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Trainee: Diane Raquel Baltazar

Activity #3. Skill building Activities

A. What do you like about yourself, your body? What do you not like?
● Avoid comparing yourself to others. Accept yourself as you
are. Decide what kind of person you want to be if you don't
like who you are. then take on that identity. Take care of what
you have and be grateful for it. If you take pride in your life
and your possessions, it will last much longer.

B. What is it about your body and mind that is unhappy that could be
positively affected by exercising regularly?
● The potential for physical activity to improve our wellbeing is
enormous. Even a little session of brisk walking for 10 minutes
improves our mental clarity, vitality, and disposition. Regular
physical activity can lower stress and anxiety while also
boosting our sense of self-worth.

C. What would you like to change, if anything and why?

● My initial instinct was to make a physical change in order to
miraculously lose the excess weight I had put on. However, I
think becoming more organized and less of a procrastinator
is something I would like to do even more than that. And if I
could alter that, I would be able to start working out and
losing weight at the same time!

D. Have you tried regular exercise before and failed to stick with it?
● I work out frequently to maintain both my physical and mental
health. When I workout, I feel calmer. Therefore, I would say
unequivocally that I DO receive enough healthy activity each
week. I could always do more because, of course, I'm

E. Currently, how do you estimate your potential to stick with an

exercise program?
● Make your resolutions practical. No resolution should be

F. Do you think of yourself as good-looking? Attractive? Not

attractive? Healthy or unhealthy?
● I think I have decent looks. I have healthy skin, strong bones,
and lovely eyes. I feel fortunate!

G. What do you see when you look in the mirror?

● In a flat mirror, you see a mirror image of yourself that is the
same size as you but is in the opposite direction.

H. If you are planning to exercise to help in weight loss or simply to

shape up a currently out of shape body, will you be able to use the
facts that smaller size clothing now fits and that your waist is
getting smaller as measured of success rather than scale weight
( which might or might not change much even as you redistributing
body mass?
● The number of calories your body "burns off" or uses for
energy increases when you exercise more, which leads to
weight loss by creating a "calorie deficit" between the number
of calories you burn and the number of calories you consume.

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