Balancing School and Life - My Quality-of-Life Self-Care Plan

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Balancing School and Life - My Quality-of-Life Self-Care Plan


Institutional Affiliation

Course Name, Number


Due date

Initial Scores and Scores at the End of the Course

I have noticed a remarkable improvement in my scores towards the end of the course

compared to my scores at the start of the course. The initial classes were more of an introduction

to advanced topics that I have covered all along, but I am not sure why I used to score low in

such basic topics. All I know is that I was somehow excited to have enrolled in the nursing

program that has been my dream course. I remember spending a lot of time researching my

prospects upon graduating, and this took most of my study time. I also spent a lot of time

traveling in the first few weeks, which might have contributed to my reduced performance at the

start of the course. All along, I have concentrated on my studies and reduced traveling, which I

attribute to my improved performance towards the end of the course. My excitement of having

made it to a nursing program has also reduced, enabling me to spend most of my time studying

and other assigned learning activities.

Change of Scores

I have noticed a positive change in the scores of core units that I have undertaken during

this course. Most of these core units have been demanding to some extent, such that we have

been forced to use study groups in most cases. I have actively participated in the study groups,

and I attribute my improved performance to my commitment to my assigned roles in the study

groups. I have also made it a habit of consulting my instructors in areas or concepts that have

proved hard to comprehend or apply in real-life situations. I have also noticed that my scores in

general units have not changed a lot throughout the course. These units are simplified in the way

they are taught such that I have never taken them seriously. Most of the students have since

developed a belief that these general units are less important in the nursing profession, and this

has affected my concentration on these units.


Strategies for Improvement

Using evidence-based solutions is a strategy that will help me improve my desired quality

of life throughout the nursing program. I intend to remain perfect in roles as a nurse, and using

research-based evidence is a good way of making informed nursing decisions. Working as a

team is a strategy that I intend to employ all along in my program and in my later placement

upon completion of my program. I will also consider establishing close relations with

experienced nurses and other professional care providers to gain insights into new introductions

in the nursing professions that are not covered in the nursing curriculum being used. Interacting

with professionals is a good way through which I will be able to identify some of the promising

areas of specializations that I can consider pursuing in the future upon successful completion of

the program. I will also make use of the various nursing mentorship programs offered by some of

the leading healthcare facilities in my neighborhood. These programs are important in

identifying the dynamics in the nursing profession that should be considered in improving the

health status of community members.

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