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Control Systems

Advanced Control Systems Features

Central control
• Handy area settings simplify detailed management of VRV system.

intelligent Touch Manager maximises the • Display of floor plans enables a quick search of desired air
conditioning units.
• Operation history shows manner of control and origin in past
advantages of VRV features operations of air conditioning units.

intelligent Touch Manager is an advanced multi-zone controller that provides the most cost-effective way to control
and monitor the Daikin VRV system. Remote access
The 10.4" LCD touch screen is easy to use with three different screen views to include the floor plan layout view, icon • Remote access with a PC allows total air conditioning management using the same type of screens as those
displayed in the intelligent Touch Manager.
view and list view and menus for system configurations.
• Authorised users can centrally control individual air conditioning units from their own computers.
It is also easy to use with standardized remote Web Access from your PC.
It can manage a total of 650 management points consisting of up to 512 Daikin indoor unit groups ( up to 1024 indoor
units ) along with building equipment control / monitoring with Digital Inputs / Output ( Di/Dio ) , Analog Inputs / Output
( Ai/Ao ) and Pulse input ( Pi ) optional devices.
Automatic control
• VRV systems are controlled automatically throughout the year by the schedule function.
intelligent Touch Manager System Overview • Interlocking VRV system and other equipment enables easy automation of building facilities operation.
• Setback adjusts temperature settings even when rooms are unoccupied.
Up to 512 groups
(1024 indoor units)

Air Conditioning Up to 650

Network Service System
management points
Energy management
• The Energy Navigator feature simplifies
energy management by tracking energy
One D -NET system
consumption data and identifying inefficient
Max. 64 indoor unit groups (128 indoor units) operation.
iTM Plus Adaptor
100Mbps Max. 64 indoor unit groups

USB 2.0 Di/Pi port Troubleshooting

Flash drive
Di/Pi Line
Max. 64 indoor unit groups • Contact information of maintenance contractors can be registered and displayed.
• E-mails are sent automatically to alert of malfunctions and potential trouble.
Web Access via
• The intelligent Touch Manager can link to the Air Conditioning Network Service System for 24-hour monitoring of
operating conditions and status.

Control Systems
Max. 64 indoor unit groups

Web Access
via LAN Up to 7 Adaptors Scalability
• A single intelligent Touch Manager can manage a small building or be expanded to handle medium- to
Residential A/C
Fire alarm kWh meter WAGO I/O up to 30 nodes large-sized buildings.

BACnet / IP
• BACnet connection with a wide range of building equipment.
Air Handling Unit 3rd party
Lighting Pump Fan Sensor Keycard switch • WAGO Ao and Pi are newly supported and connectable WAGO modules are added.
BACnet controller

63 64

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