Epidemiology OXF.: I. Public Health

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 Epidemiology OXF.
I. Public Health.
1. Epidemiology.
***) The most single best measure to control antibiotic resistance in hospitals is: Q2012
A. Vaccination
B. Hand hygiene
C. Isolation
D. Antibiotic restriction policy
E. Resistance surveillance systems

Answer: C* Isolation

***) The relationship between doctors and doctor’s non flu patients is: Q2012
A. Rate
B. Ratio
C. Incidence
D. Prevalence
E. Epidemiology

Answer: B* Ratio

***) Preventing the onset of the disease by acting on either the causative agent or the host is
A. Tertian prevention
B. Primary prevention
C. Screening
D. Secondary prevention
E. Rehabilitation

Answer: B* Primary prevention

***) All of the following are examples of primary prevention, except:

A. Genetic counseling of parents with one retarded child
B. Nutritional supplements in pregnancy
C. Immunization against tetanus
D. Speed limits on highways
E. Chemoprophylaxis in a recent tuberculin converter

Answer: E* Chemoprophylaxis in a recent tuberculin converter

***) Prevention medicine encompasses all of the following levels of prevention, except:
A. Health promotion
B. Disability limitation
C. Specific protection
D. Early diagnosis and prompt treatment
E. Trauma-emergency care

Answer: E* Trauma-emergency care

***) All of the following are primary prevention measures, except:

A. Marriage counseling
B. Vaccination against measles
C. Periodic testing for cervical cancer
D. Diet counseling for obese persons
E. Testing of donated blood for Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection

Answer: C* Periodic testing for cervical cancer

***) All of the following services are provided by primary health care, except:
A. Anti-smoking education
B. Sanitary inspection
C. School health
D. Genetic testing
E. Blood hemoglobin testing

Answer: D* Genetic testing

***) Primary health care services include all of the following, except:
A. Health education
B. Sanitary inspection
C. Mental health
D. Genetic testing
E. Blood hemoglobin testing

Answer: D* Genetic testing

***) All of the following are criteria for screening of a disease, except:
A. The natural history of the disease should be understood
B. The disease must represent an important health problem
C. Suitable screening tests for the disease must exist
D. Screening should be available to and used by the entire population
E. Accepted treatment for the disease must be available

Answer: D* Screening should be available to and used by the entire population

***) Screening of children has been proven cost effective for all of the following, except:
A. Tuberculosis
B. Iron deficiency anemia
C. Hypertension
D. Vision impairment
E. Phenylketonuria

Answer: C* Hypertension

***) Which of the following is accomplished by introducing into the body a specific immune
substance that acts directly against exposure to the infectious etiologic agent:
A. Passive immunization
B. Active immunization
C. Susceptibility
D. Indirect transmission
E. Natural immunity

Answer: B* Active immunization

***) Health education aims primarily at:

A. Spreading information
B. Using audio-video aids
C. Changing behavior
D. Instructing individuals
E. Instructing a target group

Answer: C* Changing behavior

***) In perhaps no public health program is nutrition more important than in:
A. Maternal and child health
B. Adult health
C. Occupational health
D. Communicable disease
E. School health

Answer: A* Maternal and child health

***) The most efficient method for the prevention and control of human immunodeficiency virus
(HIV) infection:
A. Vaccination
B. Treat AIDS patients
C. Education of the public
D. Screening of the public for HIV infection
E. Screening of donating serum

Answer: C* Education of the public

***) In epidemiological studies collection of information about the disease under study is
obtained by all of the following means, except:
A. Mass health examination
B. Specialized clinics
C. Private physicians
D. National census
E. Health care centers

Answer: A* Mass health examination

***) Of the five major sources of air pollution, the leading source is:
A. Refuse disposal
B. Industry
C. Power plants
D. Transportation
E. Space heating

Answer: D* Transportation

***) In Jordan the most efficient reproach for the control of Brucellosis is:
A. Treatment of patients with the disease
B. Identification and treatment of infected animals
C. Public education
D. Eradication of infected animals
E. Vaccination of the public against the disease

Answer: C* Public education

***) The most common cause of perinatal morbidity and mortality in Jordan:
A. Obstetrical trauma
B. Septicemia
C. Hemorrhages
D. Toxemia
E. Prematurity and its complications

Answer: E* Prematurity and its complications

***) The most important biologic human characteristic in disease occurrence is one the
A. Sex
B. Marital status
C. Age
D. Ethnic origin
E. Race

Answer: C* Age
***) The most important single indicator of a population health is:
A. Crude birth rate
B. Crude mortality rate
C. Infant mortality rate
D. Maternal mortality rate
E. Total fertility rate

Answer: C* Infant mortality rate

***) Epidemiology is defined as:

A. Concerned only with the study of accidents and injuries
B. Defined as the study of occupational disease
C. Defined as a study of epidemics
D. It is the study of distribution and determinants of disease in human population
E. Concerned with the study of common diseases only

Answer: D* It is the study of distribution and determinants of disease in human population

***) The frequency of a disease at a specific point in time is referred to as the:

A. Rate
B. Relative risk
C. Ratio
D. Incidence
E. Prevalence

Answer: E* Prevalence

***) 200 persons were invited to a dinner. 10 persons of those who ate fish developed food
poisoning. Given that 100 persons ate fish in that dinner. The attack rate among those who ate
A. 5%
B. 10%
C. 20%
D. 30%
E. 35%

Answer: B* 10%

***) The ability of an agent to invade and multiply in a host is called:

A. Infectivity
B. Pathogenicity
C. Immunogenicity
D. Contamination
E. Virulence
Answer: E* Virulence

***) Which of the following is true regarding public health surveillance:

A. It is an ongoing process of data collection, analysis and interpretation regarding disease
B. It should be action oriented
C. It may be active or passive
D. Reporting may be improved by feedback to health care providers
E. All of the above

Answer: E* All of the above

***) The manner in which an infectious disease behaves in a community may be determined by
all of the following, except:
A. Size of the reservoir of infection
B. Virulence of the infective agent
C. Number of hospital beds
D. Portal of entry of the infective agent
E. The standard of hygiene

Answer: C* Number of hospital beds

***) All of the following disease should be reported to health authorities according to
regulations, except:
A. Tuberculosis
B. Cholera
C. Rabies
D. Diabetes mellitus
E. Malaria

Answer: D* Diabetes mellitus

***) Which of the following is true regarding epidemics:

A. All epidemics should be reported to health authorities
B. All epidemics should be investigated
C. The occurrence of communicable disease epidemics has no relation to herd immunity
D. To prevent measles epidemics vaccination coverage should reach 100%
E. Physicians has nothing to do in investigating epidemics

Answer: A* All epidemics should be reported to health authorities

***) The first step in investigation an epidemic is:

A. Identification of contacts
B. Location the source of the epidemic
C. Verifying the diagnosis
D. Isolation of proved cases
E. Vaccination of contacts
Answer: C* Verifying the diagnosis

***) Which of the following list of pollutants is found in greatest concentration in the urban
A. Nitrogen oxides
B. Sulfur oxides
C. Carbon monoxide
D. Hydrocarbons
E. Fluorides

Answer: C* Carbon monoxide

***) All of the following could be regarded as occupation related disease, except:
A. Varicose veins
B. Cartilage tears
C. Infective hepatitis
D. Gastric ulcer
E. Sickle cell anemia

Answer: E* Sickle cell anemia

***) Byssinosis or brown lung disease:

A. It is caused by the dust of cotton
B. Is primarily found in coal mining population
C. Can be diagnosed through the use of X-rays
D. It is not usually complicated by chronic obstructive airway disease
E. Usually does not begin until a number of years after exposure

Answer: A* It is caused by the dust of cotton

***) Which of the following is incorrect regarding food pyramid:

A. Refer to energy transfer from one level to another in the ecosystem
B. Is a rout of entry of the toxic material to what we eat
C. Found in every ecosystem
D. It has narrow base and wide top
E. Producers are the base of the pyramid

Answer: D* It has narrow base and wide top

***) The incubation period for a disease is:

A. Time elapsing between the exposure to the agent and the appearance of symptoms
B. Time elapsing between the exposure to the agent and the disappearance of symptoms
C. Time elapsing between the appearance of the symptoms and complete cure
D. Time needed by the patient to lose his capability of transmitting the disease
E. Time elapsing between the appearance of the symptoms and one month after disappearance
of symptoms

Answer: A* Time elapsing between the exposure to the agent and the appearance of symptoms


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