B.C.A/B.Sc. Examination Semester: III Graph Theory

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Paper code: BCA-305/BSC-305

Roll No:

B.C.A/B.Sc. Examination
Semester: III
Graph Theory

[Time: 2 Hours] [Maximum Marks: 60]

Note: Attempt all Questions. Attempt any TWO PARTS from each question.
All questions carry equal marks.
a) Show that the maximum number of edges in a simple graph with n vertices is

b) Find out the binary tree using the following post and pre order arrangement of nodes.
c) Mention some of the properties of tree.

a) Explain the fundamental circuit and cut set. What is nulity ,branch,chord and rank ?

b) Using an appropriate example explain the kurtaowski cut set algorithm.

c) Explain Euler graph

Discuss the euler path and circuit with suitable example.

a) Define walk, path and circuit in a graph.
What is meant by eccentricity?

b) Show with the help of a diagram how a spanning tree can be formed from a graph.

c) Explain the importance and relevance of graph theory in the field of computer science.

a) What are bipartite graphs ? show two graphs which are bipartite.
b) a) Define isomorphism in graphs . check if the given graphs are isomorphic or not.

c) Draw a suitable graph and find out the incidence matrix following all steps.


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