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Git basics and PyCharm

Plan for today

1. Basics
a. source control
b. full history of development
c. milestones of working software
2. Clone a project/import a project into IDE
3. Tracking changes to files (incl. new files)
a. Commit. Pulling before commiting
b. Push
4. Working with branches
a. Benefits (revert in TDD after going in a wrong direction)
b. How are branches used in practice
c. Merge/Pull requests. 4 eyes principles. Connection to CI/CD
5. Commiting for Open Source (if we have time)
a. Forking (incl. Forking a forked git)
Basics What is git?
● Software for source code management
○ Fancy way of saying: “takes care of your sources”
○ Current state but also complete history of development
○ Fantastic for group/team work

● Are git and github the same thing?

○ No. Git is CLI software/protocol
○ Github is a webapp. There are many other available!
○ (But) they work very very well together
Basics Commands
● Clone → make a local copy of a project on your disk
● Add → let git know to track a file
● Status, Commit → “save” the changes. Attention! This is not uploading
the changes on the git server
● Push → Uploading these chances and make them available to
○ Attention to when files have changed meanwhile
● Pull → Download changes that have been uploaded meanwhile
● Rebase; merge → combine local with remote changes (if they collide)
Basics Objects
● Project
● File
● Commit message
● Log
● Branches
● Pull/Merge requests
○ Commiter
○ Reviewer
Git in action
PyCharm Demo (btw

A nice tutorial:

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