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Technological advancements today are changing human lives in leaps and bounds across all aspects.

From the everyday chores of life to the functioning of big multinational corporations, our lives are
inextricably linked with computers. My four years of undergraduate education in Information
Technology have led me to develop a keen interest in the subject and directly influenced my decision to
apply for the Masters in Information Technology degree offered by the Westcliff University, USA.

I have graduated from the National Institute of Technology, Noida with a 4-year bachelor’s degree in
Information Technology. During my convocation ceremony, I had the honor of being awarded the Dean’s
Scholar Award for overall academic performance in my B.Tech program. In my third year of college, I
entered the National Coders Competition organized by the Indian Institute of Technology- Mumbai and
finished #5 in a competition among 100 computer science and information technology undergraduate
students. Since graduating I have been employed full-time as a software developer in a service-based IT
consulting company based in India. I have always aspired towards postgraduate education since my
college days. However, I truly consider the 14 months of work experience I have gained since
graduating, invaluable. It has given me a glimpse of current industry trends and the day to day
functioning of the corporate sector. I currently work on deploying CRM based solutions to customers
and have knowledge of Salesforce and SAP technology.

I have gone through the program structure being offered by the university. I am particularly interested
in data management and computer architecture courses being offered. I feel that I shall benefit greatly
from taking these courses since they are directly related to the line of work I am employed in right now.
I am also excited about attending school in the most popular study abroad destination in the world.
Another important factor behind my decision to apply for the MS program at Westcliff is their strong
emphasis on application-based programs since I find I always learn better when I am allowed to develop
practical implementations for the theory I am learning in class. Besides the academic knowledge and
skills I hope to gain, I am also very much looking forward to making new connections and expanding my

Since my college days, I have been a quick learner with a strong grasp on the most recent technologies
being used in the field of computer science and technology. My past academic successes and my work
experience in the software industry have helped me gain faith that I shall no doubt be equal to the
challenges of completing a graduate degree in Information Technology. Being a part of this degree
program will give me a deeper understanding of the software and information technology
advancements being made around the world. Once I graduate, I hope to utilize the degree in securing a
job in the IT sector which allows me to work with new and exciting technologies and develop innovative
solutions for customer requirements

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