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Directions: Summarize the following text in twenty (20) words of less.

Be sure to include appropriate

citations. (20pts)
Studies have found that paper bags have a larger carbon footprint compared to plastic bags because of the
amount of energy, water, and chemicals the production of paper bags consume. In a briefing note pre-
pared by Kirsty Bell and Suzie Cave (201 1) for the Northern Ireland As- sembly, it is reported that
manufacturing paper bags requires above four times the amount of energy plastic bags do. Also, the
production of paper bags contributes more air and water pollution compared to plastic bags. Other than
high energy consumption during processing, it also requires paper bags more energy to be transported.
This is because compared to plastic bags, paper bags weigh more and take up more space, resulting in the
need for more resources to transport them (Chua-Unsu, 2014).

Kristy Bell and Suzie Cave (2011), Chua - Unsa (2014) view that the paper bags we use are worse for
the environment than plastic bags

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