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(Established under the Himalayiya University Act,2019, Uttarakhand Act No.-08 of 2019

Topic -“E-learning and its Growth - Factors and Aspects”
Naveen Chandra Pandey, PhD Scholar ( Management),

Himalayiya University
July 2022

Submitted to: Professor – Shailendra Kumar Pokhriyal

E-learning and its Growth - Factors and Aspects
Naveen Chandra Pandey
Pre-Synopsis Abstract
Scope for E-learning, both in terms of the business as well as education, has continuously
been growing since its advent. The market size of the E-Learning business crossed a peak
of USD 190B in 2020. The entry of stronger players each time is making the business end
of the industry powerful as well as is bringing a fresh outlook with a CAGR of 14% (Arizton,
2020). IT has come up as one of the most powerful domains in the E-Leaning spectrum with
focus areas like AI & cloud computing. Increase in the penetrations of Internet across the
globe has made it even more possible for every person the planet to access these platforms
easily and start learning. A number of industries have been through very quick and rapid
adoption in the cloud technology in view of the factors like flexibility in content storage,
sharing, and access to both learners and content providers which are of critical importance
in the world today.
(KEYWORDS: e-Learning, m-Learning, OTT, Trends, Aspects)
The process of acquiring knowledge via means of electronic technologies and gadgets is
commonly referred to as e-learning. Internet has been far more accessible than it was ever
before and this rise has led to the increase in the number of people demanding the learning
through online means and courses. According to the Office for National Statistics, nearly all
adults in the age group of 16 to 44 years in the UK were recent internet users (99%) in
2019 (Prescott, 2019). With the accessibility of the network connectivity, the convenience to
study has added to the benefits of e-Learning which has again enabled the mass to opt for
ELearning and transit from the traditional education system.
There are more trends emerging in sync with E-Learning as a whole. Some of them are
mobile learning, micro learning, social learning, and corporate MOOCs. There is an increase
in demand of these types of leaning from the end-users of various group of scholars like
healthcare students as well as employees, to train them and propel the industry demand. To
add to the benefits that the E-Leaning industry has been enjoying, COVID gave a massive
boost to the industry and has brought in a number of businesses and models in the market,
which are highly innovative and disruptive. The models serve a very huge and diverse
In a report by the World Economic Forum, around 1.2 billion children are out of
classrooms with schools shut down globally due to COVID-19 pandemic (Li & Lalani, 2020).
E-Learning and management platforms, such as Google Classroom, are helping the both the
ends of learners as well as trainers to meet and connect distantly, communicate efficiently,
and stay organized.
In the private sector, a number of biggies and multinational corporations are making
significant efforts to make the use of the opportunity and leverage technology to the market
players in support of distance education, remote, and online learning, especially during the
COVID-19 pandemic.
Challenges in the area of E-Learning
Online learning has already been experiencing rapid growth during the last few years. The
COVID-19 pandemic, however, made distance learning the only option available for
educators and students. As a result, eLearning started to get even more attention. New
eLearning webinars and courses appear all the time. You can also find more and more
tutorials on YouTube. While people have lost many opportunities to get the necessary
education and training in a traditional way, thanks to eLearning, education has become
more accessible than ever.
Perhaps, accessibility is the main advantage of online education. When students are not tied
to a particular place and moment, education becomes more flexible so students can adjust
the pace of their studies. Education can also become more effective because students can
revisit the necessary materials to better memorize information. As eLearning becomes more
and more common, we might learn about other effects of this approach and discover new
For example, when used along with gamification, eLearning can make the learning process
much more engaging. To create effective course content, educators need to understand the
process, with all its key concepts and skills involved. They should also understand the
limitations of eLearning and its possible downsides. Some features of students’ perception
and psychology may also have an impact on the effectiveness of the school’s eLearning
e-Learning has introduced some challenges and it certainly has its weak sides. It doesn’t
mean, however, that educators shouldn’t focus their effort on eLearning. To make sure that
all the effort will bring the best results, educators need to take into account the differences
between traditional education and e-Learning so that they can plan the learning process in
detail. Some of the most common e-Learning challenges identified are as:
1. Adjustment
First of all, switching to online learning itself can be difficult. Many people are used to
studying in a classroom, co-working space, or library. Online learning is accessible from
everywhere, it doesn’t require any specific physical space, but many students might need to
get used to it.
One of the main aspects that influence the transition to online learning is communication.
The traditional model of education enables students and teachers to interact freely.
Educators should do their best to ensure the same effectiveness of communication when it
comes to eLearning as well. Of course, real-time communication may be impossible when
students take classes at a different time. However, it’s important to make sure that they can
always get answers to any of their questions.
2. Visual Learning
Many people are visual learners, and traditional education is not quite optimized for the
needs of such students. The reason is that most types of media were designed for textual
content. E-Learning, however, can change the situation dramatically, with visual materials
becoming the main type of educational content.
The reason why eLearning puts focus on visual content is that educators want to improve
knowledge retention, and using visuals turns out to be the best approach. According to
research, people only retain about 10% of the information presented verbally. When they
see an image, however, they can remember up to 65% of the material. Such a phenomenon
is called the pictorial superiority effect.
Most educators who work on their eLearning programs are aware of this effect, and they
can use it to their advantage everywhere. For instance, they can simply replace text on
slides with images. Some educators might find it challenging to adapt to a completely new
approach, but the truth is that it’s more effective and it can improve the audience’s learning
3. Lack Of Clarity
The internet contains lots of information on any topic. eLearning enables students to
explore different areas of knowledge, having access to all kinds of sources. The abundance
of information, however, also has its negative side. According to research, eLearning can
cause a negative effect which is often called “lost on the internet.” When having too much
information available, students can lose direction and get disoriented by lots of irrelevant
The main reason why students may deal with this problem is not the abundance of
information itself but the lack of clarity when it comes to instructions. Without real-time
interaction with the instructor, students may not be sure about what is expected of them,
and what exactly their task is. Therefore, it’s important to provide students with clear
instructions and to make them as detailed as possible.
4. Lack Of Motivation
One of the challenges associated with eLearning is a lack of motivation. Students’
motivation directly depends on how engaging their online courses are. If a course is boring,
they will likely feel not motivated enough. When in class, students can get additional
motivation from their peers and teachers, but this is impossible when studying online.
On the one hand, eLearning is a great solution for well-motivated students who can adjust
the pace of their studies and learn more material at the same time. On the other hand,
students that are used to getting additional motivation in class may feel isolated. The
solution to this problem, as well as many other problems associated with eLearning, is
ensuring effective communication. We also recommend that educators put more effort into
recognition so that students can see that their efforts don’t remain unnoticed by teachers.
5. Decreased Knowledge Retention
Most eLearning courses are designed in a condensed way: big chunks of information are
separated into digestible portions that can be learned within short periods of time.
Educators may find out that their efforts don’t bring the desired results if they fail to
incorporate micro learning into their online courses. Micro learning is very effective because
it enables students to memorize bite-sized chunks of information, making their studies
focused and efficient.
At the same time, students should be able to evaluate their knowledge and to determine
the gaps in it. Therefore, we recommend that educators also give more online assessments.
Usually, online courses include an online test at the end of the training. However, educators
can also include additional tests at the end of each module or topic.
6. Weakened Logical and Intellectual Abilities
Many modern students are used to technology doing a lot of work for them. Various apps
and online tools help students collect information and perform problem-solving tasks. For
instance, modern students don’t need to analyze the context to understand the meaning of
an unfamiliar word. "e-Learning can make students lose their ability to reflect on a problem
and to think abstractly," adds Adam Simon, educator and chief editor at
LegitWritingServices. "They may rely heavily on a linear presentation of information,
without organizing their knowledge on their own."
This issue can be addressed by using quizzes. Quizzes stimulate abstract thinking and
encourage the brain to think hard, especially when a certain task should be completed
within a limited time. Quizzes can work not only as tools for testing the knowledge but also
as learning tools. For example, educators can present some processes or concepts in a form
of drag-and-drop exercises that are not graded. (Martinez, 2020)

Elearning is a major project of the Ministry of Education, Canada that provides students
with more choices to customize their education based on their strengths, needs, and
interests (Wadhwani & Gankar, 2020).
Spreading the concept of MOOC in India .
1. Adaptive Learning
Each of the students in a classroom is different. Thus, to bring all the resources, activities,
projects, and assignments on the board and tailoring it further in accordance to a learner’s
individual needs is known as the process of Adaptive Learning. E-Learning has been
successful in implementing the process of Adaptive Learning to a considerable measure. The
process of learning on the screens via internet and technology has made it possible for the
assessments to be free from all the arbitrary and biased elements of the human factors and
the judgement is in true form with the help of algorithms and predetermined conditioning.
However, to the maximum extent E-Learning has been able to make its reach, adaptive
learning has been merely an experiment in the market which is yet to be realized in its full
potential. There have been a number of executions and beta testing of the models. As the
sector continues to grow and evolve, the learning process will be accepted and adopted in
its practical form. There are still a number of platforms working on the basis of adaptive
2. Social Learning
Human is a social animal and the evolution of the mankind is the best example to how well
can a human being learn socially. Thus, social learning becomes one of the most basic
components of the human learning process and interaction in respect to group dynamics as
well as its application towards the modern technological age. Online communities, forums,
chat-rooms, and sharing booths are making it possible for the humans to learn socially once
again. Social learning in the online space does a great deal to the productivity as well as the
efficiency of the workforce in terms of organisational learning. Social learning in an
organisational structure makes it possible for the colleagues and the team mates to offer
their skills, expertise, and insights over a topical discussion with the experience like an
offline classroom.
Social learning is finding a great place for itself in the companies and organisations. But the
social learning process never stops. It keeps going on as the communities keep reflecting
their thoughts and insights which are endless. With social learning making a space for itself,
more competitors are going to enter this space and the learning process is going to become
a very strong spine to the wide and diverse curriculum of various institutes/companies.
3. Video Learning
Human learning process is categorised, in a very vague and general form however, into
three main components based on – visual approach, auditory approach, and kinaesthetic
approach. The kinaesthetic individuals are the ones that excel best in education when faced
with videos, vocals, and practical demonstrations, respectively. For a number of years in the
traditional educational classroom, despite the dichotomy, there was a group of auditory
earners who could make the best out of the opportunities. E-Learning has made it very easy.
With the advent of the e-Learning, video learning is becoming the next big upcoming trend.
Video learning in the world todays is making way for itself in a number of domains.
Especially in the training and educational institutes, video learning is getting preferred a
modern way of tech integration. Video learning is continuously dominating the market
space and going ahead with a tech upgrade which can improve the space as well as making
the best use of the video learning.
4. Artificial Intelligence
AI is no more the evil technology, at least for the human beings, and is completely safe to be
integrated with the tech tools and businesses. In the world today of IoT services, Siri,
Cortana, and Alexa are some of the predominant factors which are making it possible to
integrate homes with technology and experience a level upgrade in the era of the
AI is also getting equipped with e-Learning tools now and is going beyond the mobile
commands. AI has been helping the learners hit the right button to lead them to the right
course/direction and make statistical predictions about the on-going courses and thus can
help in making students aware about it. The potential of the industry of the e-Learning is
huge and tremendous, which makes it a limitless factor.
With alternative styles and needs of writing coming in, customers and the illustrator alike
can be the ones to expect more sophisticated versions which are more flexible and agile
frameworks. Within, however, consumers and instructors alike can expect more and more
sophistication, with more flexibility permitted when it comes to alternative learning styles
and needs.
5. Microlearning
Bigger steps at once might scare the learners off and this brings in the aspect of micro
learning. Small steps and continuous efforts can be a great way to learn and eradicate the
fear of learning and doing multi-phase projects. A number of students as well as
collaborative classrooms have experienced a great amount of ease and success in breaking
up the projects into multiple phases and thus further learning the phases in manageable
chunks. That too can be done in various forms of content like visual, audio-based, or textual.
A number of engaging activities further helps to interest the learners.
Also known as microlearning, a number of practical experiences and studies have found that
it becomes very easy as well as highly effective when lessons are broken up into multiple
pieces and not done at once. This aspect of education and learning also indicates the
intersection of the e-Learning and the traditional learning process. However, the
microlearning process hasn’t been implemented in the education on the common grounds
yet so far.
6. Gamification
Humans have the tendency to be challenged or played with. Games tend to do both of the
things. Without the factor of age being considered, learner is always more interested and
attentive to the learning when it is fun to learn. The process is identified to be more
receptive and digestive. This aspect of e-Learning is rapidly spreading over the screen of the
mobiles of the younger generation pushing them to learn unknowingly.
It is actually more than just fun and games. The games are on the lines of the lessons and
have proven benefits. It enhances the interactions of the human mind with the data being
shared on the screen in the form of a game. When understanding is up, so too is
engagement, retention, grades, and overall classroom happiness.
Gaming based studying is also finding its way to the classrooms now with a solution to
engage students in a better way, both digitally as well as physically. Additionally,
gamification of the e-Learning industry is not just welcomed but is being seen as one of
the most ideal solutions to continue in the sector of education (Gomez, n.d.).
7. Mobile Learning
Mobile learning is one of the most common forms of e-learning which is predominantly
visible in the surroundings. After the COVID outbreak, the aspect of m-learning has got an
even further push to be adopted and made use of. Although, it is not a very stringent part of
what comprises the actual traditional e-Learning process, the evolution of the learning
based on the mobile, or m-Learning, is certainly an appropriate trend to consider. Phones
have been turned into smartphones to do a lot more than just make phone calls. This is
probably the future that was seen by the mobile industry while making the first step
towards a smartphone handset. Most of the things can be done on-the-go making a human
being truly mobile.
Although, it is very common in many parts of the world, there are regions where the facility
is still behind the rate it should have been in the adoption and has a long way to go before it
gets completely viable for everyone and anyone to be used for the purpose of education
and awareness. Phone-based language-learning applications have been coming to the fore
making the complete scenarios even more viable and enhanced.
Mobile learning has made a great progress so far however there is still a need to have the
m-Learning architectures in place to embrace the same learning facets trends that eLearning
managed to do before it can become widespread and commonplace. That said, in the
future, there’s no doubt that m-Learning will grow to be huge.
8. Augmented & Virtual Reality
With even more enhanced features, better interaction opportunity, 360-degree visuals,
graphics overlays, and an explorable interface, augmented reality and virtual reality is the
talk of every aspect and domain of the industry around the world. These are making it even
more interesting for the learners to integrate the technology into the education system. It is
already that the paradigm that existed, of a teacher scribbling on a blackboard, has gone out
the window and there’s nowhere to go, but up.
The augmented and visual reality give an opportunity to the learners and the practitioners
to explore the world that they read and study about in a more close manner and have an
immersing experience into the subject matter. It doesn’t matter if the subject is in the
domain of mathematics, science, history, or literature. This aspect of technology is going to
take all the other factors too with a swing and the education industry, particularly the ELearning
industry to all the new heights. Video learning, gamification, and mobile learning
are going to be even more immersive and intact once they get introduced to the augmented
and virtual reality applications.
9. Learning Management Systems
Content management systems (CMS) are finding a new role for themselves after the advent
of education sector in to the online mode of collaboration. Earlier used to manage web
platforms, CMS is now being rapidly used by the institutes to create and store the digital
assets and content with safety and security. CMS has started expanding into the world of
Another aspect is the LMS. Instructors and other e-Learning practitioners are able to
develop, document, and administer the courses and curriculums that are produced.
LMS has enabled the institutes and the organisations to plan the future of the learning and
the course-correct. However, constant creation and curation does not work in any of the
two aspects or if it does, it is permitted by way of an LMS user’s ability to share information
and integrate materials at the last minute. As the new technologies make way into the
market before the customers, e-Learning specifically is going to become very easy and the
planning and management of the courses is going to be like a breeze, thus doing away with
the old analogue methods for good. As such, LMSs are here to stay.
10. Learning & Development
LMS and the associated system are not just about the planning and the implementation of
the course before the learners. They are, however expected to assist the teachers and
practitioners to collect enough data points so that the data can be worked upon and the
inference can be taken out through statistical and analytical tools. This can be of major help
to spread the awareness among all the people who are involved in the evaluations and
effective planning of the lesson and the overall course in the sue course of time while
playing a very critical role in learning & development alongside.
Otherwise known by the short form title, L&D is a strategy of managing the individual
performance and the parameters of the overall goals of the institutions. However, this
method has been applied commonly across the industries and has a very critical role to play
in the E-Learning as well. Hence, L&D helps teachers and the educators to apply the data
thus collected in a form, which can help to improve the ones lagging in their course or
All of the techniques that we have been discussing so far in the sections above like
gamification, augmented reality, micro learning, video learning, social learning, and adaptive
learning processes have all been inculcated out of the data collection and its analysis
towards the indications of success. As the trends in the E-learning continue, L&D and data
will continue to play and active role or the analysis and reporting. After all, it would be
difficult to advance and improve without the facts to back it up.
In a recent State of Higher Ed LMS Market for US and Canada report (Fall 2017), 87 percent
of institutions and 91 percent of student enrolments rely upon Blackboard, Canvas,
Moodle, or D2L Brightspace, but the PCMag reviews showed a different four winning the
Editors’ Choice awards (above bullet points). Blackboard remains the most popular LMS
(28 percent of institutions and 37 percent of enrollments), Canvas is hot on its heels,
accounting for 21 percent of institutions (up from 17 the previous year) and 27 percent of
enrolments (Hill, 2017).
Evolving online learning platforms in the world
In a matter of weeks, COVID-19 has brought new shifts in education. It has changed how
students and office workers around the world are getting educated.
This global pandemic is not necessarily a good time to brush up on skills as many are
working in essential business, working from home, trying to get new clients, or simply taking
care of their loved ones. But now, since the stay-at-home orders for most countries will
extend for several weeks, online classes are a great option to keep busy and productive.
Some of the most popular and accepted online learning platforms that offer a plethora of
courses from experts in various fields and professors at top universities are listed as:
MOOC stands for Massive Open Online Courses. This means the e-learning platform
provides an online learning experience to anyone that wishes to sign up.
1. Coursera
Coursera is a popular online education platform that offers courses from top education
providers around the world. Over the years, the company has grown rapidly and provides
the world’s best standards of education through MOOC.
This online learning platform partners with universities including Stanford, Duke, Penn,
Princeton, Michigan, Peking, and HEC Paris and companies like IBM, Google, and PwC.
Overall, they have 190 active partners from 48 countries.
2. Skillshare
Skillshare is an online education platform that is beneficial for both students and teachers.
The website offers thousands of courses related to design, business, marketing, technology,
photography, film, fashion, music, gaming, cooking, writing, DIY. crafts, and more.
Also, it offers referral compensation for teachers if any of the students subscribe to the
premium package.
3. Lynda.com (now LinkedIn Learning)
Lynda.com, now part of LinkedIn Leaning is an MOOC website that covers a wide variety of
creative, technology, and business courses. For over a decade, Lynda.com has been offering
informative and clear video-based training for individual, corporate, and academics. The site
is quite famous for teaching skills such as photography and coding.
Currently, the platform serves over 10,000 organizations, including renowned ones such as
Adobe, Full Sail University, Patagonia, NBC and USC.
4. Udacity
Udacity, Inc. is a for-profit MOOC platform that gives importance to job training. It also
offers a micro-credential called Nanodegree that focuses on in-demand skills in technology.
From artificial intelligence, self-driving cars, to robotics, they offer many courses that are
currently trending in technology.
The enterprise customers of Udacity include Accenture, AT&T, Cisco, Mazda, Shell and
more. GitHub, Bosch, BMW, Amazon, Google, Twitter, Mars, etc are some of their
renowned partners.
5. Udemy
Udemy is a popular online learning platform that gives people a chance to develop their
careers and explore a wide variety of hobbies. From web development to public speaking,
they offer a broad range of courses. Reputed companies like Booking.com, Lyft, Addidas,
and General Mills use the business plan of Udemy.
6. edX
edX is a MOOC platform that offers university-level online courses. It has over 120
institutional partners like Harvard, MIT, Berkeley, Delft, RWTH, Sorbonne and more.
These programs cover skill development courses for leisure purposes, meeting the demand
of the current job market and for students to get a better understanding of a subject.
(Top Online Learning Platforms in the World, 2022)
Emerging Role of OTT platforms in education
“Over-The-Top technologies are transforming the nature of how we receive content.”
Internetcapable devices often harness OTT through apps by third-party interfaces to deliver
content to
users anytime, anywhere. There’s a wide range of OTT platforms, including globally
renowned Netflix, Disney+, Amazon Prime Video , Brunei’s RTBGo and Malaysia’s own
Some reasons for the popularity and advent of OTT as an online learning platform.
1. OTT as a One Stop Solution
OTT offers an interactive e-learning platform, which also acts as a centralised
repository. The platform is where students and educators can have a two-way interaction
with all the tools at hand to ensure optimisation of resources. Virtual
technologies augmented by immersive video lectures, interactive quizzes, real-time
knowledge sharing and others are all examples of said tools. These tools are essential
in developing a positive environment conducive to learning. Furthermore, students will be
able to access a fair distribution of educational content, wherever they may be.
Brunei has integrated their education syllabus on RTBgo which can serve as
a supplementary VOD education centre for the people, alongside infotainment purposes.
India’s educational OTT platforms, such as Aagam and BYJUS, are use case examples of OTT
based blended learning techniques.
2. Data And Feedback
OTT enables interactive tools to be used to aid in two-way communications between users,
in which collected data is sent back into the platform. Educators can create and deliver
content, monitor learners’ participation and assess students’ performance through
combined efforts of online teaching and face-to-face instruction. Whereby also providing
students the ability to use interactive features such as threaded discussions, video
conferencing and discussion forum (Brush, 2019).
3. Flexibility To Adapt
OTT features that are highly adaptable, easily scalable and easily integrated will enable
educators to keep abreast of things. Educators can make learning exciting and enriching to
prepare students for a technology-driven world.
New technology has seen advancements in virtual reality (VR), artificial intelligence (AI),
machine learning and cloud computing. These advancements will give rise to innovative
adaptations for future learning application modules. An adaptable OTT Platform can easily
integrate these modules .This in turn will enable students to learn according to their
capability and capacity.
4. Cost Effective
Aside from the required initial investment in technical infrastructure, blended learning can
reduce costs in a variety of ways. The first way is to refocus students towards online or
ondemand features of an OTT education platform. This will cause a reduction of physical
infrastructure, such as classrooms, libraries, laboratories and other ensuing facilities.
Furthermore, reused and repurposed online course materials can also reduce cost,
overhead and timely delivery of said materials. Initial recorded lectures can reduce time
spent on physical lectures.
5. Launching An OTT Platform is not difficult or time consuming
A successful OTT platform requires a provider that offers on demand developers to build
something that is custom-tailored to the vision - from visualization to Cloud or on-site
launching of the OTT.


The purpose of this study was to explore the general expansion and the growth of the
eLearning platforms in the education industry and locate the integral points which have been
playing a key role in the growth as well as acting as challenge to the growth of the aspects.
The study also tried to explore the different aspects of the e-Learning mechanism and the
process related to them to understand what they are going to impact in the near future and
how is the impact going to be rolled out. The focus of the study was to understand the
potential scope and opportunities for the sector and its growth.
The information thus collected and the aspects explored throughout the study suggest that
the industry holds a huge potential however the challenges are going to stay for some time.
With the new technologies making an advent into the market, the transition of the
technology will be a great factor which will impact the adoption of the e-Learning methods
across the globe.


Gaps in Online Learning

Online learning is a tool. It can be used to address the needs of any group of learners. If
helping less proficient students reach their potential is a goal (and it should be), online
learning can be designed to achieve that goal. Today, the problem is not with online
courses per se, it is with the design of most online programs. Just as many large, in-class
lectures do not support the needs of less proficient students, most of today’s online
programs are built as extensions of their on-campus classes and, therefore, achieve the
same results.
Instead of thinking about a new online initiative—whether it’s a single course or an entire
degree program—as a generic rework of an on-campus course, we must approach it as an
entirely new educational experience. One that embraces adaptive learning techniques and
demands that we evaluate all the requirements and ensure the program is designed with
specific learners in mind.
Online learning experiences that embrace learner variability can be designed to be
engaging, differentiating and produce great student experiences and outcomes—for those
with strong academic skills as well as less proficient students.
The concept of human support in online learning is an important one. There are few
scenarios in which a learning experience can be fully automated and asynchronously
delivered. In fact, it could argue that especially in situations where there is a mix of
academically advanced and challenged students, purely asynchronous learning is not the
right fit.
Frequently, when online learning falls short, the experience has been designed without
regard for the students’ needs. Learner needs should be the primary consideration and the
learning experience should support those.
Observations and Predictions
e-learning is going to see a very rapid upsurge in the coming times. Some of the main factors
which have pushed the growth of the e-learning are COVID outbreak, internet accessibility,
technological advancements, and the access to technology. The remaining group of people
who have been missed out of the coverage of the E-Learning are the ones remaining due to
the lack of access of the technological devices. This has raised some of the critical concerns
in the boardrooms of a number of corporate organizations, which have again started racing
towards the new goal – enhanced access of tech solutions to the market.
Another critical factor which has been a challenge to the adoption of the e-Learning process
has been the skillset and capability of the workforce to operate and indulge into the
technological oriented solutions and make the optimum use of it. Aspects of the e-Learning
are going to be welcomed in the near future with raised spirits and the scope of growth
sown by the industry is huge.

While going through the literature, various problems which the implementation of MOOC are
already facing some issues. Recent pandemic has given opportunity to implement mooc
concept. Though UGC in its new education policy adopted MOOC through SWAYAM. But fully
implementation is an issue. Not enough study been done on the strength and resilience of
MOOC to sail through the turbulent shock of pandemic. Hence this research gap provides the
scope of further studies: -

Literature Review Literature detail Gap

• Less number of learners do • Shaikh (2017)
not have awareness about • Singh and Chauhan (2017)
MOOCs or have a negative
perception of it.
• It’s difficult to offer MOOCs • Devi, Rita (2019)
in various languages,
Internal factors that are
considering India as a
responsible for the problems
multilinguistic land.
faced by MOOC in India are
• Less enrolment due lack of
access to technology.
• Greater dropout rate, as its
difficult to maintain interest
– Indian education having
been greatly invested in F2F
• Investments not happening • Sharma and Sharmila,
as expected. Public Private (2022)
Partnerships need greater
External factors hinder the
smooth entrepreneurial
• Social influence has an • Venkatesh et al., (2003)
journey of business owners
influence on an individual • Rosaline and Wesley, (2017) and MOOC are not been
when it comes to technology • Persada et al., (2019) evaluated.
usage. Study reveal that the
young generation rely on
family, friends and peers
opinion when it comes to
digital learning.
• Virtual/Augmented Reality The agile tactics and approach
applied in education could has helped some of MOOC in
play a better role need to be facing and overcoming the
deployed (Which of course, severity of pandemic are not
is deficient in India due to been identified.
less access of technology)
• Changing models of access Chrestensen (2011)
and decommercialization of
knowledge means that the
MOOCs meet the disruption
criteria by transforming the
expensive and inaccessible
higher education sector into
one that is open, accessible,
and affordable
• The enthusiasm with which Dellarocas & Van Alstyne (2013)
universities around the world Impact of disruption in the
are entering into agreements economy and preparedness of
with MOOCs indicates that MOOC have not been
there appears to be little clarity identified.
about how the MOOC will earn
money and no consistency in
the business approach.
• The increasingly active Weller, Siemens, & Cormier
involvement of for-profit (2012)
companies in the online
learning environment
significantly increases the risk
of knowledge colonisation and
the potential for disruption is

Firstly, a specific preliminary documentary search was conducted with the aim of identifying
previous SLRs about the concept of e-learning. The following table presents the search
terms and databases used and the number of results obtained. Of the total of 54 articles
found, six were selected, whose main objective was to identify the research lines or trends
in e-learning. This preliminary search and selection showed the need to carry out a SLR
focused on analyzing the research trends on e-learning in the period of 2009–2018. The
previous SLRs were carried out between the years 2001–2005 and 2003–2008.
For the selection of keywords, the term Electronic Learning was used, based on its inclusion
in Thesaurus ERIC and its identification as a preferential concept over other terms such as
online learning or mobile learning. In the documentary search, the synonym e-learning was
used, for being the most widely used in the specialized literature.
Despite the major contribution in economy of the country, why the MOOCs have to face basic
challenges and receive less support from the government in comparison to SMEs in other
countries. As India as inspiring to be $ 5 trillion economy, it is very much in interest of the
government and country to provide support and encouragement to SME’s owner and make the
process of business less complicated.


1) Which internal factors are responsible for the problems faced by MOOC / e-learning in
2) Which external factors hinder the smooth entrepreneurial journey of business owners
and MOOCs/e-learning?
3) Which agile tactics and approach has helped some of MOOCs/e-learning in facing and
overcoming the severity of pandemic?
4) How can any e-learning prepare itself in facing disruption in the field of training and


Market Demand for Professional Content Providers For Sophisticated Course

Materials To Train Or Educate Employees And Students
Source: sminsights.com
A number of administrations around the world have come up with advancements and
integrations of technology in their usual traditional models of education and services. With
the advent of digitalization, they have got a major push over the recent years.
There is a lot of encouragement and promotion of the online learning services in the
government run institutions as well. Economic Development and Social Welfare are also two
of the topics which are being looked upon to be worked through the digital approach. Elearning
is a major project of the Ministry of Education, Canada that provides students
with more choices to customize their education based on their strengths, needs, and
interests (Wadhwani & Gankar, 2020).
Objective of this research is to have a deep understanding of MOOCs through e-learning lenses
of people. Research would be conducted to find and logically analyze the problems of employers
in a bracket of Rs 50 crore to Rs 250 crore turnover. Surveys would be conducted through
convenience sampling. Target would be to collect data from 200 SMEs in the form of
questionnaire and interviews.

1) To identify the internal factors are responsible for the problems faced by e-
learning,MOOC in India.
2) To identify the external factors hinder the smooth entrepreneurial journey of business
owners and e-learning.
3) To find agile tactics and approach to implement the e-learning/MOOCs in facing and
overcoming the severity of pandemic.
To find out the challenges faced by SME owners during and post pandemic.

E-Learning market Size, By Provider

Now, although the governmental bodies and the authorities of the government are using
the services like video conferencing and online learning techniques to reach out to the
masses in the phase of COVID, there seems to be a major gap in the human resource in
India. On the other hand, the Department of Health, Australia has begun with a module for
the workers in the healthcare sector via the mode of online training. The learning
encompasses the fundamental aspects of the infection and awareness about the control &
prevention of COVID-19. WHO is also trying very hard and has been very active in the role of
educating and making people aware about the virus prevention, control & hygiene.
In all these considerations, Asia Pacific market is coming up as the hub of the online
education and has the title of fastest growing online education market in the world.
However, Both India stands at the top for the largest market of online education. Some of
the major private players in the industry in these specific regions are Aptara, Cisco, Oracle,
Adobe, and Blackboard.
The biggest market, E-Learning market in the North America has got about 40% of the global
industry share. The technological adoption is growing throughout the region at a fast pace
which is becoming the reason for the region to grow rapidly. A number of corporate
organizations have also started adopting the means of E-Learning to train and educate their
employees. This has also been of paramount importance to the industry to save time while
enhancing the productivity of the employees. The biggies are also trying to incorporate the
full-fledged solutions like software-based technologies to keep a track of the performance
of the employees on the daily or weekly basis by monitoring and analysing the day to day
However, it is still very difficult for the smaller organizations to invest in the technological
advancements and focus on the surrounding aspects of the main operations. But these
hurdles and problems for the small businesses have also brought in the factors of
opportunity and have encouraged a number of service providers in the market to offer LMS
hosted services. These services make it possible for the small businesses to have their
software solutions hosted on a third party resource and use Software as a Service.
Additionally, content developers in the region have been coming up with modules of
training with a considerable degree of customization, engagements, and quality of the
content. These are altogether driving more competition in the market of the E-Learning
The research is going to be descriptive in nature. Secondary source of data will be collective by
literature reviews. Primary data will be collected through field research by collecting samples.
Non probability sample design will be applied. As the study will be conducted mainly in Delhi
and NCR region so convenience sampling will be used for the collection of data. Survey will be
conducted through questionnaire and interviews. Mixed method comprising of both quantitive
and qualititive research will be taken into consideration. Causal relationship between variables
will be determined. Research design and sample design will be carefully studied prior field
research in order to minimise sampling error. Analysis of the data will be done to establish the
relation between causal variables. Research would be planned and conducted in such a way to
minimise biases and adhere to research ethics.

Limitations of the research would be highlighted if any so the it gives the notion of research gaps
and scope of further study to research scholar aspiring to seek truth.

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Fatehpur- Tanda, Jeevanwala, P.O. - Doiwala, Dist. - Dehradun (Uttarakhand) - India-248140
Phone No.- 9927026351 Email- himuni2019@gmail.com Website- www.himalayiyauniversity.in

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