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Nowadays, teachers have become an indispensable part of

our society. They not only contribute to the rise of knowledge in

a given society but open opportunities in front of millions of
students. However, one major debate arises: whether a teacher’s
ability to relate well with students is more important than
excellent knowledge of the subject being taught. I believe that a
teacher’s chemistry with the class is vital for the class’s success.
Firstly, teachers whose relationship with the student is based
on honesty and kindness tend to have a better reputation.
Furthermore, students of those teachers are more likely to
succeed in the given class, as they are more inclined to ask
questions and understand the subject rather than fearing the
teacher and searching for aid elsewhere. Also, let’s not forget
that a better understanding of the subject will ultimately lead to
better grades, resulting in a better class average, thus, the teacher
is not only gaining her students’ trust but better class averages at
the same time.
Secondly, a teacher’s role is not limited to teaching, he is
also able to offer guidance and advice. Moreover, students who
trust their teachers are more prone to asking them personal
questions when it seems that there’s nobody but them to light
the way, and oftentimes teachers’ experience comes in handy for
a lot of students, especially ones who are applying to college
(juniors/seniors). Let’s not forget that students will opt to ask for
their letters of recommendation from teachers with whom they
share a special bond. Hence, teachers become more than just
tools for education but also comrades and supporters for their
Indeed, a teacher has a huge influence over a student’s
future. The way teachers present the subject in class is critical
when forming one’s passion. For instance, one math teacher can
make you hate the subject because of the way they present it,
thus you begin losing interest, and your grades consequently go
down, however, when presented correctly, a student may find
himself imagining a future career that embeds that subject, all
because the teacher was able to grow a seed of passion in that
Finally, if our goal was just learning and taking exams, what
differs a teacher, from an online course or video? Therefore, we
shouldn’t acknowledge teachers solely based on their knowledge
in a certain field, but we should look at it holistically, taking
skills such as communication, sympathy, and patience into

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