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“Why do Companies Invest in Training program at

this pandemic time of Global?”

Project Report Submitted to the Department of Business Administration

to Fulfil the Degree of Bachelors of Business Administration

Prepared for
Omar Faruq
Assistant Professor
Department of Business Administration
East West University

Prepared by
Umme Habiba
Major in Human Resource Management

31 May, 2021

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Letter of Transmittal

31 May, 2021
Omar Faruq
Assistant Professor
Department of Business Administration
East West University.

Subject: Submission of project report on “Why do Companies Invest in Training program at

this pandemic time of Global”

Dear sir,
With due respect, I would like to inform you that, as per the necessities of submitting a project
report for completion of my BBA program I feel pleasure to submit the project report entitled
“Why do Companies Invest in Training program at this pandemic time of Global”. The purpose
of this project is to find out the reasons that’s why organization is incredibly much concern
about the training and irrespective of what situation are available front of them they always do
invest in educational or training program and why organization thinks that training is necessary
for employees to enhances or develop their capabilities and become more productive.
This research is extremely interesting, and it gives me a deep learning opportunity. I feel
blessed that I get a great opportunity to acquire knowledge and improved my skill through this
project. I have done my utmost to complete the report in addition to the specifications.
Nonetheless, because of my limited experience, there might be certain inconsistencies and
weaknesses in my study and for that I please apologize. I hope that you find this project
summary desirable.

With all honesty mine,

Umme Habiba
Department of Business Administration
East West University

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Student Declaration
I am Umme Habiba, student of East West University, ID: 2016-1-10-388 has declared that this
project report has only prepared for academic purpose. Every statement of this project paper is
true. No part of this project has been published in any journal or magazine.

Umme Habiba
Department of Business Administration
East West University

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The successful accomplishment of this project work is the outcome of the contribution of
number of people, especially those who have given the time and effort to share their thoughts
and suggestions to improve this project work. At the beginning, I would like to pay humble
gratitude to the Almighty for giving me the ability to work hard under pressure. However, the
space involved does not allow us to mention everybody individually. It gives us immense
pleasure to thank a large number of individuals for their cordial cooperation and encouragement
who have contributed directly or indirectly in preparing this project.
This is a great pleasure for me to be assigned under the guidance of Omar Faruq, Assistant
Professor, of Business Administration, East West University. I am feeling very grateful to him
for all his support and guidance to completing this project. His valuable suggestions &
guidelines helped me a lot to prepare this project in a well-organized manner.
Finally, I would like to thank all those people who have shared their views about my work,
provided me with necessary information, criticized me, and congratulated me.

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Executive Summary
The aim of this project is to gain a better understanding of the practical analysis of human
resource management training that organizations currently have for their growth and benefits,
as well as to try to determine why organizations continue to spend money on training programs
at this pandemic. This project also assists us in analysing the framework and aspect of
implementation of staff training and growth, as well as why organizations are focusing more
on training in this pandemic, and it also helps us in determining why training is linked to
organizational success. Employees at global and international related organizations have access
to resources for training and development of their experience and skills. Almost every company
today has developed a unique framework for employee training and growth. Employees profit
greatly from employees' training and learning activities. Employee training programs improve
employee engagement and loyalty. Employees appreciate the opportunity to learn new skills,
improve their job performance, and eventually progress into more challenging roles.
When companies plan a training program for their employees, it not only encourages
employees to work in the future, but it also encourages human resource management to
improve their skills and cope with developments. This is especially useful in this pandemic,
where many businesses are attempting to create digital their operations permanently or
temporarily. Training increases worker productivity, efficiency, and reliability, as well as their
rate of return. An employee's expertise, skills, and abilities are increased by education, making
him or her more knowledgeable. Frequent training removes the artificial barrier between peers
and managers, allowing them to build a deeper connection.
Employee performance is measured in order to determine whether or not online evaluation or
training is beneficial to them. Another benefit of online education is the ability to learn
whenever and wherever you want. You can concentrate on your course whenever you have free
time so you don't have to schedule a specific class time or day. Start training workers to better
respond to the and social and economic difficulties that governments face by using technical
and professional developments. The training will be provided in accordance with the standards
for providing employees with current safety knowledge and procedures, such as hygiene, social
distances, and interventions to prevent the spread of diseases.
What situation the company faces, if it does not invest in training, it can decrease employee
productivity, raise work-related fatigue, anxiety, and tension, and make it difficult for workers
to adjust to the new situation. The organization understands that if it wants to succeed in a
competitive market, work performance and satisfaction are important, and it can only be
improved when the company provides training. After all, we can assume that this is the primary
reason why companies continue to invest in their training programs even at that the global
crisis. Successful training and development policies may be a major aspect in addressing racial,
gender, and disability inequalities in the workplace. It is suggested that the company develop
a training and development plan to encourage all employees to perform at their best and provide
greater personalized services.

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Table of content:
INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................................................8
1.1: Background of the study: ............................................................................................................9
1.2: Objectives of the study: ...............................................................................................................9
1.2.1: Broader objective: .....................................................................................................................9
1.2.2: Specific objective: ....................................................................................................................10
1.3: Methodology: ............................................................................................................................. 10
3.1: Research Inquiry mode: ...............................................................................................................10
1.3.2: Classification of Data: ...............................................................................................................10
1.4: Scope of the study: .....................................................................................................................11
1.5 Significance of the study: .............................................................................................................11
1.6 Limitation of the study: ..............................................................................................................12
Chapter-2 ...........................................................................................................................................13
Literature review ...............................................................................................................................13
Article 1: .........................................................................................................................................14
Article 2: ........................................................................................................................................ 15
Article 3: ........................................................................................................................................ 16
Article 4: ........................................................................................................................................ 17
Article 5: ........................................................................................................................................ 18
Article 6: ........................................................................................................................................ 19
Article 7: ........................................................................................................................................ 20
Article 8: ........................................................................................................................................ 20
Article 9: ........................................................................................................................................ 21
CHAPTER-3 .................................................................................................................................... 22
Discussion ......................................................................................................................................... 23
CHAPTER-4 .................................................................................................................................... 27
Analysis ............................................................................................................................................ 28
Chapter-5 ......................................................................................................................................... 40
Findings ............................................................................................................................................ 41
Chapter-6 ..........................................................................................................................................42
Conclusion ........................................................................................................................................43
Chapter-7 ..........................................................................................................................................44
Recommendation ..............................................................................................................................45

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Chapter-8 ........................................................................................................................................ 46
Reference ......................................................................................................................................... 47
Chapter:9 ......................................................................................................................................... 48
Appendix .......................................................................................................................................... 49

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1.1 Background of the study
Training is the process of teaching that encourages an individual employee to develop a specific
ability, knowledge, or actions. Training is a group of learning processes that are required for a
specific job. Generally, training is focused on individual current employment and is present
focus. Training improves an employee ability to perform a specific task. It also improves a
employee's capacity. Competency refers to a skill that you have that others do not, and that
skill defines you from others and makes them competitive in the market. Every company must
have several strategic objectives, and training is closely linked to these objectives. As a result,
we must be aware of the organization's strategy and attempt to match the training program with
it. If these two factors do not cooperate, training would be ineffective. Organizational
performance or development necessarily requires the use of training. Organizations often
provide training to their staff so that they can quickly adapt to new changes. Even in this tough
situation, they often plan training for their employees and continue to invest in it. According to
research, planning to invest in employee development is one of the best investments you can
make right now. When a company provides training, it encourages employees in coping with
the present situation and adjusting to the new environment.
Training is important for the company to protect its present role and gain more profit in the
future, and every organization accepts this. Even in this pandemic situation, where they face
multiple difficulties such as a lack of budget, money, time, and skilled personnel, they continue
to provide training for their employees on a regular basis because they know the need. We
know that they are demotivated and under pressure as a result of pay cuts, job losses, and
working in a new environment. Among other factors, training to motivate employee to work in
this situation is very important.

1.2 Objective of the study:

1.2.1: Broader objective:
The study's main purpose is to gain a thorough understanding or determine the reasons why
companies invest in training in this time of global emergency, when everything is unpredictable
and changing rapidly. So, in this report, the primary objective of this research is to determine
the reasons and effect of organizations investing in training during this period of global
emergency, and how this can benefit both the company and the employees. The importance or
the role of training in this pandemic, to find out why training is important in this pandemic.

1.2.2: Specific Objective:

 To determine how training will help improve job satisfaction and morale among

 Evaluate how training can help employees improve their energy, capability, efficiency,
and performance.

 In this pandemic situation, how important do employees believe training is?

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 Try to find out about what kind of training methods does the organizations use to train
their employee's during this pandemic situation.

 To what extent the training meet employee’s expectation in this pandemic situation?

 To what extent employee’s think that training is beneficial to cope up with new
changes that happened because of Covid-19.

 To what extent employee’s feel motivated after getting the training in this pandemic

 To what extent employees believe that training session have helped them to increase
their work efficiency in this pandemic situation.

 To what extent employee’s think that they need more training to deal with future
troubles if this pandemic crisis happened.

 To learn how training beneficial for workers to increases their skills, expertise and
attitudes for the improve of the workplace.

 Do they think that organizations got enough benefit from this training programs that
they arranged for their employee's during this COVID-19?

 To what extent employee think that training session have helped them to improve their
work efficiency in this pandemic.

1.3 Methodology:
1.3.1 Research Inquiry Mode:
The process of finding new information is known as research. This knowledge may come
through the development of new ideas or the progression of established knowledge and
theories, leading in a previously undiscovered knowledge. So, we can say that research is all
about to collecting or gathering information about something that help us to find new
knowledge about something.
I have collected a survey which is a qualitative method or survey method of research, for
collecting information from a pool of 53 respondents by asking multiple survey questions. I
also found some information regarding training from professional journals and article. I've also
gathered data from professionals who work in organisations and have a lot more experience.

1.3.2: Classification of Data:

o Primary data:
Primary data is a data that is collected or gathered by the investigator or researchers
himself/herself for a specific purpose. For example: research project, thesis etc.

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Because of COVID-19 -19 it is not possible for me to physically visit any organization and
taking face to face interview but I taking interview of some of the employees through

o Secondary data:
Secondary data is a data that is not directly collected or gathered by the investigator or
researchers himself/herself for a specific purpose rather it is collected by someone else for some
other purpose but investigator he/she utilized this data for another purpose. I collect some
information through secondary data such as:
 Journal
 Article
 Questionnaire survey
 Websites
 Newspaper article
 Magazines
 Online report and some relevant sources
 Company official websites

1.4 Scope of the study:

The study's main goal is to figure out why companies keep investing money, time, effort, and
other resources in their employees regardless of the fact that things are no longer normal due
to Covid-19. My study scope was very limited and restricted. For the collection of data for my
thesis, I had followed some compliance with the guidelines. The main purpose of the study is
to identify the role or the importance of training. Why training plays an important role for
organizations success. How training can connect employees with their organization. The
research's scope is not limited to Bangladesh, but rather includes the entire world's current
situation with the goal of determining why companies are so concerned about employee
training and investing in it in this pandemic situation.

1.5 Significance of the study:

Employees who participate in new training and development programs need less supervision
and guidance. The employee is regarded as the most important aspect of the company, and its
success or failure is eventually determined by how well it is performed. Employees must be
able to learn because the success of a company is dependent on the quality of its employees'
performance. Employees with a high level of education were the most successful at the time.
Training is critical for the organization's development, success, and organizational abilities. As
a result, they are also planning to invest in it. In this pandemic situation, many companies want
to continue investing in training because they believe it is important for improving employee’s
skill. It is also important for employee development, specifically in this global emergency
where employees are concerned about their lives, job security, and so on. No matter what crisis
faces an organization, good organizations are often concerned about their employees' training
because organizational improvement is their only opportunity. And many companies do not

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have any kind of training for their employees in this global emergency because they think it
would increase their costs and cause them to fail. But I feel it is an inaccurate opinion, since it
is not based on fact. Successful companies also consider training to be an expense and an
opportunity, rather than a cost. I conducted a survey and received responses from 53
individuals. As a result, I've finished my project job. This research helps me in learning more
about training, its role, and how training programs respond to organizational success.

1.6 Limitation of the study:

Through my supervisor give me sufficient support and guidelines to complete study but I have
faced some limitation or disadvantages at the time of preparing the project and the total work
process. The study's major limitation is the collection of data, as the amount of the information
is confidential. Some of the other limitations are:
 I get very limited period of time for data collection, analysis and interpretation.

 It has a limited context and cannot provide 100% accurate results.

 As a student I have not accessed of many websites. I faced very difficulties

sometimes to collect information for my project.
 I could not collect the information by visiting any company.

 Some information is highly confidential, and employees do not want to reveal it in

keeping with their company's policies.

 Lack of visible examples and web information.

 Lack of our industrial knowledge.

 53 respondents are too much short as the break out of the COVID-19 pandemic situation
happen and that’s why this is hard to reach report’s objective. If it will possible to reach
more respondent around 170-250 then result will be more significant.

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Literature Review

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A literature review's aim is to provide a structure for knowledge on a specific subject. Identify
areas of given structure to reduce complexity and to provide consideration to other researchers.
Literature helps an individual to look back in time to think about life on Earth from those who
walked before us. We will improve our historical understanding and awareness. We may
benefit from the way history is preserved, whether by journals or lectures themselves.
Below I will write the literature review using several articles that was written by several authors
and that was published before. Actually through literature review I will try to analyse and
explain my topic.

Article 1:
Health service psychology education and training in the time of COVID-19:
The COVID-19 pandemic has presented major problems to health service psychology
education and training, but it has also created vast opportunities for development that will last
long after the public health crisis has passed. The aim of this article is to better understand the
challenges and opportunities that the HSP education and training group faces. First, it explains
the obstacles that the COVID-19 pandemic has raised to HSP education and training, including
the need to maintain training competence, promote trainee development, continue clinical
service delivery, manage the safety and health of trainees, faculty, employees, and patients,
and assist with national and local emergency orders. Second, the article summarizes leadership
advice from training organizations about how to respond to these issues in the training program
and at clinical sites. New solutions to these problems have shown fields where health service
psychologists' training and the position of health service psychology trainees as health care
professionals could be improved. During the COVID-19 crisis, stakeholders in HSP education
and training faced difficult decisions that required balancing the interests of the public, the
training organization, the training program and its value (e.g., ensuring training quality and
consistency of learning experience), and individual trainees and their loved ones (e.g., guarding
safety and wellbeing). Due to regional variations in infection rates, environment type, and
individual organizational structures, training programs and clinical training sites had created a
wide variety to the COVID-19 pandemic. Consultants and regulators told trainees to follow
their institutions' guidelines as well as state and local laws. Institutional and governmental
guidance. With limited regulatory oversight, many training programs and trainees were left to
decide their own way to proceed. Many training sites maintained clinical training and service
delivery going by making simple improvements like increasing hand sanitizer availability,
boosting cleaning procedures in their buildings, and allowing, recommending, or offering
masks or other personal protective equipment (PPE). The opinions of trainees as employees,
influenced decisions about job continuity. If a site closed or the trainees' tasks were considered
non-essential, trainees were not able to continue their training. Trainees were considered
important employees and were permitted to continue working. Since workers may receive
benefits that are comparable to those who do not have such status (e.g., compensation, health
benefits, leave time), employees may be forced to continue working or given new duties during
emergencies if it is required. Treating health service psychology (HSP) trainees differently than
other special healthcare trainees raised questions about potentially problematic and far reaching
negative implications for the discipline's role as a health care profession in medical, where HSP
has worked hard to be seen as equal in importance to other healthcare careers. Clinical training,
trainees and supervisors were concerned about training quality if supervision and service

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delivery strategies changed, trainees and supervisors were studying new methods at the same
time (e.g., telehealth), or trainees and supervisors were worried by the pandemic and its impact.
The COVID-19 pandemic recognized the value of cooperation as well as their shortcomings in
achieving appropriate HSP education and training. Although academic programs and training
sites work together to help trainees achieve competency, they each have different
responsibilities and perceptions of their positions in the HSP education and training alliance.
The responses of programs and training sites to the COVID-19 pandemic were influenced by
institutional/agency policies, degrees of acknowledgement of education and training values,
and the enforcement of policies controlling HSP training. As the public health crisis continued,
HSP education and training leaders and influential stakeholders started working together to
create strategies to inform decisions about HSP training and trainee service delivery during
COVID-19. They have three main goals for training at this pandemic situation: (1) To address
the various needs of trainee programs and clinical sites in ways that could improve efficiency
in decision-making across sites while understanding that certain site specific differences might
be vital to successful. (2) to provide advice on how to maintain a balance between moral
guidelines, training requirements and rules, and institutional policies when making decisions
and (3) to make clear guidelines for training expectations and support during the pandemic,
which were instructed to be followed by all doctoral, internship, and post-doctoral programs.
(Bell, D. J., Self, M. M., Davis, C. III, Conway, F., Washburn, J. J., & Crepe Au-Hobson, F.,

Article 2:
Why training should be key investment for an organization in this pandemic?
There are many benefits of providing instruction to employees. Employees can perform work
more efficiently as a result of training, which can benefit the organization. Many organisations
expect human capital to be their most great resource. Opponents of treating employees as assets
of the company believe that management not managers should treat employees in more
substantive ways in order to properly show respect for the resource they have in their hands.
That is why managers should pay attention to their employees' training and development not
just to increase their productivity at work, but also to involve them in ways that recognize them
as more than a handful in the organization. Employees can perform more productive way which
can keep their career moving forward.
Now, this is the time to invest in training. Employees who are trained on a regular basis become
more flexible. Employees' awareness is based on current training, their skills are strengthened,
and their self-esteem and trust levels are increased significantly of the training program.
Employees are ready to maintained new issues at work. When competition occurs, companies
and customers will suffer if they have the lack of the capacity or expertise to adapt effectively
and rapidly. Employee will become productivity tools in a world of change if they can easily
learn the skills they need at work. Change is troubling, and the future is uncertain. Although
you won't be able to prepare employees for jobs that don't exist, you will be able to train
employees for jobs that do exist. When employees see that their employer cares for them and
wants to improve their skills, they feel more valued. Existing employees will be happy,
motivated, and engaged in their work if they see that you are investing in their growth. Almost
every organization now competes in a highly competitive market. Customers have a wide

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variety of choices, due to the internet and innovation, which have made products and services
usable to everyone. Training is the most important competitive advantage in this pandemic
situation. Better-quality products, more efficient service delivery, and more helpful customer
service will set the company besides the competition. Employees who are not only great, but
the best at what they do will be needed to achieve this. Employees want ongoing learning
opportunities from all over the world. As a result, the importance of employee training has
increased. Technology has enough to provide organizations with easy, efficient and cost-
effective solutions for improving training and performance. Employees can train on demand in
a way that is important to them for technological applications content. Robots seem to be the
way of the future, but they aren't. Your future depends on demand employee training that
increases the skills and expertise that workers will need for jobs they don't yet realize they will
have. There will be a future. (Eleni Zoe, 2019)

Article 3:
Should Training Initiatives Continue During the Pandemic? Absolutely
Organizations have evidence that joined a meeting, in-person, and paper-based coaching
strategies do not work well in a fast-paced environment, and that their employees and clients
benefit significantly from techniques that help them learn about challenges and perform
ongoing research on effective business success. In today's world, avoiding capacity-building
programs goals at reducing critical performance gap and redefining business strategies is no
longer an option. Changes experienced due to Coronavirus have created a greater desk less
population with many employees switching from corporate office to local jobs and working
from wherever the place. According to a recent Edelman poll, 75% of Americans believe
companies are responsible for protecting employees from the virus in the administrative centre
and limiting population growth. Healthcare professionals, need timely and specialized training
in order to respond to changing best practices and new information about the crisis. Because
of the gap in their jobs, their companies have a great opportunity to learn and build valuable
new employee skills without interrupting their work shift. In addition, the mastery of
possibilities created to each imperative position during this downtime will demonstrate a
genuine concern towards employees with the help of improving their personal and expert
Training program, nonstop coaching, and communication strategies aren't as successful
because employees are separated and dispersed. In addition to delay, organizations must have
these tools as a fast, convenient, and effective way of delivering real-time information and
mission critical information to the right people at the right time. This puts workers in charge of
learning new skills or allowing members of the family to seek education in their spare time,
such as after meetings, at home or through youth care. With this info, Learning Leaders can
define content knowledge for their teams in addition to curriculum suggestions and add
engaging training and new content medium styles for their instructional portfolios intended to
decorate interaction and effect on business.
COVID-19 and beyond training, during this pandemic, companies use mobile-first, modern
learning resources to help their employees and customers. Real-time alerts are now being used
by a major retail chain to educate employees of organizational changes. Monitoring daily

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updates to keep store managers informed of policy changes and trends related to improving
day-to-day cleanliness and hygiene practices in both shops and facilities, control techniques
that restrict customer capacity based mainly on store size and warehouse spacing tips for the
storage period. If necessity is the mother of all innovation, the Coronavirus pandemic would
intensify the tremendous digital revolution and the acceptance of the existing instruments.
Organizations should be confident that they are well-equipped to listen to customer demands
and provide excellent service. Modern awareness of solutions sometime provides the
possibility of obtaining a culture of openness, based on real-time connectivity that encourages
trust and loyalty and gives access to on demand training that invests in the specialist and private
sector of employees. The recent innovations resulted from the COVID-19 crisis show the
importance of lifelong learning, which is achieved by developments in online, on-demand
training technology for today's workforce. As a result of the discussion, we can assume that
training is important in this global emergency. (Carr, 2020)

Article 4:
The Benefits of Online Employee Training During the Coronavirus Outbreak
Around 60% of learning and growth professionals are focusing on increased investment in
digital training. Digital employee education is also less expensive in terms of both time and
resources than traditional education, and it is getting more popular as the number of people
with affordable internet connections increases. Companies' focus on online development has
increased the need for structured communication with employers, resulting in a new system for
workplace education.
The recent coronavirus pandemic situation has changed the way companies recruit, train, and
motivate their workers, but one factor remains unchanged: the need for connectivity as well as
accessibility. Employees want constant guidance and review classes on how to do their work
and contribute to the company's goals, so continuing training should be a must if you want the
company to stay on the cutting edge. Because of the coronavirus pandemic, many software
systems and technology companies have reduced in-person planning and on-boarding training,
leaving workers to fight for themselves. However, just because organizations are unable to
organize in-person teaching does not mean that training does not take place. As a result, rather
than postponing planning, you can reorganize how you train your employees, and the internet
is the perfect way to do so. There are a few steps you can take to get to the running stage if you
haven't begun your individualized exercise practice yet. Online learning provides a wide range
of skills that are changing constantly. To build a workplace partnership that will help your
employees communicate with content, create opportunities for one-on-one experiences with
peers and promote collaboration between friends. Online teaching opportunities and most
importantly, online training allows learners to learn and grow at their own pace, making it ideal
for personality development and training sessions. Evaluate the benefits of online training to
transform the way you educate your employees which provides a set of opportunities and
benefits comparable to conventional teaching methods.
You were well informed of this, but training sessions should only be permitted at times such
as this, so that there is still involvement available, allowing application forms beneficial for
training in more than one field. Educational manuals are now easier to obtain online than ever
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before due to the internet. The above mentioned positive aspect of training is that employees
can teach at any facility in a variety of different places. eLearning is the most accessible and
cost-effective method of online training for larger companies, particularly in industries with
high employee turnover, such as technology. (Stefan Schinkel, 2020)

Article 5:
Managing Safety Training During and After the COVID-19 Pandemic:
The project is now looking for unbreakable ways to keep teaching going during the COVID-
19 outbreak. We now live in a time when things change quickly, and organizations must keep
this in mind, especially in times of global emergency. As a result, organizations must now
figure out educational technology and conduct more research into how to use these methods
and approaches to make this process more successful and effective.
Tim Smith, CEO of HeartCert CPR Training in Minneapolis, has given much thought to the
closure of teaching programs since the first stay-at-home instructions were released. If you are
normally trained in 12-year-old organizations, you may want to inform six-year-old
organizations to keep six feet of virtual community as pleasant as communicating equipment
limitations. Both the Medical Foundation and the American Heart Association allow for the
teaching of techniques to be practiced as long as the instructor can physically see and improve
the individual's cognitive function capacities. Digital schooling allows you to join someone
who may already have real schedule issues, such as characters who may not have enough time
to get to the education facility after finishing this course or who are concerned about education.
The main task is to bring the equipment to the participant on a regular basis, which includes a
mannequin with a remark gadget that the teacher can see as well as an AED instructional
computer. Tracy Klinkner, the Missouri-based CPR Certified Teacher and Red Cross mentor,
completed the first electronic form in April. "It's definitely a win-win situation," she says,
"planning ahead." Even though coaching has been reduced since that time to ensure the basic
protection and well-being of employees, only those who really value their instruction can
reopen their offices. Public exercise measures are a good place to start, but it's up to the team
to identify and implement the most effective methods for cloth health education. One teaching
strategy that goals to gain traction in this time of distance capability is blended learning. In-
person skills test, by which point the presumption is that the directives to stay at home will be
withdrawn. Alternatively, some of the built Red Cross knowledge of publications employ
immersive research for someone who is already familiar with the condition problem, allowing
the student to evaluate the segments' skills and competencies. Forward-thinking company
owners like Smith are also looking at new training methods and how to implement tried and
true tactics. It is time for a readjustment. Even though many organizations and coaches may
have been qualified for the majority of this period, there are still a large number of them.
So, everybody has to revisit their techniques and incorporate modern tactics of communicating
to employees. During this time of pandemic, the more successful organizations will be those
that will share and modify or adjust their tactics and find ways to gain wisdom maintain. (Tolli,

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Article 6:
The Impact of COVID-19 on Job Training:
2020 was definitely an interesting adventure for both of us. As the world continues to adapt to
COVID-19's long-term effects, we're seeing how organisations and businesses have progressed
to survive and prosper under these difficult situations. Learning to deal with day-to-day work
issues when underfunded or working remotely is an essential part of this change. One of the
most important career considerations is job training. Employment training is typically done
"on-the-job," but it may also necessarily require off-site training with a third-party provider.
The main goal is to help employees in understanding and processing new job methods or
increased responsibilities. Employees who learn new skills are more confident in their ability
to handle their new responsibilities and gradually feel more committed to their company.
Many employees would remain loyal to the organizations that have invested in them as a result
of their new abilities and increased confidence. For a company, job planning is often a cost-
effective choice. Job training promotes a more focused learning environment and lowers
employee turnover. The impact of the transition to global remote work/reduced jobs as a result
of COVID-19's engagement. While there have been some benefits to the change some
employees have said that working from home has increased their productivity, there have been
some challenges in keeping employees motivated and productive. It's also been difficult to
meet the task of properly training staff from far. Rather than a learning challenge, a global
management consulting firm suggests treating the current problem of job readiness during
COVID-19 as a "design opportunity." Which enables companies to set critical training targets
and focus on how to solve problems in the current environment. Shorter training sessions and
training sessions in sequence, for example can be more beneficial than requiring employees to
watch several hours of video training every day. Pre-COVID, digital, and immersive learning
have increase in popularity. Simulated work planning has developed as a result of the shift to
flexible employment. When it comes to employee improvement, McKinsey suggests the
following: Easily identify the skills that your recovery business strategy would need, develop
workforce resources that are critical to the current business model, and begin focused learning
near critical knowledge shortages. Start, validate, alter, and repeat. Cover the budget for
learning. Jobs that usually involve "on-the-job" physical activity have been able to shift to
remote learning by using web-based videos to help employees visualize and understand how
they can complete their tasks. Any company may use the new work environment as an
opportunity to rebuild employees in order to fill areas of need caused by COVID. After the
Ebola crisis, an organization working in West Africa made a seamless and quick return to the
physical workplace by taking the opportunity to evaluate vital and non-critical skills. They
identified positions of their labour force that were missing and prepared a proposal to update
employee’s skills areas. Whole training costs fell dramatically in 2009 and 2010 after the Great
Recession of 2008. There was a flow in training expenses in 2011, followed by a decrease in
spending in 2012 close to the rate maintained in 2008. McKinsey predicts that companies that
are already learning expenses will reproduce the costly lesson that should have been learnt from
the Great Recession of 2008. By reducing training expenses, you can delay a bigger, much-
needed investment and fall behind competitiveness. (CASSANDRA CARVER, 2020)

19 | P a g e
Article 7:
The Critical Importance of Training and Development in a Post-Pandemic Digital Age:
COVID-19's global crisis affects us on a daily basis in a variety of ways, including health,
economics, logistics, governance, education, relationships, and more. Many conventional
companies are unprepared for this new digital age because they do not understand the scale of
the changes that will be needed to survive and compete: existing markets, the rate of change
will increase. Social networking, organizational activism, and a wide range of online can pass
the partnerships established by the workplace and political organizations. Conventional
companies would be unable to prosper if the old forms of corporate authority, top-down
hierarchy, and command-and-control change. More transparency, a faster pace of change, and
a stronger desire for ethics would be demanded. Many experts believe that the relationship
between individual strength, culture, and organizational ability is the true engine that generates
long-term competitive advantage. It's also critical to align processes from induction to reward,
talent identification to continuing learning, both of which are aimed at improving those
differentiating skills. During my period leading digital transformation initiatives in large
companies, I've noticed six cultural skills that represent the gap between where we are now and
where we need to be to effectively solve the Fourth Industrial Revolution. It's not the same as
the conventional problem solver or motivational leadership cheerleader tropes that are
commonly taught nowadays. "We recommend a "Four D" framework for organizations to
match and be aligned with compassion, principles and intent in my latest book with Chris
Yates, "Share: How Organizations Will Succeed in an Era of Networked Information, Influence
& Relationships" (Bloomsbury, 2020):
Find out what is appropriate for each person to match on firm. In the sense of policy and how
the enterprise competes, describe what this entails.
Develop a roadmap to adjust the ideals that are founded on intent at the heart of how everything
is gained. Deploy "how we do things around here," by every employee's acts, every day. In
helping to build our future culture, learning and growth may play a major important role. (Linda

Article 8:
The Importance of Training Employees During This Pandemic
There is a good chance that you or your employees will face a situation in the workplace that
requires learning how to handle and disseminate the situation effectively during this especially
challenging period, when there are political threats, safety issues, and people experiencing
COVID fatigue. People pushing employees or visitors, people assaulting people, people
spitting or coughing, and other acts of customer and even co-worker violence have also been
captured on footage. Training employees on how to identify and communicate the situation
will help them avoid the life, health, or legal complications that can arise if the situation is not
handled properly. Investing resources to educate employees about the nature of compassion
and how to use it in a difficult situation can go a long way toward spreading angry customer,
coworker, or client. If you don't know where to turn for help, there are many organizations,
including mine, that offer staff training about how to diffuse a tough situation.

20 | P a g e
When it comes to understanding and disseminating a difficult situation, the way we view and
handle the individual and the situation is critical. It is easier to learn how to do this with specific
instruction, which will teach you physical and verbal indications, how to be attentive rather
than reactive, and much more. In the meantime, here are a few pointers to consider: Observe
the person's body language to determine their level of anger. Maintain a non-aggressive attitude
in your body language. Make an honest effort to answer the other party's query. Never confront
someone who is in a bad mood. Demonstrate modesty and practice positive listening. Don't
take it personally; it's not about you; it's about the situation. Maintain your sense of humour, it
can help to diffuse a situation. Make an effort to find common ground. Allow them to see that
you are serious. Please accept my sincere apologies. So this kind of training very important for
the employees at this pandemic situation. (Tim Dimoff, 2020)

Article 9:
COVID-19 Pandemic Requires New Ways of Working
As COVID-19 situation continue to be recorded globally, companies as well as their personnel
have been trapped in the crisis. In the capacity of public services, social isolation is particularly
promoted, and groups of co-workers employed in office buildings are fighting back. Mercer
workplaces are normally unfilled, as are several workplaces around the world but work
continues from the employee’s homes. Leaders also take the time to consider the emotions of
their human resource management operations so that they can understand the situation, join,
and navigate more effectively during a challenging process. Provide accurate information that
is consistent and genuine. People seek clarification and if they do not have the correct
information about what is going on around them, they are more likely to form their own
opinions. Unfortunately, several people were misinformed regarding COVID-19, and the
solution was delayed in several cases due to a lack of expertise. Companies may demonstrate
specific leadership by providing reliable and ongoing feedback, not only on customer goals,
but also on professional knowledge of health issues. According to a recent Mercer survey,
nearly 80% of respondents said their organization has established a daily cadence of touch from
senior administration, as well as enterprise-wide communication based on more than just the
facts, but the situation is not the same today. Since knowledge is constantly changing,
automated workspaces that can produce real time updates are well suited to generate emails on
their own, but they can also become impractical with the help of those who receive them. Tired
workers who are continually balancing home and career desires will practically be almost as
effective operating on flexible schedules remotely. As they manage to breathe a sigh of relief
in one country, others are beginning to combat this pandemic alone. While one nation is able
to breathe a sigh of relief, others are left to fight the pandemic on their own. Employee need
proper guidance from the organization as their work habits change as a result of the global
emergency and there is no better solution than planning for that purpose. As job habits are
involving a lot due to this global emergency, workers need some proper direction from the
organization and there is no better solution than preparing the training program at this pandemic
situation. (Dreger,2020)

21 | P a g e

22 | P a g e
Why organization is very much concern about the training and how it is
beneficial both for organization and employees?
Training is a continual process in which link multiple to improve the quality of their employees'
work and make them more productive. Since training is a continuous operation, workers benefit
from it on a regular basis. Employee training that is both effective and efficient helps employees
develop their skills and knowledge, which in turn helps a company improve. Training is the
process of acquiring knowledge, skills, abilities, and attitudes to employees with the goal of
enabling them to gain and apply the knowledge, skills, abilities, and attitudes required by the
organization. Economic recovery from the COVID-19 outbreak would be slow and difficult.
Even so, it is becoming increasingly apparent that the COVID– 19 pandemic's devastating
financial implications are unfairly targeting middle class and working-class households.
Training also benefits employees in adjusting to the new technologies and changes, which is
especially important in this global emergency where things are changing at a greater rate. We
all know that in the workplace, equality is critical to ensure that there is no inequality among
employees, they are facing sexual harassment at work and so on. Through the training
organization also try to develop the system that will provide employee’s health and safety issue.
It is mandatory in this COVID- 19 situation. So that employees can be aware about their safety.
Every organization have clear idea that's why they continuously invest on training even in this
global emergency. We are well aware that we are currently undergoing a difficult time,
especially for the organization. They are struggling to compete on the market because some
companies are drastically cutting their employee’s salaries in order to stay competitive in an
economy that is suffering badly. Some organizations rely on planning ahead so that employees
can easily cope with the new situation. We do know that the success of transition and
differentiation relies on the training and adjustments that have taken place due to Covid-19,
which is very uncommon so that training is mandatory.
Training helps employee’s how to protect themselves from Covid-19. Organizational
development and performance necessarily require training and organizations are well aware of
this. As a result, they make every effort to invest in it. Even in this pandemic structure,
companies try to keep investing in training because they believe it is important and can help
them achieve greater success in the present as well as in the future. It's also important for
employee development because no matter how much experience, knowledge or ability an
employee has, if they aren't motivated to do their jobs, the knowledge, skill or ability won't
help them. As a result, employee motivation is the key. Companies have instruction to inspire
their employees for this purpose. Especially in this Covid- 19 situation, where employees are
concerned about their jobs, job security, and future opportunities which increases their negative
emotions. As a result, they were sometimes demotivated. As a result, most organizations want
to invest in training to keep their workers motivated.
The purpose of training is to learn new and useful skills, information, and techniques. Its goal
is to train employee how to complete predetermined tasks in a given work environment.
Training is mainly a task-oriented practice designed to improve current or future job
performance. In recent years, there has been a lot of discussion about human resource
development and training. Training is a systematic method of improving current worker’s
actions, skills, and attitudes in order to improve the balance between their needs and the
demands of their employment. At the time of recruiting, no one is perfect. There is no choice

23 | P a g e
for an organization to choose whether or not to create employees, the process is the only
opportunity. Employees who have received proper training need less supervision and guidance.
Worker’s abilities are developed through training, which allows them to perform tasks
independently. It also allows top management to focus on more important issues. Many
organizations are unable to operate properly because of the pandemic. Not only do they face
several challenges but some of them have even had to close their business. If they don't put
money and investment where they're most needed, they risk losing employees and losing
market share. There is no opportunity for the current state of the economy. Training can also
seem to be different now than it was previously for the organization. That’s mean, the training
method is changing now. Previously, the majority of the organization and the majority of
employee preferred conventional training but things are changing because of Covid-19
situation. There are digital platforms, distributed options and unique engagement methods.
Employee growth, in whatever form it takes for you. It will benefit workers, company, and also
the future together. This change in the working world affects more than just companies.
Employees prefer to know how their organizations value them and how they can lead them in
this situation. When you invest in training, you provide your employees with the resources they
need to feel secure.

The COVID-19 pandemic will be remembered. It has had an effect on every aspect of life,
including health laws, economic issues, and social and political effects. Many laws and
regulations have been implemented around the world, including mass quarantines, lockdowns,
social and physical distances, and the closing of schools, organizations, and other institutions.
For both of us, the year 2020 was an amazing challenge. As the world adjusts to the long-term
effects of COVID 19, we're seeing how organizations and companies have adapted to meet a
variety of challenges in these challenging times. Learning how to deal with day-to-day job
issues while overworked or operating remotely is an important part of this change. The sudden
outbreak of the COVID-19 global health crisis has had an impact on workplace practices all
over the world. One of the most affected areas of employment has been employee training and
growth. The requirement to shift employees to work from home has made in-person,
classroom-based skill training extremely difficult.
24 | P a g e
So many companies when they introduce new technology, they have to provide training for
their employees so that employees can easily cope up with that. To satisfy the customers
organization try to invest on training because customer satisfaction and training program have
a connection like in this situation some of employees are facing problems to provide services
to their customers that happened due to Covid-19 pandemic situation. If any organization
provide employees training on how to satisfy their customers, then employees are capable to
do that. When employees provide better service to customer, customer feels happy and it is
helpful for organization to gain more profit. Another reason behind this training, in this
emergency pandemic situation organization are more focused on improving their employee's
skills and knowledge. For developing workers skills training is one of the effective methods.
The spread of the coronavirus has also occurred in a larger, desk-less population, with many
employees preferring to work from home or from anywhere. All was uncertain when the
quarantine began. While many have tried, no one can predict exactly how the pandemic will
affect the global economy. The majority of people quickly moved to remote work environments
or began working from home. Employers struggled to find solutions because most of the
company's infrastructure was not designed for such a difficult situation. eLearning and other
training methods solutions have become important tools for connecting dispersed teams and
providing immediate help. It was the start of what the future of employee training will be.
Those without a desk job can find themselves more stressed than ever if they are crucial
employees, or with a lot of downtime if their jobs can't be done from home. The importance of
training for an organization is as follows:

Training Organizational
Program Benefits:
 Organizational
 Market growth Benefits:
 Employee  Improve
retention and performance
morality  Increase
increases employee job
 Reduce stress
and anxiety
 Help employee in
career growth

25 | P a g e
At the same time, lock-down have had an effect on how companies offer skills and knowledge
training. For example, a daily weekly meeting can still be conducted through a virtual
conference on Laptop and mobile devices. Digital online connection such as Google Meet,
Zoom, Skype, Google Pair, Facetime, WhatsApp and similar video conference platforms can
be used as a means of alternative contact between the employees as well as between trainers
and trainees. This will make it easier to the need to connect face-to-face effectively.
The impact of the change to global remote work and reduced jobs because of COVID-19's
involvement in that situation. While there have been some benefits to the change some
employees have said that working from home has increased their productivity, there have been
some challenges in keeping employees motivated and positive. It's also getting difficult to meet
the task of properly training staff from a distance. Rather than being concerned about changes
in traditional training programs, the new realities arising from the COVID-19 crisis show the
importance of continuous learning, which is facilitated by investments in online, on demand
digital services for modern employees.
Evidence also shows that even at the time of poor economic condition or any emergency
situation if companies give training and if this is effective training then somehow it can give
positive feedback. So, that's why they continue to invest on training even at this global

26 | P a g e
Chapter- 4

27 | P a g e
I have conducted a survey and collected information from 53 respondents. Based on that, I have
interpreted the graphs and charts. Also, there is a theorical question in my survey report. I have
also added their opinion in my report.
Graphical representation of question-1:

From the graph, I have found out that among the fifty-three respondents, there are 67.9% are
male and 32.1% are female who gave their responses to complete my survey.

Graphical representation of question-2:

From the graph, I have found out that among the fifty-three respondents, the age of majority is
from 26-30 which is 52.8% who has completed my survey. 37.7% respondents age are (20- 25)
years old where other 9.4% are (31-35) years old.

28 | P a g e
Graphical representation of question-3:

From the graph, I have found out that among the 53 respondents, here 54.7% respondent's years
of experience as a job holder is (0-1) years and other 35.8% respondent's years of experience
as a job holder is (2-5) years old and other 9.4% respondent's years of experience as a job
holder is (6-10) years old.

Graphical representation of question-4:

From the graph, I have found out that among the 53 respondents here 56.6% respondent's years
of experience in their organization is (0-1) years where other 34% respondent's years of
experience in their organization is (2-5) years and only 9.4% respondent’s years old experience
in their organization is (6-10).

29 | P a g e
Graphical representation of question-5:

From the graph, I have found out that among the 53 respondents here 41.5% are from entry
level supervisor. Where other 30.2% are from mid-level manager and 17% are from operational
employee. 5.7% are from teacher, 1.9% are top level manager. 1.9% are also unemployed,
student and interns individually.

Graphical representation of question-6:

From the graph, we find out that among the 53 respondents here 88.7% respondent's nature of
ownership of their organization is private where other 11.3% respondent's nature of ownership
of their organization is public.

30 | P a g e
Graphical representation of question-7:

From the graph, we can see that among the 53 respondents here 54.7% respondent said that at
every quarter their organization conduct training program for them where 30.2% respondents
said that in every month their organization conduct training program for them. Besides 9.4%
respondents said that in every half year their organization conduct training program for them
and rest of the 5.7% respondents said that once in a year their organization conduct training
program for them. That means most of organizations believe that training is important for
employees. Because of training employee can perform a work in an effective way. And try to
arrange training programs for their employee’s. Usually, organizations make a plan for it and
they have a budget for that purpose.

Graphical representation of question-8:

31 | P a g e
From this graph we can see that from 53 people, 21(39.6%) people are agreed where 16(30.2%)
people strongly agreed that training is helpful to cope up new changes that happened because
of covid-19. Besides 11(20.8%) people are neutral and 4(7.5%) people are disagreed that
training is helpful to cope up new changes that happened because of covid-19. Rest of the
1(1.9%) people are strongly disagree with the statement. So we can said that because of covid-
19 most of the organizations are dependent on the technology means all the things are
happening in online platforms. As the whole world's dependent on online platform, employees
are learning so many things from online. So, they need training to easily adjusted with that.

Graphical representation of question-9:

From the graph, we can see that among the 53 respondents, here 50.9% (27) respondents said
that their organization using goggle meet or zoom app to train their employees during the
pandemic situation where 20.8% (11) respondents said that their organization using on-the-job
training method to train their employees during the pandemic situation. Besides 18.9% (10)
respondents said that their organization using through recorded audio visuals to train their
employees during the pandemic situation and, 7.5% (4) respondents said that their organization
using case studies to train their employees during the pandemic situation. So, we can easily
understand that now most of the organization provide training using the technology. That
means most of the organization provide online based training for their employees in this
pandemic situation.

32 | P a g e
Graphical representation of question-10:

From the graph, we can see that among the 53 respondents here 79.2% (42) respondents are
agrees with the statement. Trainer was able to answer all their questions during the time of
employee training at this pandemic situation. If an employee is satisfied and motivated by
understanding the training properly then he will perform well which directly link with
organizational revenue and strategies. Employer want more productivity and revenue from
employees. Training can help employees to adopt new methods and technologies. And 20.8%
(11) respondents disagree with the statement.

Graphical representation of question-11:

From the graph, we can see that among the 53 respondents here 86.8% (46) respondents are
yes with the statement and 13.2% (7) respondents are no with the statement. It is very important
that training must meet with the expectation of employee. Here we see 46 respondents gives
positive review about their training session which meet at their expectation but 7 respondents
weren’t able to meet training at their expectation so if trainee is not able to cope up with training

33 | P a g e
session that will be harmful for an organization. If an employee is satisfied and motivated by
understanding the training properly then they will be more productive which directly link with
organizational profit.
Graphical representation of question-12:

From the graph, we can see that among the 53 respondents here 56.6% (30) respondent said
above average that the instructors were able to deliver the proper materials training process in
this pandemic where 30.2% (16) respondents said that instructors provide excellent training
materials that their organization conduct training program for them. Besides 9.4% (5)
respondents said that above below their organization conduct training program for them and
rest of the 3.8% (2) respondents’ rate in poor for instructor’s delivery of materials training
process at this pandemic situation. When instructor is using different materials for each training
session may actually be the most effective way to help employees learn and gain information
in different way at the pandemic time. Instructor provide training is particularly beneficial when
the material is new or complex because having an instructor on hand to answer questions and
to understand the concepts can greatly increase a trainee's learning experience.
Graphical representation of question-13:

34 | P a g e
From the graph, we can see that among the 53 respondents here, 17(32.1%) respondents said
that they are strongly agree where 6(11.3%) respondents said that they are agree with that they
need more training to encounter future troubles if this pandemic situation worsens. Besides
25(47.2%) respondents said that they are neutral and 4(7.5%) respondents said that they are
disagree with that statement. Rest of the 1(1.9%) respondent said that they are strongly disagree
with the statement. We know that because of at this global emergency things are quickly
changing besides company’s normal work patterns are changing and they are now more
focused on bring new technology because they have no other option in this pandemic situation
to successfully run their business. So, in near future employees need to be more development
and improve their skill especially on technological based skill. So, for that reasons they need
more training so that they can do their work fluently.

Graphical representation of question-14:

From the graph, we can see that among the 53 respondents here, 13(24.5%) respondents said
that they are strongly agree where 25(47.2%) respondents said that they are agree with that
they were able to interact with instructors and trainees after getting training in this panoramic
situation. Besides 10(18.9%) respondents said that they are neutral and 2(3.8%) respondents
said that they are disagree with that they were properly interacted with instructor and trainees
after getting training in this panoramic situation. Rest of the 3(5.7%) respondents said that they
are strongly disagree with the statement. Training not only gives employees guidance also
training connects employees to the organizations. When creating training, the aim is to design
it to best gain the desired outcome of that training methods. During training trainee’s interactive
and concentrate can help increase a learner’s involvement with the material and help employees
become more invested in the final outcome, which helps the trainee, the training designer and
develop the quality of the training outcome. So, we can say that training interaction is
mandatory for the employee’s better learning and skill no matter what situation come in front
of organization.

35 | P a g e
Graphical representation of question-15:

From 53 respondent, we can see that training can increased productivity and 28 respondents
mentioned highly significant and 18 respondents are mentioned as a moderately significant.
And others 3 and 1 are mentioned as a not significant and moderately insignificant. Training
can develop positive attitude towards employees. 26 respondents are mentioned moderately
significant and 22 mentioned as a highly significant. Only 1 and 2 respondents are mentioned
as a not significant and moderately insignificant.
Because of training employee can communicate in a better way and training can enhance or
develop their communication skills. 21 respondents are mentioned moderately significant and
27 mentioned as a highly significant. Only 2 and 1 respondents are mentioned as a not
significant and moderately insignificant. Through training employee can more engage with
their work which helps to reduce their work-related anxiety. 16 respondents are mentioned
moderately significant and 25 mentioned as a highly significant. Only 6 and 3 respondents are
mentioned as a not significant and moderately insignificant.

Graphical representation of question-16:

36 | P a g e
From 53 respondent, we can see that, they believe, employee need more training to encounter
future troubles if the effect of this pandemic worsens. 30 respondents strongly agree with this
statement, 22 are agreed with this statement, other 3 are neutral and only 2 respondents
disagreed with this statement. Training program helps to increase the qualitative productivity
as well as quantitative productivity- with this statement 19 respondents are strongly agreed, 29
respondents are agreed, 5 respondents mentioned neutral and only 3 respondents marked
Training should consider as a long-term investment not short-term investment- with this
statement 22 respondents are strongly agreed, 27 respondents are agreed, 5 respondents
mentioned neutral and only 2 respondents marked disagreed and strongly disagreed
Training helps to reduce any weak links within the company who rely heavily on others to
complete basic work tasks- with this statement 22 respondents strongly agree with this
statement, 25 are agreed with this statement, other 5 are neutral, 1 is disagree and only 2
respondents strongly disagreed with this statement.
Training affects employee retention and employee performance- with this statement 20
respondents strongly agree with this statement, 26 are agreed with this statement, other 6 are
neutral and only 2 respondents are disagreed and strongly disagreed 1 accordingly with this

Graphical representation of question-17:

From the graph, we can see that among the 53 respondents give their opinion. Here, 11(20.8%)
respondents said that they are strongly agree where 28(52.8%) respondents said that they are
agree with that training session is helped them to improve their work efficiency in this
pandemic situation. Besides 9(17%) respondents said that they are neutral and 3(5.7%)
respondents said that they are disagree with that training session is helped them to improve
their work efficiency in this pandemic situation. Rest of the 2(3.8%) respondents said that they
are strongly disagree with the statement. So, we can say that training of course increase the

37 | P a g e
work efficiency of workers and that’s why most of the companies provide training even at this
global emergency.

Graphical representation of question-18:

From 53 respondents, 39 respondents give their opinion where 14 respondents didn’t give their
 I think organization will get benefit from this training programs. As, this pandemic
situation is new for employees, and working pattern has changed little bit. So, distance
working is totally new, but it can be a way in normal time as well, in case of sickness
or emergency of employees.

 Yes, I think it is very beneficial for the organization because it will increase the
employee’s loyalty for the organization.

 Yes, because it not only increases the overall performance of the employees but also it
will increase the employee’s motivation to do their task in a better way.

 Yes, it will benefit to the organization and employees also.

 Yes, training create good connections between employees and employers. Training
improves employee’s performance which improves organizations overall productivity.

 Training develops through employee’s performance which impacts organizations


 Yes! they should get the benefits, because in the end the employees will work under
them and it will help to benefit them and also in the future.

38 | P a g e
 Yes, Training improves their skills and knowledge which helps them to perform more

 Yes, employee work standards become higher after training sessions.

 Yes, training makes good connections between employees and employers.

 Yes, organization will be benefited.

 Yes, training is important because otherwise employees will get demotivated.

 Yes, I strongly believe that the training is important for the self-development of the
employees. During the pandemic, this type of trainings plays an important role for
boosting the employee’s confidence.

 Yes, I think it is very beneficial for the organization because it will increase the
employee’s loyalty for the organization.

 Yes, I agree because by knowing the actual knowledge and skill where they lack, then
after training those lacking will be reduced and they can help to make the organization
grow more.

 Yes, every organization think about profit and training help them to earn more profit.

 Yes, though every training has a purpose and in this pandemic training helped the
sector a lot.

 Yes, because it will increase the employee’s morality for the organization.

 Yes, employee can gather knowledge from trainings by utilizing the office time as the
work volume has been reduced.

 Yes, during this pandemic this type of training can boost up employee's confidence.

 Yes, it makes their employees more productive.

 Yes, training programs are always effective in a way.

 Yes, training improves employee engagement and morale.

Growing a professional workforce means that workers learn new skills that can improve
efficiency, reduce the time spent producing a product, lower production costs, reduce defects,
increase employee confidence and create a healthy working environment. After explaining the
assigned respondent’s perspectives, we may assume that the organization is undoubtedly
benefiting from the training program that they are planning for their employees in this
pandemic or global emergency situation.

39 | P a g e
Chapter- 5

40 | P a g e
According to a review of training research, Human Resource's role is to develop and implement
a high-level structure for strategic training and development. Training and development are
efficiently promoted by organizational business goals and objectives, in increased
organizational productivity. Effective training and development policies can be a key
component in fixing work inequity based on race, gender, and disability. It is suggested that
the company develop a training and development plan with the goal of motivating all
employees to perform at their best and provide high-quality services to the customer.
Many organisations have been forced to rethink how they spend their time and money,
but organizations are providing training to their human resource management in order
to improve employee’s abilities and increase the value of their work.

Training increases employee performance rates while also the productivity,

consistency, and performance of work. Training improves an employee's awareness,
experience, and ability, making them more capable. Frequent training reduces artificial
gap between employee and employer, which create better relationship among them.

Organizations use Google Meet, Zoom, and Skype to provide online training.
Organizations are evaluating employee performance to determine whether or not online
training is useful to them.

Many human resource managers have happily completed online training because they
believe that their company cares for them and is providing them with training during
the global crisis. Indeed, human resource management believes that training will help
us expand our work effectiveness in this widespread situation.

Multiple training will be beneficial for employees and they will be better for doing any
higher position job. Training allows the employee to do his or her jobs in a proper
manner. As a result, job layers reduce.

Companies provide an online evaluation or appraisal to receive advice or reviews on

their human resource management. They also have qualifications to encourage their
management of HR. Training programs that can assist an employee in achieving his or
her personal and professional goals.

As most human resource managers work from home, training allows them to feel more
connected to their company. Employees are often inspired by training because they
believe the company cares for them, which is why they are investing in them to
improved employee productivity. The world is constantly changing, and one of the best
ways to keep up is to invest in employees on a regular basis. Online training provides
an excellent opportunity to learn at your own time and on own schedule.

Employees who are better prepared to deal with the and social, technological, and
economic challenges that governments are raising by using advances in technical and
professional knowledge and technology.

41 | P a g e

42 | P a g e
COVID-19 is changing the way people around the world learn and work. Companies have
adapted to new learning technologies by moving to remote work to promote learning during
the pandemic. COVID-19 has forced us to explore the learning opportunities provided by
organizations in the workplace. Since the COVID-19 crisis has hit the world. Through
companies, the training and development position adapts to lead innovative digital initiatives,
involve remote employees and influence their performance. Organizations are finding it
difficult to stay competitive in the recent global economy. Employee training is increasingly
growing its importance and organizations are using it to compete with their competitors. It has
been suggested that organizations plan for the future and offer training and development to
their new employees in order to prepare them for future high-ranking roles. It is necessary for
any company to have human resource management who are able to adapt easily in a highly
changing market environment in order to improve employee satisfaction and productivity.
Professional human resource management provide a level of concern and commitment to them
at this period of extreme uncertainty. It also makes organization more future proof and reduces
the skills gap. Increased dependency on technology ensures that employee must be prepared to
act properly and effectively. The number of teams decreasing of financial problems for
organizations a tradition of project-based, collective work will become more popular. Increases
organizational satisfaction and human resource management performance in organizations and
it is critical for any company to have human resource management that can adapt efficiently in
a rapidly changing market situation. There is no guarantee that the economic crisis will ease or
end. If we take this chance to innovate, learn and develop, we will be better off than ever before.
We need to find out if teaching and learning can change of the COVID-19 pandemic situation.
As the whole situation is different due to Covid-19 lockdown, organizations would benefit
from these training programs for their employees during the pandemic era. Employee must stay
at home for their protection, workplaces are physically closed, and employees must work from
home. During this pandemic, this type of training will help employees feel more confident.
Even in this pandemic situation, companies try to keep investing in training because they
believe it is important and can help them achieve greater success in the present as well as in
the future.

43 | P a g e
Chapter- 7

44 | P a g e
 Organizations must conduct a need assessment, determine what type of training
workers require, and then put the training into action. When design a training program
for employees, the organization must consider the training environment. Training
evaluation is also necessary.

 Employees should be able to explain what they did after receiving training. The
organization should not only provide training for employees, but also evaluate the
program's quality, appropriateness, and effectiveness. Employee productivity is
dependent on proper evaluation.

 We Know that KSA (knowledge, Skill, and Ability) it is based on person to person.

 When companies are arranging training for their employees, they should think about it
and provide the training based on KSA (Knowledge, Skill and Ability).

 In the event of a pandemic situation, every organization should try to figure out whether
employees are involved in whatever training program the organization has set up for
them. In that pandemic time, online-based training is reliable, useful, and efficient, the
company should determine that all workers can attend or cope with training sessions.

 Employee motivation is the most important aspect of any organization. Motivation

differs from person to person; for example, someone may be motivated by money, while
another may be motivated by recognition, publicity, or acknowledgement. The training
organization should then motivate its employees based on their personal goals, desires,
and expectations. Employee participation, satisfaction, effectiveness, and quality all
improve when employees are more enthusiastic.

 Before offering training services at this pandemic, organizations should determine the
trainees' expectations. For a successful training session, the right organizational culture
or environment is needed. When developing a training program for its employees, the
organization must consider the training program. Employees should be able to practice
in a more flexible and convenient training program.

 Technology help to minimize the effects of COVID-19. If employees are given proper
instruction, they will perform well and more productive. But we can't go to technology-
based training programs suddenly. We need to provide employees proper guideline
about technology-based training first than we can go to other training programs.

45 | P a g e
Chapter- 8

46 | P a g e
Bell, D. J.-H. (2020). Health service psychology education and training in the
time of COVID-19: Challenges and opportunities. American Psychological
Association. Available at:
Cai, L. (2020). The Critical Importance of Learning and Development in a Post-
Pandemic Digital Age. Available at:
CARVER, C. (2020). The Impact of COVID-19 on Job Training. Astron Solutions.
Available at:
Dimoff, T. (2020). The Importance of Training Employees During This Pandemic.
Available at:
Dreger, N. (2020). COVID-19 pandemic requires new ways of working and
leading. Mercer. Available at:
Jeff Carr, C. I. (2020). Should Training Initiatives Continue During the Pandemic?
Absolutely! Retrieved from
Schinkel, S. (2020). The Benefits of Online Employee Training During the
Coronavirus Outbreak. Available at:
Tolli, D. (2020). Managing Safety Training During and After the COVID-19
Pandemic. Occupational Health & Safety. Available at:
Zoe, E. (2019). Why training should be your key investment. eFront. Available

47 | P a g e

48 | P a g e
Why do Companies Invest in Training at this time of Global
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am a student of Department of Business Administration, East West University. I am
conducting this survey which is required for my project work titled “Why do companies invest
in training program at this pandemic time of global”. Please provide your responses and
suggestions to this questionnaire. Please be assured that the data gathered by this survey will
be used for academic purpose only and will be kept classified.
(Please click to choose correct option/s)
1. Your Gender (please click on
appropriate circle)

o Male
o Female

2. Your age (please click on

appropriate circle)

o 20-25
o 26-30
o 31-35
o more than 40

3. Years of experience as a job holder. (please click on appropriate circle)

o 0-1
o 2-5
o 6-10
o more than 10

4. Years of experience in the organization. (please click on appropriate circle)

o 0-1
o 2-5
o 6-10
o more than 10

5. Level of Employee. (please click on appropriate circle)

o Operational employee
o Entry Level Supervisor
o Mid-Level Manager
o Top level manager
o Others

49 | P a g e
6. Type of organizational ownership and control. (please click on appropriate circle)
o Public
o Private

7. How often are training programs conducted in your organization? (please click on
appropriate circle)
o Every month
o Every quarter
o Half yearly
o Once a year

8. To what extent you think that training is helpful to cope up with new changes that happened
because of Covid-19. (please click on appropriate circle)

Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly


1 2 3 4 5

9. What kind of training methods does the company used to train employees during this
pandemic? (please click on appropriate circle)
o Through google meet or zoom app
o Recorded audio visuals
o On-the-job training.
o Coaching/mentoring.
o Roleplaying.
o Case studies

10. Was the trainer able to answer all your questions and concerns? (please click on appropriate

o Yes
o No

11. Did the training meet your expectation in this pandemic situation? (please click on
appropriate circle)
o Yes
o No

50 | P a g e
12. How would you rate the instructor’s delivery of the materials training process in this
pandemic? (please click on appropriate circle)
o Excellent
o Above average
o Above below
o Poor

13. To what extent you think that you need more training to encounter future troubles if this
pandemic situation worsens. (please click on appropriate circle)

Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly


1 2 3 4 5

14. During the course I was able to interact well with instructors and trainees. (please click on
appropriate circle)

Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly


1 2 3 4 5

15. Keeping this pandemic in mind, please rate the significance of the following benefits of
training. (please click on appropriate circle)

highly moderately not moderately highly

significant significant significant insignificant insignificant

Increased     
Positive work     
Better     
Interpersonal     

51 | P a g e
Reduced work-     
related anxiety

16. Please respond according to your level of agreement with the

following statements according the pandemic situation. (please
click on appropriate circle)

strongly agree neutral disagree strongly

agree disagree

You need     
more training
to encounter
troubles if the
effect of this

Training     
helps to
increase the
as well as

Training     
consider as a
not short-term

Training     
helps to
reduce any
weak links
within the
who rely
heavily on
others to

52 | P a g e
basic work

Training     
retention and

17. To what extent you think that training session have helped you to improve your work
efficiency in this pandemic?
Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
1 2 3 4 5

18. Do you think that the organization got enough benefit from this training programs that
they arranged for their employee's during this pandemic? Please give your opinion below

Your answer:

53 | P a g e

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