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ICT and its Impact

by shashwat singh , IX E
What is ICT ?
• ICT stands for information and communications technology
• ICT has revolutionised the way we work and live on a daily basis both in our
working environment and in our personal lives.
ICT’s impact on our work lives

• ICT , for work, can be used to manage a buisness,store and process

data, and present information to clients etc;
• In our work lives, ICT has impacted
• Decision-making capabilities
• Data availability
• Better presentation tools
• Better connectivity among buisnesses
iCT Skills needED at workplace

• Some ICT skills needed at workplace are –

• Creating various types of documents such as text documents,spreadsheets,presentations etc;
• Using internet for browsing
• Sending/recieving e-mails
• Using connectivity software like – skype
Ict tools
• Ict tools are devices or objects used in information and
communication technology
• Some commonly used ICT tools are –
• Computers and laptops
• Smartphones and tablets
• Radio and TV
• internet and e-mail
• Computers and Laptops. These are the electronic devices that have a
specific processorand that work as per programs and software loaded on
them. While the term computerrefers to a desktop computer, laptop refers
to a lighter version of computer that can fit on your lap, hence the name.
Laptops can easily be carried to other place as well.
• Smartphones and Tablcts. The smartphone is a handheld device that has
combinedcellular telephony with an integrated computer like tiny
processor, operating systemand ability to access Internet and run software
applications (mobile apps).
• A Tablet is a cousin of smartphone, which is capable of doing nearly all
that asmartphone can do, with small differences like:Tablets are larger in
size than mobile phonesSome tablets do not provide cellular telephony.
• Radio and TV. Radio is the oldest tool and provides entertainment via audio
only tomasses. These days even online radios are available.
• Television or TV is the audio-visual medium that can play audio as well as
video. Thereare multiple TV channels available these days catering to
diverse interests of the people.
• Internet and Email. The nternet refers to the worldwide network of
interconnected servers that are connected to many networks. Using
Internet, one gets connected toworldwide network of computers and can
access information from any part of the world.The email is a facility of
Internet which allows one to send mails electronically in aflash of second.
The full form of email is Electronic-Mail.

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