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IELTS Writing

Four parameters:
Task response
Lexical resource
Coherence and Cohesion
Grammatical range and accuracy
Each of these has 25% weightage in the score of your draft.
*Check each parameter separately
Task response
*Have I read the premise clearly?
Most participants do not read the premise clearly and to do it
quickly, run through it and end up developing a wrong answer
Check if there is any special requirement in the question
It is necessary for children to indulge in some physical activity every
day. Do you agree?
If there is any specific category the question is focusing on , you have
to stick to it.
*What is it that the examiner wants me to deliver?
Obesity has become one of the leading health concerns in children
these days. What are the causes and the effects?
Full address ALL parts of the task
*Reasons of this
*Effects of this
*Opinion? NO
Full address?
Pick the part – develop arguments for it- explain them (WHY/HOW)
The argument that one makes has to be relevant to the answer
Television is beneficial for individuals. Do you agree or disagree?
Because of tv shows, people connect with each other due to common
interests and sit together and build relationships.
Individual – they can learn from educational shows/they can watch
news/they can gather information/they can have entertainment
Is my answer/argument relevant to the specific question?
Have I covered all parts of the task?
Have I written, explained and supported my arguments completely?
II. Logical organization of ideas
Make sure you have proper paragraphing
Mandatory 4 paragraphs in every essay
Use cohesion in such a way that it attracts no attention – cohesion
done should not attract attention separately, it should naturally flow
with the content
Discourse markers
Transitional words
On the one hand, people can visit the premises during evening in
order to meet friends and sit together. As a result, /Consequently,
they will interact better and have some quality time. However, there
are certain negative aspects to this situation. For instance,
individuals might find themselves spending more than usual time
over there compromising on their productive hours. For one thing,
they might not visit their parents as often. Therefore, efforts have to
be made in order to organize this setup.
people can visit the premises during evening in order to meet friends
and sit together. they will interact better and have some quality time.
there are certain negative aspects to this situation. individuals might
find themselves spending more than usual time over there
compromising on their productive hours. they might not visit their
parents as often. efforts have to be made in order to organize this
Have I done proper paragraphing – are there right number of
paragraphs in the draft?
Are the paragraphs logically done?
Have I used enough cohesive words to express the right direction?
Firstly – First of all
Firstly – The primary reason behind
Secondly – Another key factor
Therefore, I want to visit him and sort it.
I, therefore, want to visit him and sort this.
However, I am of a different opinion.
I am, however, of a different opinion
III. Lexical resource
Wide range of vocabulary
*Have synonyms – have enough variety for the examiner to see that
you have a rich vocabulary bank and you don’t have to repeat your
words frequently
The vocabulary to be used in an IELTS essay has to be primarily
formal in nature. We don’t use casual or informal words
This has a lot of negative impact.
This has a significant negative impact.
It is a very helpful habit.
It is an extremely beneficial habit.
Certain word combination in any language that only go with each
Research has been done and it concludes that________
Research has been conducted
For instance, as per the research done in the USA
Research conducted
*To play key role
*To make significant contribution
*To satisfy the needs
*To derive benefit
*To be a contributing factor
*To combat problem
Have I tried to use enough synonyms?
Have I replaced basic casual words with better words?
Are my spellings correct?
Is my vocabulary naturally uncommon?
Does my draft contain enough collocation combinations?
IV. Grammatical range and accuracy
Have I used basic grammar, correct?
Have I taken care of articles, prepositions, tenses, nouns, pronouns
etc.? 15/20
Subject-verb agreement (20/20)
This bag look nice.
This bag looks nice.
Have I covered range of complex, compound and passive sentences?
*Do not use very basic words
*Do not use very tough words

Natural and sophisticated control of lexical features

Rare errors as slips

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