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Worksheet 1: Editorial Writers and Editors f

Editorial Writers and Editors f

Outlet Chicago Sun-Times Chicago Sun-Times Chicago Sun-Times Chicago Tribune Chicago Tribune Daily News Daily News Los Angeles Times Los Angeles Times Los Angeles Times Los Angeles Times Los Angeles Times New York Times Oakland Tribune

State/Province Illinois Illinois Illinois Illinois Illinois New York New York California California California California California New York California

First Name Steve Tom Kate Bruce John Arthur Josh Jim Patt Nicholas Janet Gregory Dorothy Dan

Last Name Warmbir McNamee Grossman Dold McCormick Browne Greenman Newton Morrison Goldberg Duckworth Rodriguez Samuels Hatfield

Contact Title Deputy Editorial Page Editor Editorial Page Editor Deputy Editorial Page Editor Editorial Page Editor Deputy Editorial Page Editor Editorial Page Editor Op-Ed Editor Editorial Page Editor at Large Editorial Page Columnist Editorial Page Editor Assistant Editorial Page Editor Contributing Editorial Page Columnist Editorial Writer Editorial Page Editor

Philadelphia Inquirer Sacramento Bee Sacramento Bee Sacramento Bee Sacramento Bee San Francisco Chronicle San Francisco Chronicle San Francisco Chronicle San Jose Mercury News Star Tribune

Pennsylvania California California California California California California California California Minnesota

Harold Stuart Dan Pia Foon John Lois Cinnamon Barbara Scott

Jackson Leavenworth Morain Lopez Rhee Diaz Kazakoff Stillwell Marshman Gillespie

Editorial Page Editor Editorial Page Editor Senior Editorial Page Editor Associate Editorial Page Editor Associate Editorial Page Editor Editorial Page Editor Deputy Editorial Page Editor Contributing Editorial Columnist Editorial Editor Editorial Page Editor

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Editorial Writers and Editors f

The Hartford Courant The Hartford Courant The Journal Gazette The New York Times The New York Times The New York Times The Olympian The Olympian The Seattle Times The Seattle Times The Star-Ledger The Star-Ledger The Star-Ledger The Washington Post The Washington Post The Washington Post

Connecticut Connecticut Indiana New York New York New York Washington Washington Washington Washington New Jersey New Jersey New Jersey District Of Columbia District Of Columbia District Of Columbia

Tom Lew Tracy Andrew Carla Anne Robert Mike Jerry Ryan Kate Tom Debra Julie Fred Jackson Jo-Ann

Condon Bresee Warner Rosenthal Robbins Semple Oakland Wakefield Blethen Riley Moran Laquaglia O'Connor Hiatt Diehl Armao

Hartford Courant Place Editor Letters Editor Editorial Page Editor Editorial Page Editor Deputy Editorial Page Editor Associate Editorial Page Editor Editorial Page Editor Managing Editor Associate Publisher & Editorial Page Editor Associate Editorial Page Editor Editorial Page Editor Deputy Editorial Page Editor Editorial Board Member Editorial Page Editor Deputy Editorial Page Editor Editorial Writer

News Outlets Highlighted in Yellow Expressed Interest in the Call

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