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and answer the questions.

Read the passage

he Industrial Hevolution, which began in England in the mid- 18th century, Caused
enormious Crlatg
had done unti
and disruption to people's lives. Machines began to do jobs that hunans
Around 100 years later, there was a second industrial revolution as electricity enabled rmas
took place in the later part of the 20th
century; this carn
production of goods. A third industrial revolution
of manufacturing.
of computers and IT, which resulted in the automation
from the introduction
we are entering a fourth industrial revolution-
this time because of recent, very rapid changes
technology, especially in robotics and artificial inteligence.
These new technologies hold great promise in curing
output, and
preventing diseases, improving agricultural
of life. However, experts
enhancing our general quality
disruptive effect orn the
also predict that they will have a
labor market. Research suggests that nearly half of
A production line at the
the work done in the
United States could be done by
Ford motor plant in 1914.
machines. This represents an amazing
$2 trilion in lost
more in manufacturing: nearly
wages. And it's even
done by robots.
percent of jobs could be
robots, are a new type
Cobots, or collaborative
are cheaper,
and can easily
of industrial robot. They
them more
moved. This makes
be programmed and
fixed, and expensive
advanced than the heavy,
Over the
used in factories.
arms that are currently
cobots are likely to
replace many
coming years,
which account
medium-sized companies,
n small and
for 70 percent of global
will also be
affected by Researchers in Spain have developed a
Other industries
sector, which
Technology. In the
food services humanoid robot for automative assembly tasks.
may be
in ten jobs
and servers, o v e r
n a i O r all jobs COuld
be done by robots. Even office
In the retai industry,
robots. n u m a n speech; studies indicate that
two in
replaced by machines and understanaing
better at
as machines get
workers will be affected i n s u r a n c e may
lose their jobs.
finance and
in governments to make sure that
Uree people working an opportunity Tor
there is S l
predictions, relate to o n e

Despitethese pessimistic than way we live, work, and


n e iirst three
industrial revolutions. It is uD
up to
to us
h e new technology m a d e it hrougn
responsibly and wiseh
Societiesaround the world tourn
r e v o l u t i o n is developed ely.
from the
Unemployment and greater inequality. and
to ensure that the new aDie to
aVOId n a s s
we may connectivity
governance, education, and
Through proper better

lives througn
hstead, improve

A What is the passage mainly about?
a robots, technology, and artificial intelligence
b the Industrial Revolution and how it changed people's lives
how the next industrial revolution will affect society and jobs

BAnswer the questions

1 What triggered these industrial revolutions?
First industrial revolution:
mach1c p o do job
b Second industrial revolution: electriCt
c Third industrial revolution:
d Fourth industrial revolution: ro boties
2 What are cobots? What are the benefits of using cobots?

ihe l l eploce a otoF Proplo insm to

3 What are the disadvantages of introducing cobots?


A e s Listen. Which sentence best summarizes the talk?

T h e fourth industrial revolution will be a time of great change that requires people to acapt and learn new skils.
b The fourth industrial revolutiorn will impact children the most.
c The fourth industrial revolution resulted in a lot of people losing their jobs.

Bo6 Listen again. Check [] the predictions mentioned by the speaker

a The changes will be smaller than in previous revolutions.

b 65 percent of children entering primary school now will end up jobless.

cPeople will work together with robots.

DHumanity will adapt to this revolution and carry on.
e Robots will adapt and take over the workforce.

c CRITICAL THINKING Check ] the statements that both the authhor and speaker are most likely to
agree with.

a There will be minimal job losses during the next industrial revolution.

b The fourth industrial revolution will be different from the previous ones.

c People wll adapt to the fourth industrial revolution and find new ways to cope and survive

d There will be huge job losses at the beginning of the fourth industrial revolution
e Education and training will open up new job opportunities.


A Complete the sentences using the correct form of the words and phrases in the box.

carry out civilian drawbacks

humanitarian pose a hazard surveillance

1 The misuse of technology p S G had to everybody

2 Remote-controlled devices, such as drones, can be used for JUr Ve ce

3 There are many ways in which technology can be used alongside nu mG nHar aid workers to
help save lives.

4 Drones are not just used by the military nowadays; small ones are becoming popular among
C lOns
5 New technology usually comes with both benefits and wacks
6 Robots are getting better and better at r r y i n complextasks eficiently.

B The phrasal verb carry out is often used with the following nouns. Complete the sentences using the
words in the box.

attack mission orders research tasks

11 carried out my boss's o evS even though I didn't agree with them.

2 The alert soldier was able to prevent the enemy from carrying out their tac K on the base.

3 The team carried out their rescue successtully-they found all five missing people, and
none of them were hurt.
1sKS in the office, such
4 His job involves carrying out routine as
5 A lot of life-saving e s Carth has been carried out in that lab.


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