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Before going to group 

planing exercise
here are some  tips for you:
1. Keep time limit in mind.
2. Prioritize the different tasks, don't just randomly do anything.
3. Try to assume hidden resource even if it is not mentioned (if there is a river, there must be
huge water and fish also-just an example).
4. Listen to other's plan as well, you are not alone, its a group task. 
5. Divide the group logically for faster and safer accomplishment of tasks.
6. Try to use safe method, never put yourself in dangerous situation intentionally.
7. Read the situation carefully, note down the correct timings in your mind, all tasks must be
with respective to time taken and time left.

Group Planning Exercise-4 Map:

Source: Shankars SSB Academy

Group Planning Exercise-4 Situation:

You are 8 students from city Deer had gone for boating on the riverside.  You had parked yourself on the
southern side of the river at a point A.  While your friends were boating, you were going to village Tiger to
bring drinking water.  While crossing the Railway line, you notice that one fish plate of the  Railway line
has been found completely removed.  A boy came running to inform you that he overheard 5 terrorists
planted a powerful road mine to kill the Chief Minister who will be passing in one hour time.  The
terrorists were hiding in the nearby jungle.  At the same time, one villager came to inform you that a
tigress has mauled 2 young girls and they are lying unconscious in the jungle.  Just then another man
informs that his haystack was on fire and wanted your help.  There is a Police post and a PCO in Vill Lion.
A messenger from PCO enquires your name and informs that your mother is seriously ill and your
presence is immediately required.  When you start moving, you see a young beautiful daughter of Pradhan
of Vill Tiger, who was walking along with you, just slips and falls in the ground well.  But you do not
know swimming.  The Vill Pradhan has got 5 guns with him.  The train will pass through your location at
1600 hrs.  A half an hour bus service is available between cities Deer and Bear.  A number of carts are
available in Vill Fox.  There is a motor boat which can travel at a speed of 10 KM per hr.  Time now is
1415 hrs.  You have got a jeep with you,being a young and brave students what will you do ?

tasks (priority wise).

* to stop the bomb from diffusing(to save life of cm).
* to stop any casuality due to train accident.
* to save two girls who has been mauled by tigers.
* mother's illness.
* to save pradhan daughter who has fell into the well.

* our own taxi.
* motor boat. 
* guns five.


on getting to know about the broken fish plate will return back to boating site. then I ll go to vil lion on motor boat with
one friend. then I ll also tell my friends to reach vill tiger. I ll meet at vil tiger with police. At vill lion I ll inform police
abt the terrorist attack and abt railway line. from pco I ll tell my neighbour friend to admit my mother in city hospital at
dear. go at the spot where bomb was to explode and help anti squad team in diffusing the bomb. some of us with
police with go to the forest to catch terroist and then help girls who has been mauled by the tigress.also inform railway
authorities to stop any train to pass. den help in saving pradhan daughter. after that we will leave for our city dear and
see mother admitted.

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