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Title of the book is derived from a bible prophesy( comm. Btw god n humans by prophet)He- born in german-changed his name to eckhart under some spiritual leader Took language classes read literature and studied astronomy. He studied psychology n philosophy university of london His career failure n disappointment led to Suicidal depression He realised with time that his depressed self was not his real self Tolle's non alignment with any particular religion n tradition has brought him appreciation from all fundamentalist sectors of faith who have found inner peace n greater fulfilment in their lives through his profound yet simple n pratctical teachings The book Teaches how to live in the moment n helps readers learn how to turn their suffering into peace Those who are prepared for awakening will be awakened The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation but your thoughts about it Human lives are fraught with anguish n sorrow and as long as one exists apart from one's true self- sorrow will persist a new earth- it aims to provide a spiritual Framework for people to move your themselves in order to make this world a better more spiritually evolved place to live Writing style is basic n lucid Quoted tenets from bible jewish n sufi We have created weapons of mass destruction, poisnous gases, we are cutting the forests, polluting environment and killing animals this is the new earth which we have created Example- bus n monk n meerra bai, this shall to pass- maya Let go -two Buddhist monks, travel along a muddy road. They spot a beautiful woman, who's unable to cross an intersection, Tanzan picks her up and carries her to the other side, settingher down. when they reach their destination at night the other one said that We monks aren't allowed near females, so why did you do that?" He replied: "I left the girl there. Are you still carrying her?" Outer purpose - related to external chng - career wealth nner purpose- related to internal chng-to becm more consious , live in the present Enlightened life-2 elements-acceptance n enjoyment EGO- the ego is hard to work in our minds, generating new stories and opposing what is shown to us right now. Comparisons fighting, being right judging others are the things that the ego thrives on. Our ego according to Tolle is a source of our anxiety and insecurity. According to him the new Earth is a crazy and destructive place we call home. He says that we can save it together by looking into your mind and by detaching ourselves from ego. We can learn to Transcend the ego by first understanding its destructive nature as a result we can let go off the minor battles that take up so much of all time Religious teachings have been twisted with time n become corrupted.Eckhart wants us to understand that we will never find the peaces by fleeing our current situation or changing our external environment. We can't control our circumstances but we can control how we feel about them to help us practice acceptance

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