Name: Zoya Raza Khan Course: SHRM Faculity: DR Shahnawaz Adil Assignment: Investment Prespective

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1) Develop your own arguments against the key learning outcomes (KLOs) of
the following articles (enclosed):
A-The Hidden Leverage of Human Capital
Human resources is essentially pursued by numerous companies since Human
Resource (HR) Managers want the best staff for their organizations and
associations. Staff should initially be enlisted and prepared for them to figure out
their obligations. The upsides of this strategy are that faculty are thoroughly
prepared and will utilize what they have realized at work. The burden of this
strategy is its significant expense. Representative preparation is additionally
tedious, and a few workers might lose trust and leave the work.
The association can benefit from representatives' capacities by allotting them work
in their specialized topics. This empowers them to extend their output (Lawler and
Boudreau, 2020). Representatives can likewise be taken on supplemental classes
after a timeframe to exhibit what has been added to the work they are as of now
performing. Moreover, staff may be urged to teach themselves on how best to work
on their efficiency.
The HR expert will assume a basic part in enlisting specific people for the firm.
They are accountable for deciding how workers can be remunerated in case of an
emergency (Storey, 2016). They are accountable for representative government
assistance. Human asset pioneers are liable for guaranteeing that there are no
struggles among staff and purchasers. Human asset experts can give proposals to
the organizations to which they have been enrolled.
The organization's initiative ought to ensure that it initiates qualified staff (Lawler
and Boudreau, 2020). It guarantees consistence with work systems. On the off
chance that it abuses the practices, it will confront legitimate activity. Along these
lines, it tries to guarantee that it addresses its own issues to be useful. The
organization ought to get human resources that has achieved the legitimate
working age and has the vital capabilities. Also, faculty ought to be of sound brain.
I would have the vision of effectively driving the firm. Also, I would have set goals
I need to see their accomplishment for the firm. This will help with persuading me
to perform well in my work. At last, I would frame the targets that should be
achieved by the decision of a predefined time span. They will help with
guaranteeing that the errand is finished accurately.
The key to a satisfied staff is effective leadership
In order to build an effective organization and leverage the skills and talents that
existing employees possess, an effective leader must be committed to modeling the
type of behavior that he or she desires for the staff to emulate on a daily basis and
be willing to:
• Communicate the organization’s vision to all employees;
• Provide the tools and training necessary to empower employees to do their jobs
• Involve staff in making decisions that will ultimately impact them;
• Delegate responsibility to encourage professional growth for all employees; and
• Listen to employee input in order to create a true sense of teamwork
among the workforce.
If implemented effectively, this behavior will result in establishing a
partnership with employees where everyone is pulling in the same
direction, at the same time, and with a similar effort in order to reach the
credit union’s strategic objectives and goals.
 Common obstacles to creating effective employee partnerships
Without a clear vision of the benefits of creating this type of work
environment. where employees are engaged as true work partners –
leaders can fall into one of two categories of reluctance to change:
Either they operate from a model where decisions are made based on their
perspective alone or they don’t know where to begin to create a more team-based
Unfortunately, some leaders may continue to exhibit bad leadership habits that
were passed along to them as they climbed the management ladder. This prevents
the creation of a more productive work environment, hinders talented staff from
reaching their potential and creates unnecessary attrition. This can ultimately lead
to a loss of members if the level of consistent, caring, quality service they expect
 Finding the right balance is the key to success
In addition to knowing the right combination of products and services
required to compete in today’s financial services environment, effective
leaders realize the important role highly motivated, knowledgeable
employees play in creating long-term account holder relationships.
Create a collaborative environment where employees are well-trained and
empowered to work at full capacity, and people will notice. Because even in
today’s highly automated world, nothing can replace the value that knowledgeable,
caring member service can bring to a business transaction experience. And when
consumers find that level of support, it won’t take long for word to spread to others
who are looking for that same type of financial services relationship.
B- Seven common misconceptions about HR practices 
7 Human Resource Best Practices (A mini-guide to HRM)
1. Providing security to employees
2. Selective hiring: Hiring the right people
3. Self-managed and effective teams
4. Fair and performance-based compensation
5. Training in relevant skills
6. Creating a flat and egalitarian organization
Making information easily accessible to those who need
7 Human Resource best practices, which touch upon all areas of HR; from hiring
and training to offering job security and the creation of an open culture in which
people can share knowledge and ideas.
When implemented, these best practices form the basis of effective Human
Resource Management. However, implementation alone isn’t enough. These best
practices also need to align with what the rest of the business is doing. Selective
hiring is great but what kind of profiles do you hire? This depends on the
characteristics of employees that fit what the organization is looking for. And what
capabilities do you train your employees on? These should also align with the
organizational strategy.
C-Producing SCA through the effective management of people:
Key HR the executives (HRM), is seen as an arranged construction of HR being
utilized by a firm and different exercises that are focused on towards
accomplishing the hierarchical objectives
The thought in their portrayal of vital HRM is the capacity of a firm to impact its
exhibition with the administration of its HR and furthermore consolidate with
different exercises to make it a framework, as opposed to a solitary substance at an
essential level.
Successful administration of HR includes exercises which bring about satisfactory
stockpile of proficient representatives to the association, fulfillment and
maintenance of useful workers, high work execution, and expanded productivity
for the endeavor.

Associations are working in a dynamic and competitive environment. They need to

make and support an upper hand if they have any desire to get by and develop.
A customary wellspring of upper hand has been disintegrated. Presently it is
accepted that efficiency is through individuals.
Individuals give an association a wellspring of upper hand. Different examinations
have inferred that an association's HR can be a critical wellspring of upper hand.
The human element is the main hierarchical asset that can foster an upper hand.
Porter contends that individuals are turning into an extraordinary separating
factor. Chiefs ought to choose those individuals who are more astute, better
prepared, more spurred, and more dedicated.
Jeffry Pfeffer, in his renowned book "Human condition," contends that the
wellspring of upper hand has moved after some time.
Fruitful organizations of the USA for their supported benefit will generally depend
not on innovation, licenses, or vital position, but rather on the manner in which
they deal with their labor force.

Achieving competitive success through people requires a basic change in how

managers think about their employees and how they view the working relationship.
For gaining competitive advantage through people,
Professor Pfeffer of Harvard University suggested few HRM guidelines and
these are listed below:
 Employment security.
 Selective recruiting.
 High and lucrative wages.
 Incentive pay.
 Employee ownership.
 Employee empowerment and participation.
 Information sharing.
 Training and development of skills.
 Treat people with respect and dignity.
 Wage compression.
 Promotion from within

It is of vital importance to encourage employee promotion from within the

organization. This practice may boost employee morale. It encourages training and
skill development because of the availability of promotion opportunities within the
firm bind workers to employers and vice versa.

Another example of a company with a sustainable competitive advantage is Apple,

the maker of Apple computers, as well as iPods, iPhones and iPads. For many
years, Apple has been the leader in the cell phone industry, outperforming other
popular phones such as Blackberry.
2-How does Southwest Airlines link their employee needs satisfaction and
organizational capabilities to gain a competitive advantage? Explain in light
of the facts and figures given in the case study?
Southwest Airlines
Southwest is productive on account of two factors: its low expenses and the
dedication of its clients. Its low costs come from various sources. Southwest offers
a nitty gritty way to deal with client care. No suppers are served ready, and there
are no top of the line seats. Southwest doesn't buy into the large reservation PCs
utilized by travel planners since it considers the booking charges excessively
As the southairline industry grows, airline are always looking for new ways to
constantly change and evolve information systems. The evolution of information
systems allows employees and customers to become more responsive allowing for
safer and faster travel. In today’s competitive airline industry, Jet Airways see
flying as one of the fastest and easiest ways to cover long distances in the shortest
time possible. In order to cover such great distances in such a short amount of time,
there are four basic factors to consider. Improving technology within the airline
industry includes efficiency, speed, safety and comfort. The speed in which the
process can be improved relies solely on how well an airline can adapt and
overcome any obstacles in the MIS process. As time goes on, the more effective
and efficient, the more safety measures airliner can make produce, the better the
process will be. Every season/year innovation and establishment of technology
with inside the airline industry becomes more unavoidable; making airline research
and develop the leading cause widening the scopes of improvement for MIS. Some
examples of improving air transport information systems can include self-checking
kiosk, check-in via mobile phones, security and baggage check-in and in-flight
entertainment/connectivity (Wi-Fi). Currently Jet Airways primary objective is to
optimize revenues while maximizing customer/employee satisfaction. IBM and Jet
Airways have signed a strategic business transformation agreement back in 2010
valued at over 62 million dollars; this effort is to update/improve IT within the
airline industry (Jet Airways). By Jet Airways focusing on IT this will dramatically
improve the company’s business strategy. As the two companies brought together,
IBM's space information will give the most recent mechanical arrangements
working to change Jet Airways air terminal activities, direct conveyance and
regular flier projects.
E-business is developing like never before previously. Aircrafts should defeat leaps
rapidly by utilizing the On-Demand economy innovation frameworks;
consequently is additionally utilized for working on the consumer loyalty. Client
Relationship Management (CRM) is the cycle wherein organizations are liable for
consumer loyalty. The "need it, get it and use it, 'mindset /experience is a plan of
action where Jet Airlines is as of now utilizing. Adding beneficial associations with
innovation rises to progress in deals, client reliability and by and large expanded
profits from ventures. One manner by which Jet Airways gets input is by email.
This Epsilon stage will actually want to affirm enlistment, get welcome messages,
and give buy compliances.
The board data frameworks gives organizations structure /input, by carrying out
frameworks so the clients/workers can appreciate/direct any given framework. This
occurs by acquiring client/representative connections/criticism which is then
utilized to execute more IT frameworks.
The significance of picking the right reasonable data framework will give
supervisors the chance to see and notice space for framework plainly improvement.
By having a reasonable spotlight on what clients/representatives need to make their
experience/work more effective, the smoother and more productive an organization
can turn Improving IT is virtually endless and the more that a company keeps a
tight eye on evolving IT, the more of a change that company will have with inside
the airline industry.
Thank u

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