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Assignment 2 - Task Analysis

Name: ________________________________

Student Number: ________________________

1. General task statement:

Task 2: A task to perform in the house/kitchen

General Task Statement – Make a chicken wet fry

1. Entry level knowledge of learner (mini learner analysis)

The task will aim at introducing my two sisters on ways through which they can prepare a delicious chicken meat using a
variety of species. The two sisters have been in the upcountry for a long time where they have been schooling and they
are less exposed to professional cooking techniques that are commonly used in a town setting.

2. Objective task statement which includes criteria for success

Learners will have a chance to learn about preparing a wet fry using raw chicken and selected ingredients to serve it with
pre-prepared rice within 35 minutes.

3. Numerical list of tasks and subtasks (at least five tasks with related subtasks)

Task Analysis Worksheet

Main Task:
Preparing chicken wet fry
Question 1: Question 2: (note - time related
to my objective)
What does the person need to know and/or be able to do to perform this job? Can it be taught and a person
learn in 35 minutes?
1.Get the ingredients ready (1\2 chicken, 3 medium tomatoes,3 medium, 2 tablespoon of 5 mins
garlic & ginger powder, 1 tablespoon turmeric powder, salt, cooking oil, tomato paste, 2
green belly, dhania).

 1.1 Get tomatoes, green pepper, dhania and chicken from the fridge

 1.2 Get the other ingredients from the kitchen cabinet

 1.3 Place all items on the preparing table

2.Measure the ingredients 10 mins

 2.1 Cut the tomatoes, dhania, onion and green pepper to small pieces

 2.2 Measure enough turmeric, garlic and ginger

 2.3 Clean chicken

3 Boil chicken 15 mins

 3.1. Cut the chicken into small pieces

 3.2 Bring water to boil, add the chicken pieces to the boiling water, and enough
turmeric and powder and allow it to boil for 15 minutes.
4 Heat cooking oil + onions and heat until they turn brown 5 mins

 4.1 Add garlic + turmeric and mix well. Add salt and tomato paste, mix well and add
little water.
5 Simmer the mixture for fifteen minutes 15 mins

 5.1 Serve the cooked chicken with rice when it is still hot
TOTAL Time 35 mins
4. Visual representation

Make chicken wet fry

ingredients Clean the Simmer
ready ingredients the
mixture Serve
Place ingredients while hot
on the Cut the Add with rice
preparation table ingredients to
small pieces tomato
Get the remaining Measure
ingredients ready tablespoon of and little
ginger and garlic
Boil the chicken tomatopaste
and wtaer

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