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First Term Exam 4 AM level

Full name: …………………………………………………………………………… 1 hour & a half


It’s Ok to eat fast food occasionally but fast food is high in calories. So, if you often eat
hamburgers and chips you can easily become obese. And obesity can lead to other diseases
such as diabetes and heart attacks. Everybody knows that fast food is cheap and quick but it
is not as tasty as homemade food. Young people prefer to eat pizzas, hamburgers and French
fries because fast food companies spend lots of money to make them believe that fast food is
cool. To have a healthier generation, America is now fighting back against fast food companies.
They are stopping serving fast food in school restaurants and serving homemade food instead.

Part I (14 points)

A/ Reading comprehension: (7 pts)
1. Read the text carefully then choose the right title:
a) Fast food companies b) Obesity c) Fast food or traditional food ?

2. Find in the text the main food served in fast food restaurants:
1. …………………………………………………… - 2. ……………………………………………………… – 3. …………………………………………………
3. Find in the text the :
 Synonyms of: very fat = ……………………………………… - Illnesses = …………………………………………
 Opposites of: expensive ≠ …………………………………… - Unhealthier ≠ …………………………………………

4. What does the underlined word refer to in the text:

 They: …………………………………………………………………………………

B/ Mastery of language: (7 pts)

1. Supply the punctuation and capital letters where necessary ?

 now there are more than 13000 mc donald’s restaurant in the world

2. Complete with the right relative pronoun ( which – Who – that ) ?

 The hamburger ……………………. I ate was very delicious.
 The fast-food …………………………… people eat now are unhealthy.
 Doctors said to the patients ……………………… are obese to go on a diet.

3. Sort out from the text a conditional sentence and show its components “If
“If clause / Result clause

4. Classify the words according to their final “ed” pronunciation: named – owned – liked – served.
/t/ /d/ /id/
……………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………

Part II : Situation of integration (6pts)

 Reorder the sentences to get a coherent recipe.

 Finally, turn the omelette out of the frying pan and serve hot with some salad.
 First, break 3 eggs, beat them and add some milk.
 Then, add salt and pepper to taste.
 After that, heat the pan over medium heat and pour the mixture to cook it.
Good luck

A/ Reading comprehension: (7 pts)
1. Read the text carefully then choose the right title:
a) Fast food companies b) Obesity c) Fast food or traditional food?

2. Find in the text the main food served in fast food restaurants:
1. Hamburgers - 2. Pizzas – 3. French fries
3. Find in the text the :
 Synonyms of: very fat = Obese - Illnesses = diseases
 Opposites of: expensive ≠ Cheap - Unhealthier ≠ healthier

4. What does the underlined word refer to in the text:

 They : Fast food companies

B/ Mastery of language: (7 pts)

1. Supply the punctuation and capital letters where necessary ?

 Now there are more than 13000 Mc Donald’s restaurants in the world.

2. Complete with the right relative pronoun ( which – Who – that ) ?

 The hamburger that/
that/which I ate was very delicious.
 The fast-food that/
that/which people eat now are unhealthy.
 Doctors said to the patients who are obese to go on a diet.

3. Sort out from the text a conditional sentence and show its components “If
“If clause / Result clause.
 (If you often eat hamburgers and chips), (you can easily become obese).
(If clause) (result clause)

4. Classify the words according to their final “ed” pronunciation: named – owned – liked – served.

/t/ /d/ /id/

liked named – served- owned /

Part II : Situation of integration (6pts)

 Reorder the sentences to get a coherent recipe.


To prepare an omelette. First, break 3 eggs, beat them and add

some milk. Then, add salt and pepper to taste. After that, heat the

pan over medium heat and pour the mixture to cook it. Finally, turn

the omelette out of the frying pan and serve hot with some salad.

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