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What Is Christian Counseling?

By Tiara Blain Published on January 07, 2022

Medically reviewed by Margaret Seide, MD

Weerajata Jatarupamaya / EyeEm / Getty Images

Table of Contents

What Is Christian Counseling?

Types of Christian Counseling

Techniques of Christian Counseling

What Christian Counseling Can Help With

Bene�ts of Christian Counseling


What Is Christian Counseling?

Christian Counseling
Christian counseling is a type of therapy that integrates traditional
talk therapy methodologies with Christian belief practices by
incorporating theological concepts. [1] It focuses on the navigation of
spiritual concerns and everyday life struggles encountered by

Someone may decide to receive Christian counseling if they are seeking

spiritual advisory. This form of counseling may be considered valuable to
those already within the Christian faith hoping to gain further guidance,
as well as those searching for a greater understanding of the religion

Christian counseling can be embedded into one’s usual sessions with a

therapist or psychologist if this arrangement has been discussed with the
client and mental health professional. It can also be administered by a
spiritual leader such as a pastor, minister, priest, etc.
Religious counseling has been conducted by spiritual advisors for
centuries, but it wasn't introduced into psychotherapy until more recently.
Ironically, the history of psychology actually began with theology. Since
most Americans identify themselves as having a religious a�liation, a
large portion of which are Christian, it is important to have the
opportunity to receive Christian Counseling. [2] 

Types of Christian Counseling

While there aren't necessarily any types of Christian counseling, there are
multiple subcategories in which Christian counseling can be integrated
into such as psychotherapy, Christian psychology, Bible counseling, and
Pastoral counseling. Each of these categories are all very di�erent and
o�er varying contributions to a person's life.

Christian Counseling With Psychotherapy

It's possible for psychotherapy to incorporate Christian counseling. A
psychologist or therapist may practice a form of Christian counseling if
they are equipped with adequate experience to give spiritual advice. [3]

Some therapists may consider spirituality and religion to be important

topics to discuss with clients, but some still remain hesitant to cross that
line. The decision to include religion in sessions must be determined by
both the client and therapist.

Christian Psychology
Christian psychology usually involves therapy sessions with a Christian
psychologist. These psychologists are also referred to as integrationists
because they seek to integrate Christianity into psychology. [1]

Christian psychology incorporates both psychological theories and

theological approaches to talk therapy by using biblical concepts with
psychotherapy practices. [4]
This form of psychology may also include a focus on the subject of God’s
grace in that God forgives sins and o�ers His love. 

Bible Counseling
Biblical counseling uses the Bible as a guide in counseling individuals as
opposed to psychological theories. [1] Content in the Bible is studied as an
exempli�cation of virtuous acts.

Counselors attempt to connect its meanings to the present world and

personally relate its content to an individual’s life. This form of Christian
counseling is more so practiced in Protestant denominations within a
religious setting or theological institution. 

Pastoral Counseling
Pastoral Counseling is counseling either provided by a pastor or by one
who has received graduate credentials in ministry and counseling. [1] It is
similar to psychotherapy but takes place within a religious facility and
focuses more on spirituality while also integrating psychology.

Although Biblical counseling is only related to Protestantism, Pastoral

counseling is more diverse and is a shared practice throughout

Techniques of Christian Counseling

Christian Counseling techniques will be similar to that of traditional
therapy with the incorporation of Christian belief practices such as prayer
and bible reading:

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy
Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) could be involved in Christian
counseling with a therapist. This type of CBT is considered Religious
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (RCBT), which helps an individual process

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