and die. Yet some of the powerful being still remains in the
dried out husk of a brain, with one last trick up his sleeve.
1. Guard Station
Still on the accessible side of the Rune Door, this guard
station has been stripped of any items and relics, minus some
sculptured stone fragments on the ground.
2. The Rune Door

As you turn the corner, you finally see the large circular
door with concentric rings of runes ahead of you. On
the ground are the remains of several corpses in
various stages of decay, yet the most recent still
decades old.

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2. The Rune Door (Continued) Investigation/Perception Check on the
The Gas Trap altar
A high perception or investigation check may reveal small DC Outcome
holes that line the natural stone walls in the 20 feet or so The coloration in the marble sphere is very unique and
leading up to the large rune door. A very high medicine check 10
potentially valuable.
on the corpses may perhaps reveal a clue to the toxic gas, but
not likely. 13
You notice a ring of text in an odd language that circles
the top of the illithid head like a crown.
Wrong Answer As you look around the idol, you detect the edge of a
Should the group not input the correct symbols, they would 18
rune located on the back of the stone mindflayer head.
activate the extremely quick acting and highly toxic nerve
agent in the gas trap built into the tunnel walls all the way History/Religion Check on the altar
back to the guard station. However, due to previously unlucky DC Outcome
groups as well as the passage of centuries without
replenishment, the gas trap is ineffective. Ilsensine is the patron deity of the illithids, and thought
10 to be their creator. He is also worshiped by evil mages
and psionicists.
You find it a bit odd that there is an altar to the deity, as
As the inner most ring sinks into the door, there is a 13
many illithids didn't actively pray or worship this patron.
pause followed by a hissing sound slowly increasing in
volume. Worshipers of Ilsensine were masters of mind magic,
18 practicing spells that can separate a creature's mind from
its body.
The group might notice a slightly foul smell, or have one PC
get a little dizzy, but no significant damage will result. Rune of Soul Steal
The stone door does not reset its circles to allow for The rune of ancient magic is located on the back of the idol's
another attempt until 24 hours has passed. head. It is activated if someone touches or views the
complete rune. There is a line of text in deep speech that
Access Granted reads "The path to complete understanding is paved with
When the group enters the correct code... lost thoughts and stolen minds" that circles the top of the
head. In order to read the complete text, they must circle
around the back of the statue, possible triggering the rune.
Should the rune trap be activated, the target must succeed
As the inner most ring sinks into the door, there is a a WIS saving throw DC 22 or their mind is taken from their
slow and deep grinding noise as the many rings of
stone begin shifting, moving forward or backward and
body and transfered to the elder brain in chamber 8. Their
then rolling to one side or the other, until a dark tunnel
body remains behind and is considered paralyzed.
of natural stone is open before you.
Refer to the section "The Trapped Mind"
in Ch.5
3. Storage Room 5. Personal Chambers
Feel free to fill this room with a nice hidden magic item or This area contains a few stone slab beds that line the walls in
relic, but most things in here will be mundane items long both the hallway and open square chamber. Nothing too
destroyed by time. interesting here.
4. Altar to Ilsensine 6. Head Priest's Chambers
This room contains a small altar to Ilensine (AKA the
Tentacled Lord or the Great Brain). The altar itself does
contain a wicked divine runic trap, visible with a sufficient This room has some interesting images crudely carved
investigation or perception check. into the natural stone walls in the front half of the
room, as the back portion is overrun with volcanic rock
that must have flowed in from a fissure in the stone.
The images depict a large brain surrounded by flowing
This room is very simple and clean, containing a carved lava carrying the bodies of several illithid.
idol atop a small stone pillar in the middle of the room.
The small idol represents a perfectly round sphere of
intensely veined marble of black and green within the
tentacled mouth of an illithid head crafted of smooth

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7. Personal Chambers
This room is mostly empty, with the back of the room similar The natural stone tunnel opens into a large expansive
to room 6 with lava flow rock formations overtaking the chamber with a carved ceiling reaching 30 ft. or so
stone. from the tiled ground. There are massive marble pillars
that support the chamber, which is mostly empty
Temple of the Abandoned except for a raised section of stone in the center of the
Elder As you move towards the center of the room, you
notice there appears to be a pit filled with fine yellow
This large open chamber contains the sleeping abandoned sand that ends in a stone altar with an enlarged illithid
elder brain, in a heavily weakened state. skull facing you.
The rest of the altar comes into view and you see
sitting in a mostly dried pool of thick red liquid is a
very large brain. The biological tissue is dry and
cracking, with a large necrotic fissure towards the back
of the massive organ.

Ch.5 Nothing Left

he abandoned elder brain, named Gorvanin, Gorvanin was chosen to stay behind when the civilization
will become aware of the group's present once was abandoned as the lava flow from Folly Peak invaded
the party attempts to communicate or makes their tunnels. Some mindflayers stayed behind, for many
any loud noises within the chamber. Once reasons including stubbornness to the slowly encroaching
"awakened", Gorvanin will communicate and threat, and Gorvanin was meant to lead and control their
discuss his situation. If a PC had their mind actions. However, the lava invaded the underground
stolen by the runic trap, Gorvanin will tunnels much faster and expected, accompanied with
already know the group's purpose, names, and history tremors that sealed several passages and caused damage
(information absorbed by the mind steal). Gorvanin will to Gorvanin's parietal lobe. Some illithids managed to
return the mind of the PC just before engaging in combat. escape, and some were caught in the magma's destructive
Introduction Gorvanin waited centuries, slowly deteriorating in power
and health in a hibernation state. He hoped that one day
his small colony would return to take him to their new
All of a sudden, a voice both deep and painful empire.
penetrates into all of your minds, "You... you are not
my coven... ::sigh::... You are not here to take me to our Current Thoughts
new home. Then... why are you here? Now, seeing a group of adventurers in his chamber and
realizing that his mindflayer sect is not returning to claim
him, Gorvanin is ready to pass on to death. He actually
Conversation Points apologizes to the party, that they must suffer for his lack of
Gorvanin will openly discuss these topics and any others, not empathy or compassion. He must destroy them because... it
in a rush to progress any specific event. is what he wants to do as his last act in this life.
Gorvanin rose in the ranks of the elder brains in their The Trapped Mind
massive civilizaiton, chosen to lead a small sect of At any time before combat, Gorvanin will release the trapped
mindflayers charged with archiving the colony's combined mind of the PC back to the body if simply asked.
knowledge and protect its history. He was revered and
worshiped by his underlings, seen has an elite strategist
and strict manager. His sect, named "The Karalith",
contained some of the strongest psionic power and The brain pauses at the request, "Sure...why not. It
highest discipline among all of the illithid empire. does not matter, for all your stories end here, never to
be told again."

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are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Encounter Just a Transition
Brain Golem Before dying, Gorvanin has one last message for the group.
The group will now engage the brain golem that arises from
the sand pit, taking a portion of the elder brain with it.
As the golem collapses onto the cold stone floor, the
deep voice penetrates your mind once more. "As I does not matter. I leave this life and move on to
Suddenly, the chamber begins to rumble and shake, as the next. Be wary, for my people said they would
the sand pit before the altar begins churn in large return. And although I will not bare witness, the havoc
waves. You feel pain as the voice in your head yells out. and destruction they will rain down upon this land will
You hear a sickening sucking sound as part of the brain be a show for the gods..."
mass separates from the rest, the smaller chunk sitting
in a rising bowl of... bone? Sure enough, a huge
skeleton with ivory tusks and claws emerges from the And now you have a future storyline for a stronger group of
sandy tomb, as red chunky brain material starts flowing
from the skull down the rest of the bone construct.
Combat Notes As this chamber was sealed off from intruders, it is
If a PC fails the saving throw for the Brain Matter reasonable to believe there is a small stash of treasure in
Injection ability, they are now charmed and impaled on Gorvanin's chamber.
either the tusk or claws of the brain golem. The golem can Use this opportunity to award your group with a magic
no longer attack with a claw or tusk that has a charmed weapon or very rare wounderous item.
creature impaled. Charmed PCs will attack their
teammates with their most potent spells and abilities.
Should the group run, the golem is unable to fit into the
tunnels that exit the chamber. At this point, the DM may
decide to cause one last attempt of the elder brain to steal
the mind of a PC, perhaps re-engaging the group in

Ch. 6 Closure

illicent lives for these moments, when
she discovers a piece of history lost Back Through the Prison
beneath the surface of Sol'an. She
wishes to return and work with Kysen Jossick understands the delicate nature of the group's return,
to document what she has learned and asks for the ultimate bribe.
about Gorvanin and the illithid empire.
She leads the group on the long
journey back to the surface, as the group must again avoid "Please... take me with you. I will run, through the
detection by the githyanki guards at their dungeon prison. tunnels and out of Gorespire. Please!"

"Kysen is a good friend, also passionate about

If released, Jossick will meet with Buttons to secure some
discovering and preserving the history of the land. I will necessities for travel, and then will quickly do as he promised
ask him to help me document what we have learned and leave town. Another great possible return NPC for later
here. We will make sure this knowledge is added to the adventures!
libraries in the north."

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Brain Golem
Huge construct, Unaligned

Armor Class 17 (Natural Armor)

Hit Points 288 (23d12+138)
Speed 25 ft.


26 (+8) 14 (+2) 22 (+6) 4 (-3) 14 (+2) 4 (-3)

Saving Throws STR +14, CON +12, WIS +8

Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and
slashing from nonmagical attacks that aren't
Damage Immunities poison, psychic
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion,
frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned
Senses blindsight 120 ft., passive Perception 15
Languages Understands but cannot speak Common,
Deep Speech, and Undercommon. Telepathy 5
Challenge 19 (22,000 XP)

Magic Resistance. The golem has ADV on saving

throws against spells and other magical effects.
Magic Weapons. The golem's weapon attacks are
Brain Matter Injection. When the golem hits with a
claw or tusk attack, the target is impaled and must
succeed on a WIS saving throw DC 19 or be
immediately charmed. While charmed, the creature
remains impaled on the golem and can make
another WIS saving throw at disadvantage at the end
of each of their turn to end the charm effect. If the
creature is no longer impaled by the golem, the
charm effect ends at the end of their next turn. A
creature charmed in this way has advantage on
saves against this ability for the next 24 hours.
Mind Blast (Recharge 5–6). As a bonus action, the
golem magically emits psychic energy. Creatures of
the golem's choice within 60 ft. must succeed on a
INT Saving throw DC 19 or take 32 (5d10 + 5)
psychic damage and be stunned until the end of
their next turn.
Multiattack. The Brain Golem makes two claw
attacks and one sweeping tusk attack
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, Reach 10
ft., one target. Hit: 20 (3d8+8) piercing and 12
(3d8) psychic damage. Brain Matter Injection.
Sweeping Tusk. Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit,
Reach 10 ft., up to 3 targets within 5 ft of each
other and the construct. Hit: 17 (3d6+8) piercing
and 12 (3d8) psychic damage. Brain Matter Injection.

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.

Index Art
Gorespire Keep (Son Nguyen) .......................................Front
Monsters Stat Blocks Map of Lonellome (Inkarnate) ...............................................2
Death Knight (MM) ................................................................23 Map of Gorespire Keep (Inkarnate) ......................................5
Githyanki Warrior (MM) ........................................................32 Map of Gorespire Keep Tunnels (Bethany Golden) ..........8
Githyanki Knight (MM) ......................................................... 32 The Boss (Sibilla Pepi) .........................................................12
Shadow Elemental (D&DBeyond Homebrew) .............. 39 Kysen Fatzgoruld (Sophie Tonkin) .....................................15
Firebloom Trap (Wildspire Homebrew) .......................... 45 GSK Streets Battle Map (Inkarnate) .................................20
Outlander (Wildspire Homebrew) .................................... 52 GSK Tunnels Battle Map (Inkarnate) ................................20
Outlander Warchief (Wildspire Homebrew) ...................53 Death Knight (MM) .................................................................23
Brain Golem (Wildspire Homebrew) ............................... 67 Coastal Cemetery Battle Map (Inkarnate) ........................24
Gal & Gol Ironmuck (Sophie Tonkin) ............................... 25
Items Coastal Goblin Battle Map (Inkarnate) ............................. 31
Githyanki Warrior (MM) ........................................................32
Kiss of the Lich (Wildspire Homebrew) .......................... 24 Githyanki Knight (Pathfinder) .............................................32
Mask of the Warchief's Vision (Wildspire Homebrew) 54 Baroness Briarfell (Sophie Tonkin) ...................................33
Longbow of Anchoring (Wildspire Homebrew) .............54 Forest Altar Scene (Inkarnate) ........................................... 37
Lasso of Planar Trapping (Wildspire Homebrew) .........54 Forest Altar Battle Map (Inkarnate) ...................................38
Shadow Elemental (WotC) ...................................................39
Nuthunaol Heed (Sophie Tonkin) ...................................... 41
Firebloom Trap (Iron Tofu) .................................................. 45
Firebloom Trap Battle Map (Inkarnate) ............................46
Profblix Pagedweller (Sophie Tonkin) ..............................48
Outlands Battle Map (Inkarnate) ........................................52
Tiefling Warchief (Andrew Menees) ..................................53
Millicent (Sophie Tonkin) .................................................... 55
Rune Door (Wildspire) ..........................................................57
Rune Puzzles (Wildspire) .....................................................58
Gith Prison Battle Map (Inkarnate) ................................... 60
Ancient Ruins Map (Bethany Golden) .............................. 62
Elder Battle Map (Bethany Golden/Inkarnate) ..............63
Rune Door Key (Wildspire) ..................................................63
Brain Golem (Iron Tofu) ....................................................... 67
Sunguard Cathedral (Son Nguyen) ...............................Back

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
The World of Sol'an Art
Sol'an was created under the Fan Content Policy by Wizards of the Coast
Wizards of the Coast. The lore and history pull from Under the Fan Content Policy, artwork may be included from
multiple sources and editions of The Forgotten Realms, as the source books such as the Monster Manual (MM) and
well as Planescape. Dungeon Master's Guide (DMG). The githyanki knight art is
The Hypertext d20 SRD Copyright 2004, Jans W Carton; from Pathfinder RPG, and the shadow elemental is from
transferred to BoLS Interactive, 2016. Tome of Magic 3E.
Creative Commons Sharealike 1.0 by Inkarnate
and The authors have purchased a premium membership which
allows for the inclusion of maps generated from Inkarnate's
Monsters website in this document. For more information , please
check out
Monster Manual Wizards of the Coast LLC 2014
Sophie Tonkin
D&D Beyond Homebrew Freelance artist. Instagram: @ArtLovesPaper
Shadow Elemental by HaLwAsA Son Nguyen
Wildspire Homebrew Freelance artist. Instagram: @Sonno5
Special Permission was granted by Expeditious Retreat to Bethany Golden
modify creatures in their Monster Geographica series. Assets/Software Used: Dungeondraft, Forgotten Adventures
Freelance Map Maker. Instagram: @the.golden.wife
Items Andrew Menees
Wildspire Homebrew Freelance Artist. Instagram: @DrewFromWork
Iron Tofu
Freelance Artist. Instagram: @irontofu42
Sibilla Pepi
Freelance Artist. Instagram: @sibillapepiart
Original Art.

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Sol’an, a world caught halfway between the
Blessed Fields of Elysium, the idyllic plane of
absolute neutral good, and the dark void
beyond, has fallen into constant turmoil. The
forces for good, led by the Sunguard Paladins
of Pelor, must be ever ready to defend the
Nations of Light from the darkness that
encroaches across the Barrier Sea to the

In the north, the empires of goodly races are

bathed in the warming light of Pelor, with the
Sunguard Cathedral centrally resting atop the
Golden Peak Mountains. In the south,
monster cities led by evil denizens outlie the
massive crater that swallows the southern

Look for the Heroes of

Sol'an Campaign Setting
from Wildspire


This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.

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