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You, didn't you have something to tell me?

It's nothing.

Should I reject the offer from Dex?

Did you really think it through?

What is there to think about?

What? Honestly, if it's not me, it can't be done.

Just focus on your work.

I'll prepare for everything else.


What will you prepare for?

If there's no more coffee left, you should refill it.

It's something I have to do.

Hey, Chu Sangwoo.

Forget it.

It's nothing.



- Dude, you're awesome.

- How did you do it?

Isn't he the first to do it?

Jaeyeong was always so stylish and irritating.

Let's take a few photos together before you leave, Hyung.

I want to brag on my Instagram.

Calm down, people. I'm getting goosebumps.

Oh, right.

What's going to happen to that game you've been working on?

My company has been following its progress.

So I was going to give them a call.

I guess someone else will have to do it.

What is there to think about? Dex is more important.

Is that so?

The reason why they were interested in the first place was because of his design.

So who knows what will happen next?

I kind of feel sorry for the other guy.

Can we visit the headquarters if we go to France?

Man, those punks sure do talk a lot.

They're going to talk behind your back anyway.

Before, when I was with Sangchoo,

he asked about everyone you dated before.

You didn't…

So I counted all of them with my fingers.

Thankfully, there weren't more than ten.

I wonder what I did in my past life to deserve this.

I should've stopped there.

But damn…

I guess I riled him up.

I said it seemed like you were going to die soon

because you'd changed.

Did I do something wrong?

I don't know anymore.

He treats people like they're products,

so I don't know what he's so worried about.

But you know what's funny?

You know, because of the guy who asked you about my love life,

I can't think about anything else.

I want to find him right now and ask him.

Didn't you have something to tell me?

It's nothing.

I want to ask what it was that he wanted to tell me.

I want to ask him how he feels about me leaving.


I guess Jaeyeong is like anyone else. You get boring when you fall in love.

I shouldn't have told you this.

Hey, isn't that normal?

People get tiresome and stale.

For the past few years, you've always been so cool.

You see…

You can't be cool once you sincerely like someone.

Face it, you're not cool anymore.

- What do you want me to do?

- Just…

Just be your usual self.

Don't try to think too much about it.

Just be like the Jaeyeong I know.

Come on, stop making me cringe.

I'm leaving.

Pay for me as well.

Be like the Jaeyeong you know…

It was going to get erased anyways.

[Are you studying?]

[Come outside for a bit.]

Happy birthday.

I'm the first one to congratulate you, right?

I mean, it's only been ten minutes.

How did you know?

You sent your resume when you submitted the plans.

1001. It's like a binary number.

Even your birthday's like you.

You're so weird.

I'll say something crazy while you're at it.

I'm not going to Dex.

I'm going to help you with the game.

- Senior…
- You said nobody else can do it.

You said you needed me.

- No, back then—

- I feel the same way.

I need you, too.

My heart is telling me that.

What you proposed before, I'm ready to answer.

I reject your proposal.

Please go to Dex.

- Chu Sangwoo.
- I just don't understand.

Do you really think I would be happy

if you decided not to go because of me?

I'm sorry but…

I'm not the stupid protagonist of a romance novel.

I see that your useless reasoning is working hard today.

Call me when the backup file is complete.


What is your heart telling you right now?

I don't care.

I just hope you succeed.

I mean it.

Thank you for the cake.

Is he telling me to leave after that?


Is this a curse?



What is this?






Long time no see, Sangwoo.

Are you preparing for your exams?


Did you find a replacement designer?

I'll look for one after the exams.

Please don't worry about it.

I'm not worried.

I'm certain you'll find someone.

Oh, I almost forgot.

The backup file.

It's also on the hard drive.

I'm relieved that I could give it to you in person.

Yes. Thank you.

Why would you drink like that? Doesn't your throat hurt?

It's fine.

I felt a bit stuffy here.

- So—
- Can I speak first?

I wanted to speak before you start giving me some weird advice.

Oh, sure.

Thank you.
I really like you.

I know it's so sudden, but if not now,

I don't think I'll ever be able to tell you this.

I just wanted to confess before you rejected me.

I'm sorry.

How should I respond?

You don't need to.

You know I can see it in your face.

To be honest, I knew from the start.

I just wanted to tell you, that's all.

Before, I was worried

my world would be shattered if you rejected me.

But I actually feel relieved.

Also, I think I can feel more comfortable around you now.

How about you?

Do you still feel uncomfortable around me?


Of course, you never know until you try it.

Good job, Jihye.

But, Sangwoo, I was a bit surprised.

About what?

"Sorry, but I don't want to waste my time."

I thought you would say that.

But you're here listening and drinking coffee with me.

I think you've changed.



I think you've improved.

They say love changes a man.

I guess those romance novels weren't fake after all.

I won't be able to cheer for you on the sidelines,

but good luck, Mr. Chu.

Is anyone there?

Is anyone there?

Who are you?

Are you the tenant here?


I'm a real estate agent.

Do you know where this tenant is?

We came to see the place, but no one is answering the phone.

This place?

He asked to do it quickly.

If you see him, can you please tell him that we came to see the place?

I'm so sorry. Let's go.

I'm relieved that I could give it to you in person.

Hey, Sangchoo.

Jaeyeong cleared out the art room.


What is your heart telling you right now?

- Senior…
- You said nobody else can do it.

♫ I mean ♫

You said you needed me.

- No, back then—

- I feel the same way.

♫ I never knew there'd be ♫

I need you, too.

My heart is telling me that.

♫ No need for any fancy words that will give you flutters ♫

♫ I just want you to know that I'm sincere ♫

♫ It is now clear how I feel ♫

He's quite handsome.

♫ I'm more certain when I keep seeing you ♫

I'll lead the way.

♫ Baby please, can you stay in my life ♫

♫ I want to sit down next to you ♫

♫ And whisper love in your ear ♫

♫ Baby please, can you stay in my life ♫

Let's go.

♫ In my dreams ♫

♫ Just you and me ♫

♫ I just want to know ♫

♫ I meant the first time ♫

♫ From the first moment I saw you ♫

Let's try

to make this work.


♫ The person that is in your heart ♫

♫ It's okay if it's not me ♫

♫ It doesn't matter if it takes a long time ♫

Don't avoid it.

Don't ignore it.

Just try and feel it.

Then that lingering doubt

might all just go away.

♫ And whisper love in your ear ♫

♫ Baby please, can you stay in my life ♫

♫ In my dreams ♫

♫ Just you and me ♫

Chu Sangwoo?

- Why are you out here so late?

- Why aren't you picking up your phone?

My phone?

I put it on silent.

- Why did you call me so many times?

- You're like an error.

What? Error?

Bad personality and have no sense of time. You're also capricious and irrational.

You came here to yell at me?

I don't know why I'm like this.

- Sangwoo—
- I keep telling myself to send you away.

I know it's pointless to say this to you.

I know that.

But I like you.

I like you, Hyung.

I really do.

Can I respond to your request again?


It's already over, so you can't.

But I'll make another request.

Sangwoo, let's date.

Not a trial run.

I mean the real thing.

I was so nervous.

I already sent it to Dex.

We agreed to discuss this later.

I told them that there's a very good programmer in Korea.

I told them to hire him before another company does.

When did you prepare for all of this?

When you said you were going to find my replacement.


Did you think I would let go of you that easily?

Then, why are you leaving?

To discuss the final terms with Dex.

If they say no, I'm going to finish "Veggie Man" before I leave.

Jaeyeong, if you miss your chance because of emotion…

Are you going to make the game by yourself?

You know I prepared the outline and concept.

You're going to do all of it by yourself?

Chu Sangwoo, were you always such a corrupt CEO?

But it's Dex.

Is Dex all that?

I could go to a better place if I wanted.

Don't you know your boyfriend's abilities?


I can see you like the sound of that.

Anyways, if you are going to be with me, please be mindful of three things.

Of course. This is so like you.


If you don't want to get caught, lock the door.

You know I locked the door when Choi Yoochae left.

You're so smart.


♫ Copy the sun, every day is bright ♫

♫ You got me stuck. You got me stuck ♫

♫ All right. All right ♫

♫ Step into my heart and you'll become my world ♫

♫ Oh, you're a romantic devil ♫

♫ You've made a mess in my world ♫

♫ Oh, you're a romantic devil ♫

♫ I'm going to come to your arms tonight ♫

♫ I wanna sleep next to you ♫

♫ In any planet, in any world ♫

♫ Oh baby, stay by my side ♫

Did you fix all the errors?


I thought there was an issue with the code,

but I just needed to change the output value.

Good job.

How's the preparations for the meeting going?

Let's just go to France together.

Why do you want to work here in Korea?

I want to start here and expand abroad.


I guess I went against the CEO's suggestion again.

You don't believe me?

I believe you.

But you're not that good with Powerpoint.

Aren't you giving a presentation tomorrow?


I'm good at making one now.

As if.

Why did you put this character here?


Blue-colored characters instill trust in people.

I'm deleting it.

Your taste is still the same.

That's why I like you.

We won't finish today if you keep looking at me like that.

I'm just observing you.

I'm going to the bathroom.

Don't touch anything.


Do you have any other templates?

What is this?

Jang Jaeyeong?

He's such a pervert.


- What is this?
- You can't look at that.

You can't!

Stop looking at it.

Final Credits

Thanks to our team of segmenters: pilar_velasquez (CS) and bbf_260

Thanks to our General Editor: cerejacult

Thank to our Chief Editor: kakashiandme

Thanks to all other language Moderators!

Thanks to all the subtitlers and editors for other languages!

Timing and Subtitles brought to you by

⚔️ Enemies to Lovers 💕

Thanks to our viewers for watching!


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