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Alias: The Battle Against Alus

Deckard Hunter
Code Name-Alias
Superhuman Strength
Superhuman Speed
Cordien Gems
Archetype: Warrior & Caregiver

Archetype: Mentor

Powers: Black Hole
Archetype: N/A

Cordien Gems
Archetype: Magician
Ordinary World:
Deckard Hunter is a trained tactician; his house is
at downtown San Francisco. He usually wakes up
and train before going to missions. He and his
team were tasked to capture bounty hunters that is
possessing a valuable national treasure. He
overheard that its some kind of gem that could
create a blackout for the whole country. After that
his team prepared to raid the warehouse of the
bounty hunters.

Call to Adventure:
He and his team were reaching their hideout, they
swatted the place and eliminated “all” the targets.
Unfortunately, one was still remaining and he
killed all of his team. He made it out alive and saw
that the guy that killed his team got bullet holes in
his chest. His eyes were purple and black, and
somehow, he was still alive. Suddenly a flash of
light came out of nowhere and Hunter was
When he woke up, he was feeling better than usual
but recalled the incident that happened. He was
still shocked how that goon was still alive, and
how did he get here. He ran straight out of his
room in a state of confused and anguish.

Refusal of The Call:

He went to the warehouse of the bounty hunters
and see police tape everywhere but none of
officers in sight. He loads himself up with the gun
of the bounty hunter and started searching for that
goon. In his head was filled with question and no
answers, he found the shooter but he was dead. He
also started looking for the gem which caused this
mess in the first place. Expectedly, the gem was
taken so the only way to find it was to go to a gem
expert. He heard in Chinatown there’s this
mystical gem collector named Rei.

Meeting The Mentor:

He went to Chinatown and into Rei’s shop which
is located in an alleyway. When he walked in, she
said “Mr. Hunter I’ve been waiting for you for a
long time” he was confused how she knows his
name and who he was. She responded “I also
know why you’re here, yes there’s so many
questions but so few answers”. He demanded to
know about the gem and she explained that there’s
8 gems which represents 8 emotions represented in
this world. Rage, Greed, Fear, Will, Hope,
Compassion, Love, Death. You’re already
possessing one she said, Will.

Crossing the Threshold:

Deckard is ready for his journey and called himself
Alias. Rei said that the gem will lead you to where
you need to go, and by facing trials you can
achieve the gems. The Will gem leads him to the
Love gem and in order to acquire he needs show to
the gem his love towards other. He is presented
with a question by the gem, will you save your
comrades or yourself, Deckard answered “I would
die for my comrades”. Then a room generated in
front of him with a lava floor and he sees his
comrades on the other side.

Test, Allies, Enemies:

The Love gem says “You have a key in your hand
and in order to save them you must unlock the
door on the other side”. Pillars start to rise from
the lava, and Deckard started doing parkour he
jumps from one to another and almost tripping to
death on the last one. He meets his team and they
go to the door where the key is required. On the
wall next to it wrote “one shall sacrifice
themselves for the other in order to live”. He and
his teammates fight over each other to die and
after 5 minutes of arguing without his teammates
noticing he goes to the ledge of the platform and
jumps. All of that was a projection he realized
when he was back to the same spot as before. The
Love gem said “You’ve proved your love to your
comrades by putting them up first not your live”

Approach The Inmost Cave:

After obtaining the Love Gem, the gems guide him
to the Hope Gem. He had to go to the top of the
empire state building, where a pouch containing a
dark blue gem was. The Hope gem again gave him
a task, but before it could do that a figure appeared
in front of him. He introduced himself as Alus and
say “Oh dear, you already have the Will and the
Love Gem, anyways I’m Alus and I need those
gems”. The figure started attacking Deckard with a
red blast. Before it can hit him, the Will gem made
a forcefield around Deckard which blocks the
attack. The figure said “You can have this gem,
but if you want the rest, you’ll have to find me” in
seconds he was gone. Deckard begins to hesitate
his choice of getting all the gems.

He remembered about revenging his comrade and
with hesitation he pushes forwards. The Hope
Gem sees hope in him that although he thinks this
is crazy and wants to give up, but he still believes
there is a chance. Deckard ask the gem what’s his
trial, but the gem says you already display hope so
there is no need for a trial. The gem merged with
him and now he has 3 gems. The 4th gem is
compassion, he knows that figure, Alus is going to
be there so he ready himself up, he also wants to
know how his power works. He goes to the
Compassion Gem and actually didn’t find Alus
there, but another figure. He said he was Alus
Supreme General named Alpheus. He was tasked
by Alus to kill Deckard and take the other gems
back. He engages in the battle with Alpheus.

Alpheus and Alias started trading hits and Alpheus
used his power and somehow pulled Alias
towards. The more Alias gets beat up the less hope
he has for winning which deactivated the Hope
Gem. His will was about to be smashed but he
thinks about his motivation and hope came back to
him. He beats the crap out of the guy and
strategically wait for the guy to get exhausted so
he can gain the upper hand. After a long battle
Alias wins, Alias spares Alpheus and allow him
retreating back to his master. The compassion gem
sees his act of compassion and he gained another

The Road Back:

The gems are sensing the other gems but
somehow, they’re all in one place which left
Deckard to conclude that Alus has all the other
gem. That’s why the battle between him and Alus,
he almost got killed. He is ready to confront his
final enemy but before that he takes a visit to
Rei. /asking her for some advice by harnessing the
gems correctly. She says “The stronger your
emotion the stronger your power”, she also says
“Remember these gems are made to serve life and
the more you understand this the more you can
harness the power”. The gem leads him to the
warehouse where it all begins. He confronts Alus,
for the final battle.

Alus and Alias begin an all-out brawl, Alias
having the Compassion, Hope, Love, and Will
gem while Alus have the other 4. Using his will
power as a shield, he blocks the first few attacks
and while on defense, his hope gem creates attacks
that is on par with Alus powers. He is caught of
guard by Alus attacks, and Alus knocks him to the
ground. During that moment he recalls all the
thing Rei said and think if he combined the gems
power it could beat Alus, or could end up killing
himself. He has no other choice and combining the
powers of the gem he had a white armor and aura
around him. Alus responded “How can you access
the Life Gem powers, non the less im still going to
kill you”.

Return With The Elixir:

Deckard begins to overpower Alus and with the
strength boost he turns Alus into dust with a
photon blast. He then takes the rest of the gem and
decides to return it to Rei. Thinking she’ll know
what to do when he came back. She told him that
she knew he would unlock this form at a point.
Before handing in the gems Rei said because this
is the life gems you can bring back your loved
ones. He decided to resurrect his comrades and
they cheered all night long. Rei says “Because the
gem already serves it’s purpose of eliminating the
error in the equation it’s on to a new planet to help
save that place. Deckard drank beer with his
friends all night long and telling his story about
how he brought them back to life. Deckard decides
to retire and later on he have a wife and 2 kids.

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