2010 Sarasota Clerk of The Circuit Court and County Comptroller's Annual Report and Resource Guide

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2010 AnnuAl RepoRt ResouRce Guide


Clerk of the Circuit Court and County Comptroller

kAren e. rushing
Clerk of the Circuit Court and County Comptroller sarasota County, florida FACC Florida Association of Court Clerks and Comptrollers
20092010 chair, legislative committee 20082009 chair, strategic planning committee 20072008 president 2005, 2009 clerk of the Year

A MessAge froM your Clerk

To the citizens of Sarasota County,

the year 2010 continued to be filled with doubt and speculation about the recovering economy, and how local and state governments will continue to meet their obligations despite shrinking revenues. the budgets for the office of the clerk of the circuit court and county comptroller are derived from various sources user fees, state funds and local fundsand all sources have shown signs of varying degrees of stress. We continued to be challenged by enormous caseload volume in the area of mortgage foreclosure and the added controversy surrounding the documentation has made predicting the flow of new cases, which is directly tied to revenue, virtually impossible. Yet through much uncertainty, this office has continued to make service to the people its number one priority, and i am pleased to report that we have been rated by those who use our service as meeting their expectations. the volatility of the financial market has made investing financial resources challenging, yet preservation of principal remains our goal. We continue to support sarasota county and the Board of county commissioners by providing Finance and internal Audit services, as well as sound business processes. As comptroller, i am proud to report that we have received the 2009 certificate of excellence in Reporting from the Government Finance officers Association (GFoA), as well as being nationally recognized in october 2010 as a national leader in producing timely audited financial statements. We are very proud to have received both forms of recognition on your behalf. You will find that this Annual Report not only delivers a snapshot of the state of the clerks office in fiscal year 2010 (october 1, 2009 september 30, 2010) but it offers you a resource guidewith FAQs, definitions and information on how to take advantage of the clerks e-products and services. created with our customers in mind, it is my way of offering you a look at the efficiencies, performance, accountability and transparency that is the cornerstone of my service as your clerk. thank you for the opportunity to continue to serve as your sarasota county clerk of the circuit court and county comptroller.

2010 AnnuAl RepoRt ResouRce Guide

GFOA Government Finance Officers Association

excellence in Financial Reporting Award (26th consecutive year,1984present)

AMCP Association of Marketing & Communication Professionals

2009 Gold Winner, Marcom Award, Annual Report 2009 Honorable Mention, Marcom Award, photography


FGCA Florida Government Communicators Association

2009 crystal Award, online Foreclosures 2008 second place crystal, Annual Report 20072009 special Judges Awards

Republican Party of Sarasota, Florida

2007 statesman of the Year

United Way of Sarasota County

Member, Board of directors

University of South Florida

2002 distinguished Alumni Award

Florida Supreme CourtFlorida Courts Technology Commission (FCTC)

2003present Member, committee for electronic Filing 2010 Member, Fl courts technology commission Member, Florida e-Filing Authority

United States Department of Commerce

20022007 Advisor, commercial law department

Karen E. Rushing Clerk of the Circuit Court and County Comptroller

Clerk of the Circuit Court and County Comptroller

The Clerk serves citizens at multiple locations throughout sarasota County.

the clerk of the circuit court and county comptroller derives its authority from the Florida state constitution and Florida law. this elected official is commonly referred to as a constitutional officer. the clerk has five major areas of responsibility:

Clerk of the Circuit and County Court County Recorder County Comptroller and Treasurer Ex-Officio Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners County Auditor

DuTies of The Clerk of The CirCuiT CourT AnD CounTy CoMpTroller

Board of county commissioners chambers, sarasota

The Clerk of the Circuit and County Court is responsible for aiding and promoting the judicial process. As an officer of the court, the clerk attends each courtroom session. service to our customers includes filing official documents, overseeing jury orientation, receiving payment for fines, processing domestic violence petitions, victim restitution, child support and alimony payments, conducting real property foreclosure sales, auditing accounting in guardianship matters, and issuing marriage licenses.
As County Recorder, the clerk is responsible for recording all mortgages, liens, deeds, and other documents having an effect on real estateby assignment of a document instrument numberinto the countys official Records. each document is indexed so that future searches may be easily conducted. the county Recorder collects the documentary tax on behalf of the state of Florida.

Historic courthouse, sarasota

sarasota county Administration center, sarasota

Robert l. Anderson Administration center, Venice

the clerks responsibilities as County Comptroller and Treasurer include preparing and publishing the sarasota county comprehensive Annual Financial Report (cAFR) and investing county funds. the clerk is also responsible for other county financial documents, including the consolidated Major Revenue and debt Report and monthly investment reports. As Ex-Officio Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners, the clerk serves as the custodian of the Boards recordsthe official minutes taker of Board meetings and other boardsas designated. As the custodian of records, the clerk has custody of the official seal and administers it according to law. in the role of County Auditor, the clerk establishes and tests compliance with internal controls so that citizens can have reasonable assurance that assets are safeguarded against loss or unauthorized use.

Board of county commissioners chambers, Venice

Judge lynn n. silvertooth Judicial center, sarasota

sARAsotA countY, FloRidA

kARen e. RusHinG | cleRk oF tHe ciRcuit couRt And countY coMptRolleR

2010 sTrATegiC plAnning CoMMiTTee

strategic planning is used daily to direct the clerks organization to meet the challenge of controlling costs, offering quality service through the innovative use of technology, and maintaining a high performance workforce. our goal is to enhance the value and reputation of the office of the clerk and comptroller in the eyes of the community, and to demonstrate accountability, transparency, and efficiency in operations. An annually reviewed comprehensive strategic plan is the foundation of this effort. By adopting a three-year planning cycle, the strategic plan remains in alignment with the fiscal year budget development process, identifying major strategic goals, establishing measures of strategic success using the balanced scorecard measurement system, specifying major initiatives to achieve goals, and aligning resources to priorities through the deployment of formal departmental business plans. the clerk uses a strategic planning committee (spc) comprised of members of the organizations leadership team, which represents each functional area of the organizationoperations, court services, clerk Finance and Board services, Finance, internal Audit, Human Resources, performance Management and information services. Working as a collective body, the spcs focus is not only on strategy and comprehensive strategic plan development, but also on addressing any challenges facing the plan and successful implementation thereof. Additionally, the group responds to the actual data gathered as the plan unfolds throughout the year, and identifies opportunities to refocus energies and resources as needed. in 2010even with the challenges associated with foreclosure filings, shrinking revenues, and continued statewide budget cutsthe results of our planning efforts proved effective. By controlling costs while focusing our resources on legal mandates and customer service levels, the clerks team concentrated on the organizations core valuesintegrity, Making a difference, proficiency, Accountability, commitment and trustworthinessas the foundation for serving clients and the community. For your convenience, we are pleased to present you with specific accomplishments on the following pages, demonstrating how our planning process resulted in improvements, efficiency, transparency, and ultimately better customer service.

Clerk of the Circuit Court and County Comptrollers Strategic Direction Statement
While meeting the challenge of controlling costs, we will be recognized as a leader in quality service through the innovative use of technology and a high performance workforce. In doing so, we will enhance the value and reputation of the Clerks office in the eyes of the community.

Clerks sysTeMATiC ApproACh To sTrATegiC plAnning

(From left to right) eydie peacher, sphr irene g. plank, Attorney at law Janet C. Cantees Mark r. simmons, CiA, Cfe karen e. rushing peter h. ramsden Jeanette l. phillips, CpA David Winiecki, pMp director of Human Resources director of court services chief operations officer director of internal Audit clerk of the circuit court and county comptroller director of Finance director of clerk Finance and Board services director of performance Management and information services

accountability transparency efficiency

sARAsotA countY, FloRidA

kARen e. RusHinG | cleRk oF tHe ciRcuit couRt And countY coMptRolleR

goAls & ACCoMplishMenTs





Accomplishment Met 100% of state-mandated

collection standards (nine out of nine) and consistently exceeded mandates in six case type categories.

Accomplishment expanded credit card choices. Customer Benefits selecting a new credit card processing
company offers added customer convenience and better protection against fraud.




Customer Benefits ensures those who have been

sentenced comply with court sanctions.

Accomplishment Awarded certificate of Achievement for excellence in Financial Reporting for FY 2009 (26th consecutive year). Customer Benefits demonstrates the organizations
pursuit of statutory compliance, best practices, cost efficiencies, and excellence in financial reporting.

Accomplishment increased student and adult volunteer

hours by 150 percent.

Accomplishment Remitted 104% of budgeted collections to the state trust Fund. Customer Benefits collecting and remitting an
additional 4% over what was planned for provided additional funding to the state judicial system.

Accomplishment electronic code enforcement forms. Customer Benefits eliminates delays, processing difficulties
and errors associated with carbon-copy forms by replacing them with automated e-forms.

Accomplishment Recruited additional vendors for

participation in the direct deposit program.

Accomplishment clerk was recognized in national research for outstanding speed in completing fiscal year end audits. Customer Benefits providing timely and efficient reports
to our customers provides confidence in knowledge of the financial market and demonstrates expertise.

Customer Benefits By providing volunteer opportunities (825 hours in 2010), the clerk reduces costs while supporting students and those seeking community service. Volunteer hours are applicable towards requirements established by the Florida Bright Futures scholarship program. Accomplishment created one stop student Volunteer

Accomplishment developed a case life cycle model intended to identify the cost and timeline requirements of each case type created in the court system. Customer Benefits provides assurance that resources
are allocated based upon volume.

Customer Benefits With over 45,000 vendor invoices pre-audited and processed yearly on behalf of sarasota county, both vendors and clerk staff found direct deposit transactions fast, reliable, and safe. checks no longer run the risk of being lost or stolen, and sending vendor payments electronically is a cost savings measure. Accomplishment introduced electronic Value Adjustment
Board (VAB) filing for the 2010 tax Assessment season.

Accomplishment Recognized with sustainability

Awareness Award by the Florida department of transportation (Fdot) commuter services program.

Customer Benefits students benefit when they can meet all their volunteer requirements at a single location. Graduates of the program who clock 75 hours receive a certificate of recognition; those who meet or exceed 100 hours receive a recognition letter from the clerk, of value to students completing scholarship or college applications. Accomplishment expanded the scope of internship
opportunities within the clerks organization.

Customer Benefits the commuter program raised

awareness of alternative modes of transportation such as carpooling, vanpooling, public transit, biking and walking to encourage healthier lifestyles and support sarasota countys sustainability efforts.

Accomplishment Reduced expenses by using

temporary employees.

Customer Benefits provides assurance that resources

are targeted based upon volume and immediate need.

Customer Benefits Web-based access to filing a VAB petition offers convenience and greater access to information. Accomplishment identified and secured a vendor for a
new case Management system (cMs).

Customer Benefits Added options to the existing internship program by identifying new projects and offering a total of 1980 hours of internship opportunities in 2010.

Accomplishment implemented auto-redaction technology

while processing official Records, to help identify text that may qualify for redactionconcealing personal data from an official documentallowing staff to protect confidential information more efficiently.

To Meet the Needs And Exceed the Expectations of Those We Serve, in Fulfilling Our Constitutional Obligations.

Customer Benefits By using a competitive process, the clerk selected a vendor to implement a new web-based cMs that will establish enhanced functionalitya benefit to the judiciary and other stakeholdersby using the latest software solutions and maintaining the highest standards of efficiency, cost control and staff productivity.

Certificate of Completion
Dedicated Volunteers An important piece of the puzzle!
This certifies that

Customer Benefits provides a higher degree of accuracy

in protecting confidential and sensitive data.

Jane L. Smith
in dedicated volunteerism and service, has contributed

112 hours
to the Sarasota County Clerks Office, our judicial system, and to the community. Thank you for your efforts!

wayto Lookingfora your givebackto community?

Your contribution is appreciated.

Karen E. Rushing, Clerk of the Circuit Court and County Comptroller

Karen E. Rushing

ence. Makeadiffer Volunteer Office. attheClerks

Needcommunity servicehours?

the place where is more than ring, not only The Clerks office tickets. By voluntee d organization, you pay traffic part of a respecte better serve will you be a a vital office you will be helping

its citizens. as an by the public Clerk, elected Learn how the maintains all government, integral part of County, the Board for Sarasota 12th Judicial official records ioners and the of County Commiss office records public how the for review Circuit Court; makes them available it takes to meetings and gy; what web technolo jurors who using the latest s all potential and processe Clerk serves summons courts; how the r appear in Sarasota the Comptroller, Treasure being and how taxpayers by Sarasota County; and accountability and Auditor for , transparency providing accuracy servicesfrom marriage and filings ts to probate in all products court documen the Clerks certificates and focuses reporting the people. and financial the needs of office on meeting records about how public how are curious to tell citizens Whether you d, or simply want Clerks products are processe from all of the ities they can benefit us about volunteer opportun ask that and services, social issues ity, the impactful of our commun that align with to the well being are important and to you. neighborhoods

the enscanbenefitfrom canlearnhowcitiz asof: Asavolunteer,you dservicesintheare Clerksproductsan

CriminalJusti Law


NEED VOLUNT EER SER CREDITS VICE HOU BEF R Why not learn, ORE YOU GRADUA make new connections, TE? and
have fun?

erkRushings unity,contactCl t. volunteeropport rsking@scgov.ne outthisunique t941.861.7608o Tolearnmoreab esDepartmenta erk.com HumanResourc www.SarasotaCl

JurySystem alActions Civil&Crimin tion CrisisInterven nt dsManageme OfficialRecor rocess GovernmentP

Makeadifference. Volunteeratthe Clerksoffice.

Earn community service hours by volunteering for Karen E. Rushing, the Clerk of the Circuit Court and County Comptroller for Sarasota County. The Clerks office is more than just the place where you go to pay traffic tickets. By volunteering, not only will you be gaining experience in your area of social interest, you will be helping local government better serve its citizens. Whether its learning the Clerks role in transparency in government, accuracy in records keeping, financial accountability, or providing technological efficiencies that save the taxpayers money, the Clerks office strives to meet the needs and exceed the expectations of the people, while fulfilling constitutional, legislative and judicial obligations.

You can earn with Karen volunteer service hours by E. Rushin applyin g, the SOCIALAREAOFINTEREST: ComptrollerClerk of the Circuit g for an opport unity Court and for Saraso ta Count County CIVIL/GOVERNMENT The Clerks y. office is more to pay traffic than just tickets the Asastudentvolunteer,youllearncommunityservicehoursasyou gaining experience . By volunteering place where you be helpin in g local govern your area of , not only will you go learnabouttheClerksofficeimpactintheseareas: social interes be helpin ment t, you will information, g the Clerks office better serve its citizen accuracy maintain or giving CriminalJustice in record its transp s. Whether your taxpayers input on techno s keeping, financ arency of ial accou logical efficien money TheLaw ntability, Clerks office , youll have cies that will really does an impact as you learn save the to meet the TheJurySystem what the needs of To learn more the people about this . unique volunte Civil&CriminalActions



/ GOVERN T: Asastuden tvolu MENT asyoulearn nteer,youllearnc ommu abouttheCl erksofficeim nityservicehours pactinthese Crim areas:


CrisisIntervention OfficialRecordsManagement GovernmentProcess

er opportu visit www.S nity, contact Clerk Rushin arasotaClerk.c om or email gs Human Resources sking@scgov. Department net. at 941.

TheJury System Civil&C riminalAc tions CrisisInt ervention OfficialR ecordsMa nagemen Gove t rnmentPr ocess

inalJusti ce TheLaw


Tolearnmoreaboutthisuniquevolunteeropportunity,contactClerkRushings HumanResourcesDepartmentat941.861.7608orsking@scgov.net. www.SarasotaClerk.com

sARAsotA countY, FloRidA

kARen e. RusHinG | cleRk oF tHe ciRcuit couRt And countY coMptRolleR

e-proDuCTs AnD serviCes

New for 2010: value Adjustment Board petition e-Filing the clerk now offers taxpayers a convenient, easy option for petitioning the Value Adjustment Board (VAB) should they choose to dispute their property tax assessment: online filing. use any internet connection to complete the online form and make your payment. once your e-petition is filed, you can follow its progress, electronically upload evidence and review property Appraisers evidence from the convenience of your office, home or the road.
Judicial and attorney access to electronic case files ClerkNet 2.1, a web-based application, offers attorneys who file documents electronically (as authorized by law) access to case information 24/7 from any internet based device. new security and user enhancements rolled out in 2010 offer expanded search criteria, a message center, enhanced security and easier site navigation. Online foreclosure sales When changes to Florida statutes allowed clerks of court to move foreclosure sales off the courthouse steps to the internet, the clerk took advantage of this technological opportunity. Auctions are no longer limited to those bidders who can physically be present at the sale, opening up the viewing and bidding process to interested parties in surrounding Florida counties, as well as seasonal residents and out-of-state bidders. Electronic filing in an effort to position the office to use less paper, provide quicker access to public information and greater efficiencies in processing information on a statewide basis, e-Filing continues to be enhanced and offered to more stakeholders. e-Filing and electronic signatures the practice of e-Filing has become a widely accepted alternative to traditional paper filing, and embraced by attorneys and other members of court services. When the supreme court approved an alternative method for signing documents electronically, the clerk began to allow electronic signatures on documents e-filed by attorneys, working with members of the legal community and the courts to implement this solution. Judges electronic signatures Voluminous amounts of documents are prepared by the clerks office and presented to the court for signature. JudgeSign offers judges an electronic method of receiving and signing documents. this automated e-product reduces costs associated with manually preparing and transporting documents from one facility to another. Electronic court dockets in an effort to minimize the cost of assembling and transporting paper files, the clerk offers electronic delivery of all cases set for a court event. Benefits are realized when judges, courtroom staff, attorneys, and citizens can access real-time electronic case files in the courtroom, alleviating delays and the cost of processing and transferring paper from one facility to another. e-Marriage applications citizens using computer stations with self-directed prompts have easy access to electronic forms, instructions, and payment choices for marriage license applications. Finance electronic imaging system new technology allows finance departments to scan and digitize documents, including sarasota county invoices, for more efficient tracking and processing. in addition to facilitating compliance with the prompt payment Act, Finances OnBase 9.2 system greatly improves processing time and reduces the consumption of paper.

Clerks in the Sunshine Floridas sunshine laws are among the strongest in the nation, giving every citizen access to information necessary for participating in the democratic process. the clerk fully supports and embraces these laws, and in doing so added a feature to www. sarasotaclerk.com called Clerks in the Sunshine Ensuring Access to Information. Clerks in the Sunshine compiles all financial information, budgets and performance standards into one easy-to find-section on the clerks website. Passport photo services As a convenience to our customers, the clerk offers passport photo services in addition to being an acceptance agent. no appointment is necessary, and photos taken at the clerks office meet all the requirements established by the department of state. Board minutes online and on demand the automation of online access to sarasota county Board of county commissioners meetings is achieved by merging video and recorded official minutes. this offers citizens enhanced search capabilities, multi-media presentation and on demand access. Public access to records computer stations in the clerks two public Access offices allow citizens to search databases of public records, log on to the online foreclosure sales application, and access partner websites such as the county property Appraiser or the 12th Judicial circuit court.

in 2010, sarasota countys Historic courthouse tower underwent a six-month restoration for both cosmetic and structural preservation. the project included re-tiling the signature azure and gold dome, reinforcing the tower structure, replacing inner stairs, repairing terra-cotta tile roofing and recoating the colonnade floor. With the project complete, clerk karen Rushing, commissioner Joseph Barbetta and John Mccarthy, parks and Recreation, had the rare opportunity to climb the tower and admire the view. the landmark, built in 1926, was added to the national Historic Register in 1984.


sARAsotA countY, FloRidA

kARen e. RusHinG | cleRk oF tHe ciRcuit couRt And countY coMptRolleR


yeAr in revieW 2010

civil law cases are governed by the Florida Rules of civil procedure, Family law Rules of procedure, probate Rules and small claims Rules. the circuit court is responsible for family, probate and other matters exceeding $15,000. this chart is an illustration of the caseload for the year.

yeAr in revieW 2010

criminal law cases are governed by the Florida Rules of criminal procedure. the constitution states the circuit court shall have jurisdiction over all felony cases and misdemeanor charges arising out of the same circumstances, such as a felony, as well as juvenile matters. county courts have original jurisdiction over all criminal misdemeanor cases not known by the circuit court and all violations of municipal and county ordinances.


of the circuit Fines & Forfeitures court to collect all fines and forfeitures arising from offenses tried in the courts or assessed by the various law enforcement agencies, as directed by the court. the total fines, forfeitures, court costs, and service charge collections in fiscal year Forfeitures 2010 was $13,388,692. the constitution of the state of Florida authorizes the clerk


the state constitution and Florida statutes provide that the clerk of the circuit court shall be the recorder of all instruments that are required or authorized to be recorded in one general series of books called official Records. the chart below reflects changes in the volume of documents recorded by type and the fees collected in 2010 as compared to previous years. of the 161,452 documents recorded, and from the total fees collected, over $35.5 million was paid to the Florida department of Revenue, $1 million was distributed to sarasota county, and $30,826 was distributed to the Florida Association of court clerks to utilize for court technology.

Fines &

Fines & Forfeitures

4,730 7,642

Fines & Forfeitures Fines & Forfeitures Fines & Forfeitures Fines & Forfeitures

Fines & Forfeitures


State of Florida

11,432 14,701

$9,978,515 $2,736,998 $9,978,515 $9,978,515

Circuit County TOTAL 4,979 11,432 16,411
$2,736,998 Board of County Commissioners

2005 2003 2004

$204,041 City of Sarasota $154,034 Teen Court $92,823 North Port $3,517

285.6 259.3 248.4 226.6 191.7 167.9

155.9 135.3

2005 2006

Probate Circuit County TOTAL

4,730 14,701 7,642 27,073

$2,736,998 $9,978,515 $169,410 $9,978,515

$9,978,515 $204,041
$169,410 Sheriff

2006 2007 2008 2009

106.5 91.6 86.4

2004 2003 2007

$2,736,998 $2,736,998 $2,736,998 $2,736,998 $169,410 $49,353 $204,041 $204,041 $169,410 $49,353 $204,041 $154,034 $204,041 $154,034 $92,823 $154,034 $92,823 $154,034 $3,517 $92,823 $3,517 $92,823 $3,517 $3,517
$49,353 Venice

$154,034 $204,041 $92,823 $154,034 $3,517 $204,041

Longboat Key

Civil Law 2010

Circuit Civil includes 202 juvenile dependency cases Probate includes probate, guardianship and mental health cases

$2,736,998 Criminal Law 2010 $169,410 $169,410

2010 157.1 161.4

(in thousands)

2008 52.7 2009 35.8

State of Florida

Teen Court City of North Port City of Venice Longboat Key

Circuit Criminal includes 1,157 juvenile delinquency cases

$92,823 Board of County Commissioners

City of Sarasota $154,034 Sheriff

Documents Recorded

2010 35.5
(in millions)

Recorder of Deeds 2010

FY Fees Collected

$169,410 $169,410 $49,353 $49,353 $49,353 $49,353


$92,823 $3,517

Recorder of Deeds Fy 2010


Fines and Forfeitures Fund Fy 2010


sARAsotA countY, FloRidA

kARen e. RusHinG | cleRk oF tHe ciRcuit couRt And countY coMptRolleR


By The nuMBers
Judges supported in court Hearing officers and Magistrates supported in court Jurors summoned for trials Jurors summoned for Grand Jury Jury trials (not including Grand Jury trials) criminal citations filed in sarasota county in 2010 traffic infractions (60,875) and parking tickets (1,388) processed in 2010 Marriage licenses issued Wedding ceremonies performed number of new e-file and clerknet accounts established public records microfilmed and official records imaged documents recorded, indexed and verified into the official Records of sarasota county, including mortgages, liens, and court documents Foreclosures filed in 2010 dollars accounted for in child support payments invoices pre-audited and paid on behalf of sarasota county payroll direct deposits prepared and checks processed by the Finance department on behalf of sarasota county entities (clerk of the circuit court and county comptroller, tax collector, property Appraiser, supervisor of elections and Board of county commissioners) Audit projects performed Board of county commissioners meetings attended and recorded ordinances processed Resolutions processed contracts processed Advisory committee meetings attended and recorded code enforcement cases processed Value Adjustment Board petitions processed Value Adjustment Board hearings scheduled and coordinated

5 44,277 600 167 8,409 62,263 1,975 522 2,053 1,812,552 161,452 6,066 24,290,905 45,900


this historic courtroom, located in the east wing of the 1920s courthouse, features vintage tile work and pecky cypress ceiling beams.

85 289 595 33 253 914 776

Every day, members of the Clerks team are focused on improving the way we work to better serve our community. The Clerk of the Circuit Court and County Comptroller understands that in our changing world, improvements and efficiencies, as well as technological advances, must continue to be coupled with dedicated customer service to meet our citizens needs, and to exceed your expectations. This year, the Clerk and her staff continued to focus on transparency, effectiveness and accountability as we supported our local government and citizens in a variety of ways.


sARAsotA countY, FloRidA

kARen e. RusHinG | cleRk oF tHe ciRcuit couRt And countY coMptRolleR


frequenTly AskeD quesTions

What is the definition of a public record?
public records are defined by Florida law as all documents, papers, maps, books, tapes, photographs, films, sound recordings, data processing software, or other material, regardless of the physical form, characteristics, or means of transmission, made or received pursuant to law or ordinance, or in connection with the transaction of official business by any agency, per Florida statute, chapter 119.011(11)

how does jury selection work?
prospective jurors are randomly selected from a list comprised of licensed drivers over the age of 18 residing in sarasota county, and those citizens who have asked to be included in the potential juror pool. Jury service is limited to one day or one trial.

What is the law regarding access to public records?

unlike other states, Florida has a unique and very open public records law which provides that all state, county, and municipal records be open for personal inspection and available for copying by any person upon request. providing access to public records is the duty of each government agency. As each agency increases its use of and dependence on electronic record keeping, they must also provide reasonable public access to records that are electronically maintained, while ensuring exempt or confidential records are not disclosed (except as otherwise permitted by law). therefore, in the electronic world, automation of public records shall not erode the right of access to public records.

Why did I get called for jury duty but was not chosen for a trial?
the rules governing the selection process require that a sufficient number of jurors be summonsed, so that there are enough jurors at the completion of the selection process.

Why did I get called for jury duty in Sarasota when I live closer to the venice court?
the sarasota county judiciary is served by two courthouses: sarasotas silvertooth Judicial center, and the Anderson center in Venice. eliminating citizens from jury service at the sarasota courthouse unduly restricted the pool of available jurors. As a result, the chief Judge determined that neither north nor south county residents summonsed for jury duty will be guaranteed to report to the location nearest their residences.

What does redaction mean?

Redaction means to conceal that portion of the record containing information that is exemptby lawfrom public viewing. some general examples of redacted information may be may be social security, credit card or bank account numbers, or other confidential information. the clerk can redact information both from a copy of an original public record, and from any electronic image that is available for public viewing.

A newly restored tower, rising 110 feet in the air overlooking the Historic courthouse courtyard garden on Main street, shows off stunning Mediterranean-style stucco details uncovered during an extensive renovation completed in 2010.

R. l. Anderson Administration center, Venice

kARen e. RusHinG | cleRk oF tHe ciRcuit couRt And countY coMptRolleR

Judge lynn n. silvertooth Judicial center, sarasota


sARAsotA countY, FloRidA


Where To finD us

visit our website at www.sarasotaClerk.com


click on

Clerks in the Sunshine

to view our efforts to bring you


accountability, transparency and efficiency through financial, budget and performance reporting.


historic Courthouse 2000 Main street sarasota, Florida 34237 Robert L. Anderson Administration Center 4000 south tamiami trail Venice, Florida 34293 Sarasota County Administration Center 1660 Ringling Boulevard sarasota, Florida 34236 Judge Lynn N. Silvertooth Judicial Center 2002 Ringling Boulevard sarasota, Florida 34237

kARen e. RusHinG | cleRk oF tHe ciRcuit couRt And countY coMptRolleR



sARAsotA countY, FloRidA

created under the supervision of karen e. Rushing clerk of the circuit court and county comptroller Janet c. cantees, chief operations officer Alicia c. Accardi, communications Manager design and printing by serbin printing inc. principal photography by lori sax, photographer

Clerk of the Circuit Court and County Comptroller

2000 Main street sarasota, Florida 34237 www.sarasotaclerk.com 941- 861-7400

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